mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2025-03-04 21:41:01 +01:00

Consolidate c{99,11,23}std.pl into cstd.pl

This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2022-08-12 12:28:58 -07:00
parent de57906979
commit 6a61de1026
10 changed files with 5037 additions and 5908 deletions

applets/c23std.pl vendored
View File

@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
use warnings;
use strict;
my $debug = 0;
# for paragraphs
my $search = join ' ', @ARGV;
if (not length $search) {
"Usage: c23std [-list] [-n#] [-section <section>] [search text] [-text <regex>] -- `section` must be in the form of `X.Y[pZ]` where `X` and `Y` are section/chapter and, optionally, `pZ` is paragraph. If both `section` and `search text` are specified, then the search space will be within the specified section. Use `-n <n>` to skip to the nth match. To list only the section numbers containing 'search text', add -list. To display specific text, use `-text <regex>`.\n";
exit 0;
my ($section, $paragraph, $section_specified, $paragraph_specified, $match, $list_only, $list_titles, $match_text);
$section_specified = 0;
$paragraph_specified = 0;
if ($search =~ s/-section\s*([A-Z0-9\.p]+)//i or $search =~ s/\b([A-Z0-9]+\.[0-9\.p]+)//i) {
$section = $1;
if ($section =~ s/p(\d+)//i) {
$paragraph = $1;
$paragraph_specified = $USER_SPECIFIED;
} else {
$paragraph = 1;
$section = "$section." if $section =~ m/^[A-Z0-9]+$/i;
$section_specified = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-n\s*(\d+)//) {
$match = $1;
} else {
$match = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-list//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1; # Added here instead of removing -titles option
if ($search =~ s/-titles//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-text ([^ ]+)//) {
$match_text = $1;
$search =~ s/^\s+//;
$search =~ s/\s+$//;
if (not defined $section) {
$section = "1.";
$paragraph = 1;
if ($list_only and not length $search) {
print "You must specify some search text to use with -list.\n";
exit 0;
open FH, "<n3047.out" or die "Could not open n3047: $!";
my @contents = <FH>;
close FH;
my $text = join '', @contents;
$text =~ s/\r//g;
my $result;
my $found_section = "";
my $found_section_title = "";
my $section_title;
my $found_paragraph;
my $found = 0;
my $matches = 0;
my $this_section;
my $comma = "";
if ($list_only) { $result = "Sections containing '$search':\n "; }
my $qsearch = quotemeta $search;
$qsearch =~ s/\\ / /g;
$qsearch =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$this_section = $1;
print "----------------------------------\n" if $debug >= 2;
print "Processing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
if ($section_specified and $this_section !~ m/^$section/i) {
print "No section match, skipping.\n" if $debug >= 4;
my $section_text;
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\s{0,4}(?!FOOTNOTE)[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) { $section_text = $1; }
else {
print "No section text, end of file marker found.\n" if $debug >= 4;
if ($section =~ /FOOTNOTE/i) {
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}//ms;
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}FOOTNOTE.*//msi;
$section_text =~ s/^\d.*//ms;
} elsif ($section_text =~ m/(.*?)$/msg) {
$section_title = $1 if length $1;
$section_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$section_title =~ s/\s+$//;
print "$this_section [$section_title]\n" if $debug >= 2;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*?)^(?=\d)/msgic or $section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*)/msgi) {
my $p = $1;
my $t = $2;
print "paragraph $p: [$t]\n" if $debug >= 3;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED and not length $search and $p == $paragraph) {
$result = $t if not $found;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found = 1;
if (length $search) {
eval {
if ($t =~ m/\b$qsearch\b/mis or $section_title =~ m/\b$qsearch\b/mis) {
if ($matches >= $match) {
if ($list_only) {
$result .= sprintf("%s%-15s", $comma, $this_section . "p" . $p);
$result .= " $section_title" if $list_titles;
$comma = ",\n ";
} else {
if (not $found) {
$result = $t;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$paragraph_specified = $RESULTS_SPECIFIED;
$found = 1;
if ($@) {
print "Error in search regex; you may need to escape characters such as *, ?, ., etc.\n";
exit 0;
last if $found && $paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED) {
if (length $search) { print "No such text '$search' in paragraph $paragraph of section $section of n3047.\n"; }
else { print "No such paragraph $paragraph in section $section of n3047.\n"; }
exit 0;
if (defined $section_specified and not length $search) {
$found = 1;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found_paragraph = $paragraph;
$result = $section_text;
if (not $found and $comma eq "") {
$search =~ s/\\s\+/ /g;
if ($section_specified) {
print "No such text '$search' found within section '$section' in C23 Draft Standard (n3047).\n" if length $search;
print "No such section '$section' in C23 Draft Standard (n3047).\n" if not length $search;
exit 0;
print "No such section '$section' in C23 Draft Standard (n3047).\n" if not length $search;
print "No such text '$search' found in C23 Draft Standard (n3047).\n" if length $search;
exit 0;
$result =~ s/$found_section_title// if length $found_section_title;
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
$result =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$result =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;
if ($matches > 1 and not $list_only) { print "Displaying $match of $matches matches: "; }
if ($comma eq "") {
print $found_section;
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "http://www.iso-9899.info/n3047.html\#$found_section";
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "\n\n";
print "[", $found_section_title, "]\n\n" if length $found_section_title;
$result =~ s/\s*Constraints\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Semantics\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Description\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Returns\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Runtime-constraints\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Recommended practice\s*$//;
if (length $match_text) {
my $match_result = $result;
$match_result =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my $match = eval {
my @matches = ($match_result =~ m/($match_text)/msp);
if (@matches > 1) {
shift @matches;
@matches = grep { length $_ } @matches;
return [${^PREMATCH}, join (' ... ', @matches), ${^POSTMATCH}];
