mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-03 01:48:38 +02:00

Spinach: Better final scores display; tick-tock improvements

This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2018-02-24 18:17:55 -08:00
parent ae0e9ede80
commit b57a635ec7

View File

@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years qw/year2en/;
use Lingua::Stem qw/stem/;
use Lingua::EN::ABC qw/b2a/;
use Time::Duration qw/concise duration/;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to " . __FILE__ . " should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref $_[1] eq 'HASH';
@ -326,6 +330,10 @@ sub spinach_cmd {
return "$nick: Question $id: $key => $v";
if ($key !~ m/^(?:question|answer|category)$/i) {
return "$nick: You may not edit that key.";
$question->{$key} = $value;
my $json = encode_json $self->{questions};
@ -604,7 +612,6 @@ sub spinach_cmd {
$self->{state_data}->{current_category} = $self->{state_data}->{category_options}->[$arguments];
return "/msg $self->{channel} $nick has chosen $self->{state_data}->{current_category}!";
if ($self->{current_state} =~ /getlies$/) {
@ -848,16 +855,28 @@ sub run_one_state {
if ($state_data->{newstate}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: New state: $self->{current_state}\n" . Dumper $state_data);
} elsif ($self->{current_state} ne 'nogame') {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: $self->{current_state} - Tick $state_data->{ticks}\n" . Dumper $state_data);
# run one state/tick
$state_data = $self->{states}{$current_state}{sub}($state_data);
$state_data->{previous_result} = $state_data->{result};
if ($state_data->{tocked}) {
delete $state_data->{tocked};
delete $state_data->{first_tock};
$state_data->{ticks} = 0;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Spinach: result: $state_data->{previous_result} => $state_data->{result}\n") if $self->{current_state} ne 'nogame';
# transform to next state
$state_data->{previous_result} = $state_data->{result};
$self->{previous_state} = $self->{current_state};
$self->{current_state} = $self->{states}{$current_state}{trans}{$state_data->{result}};
$self->{state_data} = $state_data;
# next tick
@ -1211,6 +1230,8 @@ sub normalize_text {
$text =~ s/\$\s+(\d)/\$$1/g;
$text =~ s/\s*%$//;
$text =~ s/(\d),(\d\d\d)/$1$2/g;
$text =~ s/(\D,)(\D)/$1 $2/g;
my @words = split / /, $text;
my @result;
@ -1327,17 +1348,22 @@ sub choosecategory {
my $no_infinite_loops = 0;
while (1) {
last if ++$no_infinite_loops > 200;
my $cat = $categories[rand @categories];
my $count = keys %{$self->{categories}{$cat}};
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("random cat: [$cat] $count questions\n");
if (not $count) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("no count for random cat!\n" . (Dumper $self->{categories}));
if (not grep { $_ eq $cat } @choices) {
push @choices, $cat;
last if @choices == 7;
last if ++$no_infinite_loops > 200;
push @choices, 'RANDOM';
@ -1346,8 +1372,7 @@ sub choosecategory {
my $i = 1;
my $comma = '';
foreach my $choice (@choices) {
my $count = keys %{$self->{categories}{$choice}};
$state->{categories_text} .= "$comma$i) " . $choice;
$state->{categories_text} .= "$comma$color{green}$i)$color{reset}$color{bold} " . $choice;
$comma = "; ";
@ -1368,7 +1393,7 @@ sub choosecategory {
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (exists $state->{random_category}) {
delete $state->{random_category};
@ -1378,7 +1403,6 @@ sub choosecategory {
return 'next';
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
# $state->{players}->[$state->{current_player}]->{missedinputs}++;
my $name = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_player}]->{name};
@ -1390,7 +1414,12 @@ sub choosecategory {
my $name = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_player}]->{name};
my $red = $state->{counter} == $state->{max_count} ? $color{red} : '';
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$name: $red$color{bold}$state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Choose a category via `/msg me c <number>`:$color{reset}");
my $remaining = 15 * $state->{max_count};
$remaining -= 15 * ($state->{counter} - 1);
$remaining = "(" . (concise duration $remaining) . " remaining)";
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$name: $red$color{bold}$remaining Choose a category via `/msg me c <number>`:$color{reset}");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$state->{categories_text}$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
@ -1407,6 +1436,11 @@ sub getnewquestion {
if ($state->{ticks} % 3 == 0) {
my @questions = keys %{$self->{categories}{$state->{current_category}}};
