mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 14:01:04 +01:00
Interpreter: write custom extract_bracketed to gracefully handle unbalanced brackets or quotes
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use base 'PBot::Registerable';
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Time::Duration;
use Text::Balanced qw/extract_bracketed extract_quotelike/;
use Carp ();
use PBot::Utils::ValidateString;
@ -157,11 +156,12 @@ sub process_line {
my $rest;
for (my $count = 0; $count < 3; $count++) {
my ($extracted) = extract_bracketed $cmd_text, '{"\'}', "(?s).*?$bot_trigger(?=\{)";
last if not defined $extracted;
$extracted =~ s/^\{\s*//;
$extracted =~ s/\s*\}$//;
my ($extracted, $rest) = $self->extract_bracketed($cmd_text, '{', '}', $bot_trigger);
last if not length $extracted;
$cmd_text = $rest;
$extracted =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
push @commands, $extracted;
$embedded = 1;
@ -245,16 +245,13 @@ sub interpret {
# parse out a substituted command
if (defined $arguments && $arguments =~ m/(?<!\\)&\{/) {
my ($command) = extract_bracketed $arguments, '{"\'}', '(?s).*?(?<!\\\\)&';
if (defined $command) {
$arguments =~ s/&\Q$command\E/&{subcmd}/;
$command =~ s/^\{\s*//;
$command =~ s/\s*\}$//;
if (defined $arguments && $arguments =~ m/(?<!\\)&\s*\{/) {
my ($command) = $self->extract_bracketed($arguments, '{', '}', '&', 1);
if (length $command) {
$arguments =~ s/&\s*\{\Q$command\E\}/&{subcmd}/;
push @{$stuff->{subcmd}}, "$keyword $arguments";
$command =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$stuff->{command} = $command;
$stuff->{result} = $self->interpret($stuff);
return $stuff->{result};
@ -263,15 +260,10 @@ sub interpret {
# parse out a pipe
if (defined $arguments && $arguments =~ m/(?<!\\)\|\s*\{\s*[^}]+\}\s*$/) {
my ($pipe, $rest, $args) = extract_bracketed $arguments, '{"\'}', '(?s).*?(?<!\\\\)\|\s*';
my ($pipe, $rest) = $self->extract_bracketed($arguments, '{', '}', '|', 1);
$pipe =~ s/^\{\s*//;
$pipe =~ s/\s*\}$//;
$args =~ s/\s*(?<!\\)\|\s*//;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("piping: [$args][$pipe][$rest]\n");
$arguments = $args;
$arguments =~ s/\s*(?<!\\)\|\s*{(\Q$pipe\E)}.*$//;
$pipe =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if (exists $stuff->{pipe}) {
$stuff->{pipe_rest} = "$rest | { $stuff->{pipe} }$stuff->{pipe_rest}";
@ -320,7 +312,7 @@ sub interpret {
$stuff->{original_arguments} = $arguments;
# unescape any escaped substituted commands
$arguments =~ s/\\&\{/&{/g if defined $arguments;
$arguments =~ s/\\&\s*\{/&{/g if defined $arguments;
# unescape any escaped pipes
$arguments =~ s/\\\|\s*\{/| {/g if defined $arguments;
@ -337,6 +329,214 @@ sub interpret {
return $self->SUPER::execute_all($stuff);