if ($@) {
print "Error in -text option: $@\n";
exit 1;
$result = '';
if (length $match->[0]) {
$result = '... ';
if (length $match->[1]) {
$result .= $match->[1];
} else {
$result = "No text found for `$match_text`.";
if (length $match->[2]) {
$result .= ' ...';
print "$result\n";

applets/c99std.pl vendored
View File

@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
use warnings;
use strict;
my $debug = 0;
# for paragraphs
my $search = join ' ', @ARGV;
if (not length $search) {
"Usage: c99std [-list] [-n#] [-section <section>] [search text] [-text <regex>] -- `section` must be in the form of `X.Y[pZ]` where `X` and `Y` are section/chapter and, optionally, `pZ` is paragraph. If both `section` and `search text` are specified, then the search space will be within the specified section. Use `-n <n>` to skip to the nth match. To list only the section numbers containing 'search text', add -list. To display specific text, use `-text <regex>`.\n";
exit 0;
my ($section, $paragraph, $section_specified, $paragraph_specified, $match, $list_only, $list_titles, $match_text);
$section_specified = 0;
$paragraph_specified = 0;
if ($search =~ s/-section\s*([A-Z0-9\.p]+)//i or $search =~ s/\b([A-Z0-9]+\.[0-9\.p]+)//i) {
$section = $1;
if ($section =~ s/p(\d+)//i) {
$paragraph = $1;
$paragraph_specified = $USER_SPECIFIED;
} else {
$paragraph = 1;
$section = "$section." if $section =~ m/^[A-Z0-9]+$/i;
$section_specified = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-n\s*(\d+)//) {
$match = $1;
} else {
$match = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-list//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1; # Added here instead of removing -titles option
if ($search =~ s/-titles//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-text ([^ ]+)//) {
$match_text = $1;
$search =~ s/^\s+//;
$search =~ s/\s+$//;
if (not defined $section) {
$section = "1.";
$paragraph = 1;
if ($list_only and not length $search) {
print "You must specify some search text to use with -list.\n";
exit 0;
open FH, "<n1256.out" or die "Could not open n1256: $!";
my @contents = <FH>;
close FH;
my $text = join '', @contents;
$text =~ s/\r//g;
my $result;
my $found_section = "";
my $found_section_title = "";
my $section_title;
my $found_paragraph;
my $found = 0;
my $matches = 0;
my $this_section;
my $comma = "";
if ($list_only) { $result = "Sections containing '$search':\n "; }
my $qsearch = quotemeta $search;
$qsearch =~ s/\\ / /g;
$qsearch =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$this_section = $1;
print "----------------------------------\n" if $debug >= 2;
print "Processing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
if ($section_specified and $this_section !~ m/^$section/i) {
print "No section match, skipping.\n" if $debug >= 4;
my $section_text;
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\s{0,4}(?!FOOTNOTE)[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) { $section_text = $1; }
else {
print "No section text, end of file marker found.\n" if $debug >= 4;
if ($section =~ /FOOTNOTE/i) {
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}//ms;
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}FOOTNOTE.*//msi;
$section_text =~ s/^\d.*//ms;
} elsif ($section_text =~ m/(.*?)$/msg) {
$section_title = $1 if length $1;
$section_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$section_title =~ s/\s+$//;
print "$this_section [$section_title]\n" if $debug >= 2;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*?)^(?=\d)/msgic or $section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*)/msgi) {
my $p = $1;
my $t = $2;
print "paragraph $p: [$t]\n" if $debug >= 3;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED and not length $search and $p == $paragraph) {
$result = $t if not $found;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found = 1;
if (length $search) {
eval {
if ($t =~ m/\b$qsearch\b/mis or $section_title =~ m/\b$qsearch\b/mis) {
if ($matches >= $match) {
if ($list_only) {
$result .= sprintf("%s%-15s", $comma, $this_section . "p" . $p);
$result .= " $section_title" if $list_titles;
$comma = ",\n ";
} else {
if (not $found) {
$result = $t;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$paragraph_specified = $RESULTS_SPECIFIED;
$found = 1;
if ($@) {
print "Error in search regex; you may need to escape characters such as *, ?, ., etc.\n";
exit 0;
last if $found && $paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED) {
if (length $search) { print "No such text '$search' in paragraph $paragraph of section $section of n1256.\n"; }
else { print "No such paragraph $paragraph in section $section of n1256.\n"; }
exit 0;
if (defined $section_specified and not length $search) {
$found = 1;
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found_paragraph = $paragraph;
$result = $section_text;
if (not $found and $comma eq "") {
$search =~ s/\\s\+/ /g;
if ($section_specified) {
print "No such text '$search' found within section '$section' in C99 Draft Standard (n1256).\n" if length $search;
print "No such section '$section' in C99 Draft Standard (n1256).\n" if not length $search;
exit 0;
print "No such section '$section' in C99 Draft Standard (n1256).\n" if not length $search;
print "No such text '$search' found in C99 Draft Standard (n1256).\n" if length $search;
exit 0;
$result =~ s/$found_section_title// if length $found_section_title;
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
$result =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$result =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;
if ($matches > 1 and not $list_only) { print "Displaying $match of $matches matches: "; }
if ($comma eq "") {
print $found_section;
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "http://www.iso-9899.info/n1256.html\#$found_section";
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "\n\n";
print "[", $found_section_title, "]\n\n" if length $found_section_title;
$result =~ s/\s*Constraints\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Semantics\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Description\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Returns\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Runtime-constraints\s*$//;
$result =~ s/\s*Recommended practice\s*$//;
if (length $match_text) {
my $match_result = $result;
$match_result =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my $match = eval {
my @matches = ($match_result =~ m/($match_text)/msp);
if (@matches > 1) {
shift @matches;
@matches = grep { length $_ } @matches;
return [${^PREMATCH}, join (' ... ', @matches), ${^POSTMATCH}];
if ($@) {