if (not @questions) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Zero questions for [$state->{current_category}]!\n");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("current cat: $state->{current_category}: " . (scalar @questions) . " total questions\n");
$state->{current_question} = $self->{categories}{$state->{current_category}}{$questions[rand @questions]};
@ -1472,7 +1506,7 @@ sub getlies {
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
my @missedinputs;
@ -1492,7 +1526,12 @@ sub getlies {
my $players = join ', ', @nolies;
my $red = $state->{counter} == $state->{max_count} ? $color{red} : '';
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$players: $red$color{bold}$state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Submit your lie now via `/msg me lie <your lie>`!$color{reset}");
my $remaining = 15 * $state->{max_count};
$remaining -= 15 * ($state->{counter} - 1);
$remaining = "(" . (concise duration $remaining) . " remaining)";
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$players: $red$color{bold}$remaining Submit your lie now via `/msg me lie <your lie>`!$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
@ -1562,7 +1601,7 @@ sub findtruth {
my $text = '';
foreach my $choice (@choices) {
$text .= "$comma$i) $choice";
$text .= "$comma$color{green}$i) $color{reset}$color{bold}$choice";
$comma = '; ';
@ -1571,7 +1610,7 @@ sub findtruth {
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (++$state->{counter} > $state->{max_count}) {
my @missedinputs;
foreach my $player (@{$state->{players}}) {
@ -1591,7 +1630,12 @@ sub findtruth {
my $players = join ', ', @notruth;
my $red = $state->{counter} == $state->{max_count} ? $color{red} : '';
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$players: $red$color{bold}$state->{counter}/$state->{max_count} Find the truth now via `/msg me c <number>`!$color{reset}");
my $remaining = 15 * $state->{max_count};
$remaining -= 15 * ($state->{counter} - 1);
$remaining = "(" . (concise duration $remaining) . " remaining)";
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$players: $red$color{bold}$remaining Find the truth now via `/msg me c <number>`!$color{reset}");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$state->{current_choices_text}$color{reset}");
@ -1612,7 +1656,7 @@ sub showlies {
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$state->{tocked} = 1;
while ($state->{current_lie_player} < @{$state->{players}}) {
$player = $state->{players}->[$state->{current_lie_player}];
@ -1750,25 +1794,55 @@ sub showfinalscore {
my ($self, $state) = @_;
if ($state->{newstate}) {
my $mentions = "";
my $text = "";
my $comma = "";
my $i = @{$state->{players}};
$state->{finalscores} = [];
foreach my $player (sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } @{$state->{players}}) {
push @{$state->{finalscores}}, "$player->{name}: " . $self->commify($player->{score});
foreach my $player (sort { $a->{score} <=> $b->{score} } @{$state->{players}}) {
if ($i >= 4) {
$mentions = "$player->{name}: " . $self->commify($player->{score}) . "$comma$mentions";
$comma = "; ";
if ($i == 4) {
$mentions = "Honorable mentions: $mentions";
} elsif ($i == 3) {
$text = sprintf("%15s%-13s%7s", "Third place: ", $player->{name}, $self->commify($player->{score}));
} elsif ($i == 2) {
$text = sprintf("%15s%-13s%7s", "Second place: ", $player->{name}, $self->commify($player->{score}));
} elsif ($i == 1) {
$text = sprintf("%15s%-13s%7s", "WINNER: ", $player->{name}, $self->commify($player->{score}));
if ($state->{ticks} % 3 == 0) {
push @{$state->{finalscores}}, $text;
push @{$state->{finalscores}}, $mentions if length $mentions;
my $tocks;
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
$tocks = 2;
} else {
$tocks = 5;
if ($state->{ticks} % $tocks == 0) {
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (not @{$state->{finalscores}}) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Scores: $color{reset}$color{bold}none$color{reset}");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Final scores: $color{reset}$color{bold}none$color{reset}");
return 'next';
if ($state->{first_tock}) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Final Scores:$color{reset}");
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$color{green}Final scores:$color{reset}");
return 'wait';
my $text = pop @{$state->{finalscores}};
my $text = shift @{$state->{finalscores}};
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}$text$color{reset}");
if (not @{$state->{finalscores}}) {
@ -1820,7 +1894,7 @@ sub getplayers {
if ($state->{ticks} % $tock == 0) {
delete $state->{first_tock};
$state->{tocked} = 1;
if (++$state->{counter} > 4) {
$self->send_message($self->{channel}, "$color{bold}Not all players were ready in time. The game has been stopped.$color{reset}");