# extracts a bracketed substring, gracefully handling unbalanced quotes
# or brackets. opening and closing brackets may each be more than one character.
# optional prefix may be or begin with a character group.
sub extract_bracketed {
my ($self, $string, $open_bracket, $close_bracket, $optional_prefix, $allow_whitespace) = @_;
$open_bracket = '{' if not defined $open_bracket;
$close_bracket = '}' if not defined $close_bracket;
$optional_prefix = '' if not defined $optional_prefix;
$allow_whitespace = 0 if not defined $allow_whitespace;
my @prefix_group;
if ($optional_prefix =~ s/^\[(.*?)\]//) {
@prefix_group = split //, $1;
#push @prefix_group, ' ' if $allow_whitespace;
my @prefixes = split //, $optional_prefix;
my @opens = split //, $open_bracket;
my @closes = split //, $close_bracket;
my $prefix_index = 0;
my $open_index = 0;
my $close_index = 0;
my $result = '';
my $rest = '';
my $extracting = 0;
my $extracted = 0;
my $escaped = 0;
my $quote;
my $token = '';
my $ch = ' ';
my $last_ch;
my $i = 0;
my $quote_pos;
my $bracket_pos;
my $bracket_level = 0;
my $ignore_quote = 0;
my $prefix_group_match = @prefix_group ? 0 : 1;
my $prefix_match = @prefixes ? 0 : 1;
my $match = 0;
my @chars = split //, $string;
my $state = 'prefixgroup';
while (1) {
$last_ch = $ch;
if ($i >= @chars) {
if (defined $quote) {
# reached end, but unbalanced quote... reset to beginning of quote and ignore it
$i = $quote_pos;
$ignore_quote = 1;
$quote = undef;
$last_ch = ' ';
$token = '';
} elsif ($extracting) {
# reached end, but unbalanced brackets... reset to beginning and ignore them
$i = $bracket_pos;
$bracket_level = 0;
$state = 'prefixgroup';
$extracting = 0;
$last_ch = ' ';
$token = '';
$result = '';
} else {
# add final token and exit
$rest .= $token if $extracted;
$ch = $chars[$i++];
if ($escaped) {
$token .= "\\$ch" if $extracting or $extracted;
$escaped = 0;
if ($ch eq '\\') {
$escaped = 1;
if (defined $quote) {
if ($ch eq $quote) {
# closing quote
$token .= $ch if $extracting or $extracted;
$result .= $token if $extracting;
$rest .= $token if $extracted;
$quote = undef;
$token = '';
} else {
# still within quoted argument
$token .= $ch if $extracting or $extracted;
if ($last_ch eq ' ' and not defined $quote and ($ch eq "'" or $ch eq '"')) {
if ($ignore_quote) {
# treat unbalanced quote as part of this argument
$token .= $ch if $extracting or $extracted;
$ignore_quote = 0;
} else {
# begin potential quoted argument
$quote_pos = $i - 1;
$quote = $ch;
$token .= $ch if $extracting or $extracted;
if (not $extracted) {
if ($state eq 'prefixgroup' and @prefix_group and not $extracting) {
foreach my $prefix_ch (@prefix_group) {
if ($ch eq $prefix_ch) {
$prefix_group_match = 1;
$state = 'prefixes';
} else {
$prefix_group_match = 0;
next if $prefix_group_match;
} elsif ($state eq 'prefixgroup' and not @prefix_group) {
$state = 'prefixes';
$prefix_index = 0;
if ($state eq 'prefixes') {
if (@prefixes and $ch eq $prefixes[$prefix_index]) {
$token .= $ch if $extracting;
$prefix_match = 1;
$state = 'openbracket';
} elsif ($state eq 'prefixes' and not @prefixes) {
$state = 'openbracket';
if ($state eq 'openbracket' and $prefix_group_match and $prefix_match) {
$prefix_index = 0;
if ($ch eq $opens[$open_index]) {
$match = 1;
} else {
if ($allow_whitespace and $ch eq ' ') {
} else {
$state = 'prefixgroup';
if ($match) {
$state = 'prefixgroup';
$prefix_group_match = 0 unless not @prefix_group;
$prefix_match = 0 unless not @prefixes;
$match = 0;
$bracket_pos = $i if not $extracting;
if ($open_index == @opens) {
$extracting = 1;
$token .= $ch if $bracket_level > 0;
$open_index = 0;
} else {
$open_index = 0;
if ($ch eq $closes[$close_index]) {
if ($extracting or $extracted) {
if ($close_index == @closes) {
$close_index = 0;
if (--$bracket_level == 0) {
$extracting = 0;
$extracted = 1;
$result .= $token;
$token = '';
} else {
$token .= $ch;
} else {
$close_index = 0;
if ($extracting or $extracted) {
$token .= $ch;
return ($result, $rest);
# splits line into quoted arguments while preserving quotes. handles
# unbalanced quotes gracefully by treating them as part of the argument
# they were found within.
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