print "Error in -text option: $@\n";
exit 1;
$result = '';
if (length $match->[0]) {
$result = '... ';
if (length $match->[1]) {
$result .= $match->[1];
} else {
$result = "No text found for `$match_text`.";
if (length $match->[2]) {
$result .= ' ...';
print "$result\n";

View File

@ -6,80 +6,117 @@
use warnings;
use strict;
my $debug = 0;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use Encode;
# for paragraphs
my %standards = (
C99 => 'n1256.out',
C11 => 'n1570.out',
C23 => 'n3047.out',
my $search = join ' ', @ARGV;
@ARGV = map { decode('UTF-8', $_, 1) } @ARGV;
if (not length $search) {
"Usage: c11std [-list] [-n#] [-section <section>] [search text] [-text <regex>] -- `section` must be in the form of `X.Y[pZ]` where `X` and `Y` are section/chapter and, optionally, `pZ` is paragraph. If both `section` and `search text` are specified, then the search space will be within the specified section. Use `-n <n>` to skip to the nth match. To list only the section numbers containing 'search text', add -list. To display specific text, use `-text <regex>`.\n";
exit 0;
my ($std, $search, $section, $paragraph, $debug);
my ($match, $list_only, $match_text);
my $opt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$opt_error = shift;
chomp $opt_error;
'std=s' => \$std,
'section|s=s' => \$section,
'num|n=i' => \$match,
'text|t=s' => \$match_text,
'list|l' => \$list_only,
'debug|d=i' => \$debug,
$std //= 'C99';
$section //= '';
$match //= 1;
$list_only //= 0;
$debug //= 0;
$std = uc $std;
if (not exists $standards{$std}) {
print "Invalid -std=$std selected. Valid -std= values are: ", join(', ', sort keys %standards), "\n";
exit 1;
my $usage = "Usage: $std [-list] [-n#] [-section <section>] [search text] [-text <regex>] -- `section` must be in the form of `X.Y[pZ]` where `X` and `Y` are section/chapter and, optionally, `pZ` is paragraph. If both `section` and `search text` are specified, then the search space will be within the specified section. Use `-n <n>` to skip to the nth match. To list only the section numbers containing 'search text', add -list. To display specific text, use `-text <regex>`.\n";
if ($opt_error) {
print "$opt_error: $usage\n";
exit 1;
$search = "@ARGV";
if (!length $section && !length $search) {
print $usage;
exit 1;
my ($section, $paragraph, $section_specified, $paragraph_specified, $match, $list_only, $list_titles, $match_text);
# for paragraphs
use constant {
$section_specified = 0;
$paragraph_specified = 0;
my $section_specified = length $section ? 1 : 0;
my $paragraph_specified = 0;
if ($search =~ s/-section\s*([A-Z0-9\.p]+)//i or $search =~ s/\b([A-Z0-9]+\.[0-9\.p]+)//i) {
if ($search =~ s/\b([A-Z0-9]+\.[0-9.p]*)//i) {
$section = $1;
if ($section =~ s/p(\d+)//i) {
$paragraph = $1;
$paragraph_specified = $USER_SPECIFIED;
$paragraph_specified = USER_SPECIFIED;
} else {
$paragraph = 1;
$section = "$section." if $section =~ m/^[A-Z0-9]+$/i;
$section_specified = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-n\s*(\d+)//) {
$match = $1;
} else {
$match = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-list//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1; # Added here instead of removing -titles option
if ($search =~ s/-titles//i) {
$list_only = 1;
$list_titles = 1;
if ($search =~ s/-text ([^ ]+)//) {
$match_text = $1;
# add trailing dot if missing
if ($section =~ /^[A-Z0-9]+$/i) {
$section .= '.';
$search =~ s/^\s+//;
$search =~ s/\s+$//;
if (not defined $section) {
if (not length $section) {
$section = "1.";
$paragraph = 1;
if ($list_only and not length $search) {
print "You must specify some search text to use with -list.\n";
exit 0;
exit 1;
open FH, "<n1570.out" or die "Could not open n1570: $!";
open FH, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $standards{$std} or die "Could not open $standards{$std}: $!";
my @contents = <FH>;
close FH;
my $text = join '', @contents;
$text =~ s/\r//g;
my $std_name = $standards{$std};
$std_name =~ s/(.*)\..*$/$1/;
my $result;
my $found_section = "";
my $found_section_title = "";
@ -96,7 +133,7 @@ my $qsearch = quotemeta $search;
$qsearch =~ s/\\ / /g;
$qsearch =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
while ($text =~ m/^([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9.]*)/msg) {
$this_section = $1;
print "----------------------------------\n" if $debug >= 2;
@ -109,15 +146,16 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
my $section_text;
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\s{0,4}(?!FOOTNOTE)[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) { $section_text = $1; }
else {
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\s{0,4}(?!Footnote)[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) {
$section_text = $1;
} else {
print "No section text, end of file marker found.\n" if $debug >= 4;
if ($section =~ /FOOTNOTE/i) {
if ($section =~ /Footnote/i) {
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}//ms;
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}FOOTNOTE.*//msi;
$section_text =~ s/^\s{4}Footnote.*//msi;
$section_text =~ s/^\d.*//ms;
} elsif ($section_text =~ m/(.*?)$/msg) {
$section_title = $1 if length $1;
@ -133,7 +171,7 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
print "paragraph $p: [$t]\n" if $debug >= 3;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED and not length $search and $p == $paragraph) {
if ($paragraph_specified == USER_SPECIFIED and not length $search and $p == $paragraph) {
$result = $t if not $found;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$found_section = $this_section;
@ -149,7 +187,7 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
if ($matches >= $match) {
if ($list_only) {
$result .= sprintf("%s%-15s", $comma, $this_section . "p" . $p);
$result .= " $section_title" if $list_titles;
$result .= " $section_title";
$comma = ",\n ";
} else {
if (not $found) {
@ -157,7 +195,7 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$found_section = $this_section;
$found_section_title = $section_title;
$found_paragraph = $p;
$paragraph_specified = $RESULTS_SPECIFIED;
$paragraph_specified = RESULTS_SPECIFIED;
$found = 1;
@ -165,19 +203,23 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
if ($@) {
print "Error in search regex; you may need to escape characters such as *, ?, ., etc.\n";
if (my $err = $@) {
$err =~ s/.* at .*$//;
print "Error in search regex: $err\n";
exit 0;
last if $found && $paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED;
last if $found && $paragraph_specified == USER_SPECIFIED;
if ($paragraph_specified == $USER_SPECIFIED) {
if (length $search) { print "No such text '$search' in paragraph $paragraph of section $section of n1570.\n"; }
