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doc/Factoids.md: add /code section describing Code Factoids

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Pragmatic Software 2020-01-08 20:07:24 -08:00
parent db5b99ed7e
commit ac0c9505f1

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@ -91,6 +91,146 @@ If a factoid begins with `/call ` then PBot will call an existing command. This
#### /msg #### /msg
If a factoid begins with `/msg <nick> ` then PBot will privately message the factoid text to `<nick>`. Only admins can use this command. If a factoid begins with `/msg <nick> ` then PBot will privately message the factoid text to `<nick>`. Only admins can use this command.
### /code
Code Factoids are a special type of factoid whose text is treated as code and executed with a chosen programming language
or interpreter. The output from code is then parsed and treated like any other factoid text. This allows anybody to add
new and unique commands to PBot without the need for installing Plugins or modules.
Code Factoids are executed within a virtual machine. See the [Virtual Machine](doc/VirtualMachine.md) documentation
for more information.
To create a Code Factoid, use the `/code` command. The syntax is:
factadd keyword /code <language> <code>
The `<language>` parameter selects a programming/scripting language or interpreter to use.
#### Supported languages
As of this writing, these are the languages and interpreters that PBot supports. It is easy to add additional
languages or interpreters. For example, [take a look at these language/interpreter files.](../modules/compiler_vm/languages)
#### Special variables
All the variables listed in [Special Variables](#special-variables) are expanded within Code Factoids before
the code is executed or interpreted.
[List variables](#list-variables) are also expanded beforehand as well. You can prevent this by using [`factset`](#factset)
to set the `interpolate` [factoid meta-data](#factoid-metadata-list) to `0`. Alternatively, you can prevent `$variables` in
the code from expanding by prefixing their name with an underscore, i.e. `$_variable`.
#### testargs example
Let's make a simple Code Factoid that demonstrates command-line arguments. Let's use
the C programming language because why not?
<pragma-> !factadd testargs /code c11 printf("/say args: "); while (*++argv) printf("[%s] ", *argv);
<PBot> testargs added to the global channel.
<pragma-> testargs foo bar
<PBot> args: [foo] [bar]
<pragma-> testargs "abc 123" xyz
<PBot> args: [abc 123] [xyz]
#### Setting a usage message
Suppose you want command to display a usage message if there are no arguments provided. You can use
the [`factset`](#factset) command to set the `usage` [factoid meta-data](#factoid-metadata-list).
<pragma-> !testargs
<PBot> args:
<pragma-> !factset testargs usage Usage: testargs <arguments>
<PBot> [global] testcargs 'usage' set to 'Usage: testargs <arguments>'
<pragma-> !testargs
<PBot> Usage: testargs <arguments>
#### poll/vote example
Here is a basic poll/vote example. Let's use Perl this time.
First we add the factoids. Note that we use `$_variable` with underscore prefixing
the name to prevent them from being expanded as [List Variables](#list-variables).
<pragma-> !factadd startvote /code perl use Storable; my $_question = "@ARGV";
print "Starting poll: $_question Use `vote <keyword>` to record your vote.";
my %_votes = (); my @data = ({%_votes}, $_question);
system 'rm -rf vote-data'; mkdir 'vote-data' or print "$!";
store \@data, 'vote-data/data';
<pragma-> !factset startvote usage Usage: startvote <question>
<pragma-> !factadd vote /code perl use Storable; my $_data = retrieve 'vote-data/data';
my %_votes = %{shift @$_data}; ($_votes{"$nick"}) = (lc "@ARGV");
unshift @$_data, {%_votes}; store $_data, 'vote-data/data';
<pragma-> !factset vote usage Usage: vote <keyword>
<pragma-> !factadd votes /code perl no warnings; use Storable; my $_data = retrieve 'vote-data/data';
my %_votes = %{shift @$_data}; my $_question = shift @$_data;
if (not keys %_votes) { print "No votes for \"$_question\" yet."; exit; }
my %_count; map { $_count{$_}++ } values %_votes;
my $_result = "Poll results for \"$_question\": "; my $_comma = "";
map { $_result .= "$_comma$_: $_count{$_}"; $_comma = ', '; }
sort { $_count{$b} <=> $_count{$a} } keys %_count; print "/say $_result";
And action:
<pragma-> !startvote Isn't this cool?
<PBot> Starting poll: Isn't this cool? Use `vote <keyword>` to record your vote.
<pragma-> !vote yes
<luser69> !vote no
<someguy> !vote yes
<derpy3> !vote hamburger
<pragma-> !votes
<PBot> Poll results for "Isn't this cool?": yes: 2, no: 1, hamburger: 1
#### SpongeBob Mock meme example
Here is an example demonstrating how Code Factoids and command piping can work together.
The SpongeBob Mock meme takes something ridiculous somebody said and repeats it with the
letters in alternating lower and upper case.
<derpy3> Girls are dumb!
<SpBob> smh @ derpy3... gIrLs ArE dUmB!
Let's make a command, using a Code Factoid, to do this! `sm` stands for "SpongeBob Mock".
This time we'll use the Bash shell scripting language.
<pragma-> !factadd sm /code bash echo "${@,,}"|perl -pe 's/(?<!^)[[:alpha:]].*?([[:alpha:]]|$)/\L\u$&/g'
<pragma-> !factset sm usage Usage: sm <text>
<pragma-> !sm Testing one, two...
<PBot> tEsTiNg OnE, tWo...
#### Using command-piping
You can pipe the output of other commands to Code Factoids.
<pragma-> !echo Testing three, four... | {sm}
<PBot> tEsTiNg ThReE, fOuR...
<pragma-> !version | {sm}
<PBot> pBoT vErSiOn 2696 2020-01-04
#### Improving SpongeBob Mock meme
Let's improve the SpongeBob Mock meme by using the `recall` command to select
the mock text for us.
First of all, the `recall` command prints output like this:
<pragma-> !recall derpy3 girls
<PBot> [5m30s ago] <derpy3> Girls are dumb!
So we're going to use the `func` command to invoke the built-in `sed` function
to strip the timestamp and the name, leaving only the message. `smr` stands for
"SpongeBob Mock Recall".
<pragma-> !factadd smr /call recall $args | {func sed s/^.*?\] (<.*?> )?(\S+:\s*)?//} | {sm}
<pragma-> !smr derpy3 girls
<PBot> gIrLs ArE dUmB!
### Special variables ### Special variables
You can use the following variables in a factoid or as an argument to one. You can use the following variables in a factoid or as an argument to one.
@ -353,7 +493,7 @@ Usage: `factshow [channel] <keyword>`
### factset ### factset
To view [factoid meta-data](#factoid-metadata-list), such as owner, rate-limit, etc, use the `factset` command. To view [factoid meta-data](#factoid-metadata-list), such as owner, rate-limit, etc, use the `factset` command.
Usage: `factset <channel> <factoid> [<key> [value]]` Usage: `factset [channel] <factoid> [<key> [value]]`
Omit `<key>` and `<value>` to list all the keys and values for a factoid. Specify `<key>`, but omit `<value>` to see the value for a specific key. Omit `<key>` and `<value>` to list all the keys and values for a factoid. Specify `<key>`, but omit `<value>` to see the value for a specific key.