URL titles now work for YouTube links again (smh @ Google)

This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2020-07-02 16:35:44 -07:00
parent a09f220872
commit 6311fa7b15
1 changed files with 12 additions and 2 deletions

modules/get_title.pl vendored
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@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ if ($#ARGV <= 0) {
my $nick = shift(@ARGV);
my $arguments = join("%20", @ARGV);
print STDERR "nick: [$nick], args: [$arguments]\n";
$arguments =~ s/\W$//;
exit if $arguments =~ m{https?://ibb.co/}i;
exit if $arguments =~ m{googlesource.com/}i;
exit if $arguments =~ m{https?://git}i;
exit if $arguments =~ m{https://.*swissborg.com}i;
exit if $arguments =~ m{https://streamable.com}i;
@ -83,7 +87,11 @@ exit if $arguments =~ m/paste.*\.(?:com|org|net|ch|ca|de|uk|info)/i;
exit if $arguments =~ m/pasting.*\.(?:com|org|net|ca|de|uk|info|ch)/i;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
if ($arguments =~ /youtube|youtu.be|googlevideo/) {
} else {
$ua->max_size(200 * 1024);
my $response = $ua->get("$arguments");
@ -100,7 +108,8 @@ my $text = $response->decoded_content;
if ($text =~ m/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/msi) { $t = $1; }
else {
use Data::Dumper;
print STDERR Dumper $response;
#print "No title for link.\n";
@ -154,6 +163,7 @@ if ($distance / $length < 0.75) { exit; }
exit if $t !~ m/\s/; # exit if title is only one word -- this isn't usually interesting
exit if $t =~ m{christel}i;
exit if $t =~ m{^Loading}i;
exit if $t =~ m{streamable}i;
exit if $t =~ m{freenode}i;
exit if $t =~ m{ico scam}i;