else { print "No such paragraph $paragraph in section $section of n1570.\n"; }
exit 0;
if ($paragraph_specified == USER_SPECIFIED) {
if (length $search) {
print "No such text '$search' in paragraph $paragraph of section $section of $std_name.\n";
} else {
print "No such paragraph $paragraph in section $section of $std_name.\n";
exit 1;
if (defined $section_specified and not length $search) {
@ -192,15 +234,17 @@ while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,4}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
if (not $found and $comma eq "") {
$search =~ s/\\s\+/ /g;
if ($section_specified) {
print "No such text '$search' found within section '$section' in C11 Draft Standard (n1570).\n" if length $search;
print "No such section '$section' in C11 Draft Standard (n1570).\n" if not length $search;
exit 0;
if (length $search) {
print "No such text '$search' found ";
print "No such section '$section' in C11 Draft Standard (n1570).\n" if not length $search;
print "No such text '$search' found in C11 Draft Standard (n1570).\n" if length $search;
exit 0;
if ($section_specified) {
print "within section '$section' ";
} else {
print "No such section '$section' ";
print "in $std Draft Standard ($std_name).\n";
exit 1;
$result =~ s/$found_section_title// if length $found_section_title;
@ -221,7 +265,7 @@ if ($comma eq "") {
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "http://www.iso-9899.info/n1570.html\#$found_section";
print "http://www.iso-9899.info/$std_name.html\#$found_section";
print "p" . $found_paragraph if $paragraph_specified;
print "\n\n";
print "[", $found_section_title, "]\n\n" if length $found_section_title;

applets/gencstd.pl vendored
View File

@ -5,234 +5,260 @@
# ugly and hacked together
# n1256: pdftotext -layout -y 75 -H 650 -W 1000 n1256.pdf n1256.in
# n1570: pdftotext -layout -y 80 -H 650 -W 1000 n1570.pdf n1570.in
# n3047: pdftotext -layout -y 75 -H 700 -W 1000 n3047.pdf n3047.in
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::Entities;
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 1000;
my $debug = 100;
sub gen_data;
sub gen_txt;
sub gen_html;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
open FH, "<n1256.txt" or die "Could not open n1256.txt: $!";
my $input = "@ARGV";
#open FH, "<n1570.txt" or die "Could not open n1570.txt: $!";
if (not length $input) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <input .txt file>\n";
exit 1;
open FH, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $input or die "Could not open $input: $!";
my @contents = <FH>;
close FH;
my $text = join '', @contents;
$text =~ s/\r//g;
my ($section_title, $this_section);
my $section_title;
my $this_section = '';
my %sections;
my $last_section_number = 0;
my $section_number = 0;
my $last_section;
my @last_section_number;
my @section_number;
my $last_section = '';
my @footnotes;
my $footnote = 0;
my $last_footnote = 0;
sub gen_data {
while ($text =~ m/^\s{0,5}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$last_section_number = $section_number;
$last_section = $this_section;
$this_section = $1;
while ($text =~ m/^\f?\s{0,5}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$last_section = $this_section;
$this_section = $1;
($section_number) = $this_section =~ /([^.]+)\./;
@last_section_number = @section_number;
@section_number = split /\./, $this_section;
print STDERR "----------------------------------\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "Processing section [$this_section]; number [$section_number]\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "----------------------------------\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "Processing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "this_section: [$this_section]; last_section: [$last_section]\n" if $debug >= 2;
print STDERR "Section diff: ", ($this_section - $last_section), "\n" if $debug >= 2;
my $diff = $section_number - $last_section_number;
print STDERR "Diff: $diff\n" if $debug >= 2;
if ($section_number > 0 and $diff < 0 or $diff > 1) {
print STDERR "Diff out of bounds: $diff\n";
my $section_text;
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\s{0,4}[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) { $section_text = $1; }
else {
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\f?\s{0,4}[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) {
$section_text = $1;
} else {
print STDERR "No section text, end of file marker found.\n";
if ($section_text =~ m/(.*?)$/msg) {
$section_title = $1 if length $1;
$section_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$section_title =~ s/\s+$//;
if (length $1) {
$section_title = $1;
$section_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$section_title =~ s/\s+$//;
print STDERR "+++ set new section title: [$section_title]\n" if $debug;
} else {
print STDERR "--- no length for section title\n" if $debug;
} else {
print STDERR "--- no new section title\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "$this_section [$section_title]\n" if $debug >= 2;
$sections{$this_section}{title} = $section_title;
print STDERR "section text: [$section_text]\n" if $debug >= 2;
($section_text) = $section_text =~ m/\s*(.*)/msg;
if (not $section_text =~ m/^(?=\d+\s)/msg) { $sections{$this_section}{text} = $section_text; }
else {
print STDERR "+++ $this_section [$section_title]\n" if $debug >= 2;
print STDERR "+++ section text: [$section_text]\n" if $debug >= 2;
if (not $section_text =~ m/^(?=\d+\s)/msg) {
print STDERR "??? no paragraphs in section\n" if $debug;
$section_text =~ s/~~//msg;
$section_text =~ s/ZZZ//msg;
$sections{$this_section}{text} = $section_text;
} else {
my $last_p = 0;
my $p = 0;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*?)^(?=\d)/msgc or $section_text =~ m/^(\d+)\s(.*)/msg) {
print STDERR "+++ getting paragraphs for $this_section\n" if $debug;
my $pretext;
if ($section_text =~ m/^(?!\f?\d+\s)/) {
($pretext) = $section_text =~ m/^(.*?)^(?=\f?\d+\s)/ms;
print STDERR "pretext captured: [$pretext]\n";
while ($section_text =~ m/^\f?(\d+)\s(.*?)^(?=\f?\d)/msgc or $section_text =~ m/^\f?(\d+)\s(.*)/msg) {
$last_p = $p;
$p = $1;
my $t = $2;
my $t = $2;
if (length $pretext) {
$t = "$pretext $t";
$pretext = '';
print STDERR "paragraph $p: [$t]\n" if $debug >= 3;
if (($last_p - $p) != -1) { die "Paragraph diff invalid"; }
if ($p - $last_p != 1) {
die "Paragraph diff invalid" unless ($input eq 'n1570.in' && $this_section =~ /^(?:K.3.9.(?:2|3))/);
# check for footnotes
my @new_footnotes;
while ($t =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\)\s*(.*?)$/mgc) {
$footnote = $1;
my $footnote_text = "$2\n";
print STDERR "processing 1st footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "footnote text [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug;
while ($t =~ m/^(\s*)(\d+)\)(\s*)(.*?)$/msg) {
my $leading_spaces = $1;
$footnote = $2;
my $middle_spaces = $3;
my $footnote_text = "$4\n";
print STDERR "1st footnote\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "processing footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug >= 2;
if ($last_footnote - $footnote != -1) {
print STDERR "footnotes dump: \n" if $debug > 5;
shift @footnotes;
my $dump = Dumper(@footnotes) if $debug > 5;
#print STDERR "$dump\n";
die "Footnote diff invalid";
$last_footnote = $footnote;
my $indent = (length $leading_spaces) + (length $footnote) + (length ')') + (length $middle_spaces);
push @new_footnotes, $footnote;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text [indent=$indent]: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
while ($t =~ m/^(.*?)$/msgc) {
while ($t =~ m/^(.*?)$/mgc) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "processing [$line]\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ m/^(\s*)(\d+)\)(\s*)(.*?)$/msg) {
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnotes[$footnote] = $footnote_text;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
if ($line =~ m/^\f/mg) {
print STDERR "end of footnote $footnote\n";
$leading_spaces = $1;
$footnote = $2;
$middle_spaces = $3;
$footnote_text = "$4\n";
print STDERR "2nd footnote\n" if $debug >= 2;
print STDERR "processing footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug >= 2;
if ($last_footnote - $footnote != -1) {
print STDERR "footnotes dump: \n";
shift @footnotes;
my $dump = Dumper(@footnotes);
print STDERR "$dump\n" if $debug >= 3;
die "Footnote diff invalid";
$last_footnote = $footnote;
my $indent = (length $leading_spaces) + (length $footnote) + (length ')') + (length $middle_spaces);
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text [indent=$indent]: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
if (not length $line or $line =~ m/^\s+$/) {
print STDERR "skipping empty line\n";
if (not $line =~ m/^\s{$indent}/msg) {
if ($line =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\)\s*(.*?)$/mg) {
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "+++ added footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnotes[$footnote] = $footnote_text;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnote = $1;
$footnote_text = "$2\n";
print STDERR "processing 2nd footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug;
if ($last_footnote - $footnote != -1) {
die "Footnote diff invalid";
$last_footnote = $footnote;
push @new_footnotes, $footnote;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
if (not length $line or $line =~ m/^\s+$/) {
print STDERR "footnote $footnote: skipping empty line\n";
} else {
$footnote_text .= "$line\n";
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: appending [$line]\n" if $debug >= 3;
$footnote_text .= "$line\n";
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: appending [$line]\n" if $debug >= 3;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "+++ added footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnotes[$footnote] = $footnote_text;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
# strip footnotes from section text
foreach my $fn (@new_footnotes) {
my $sub = quotemeta $footnotes[$fn];
$sub =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s*/g;
#print STDERR "subbing out [$footnote) $sub]\n";
$t =~ s/^\s*$fn\)\s*$sub//ms;
$t =~ s/\f//g;
$t =~ s/~~//msg;
$t =~ s/ZZZ//msg;
$sections{$this_section . "p$p"}{text} = "$p $t";
print STDERR "+++ added ${this_section}p$p:\n$p $t\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "+++ paragraphs done\n" if $debug;
sub bysection {
my $inverse = 1;
print STDERR "section cmp $a <=> $b\n" if $debug > 10;
my ($a1, $p1) = split /p/, $a;
my ($b1, $p2) = split /p/, $b;
$p1 = 0 if not defined $p1;
$p2 = 0 if not defined $p2;
$p1 //= 0;
$p2 //= 0;
my @k1 = split /\./, $a1;
my @k2 = split /\./, $b1;
my @r;
if ($#k2 > $#k1) {
my @t = @k1;
@k1 = @k2;
@k2 = @t;
my @tk = @k1;
@k1 = @k2;
@k2 = @tk;
my $tp = $p1;
$p1 = $p2;
$p2 = $tp;
$p1 = $p2;
$p2 = $tp;
$inverse = -1;
} else {
$inverse = 1;
print STDERR "k1 vals:\n";
print STDERR Dumper(@k1), "\n";
print STDERR "p1: $p1\n";
print STDERR "k2 vals:\n";
print STDERR Dumper(@k2), "\n";
print STDERR "p2: $p2\n";
my $i = 0;
for (; $i < $#k1 + 1; $i++) {
if (not defined $k2[$i]) { $r[$i] = 1; }
else {
print STDERR " cmp k1[$i] ($k1[$i]) vs k2[$i] ($k2[$i])\n" if $debug >= 5;
if ($i == 0) { $r[$i] = $k1[$i] cmp $k2[$i]; }
else { $r[$i] = $k1[$i] <=> $k2[$i]; }
print STDERR " r[$i] = $r[$i]\n" if $debug >= 5;
$r[$i] = ($p1 <=> $p2);
print STDERR " $p1 <=> $p2 => r[$i] = $r[$i]\n" if $debug >= 5;
my $ret = 0;
foreach my $rv (@r) {
print STDERR " checking r: $rv\n" if $debug >= 5;
if ($rv != 0) {
$ret = $rv;
$ret = $ret * $inverse;
print STDERR "ret $ret\n" if $debug >= 5;
return $ret;
return $ret * $inverse;
sub gen_txt {
@ -251,14 +277,6 @@ sub gen_txt {
my $section_text = $sections{$this_section}{text};
for ($footnote = 1; $footnote < $#footnotes; $footnote++) {
my $sub = quotemeta $footnotes[$footnote];
$sub =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s*/g;
#print STDERR "subbing out [$footnote) $sub]\n";
$section_text =~ s/^\s*$footnote\)\s*$sub//ms;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(.*?)$/msg) {
my $line = $1;
@ -279,7 +297,7 @@ sub gen_txt {
if ($paren == -1) {
if (length $number and defined $footnotes[$number]) {
print STDERR "Got footnote $number here!\n" if $debug;
$footer .= " FOOTNOTE.$number\n $footnotes[$number]\n";
$footer .= "\nFOOTNOTE.$number) $footnotes[$number]\n";
$paren = 0;
@ -299,72 +317,238 @@ sub gen_txt {
sub make_link {
my ($text) = @_;
if (exists $sections{$text}) {
return "<a href='#$text'>$text</a>";
} else {
return $text;
sub linkify {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\b((?:[A-Z]|[1-9])\.(?:\.?[0-9]+)*)\b/make_link($1)/ge;
return $text;
sub gen_html {
print "<html>\n<body>\n";
my $footer = "";
my $paren = 0;
foreach my $this_section (sort bysection keys %sections) {
print STDERR "writing section $this_section\n" if $debug;
print "<a name='", encode_entities $this_section, "'>\n";
print "<hr>\n<h3>", encode_entities $this_section, " [", encode_entities $sections{$this_section}{title}, "]</h3>\n" if not $this_section =~ m/p/;
my $section_text = $sections{$this_section}{text};
for ($footnote = 1; $footnote < $#footnotes; $footnote++) {
my $sub = quotemeta $footnotes[$footnote];
$sub =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s*/g;
#print STDERR "subbing out [$footnote) $sub]\n";
$section_text =~ s/^\s*$footnote\)\s*$sub//ms;
$section_text = encode_entities $section_text;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(.*?)$/msg) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "paren reset, line [$line]\n" if $debug >= 8;
my $number = "";
while ($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $c = $1;
if ($c =~ m/[0-9]/) { $number .= $c; }
elsif ($c eq ' ') { $number = ""; }
elsif ($c eq '(') {
print STDERR "got $paren (\n" if $debug >= 8;
} elsif ($c eq ')') {
print STDERR "got $paren )\n" if $debug >= 8;
if ($paren == -1) {
if (length $number and defined $footnotes[$number]) {
print STDERR "Got footnote $number here!\n" if $debug;
$section_text =~ s/$number\)/<sup>[$number]<\/sup>/;
$footer .= "<a name='FOOTNOTE.$number'>\n<pre><i><b>Footnote $number)</b> ", encode_entities $footnotes[$number], "</i></pre>\n</a>\n";
$paren = 0;
} else {
$number = "";
foreach my $section (qw/ABSTRACT. CONTENTS. FOREWORD. INTRO./) {
foreach my $paragraph (sort bysection keys %sections) {
if ($paragraph =~ m/^$section/) {
delete $sections{$paragraph};
delete $sections{$section};
$section_text =~ s/\(([0-9.]+)\)/(<a href="#$1">$1<\/a>)/g;
$footer =~ s/\(([0-9.]+)\)/(<a href="#$1">$1<\/a>)/g;
print "<pre>", $section_text, "</pre>\n";
print "</a>\n";
if (length $footer) {
print $footer;
$footer = "";
foreach my $section (sort bysection keys %sections) {
print "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
sub write_html_section {
my ($this_section) = @_;
my $footer = "";
my $paren = 0;
print STDERR "writing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
print "<a name='", encode_entities($this_section), "'></a>\n";
if (not $this_section =~ m/p/) {
print "<hr>\n<h3>", encode_entities($this_section), " [", encode_entities($sections{$this_section}{title}), "]</h3>\n";
my $section_text = $sections{$this_section}{text};
next if not length $section_text;
$section_text = encode_entities $section_text;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(.*?)$/msg) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "paren reset, line [$line]\n" if $debug >= 8;
my $number = "";
while ($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $c = $1;
if ($c =~ m/[0-9]/) { $number .= $c; }
elsif ($c eq ' ') { $number = ""; }
elsif ($c eq '(') {
print STDERR "got $paren (\n" if $debug >= 8;
} elsif ($c eq ')') {
print STDERR "got $paren )\n" if $debug >= 8;
if ($paren == -1) {
if (length $number and defined $footnotes[$number]) {
print STDERR "Got footnote $number here!\n" if $debug;
$section_text =~ s/$number\)/<a href='#FOOTNOTE.$number'><sup>[$number]<\/sup><\/a>/;
$footer .= "<a name='FOOTNOTE.$number'>\n<pre><i><b>Footnote $number)</b> ".encode_entities($footnotes[$number])."</i></pre>\n</a>\n";
$paren = 0;
} else {
$number = "";
$section_text = linkify($section_text);
$footer = linkify($footer);
if ($this_section eq 'CONTENTS.') {
$section_text =~ s/Annex ([A-Z])/<a href='#$1.'>Annex $1<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^(\d+\.)/<a href='#$1'>$1<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^Foreword/<a href='#FOREWORD.'>Foreword<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^Introduction/<a href='#INTRO.'>Introduction<\/a>/mg;
print "<pre>", $section_text, "</pre>\n";
if (length $footer) {
print $footer;
$footer = '';
# this mess of code verifies that two given section numbers are within 1 unit of distance of each other
# this ensures that no sections were skipped due to misparses
sub validate_section_difference {
if (@last_section_number && $last_section_number[0] !~ /(?:ABSTRACT|CONTENTS|FOREWORD|INTRO)/) {
my $fail = 0;
my $skip = 0;
print STDERR "comparing last section ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
if (@section_number > @last_section_number) {
if (@section_number - @last_section_number != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "size difference too great\n";
unless ($fail) {
if ($section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($last_section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @last_section_number; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] ne $last_section_number[$i]) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "digits different\n";
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @last_section_number; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] ne $last_section_number[$i]) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "digits different\n";
if (!$skip && ($fail || $section_number[$#section_number] != 1)) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
} elsif (@last_section_number > @section_number) {
if ($section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($last_section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($section_number[0] ne $last_section_number[0]) {
if (ord($section_number[0]) - ord($last_section_number[0]) != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference too great\n";
} else {
$skip = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference good\n";
unless ($fail) {
for (my $i = 1; $i < @section_number - 1; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] != $last_section_number[$i]) {
if ($section_number[$i] - $last_section_number[$i] != 1) {
print STDERR "digit difference too great\n";
$fail = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @section_number - 1; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] != $last_section_number[$i]) {
if ($section_number[$i] - $last_section_number[$i] != 1) {
print STDERR "digit difference too great\n";
$fail = 1;
if (!$skip && ($fail || $section_number[$#section_number] - $last_section_number[$#section_number] != 1)) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
} else {
my @rev_last = reverse @last_section_number;
my @rev_curr = reverse @section_number;
if ($rev_curr[$#rev_curr] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($rev_last[$#rev_last] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($rev_curr[$#rev_curr] ne $rev_last[$#rev_last]) {
if (ord($rev_curr[$#rev_curr]) - ord($rev_last[$#rev_last]) != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference too great\n";
for (my $i = 1; $i < @rev_curr; $i++) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] != $rev_last[$i]) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] - $rev_last[$i] > 1) {
$fail = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @rev_curr; $i++) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] != $rev_last[$i]) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] - $rev_last[$i] > 1) {
$fail = 1;
if (!$skip && $fail) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";

applets/gencstd23.pl vendored
View File

@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# ugly and hacked together
# n1256: pdftotext -layout -y 75 -H 650 -W 1000 n1256.pdf n1256.in
# n1570: pdftotext -layout -y 80 -H 650 -W 1000 n1570.pdf n1570.in
# n3047: pdftotext -layout -y 75 -H 700 -W 1000 n3047.pdf n3047.in
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::Entities;
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 100;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
my $input = "@ARGV";
if (not length $input) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <input .txt file>\n";
exit 1;
open FH, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $input or die "Could not open $input: $!";
my @contents = <FH>;
close FH;
my $text = join '', @contents;
$text =~ s/\r//g;
my $section_title;
my $this_section = '';
my %sections;
my @last_section_number;
my @section_number;
my $last_section = '';
my @footnotes;
my $footnote = 0;
my $last_footnote = 0;
sub gen_data {
while ($text =~ m/^\f?\s{0,5}([0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9\.]*)/msg) {
$last_section = $this_section;
$this_section = $1;
@last_section_number = @section_number;
@section_number = split /\./, $this_section;
print STDERR "----------------------------------\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "Processing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
my $section_text;
if ($text =~ m/(.*?)^(?=\f?\s{0,4}[0-9A-Z]+\.)/msg) {
$section_text = $1;
} else {
print STDERR "No section text, end of file marker found.\n";
if ($section_text =~ m/(.*?)$/msg) {
if (length $1) {
$section_title = $1;
$section_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$section_title =~ s/\s+$//;
print STDERR "+++ set new section title: [$section_title]\n" if $debug;
} else {
print STDERR "--- no length for section title\n" if $debug;
} else {
print STDERR "--- no new section title\n" if $debug;
$sections{$this_section}{title} = $section_title;
($section_text) = $section_text =~ m/\s*(.*)/msg;
print STDERR "+++ $this_section [$section_title]\n" if $debug >= 2;
print STDERR "+++ section text: [$section_text]\n" if $debug >= 2;
if (not $section_text =~ m/^(?=\d+\s)/msg) {
print STDERR "??? no paragraphs in section\n" if $debug;
$section_text =~ s/~~//msg;
$section_text =~ s/ZZZ//msg;
$sections{$this_section}{text} = $section_text;
} else {
my $last_p = 0;
my $p = 0;
print STDERR "+++ getting paragraphs for $this_section\n" if $debug;
my $pretext;
if ($section_text =~ m/^(?!\f?\d+\s)/) {
($pretext) = $section_text =~ m/^(.*?)^(?=\f?\d+\s)/ms;
print STDERR "pretext captured: [$pretext]\n";
while ($section_text =~ m/^\f?(\d+)\s(.*?)^(?=\f?\d)/msgc or $section_text =~ m/^\f?(\d+)\s(.*)/msg) {
$last_p = $p;
$p = $1;
my $t = $2;
if (length $pretext) {
$t = "$pretext $t";
$pretext = '';
print STDERR "paragraph $p: [$t]\n" if $debug >= 3;
if ($p - $last_p != 1) {
die "Paragraph diff invalid" unless ($input eq 'n1570.in' && $this_section =~ /^(?:K.3.9.(?:2|3))/);
# check for footnotes
my @new_footnotes;
while ($t =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\)\s*(.*?)$/mgc) {
$footnote = $1;
my $footnote_text = "$2\n";
print STDERR "processing 1st footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "footnote text [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug;
if ($last_footnote - $footnote != -1) {
die "Footnote diff invalid";
$last_footnote = $footnote;
push @new_footnotes, $footnote;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
while ($t =~ m/^(.*?)$/mgc) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "processing [$line]\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ m/^\f/mg) {
print STDERR "end of footnote $footnote\n";
if (not length $line or $line =~ m/^\s+$/) {
print STDERR "skipping empty line\n";
if ($line =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\)\s*(.*?)$/mg) {
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "+++ added footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnotes[$footnote] = $footnote_text;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnote = $1;
$footnote_text = "$2\n";
print STDERR "processing 2nd footnote $footnote [last: $last_footnote]\n" if $debug;
if ($last_footnote - $footnote != -1) {
die "Footnote diff invalid";
$last_footnote = $footnote;
push @new_footnotes, $footnote;
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 4;
if (not length $line or $line =~ m/^\s+$/) {
print STDERR "footnote $footnote: skipping empty line\n";
} else {
$footnote_text .= "$line\n";
print STDERR "footnote $footnote text: appending [$line]\n" if $debug >= 3;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
print STDERR "+++ added footnote $footnote: [$footnote_text]\n" if $debug >= 1;
$footnotes[$footnote] = $footnote_text;
print STDERR "----------------\n" if $debug >= 1;
# strip footnotes from section text
foreach my $fn (@new_footnotes) {
my $sub = quotemeta $footnotes[$fn];
$sub =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s*/g;
#print STDERR "subbing out [$footnote) $sub]\n";
$t =~ s/^\s*$fn\)\s*$sub//ms;
$t =~ s/\f//g;
$t =~ s/~~//msg;
$t =~ s/ZZZ//msg;
$sections{$this_section . "p$p"}{text} = "$p $t";
print STDERR "+++ added ${this_section}p$p:\n$p $t\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "+++ paragraphs done\n" if $debug;
sub bysection {
my $inverse = 1;
my ($a1, $p1) = split /p/, $a;
my ($b1, $p2) = split /p/, $b;
$p1 //= 0;
$p2 //= 0;
my @k1 = split /\./, $a1;
my @k2 = split /\./, $b1;
my @r;
if ($#k2 > $#k1) {
my @tk = @k1;
@k1 = @k2;
@k2 = @tk;
my $tp = $p1;
$p1 = $p2;
$p2 = $tp;
$inverse = -1;
} else {
$inverse = 1;
my $i = 0;
for (; $i < $#k1 + 1; $i++) {
if (not defined $k2[$i]) { $r[$i] = 1; }
else {
if ($i == 0) { $r[$i] = $k1[$i] cmp $k2[$i]; }
else { $r[$i] = $k1[$i] <=> $k2[$i]; }
$r[$i] = ($p1 <=> $p2);
my $ret = 0;
foreach my $rv (@r) {
if ($rv != 0) {
$ret = $rv;
return $ret * $inverse;
sub gen_txt {
my $footer = "";
my $paren = 0;
my $section_head;
my $section_title;
foreach my $this_section (sort bysection keys %sections) {
print STDERR "writing section $this_section\n" if $debug;
if (not $this_section =~ m/p/) {
print " $this_section $sections{$this_section}{title}\n";
$section_head = $this_section;
$section_title = $sections{$this_section}{title};
my $section_text = $sections{$this_section}{text};
while ($section_text =~ m/^(.*?)$/msg) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "paren reset, line [$line]\n" if $debug >= 8;
my $number = "";
while ($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $c = $1;
if ($c =~ m/[0-9]/) { $number .= $c; }
elsif ($c eq ' ') { $number = ""; }
elsif ($c eq '(') {
print STDERR "got $paren (\n" if $debug >= 8;
} elsif ($c eq ')') {
print STDERR "got $paren )\n" if $debug >= 8;
if ($paren == -1) {
if (length $number and defined $footnotes[$number]) {
print STDERR "Got footnote $number here!\n" if $debug;
$footer .= "\nFOOTNOTE.$number) $footnotes[$number]\n";
$paren = 0;
} else {
$number = "";
print "$section_text\n";
if (length $footer) {
print $footer;
$footer = "";
sub make_link {
my ($text) = @_;
if (exists $sections{$text}) {
return "<a href='#$text'>$text</a>";
} else {
return $text;
sub linkify {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\b((?:[A-Z]|[1-9])\.(?:\.?[0-9]+)*)\b/make_link($1)/ge;
return $text;
sub gen_html {
print "<html>\n<body>\n";
foreach my $section (qw/ABSTRACT. CONTENTS. FOREWORD. INTRO./) {
foreach my $paragraph (sort bysection keys %sections) {
if ($paragraph =~ m/^$section/) {
delete $sections{$paragraph};
delete $sections{$section};
foreach my $section (sort bysection keys %sections) {
print "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
sub write_html_section {
my ($this_section) = @_;
my $footer = "";
my $paren = 0;
print STDERR "writing section [$this_section]\n" if $debug;
print "<a name='", encode_entities($this_section), "'></a>\n";
if (not $this_section =~ m/p/) {
print "<hr>\n<h3>", encode_entities($this_section), " [", encode_entities($sections{$this_section}{title}), "]</h3>\n";
my $section_text = $sections{$this_section}{text};
next if not length $section_text;
$section_text = encode_entities $section_text;
while ($section_text =~ m/^(.*?)$/msg) {
my $line = $1;
print STDERR "paren reset, line [$line]\n" if $debug >= 8;
my $number = "";
while ($line =~ m/(.)/g) {
my $c = $1;
if ($c =~ m/[0-9]/) { $number .= $c; }
elsif ($c eq ' ') { $number = ""; }
elsif ($c eq '(') {
print STDERR "got $paren (\n" if $debug >= 8;
} elsif ($c eq ')') {
print STDERR "got $paren )\n" if $debug >= 8;
if ($paren == -1) {
if (length $number and defined $footnotes[$number]) {
print STDERR "Got footnote $number here!\n" if $debug;
$section_text =~ s/$number\)/<a href='#FOOTNOTE.$number'><sup>[$number]<\/sup><\/a>/;
$footer .= "<a name='FOOTNOTE.$number'>\n<pre><i><b>Footnote $number)</b> ".encode_entities($footnotes[$number])."</i></pre>\n</a>\n";
$paren = 0;
} else {
$number = "";
$section_text = linkify($section_text);
$footer = linkify($footer);
if ($this_section eq 'CONTENTS.') {
$section_text =~ s/Annex ([A-Z])/<a href='#$1.'>Annex $1<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^(\d+\.)/<a href='#$1'>$1<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^Foreword/<a href='#FOREWORD.'>Foreword<\/a>/mg;
$section_text =~ s/^Introduction/<a href='#INTRO.'>Introduction<\/a>/mg;
print "<pre>", $section_text, "</pre>\n";
if (length $footer) {
print $footer;
$footer = '';
# this mess of code verifies that two given section numbers are within 1 unit of distance of each other
# this ensures that no sections were skipped due to misparses
sub validate_section_difference {
if (@last_section_number && $last_section_number[0] !~ /(?:ABSTRACT|CONTENTS|FOREWORD|INTRO)/) {
my $fail = 0;
my $skip = 0;
print STDERR "comparing last section ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
if (@section_number > @last_section_number) {
if (@section_number - @last_section_number != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "size difference too great\n";
unless ($fail) {
if ($section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($last_section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @last_section_number; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] ne $last_section_number[$i]) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "digits different\n";
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @last_section_number; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] ne $last_section_number[$i]) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "digits different\n";
if (!$skip && ($fail || $section_number[$#section_number] != 1)) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
} elsif (@last_section_number > @section_number) {
if ($section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($last_section_number[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($section_number[0] ne $last_section_number[0]) {
if (ord($section_number[0]) - ord($last_section_number[0]) != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference too great\n";
} else {
$skip = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference good\n";
unless ($fail) {
for (my $i = 1; $i < @section_number - 1; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] != $last_section_number[$i]) {
if ($section_number[$i] - $last_section_number[$i] != 1) {
print STDERR "digit difference too great\n";
$fail = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @section_number - 1; $i++) {
if ($section_number[$i] != $last_section_number[$i]) {
if ($section_number[$i] - $last_section_number[$i] != 1) {
print STDERR "digit difference too great\n";
$fail = 1;
if (!$skip && ($fail || $section_number[$#section_number] - $last_section_number[$#section_number] != 1)) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";
} else {
my @rev_last = reverse @last_section_number;
my @rev_curr = reverse @section_number;
if ($rev_curr[$#rev_curr] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($rev_last[$#rev_last] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
if ($rev_curr[$#rev_curr] ne $rev_last[$#rev_last]) {
if (ord($rev_curr[$#rev_curr]) - ord($rev_last[$#rev_last]) != 1) {
$fail = 1;
print STDERR "letter difference too great\n";
for (my $i = 1; $i < @rev_curr; $i++) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] != $rev_last[$i]) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] - $rev_last[$i] > 1) {
$fail = 1;
} else {
print STDERR "disregarding section namespace change from number to alphabet\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @rev_curr; $i++) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] != $rev_last[$i]) {
if ($rev_curr[$i] - $rev_last[$i] > 1) {
$fail = 1;
if (!$skip && $fail) {
print STDERR "difference too great ", join('.', @last_section_number), " vs ", join('.', @section_number), "\n";

applets/n1256.out vendored

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ use PBot::Imports;
# These are set by the /misc/update_version script
use constant {
BUILD_DATE => "2022-08-08",
BUILD_DATE => "2022-08-12",
sub initialize {}