mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2025-03-31 04:47:13 +02:00

compiler_vm: added support for splint

This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2012-03-12 03:33:54 +00:00
parent b30216d8ec
commit 5066f348a1
4 changed files with 68 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ use warnings;
# These are set automatically by the build/commit script
use constant {
BUILD_DATE => "2012-02-28",
BUILD_DATE => "2012-03-11",

View File

@ -820,6 +820,34 @@ if($output =~ m/^\s*$/) {
$output =~ s/\s*In file included from\s+\/usr\/include\/.*?:\d+:\d+:\s*/, /g;
$output =~ s/\s*collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status//g;
$output =~ s/In function\s*`main':\s*\/home\/compiler\/ undefined reference to/error: undefined reference to/g;
$output =~ s/compilation terminated.//;
# splint
$output =~ s/Splint 3.1.2 --- 03 May 2009\s*//;
$output =~ s/Finished checking --- \d+ code warning\s*//;
print FILE "splint: [$output]\n";
$output =~ s/\s*\(in function main\)\s*Fresh\s*storage\s*.*?\s*not\s*released.*?reference\s+to\s+it\s+is\s+lost.\s*//msg;
$output =~ s/\s*\(in function main\)\s*//g;
$output =~ s/\s*\(Use\s+.*?\s+to\s+inhibit\s+warning\)//msg;
$output =~ s/Suspect modification of observer/Suspect modification of string-literal/g;
$output =~ s/Storage\s*declared\s*with\s*observer\s*is\s*possibly\s*modified.\s*Observer\s*storage\s*may\s*not\s*be\s*modified./Such modification is undefined-behavior./gs;
$output =~ s/Storage\s*(.*?)?\s*becomes observer\s*//g;
$output =~ s/Fresh storage .*? created\s*//g;
$output =~ s/Storage .*? becomes null\s*//g;
$output =~ s/To\s*make\s*char\s*and\s*int\s*types\s*equivalent,\s*use\s*\+charint.\s*//gs;
$output =~ s/To\s*ignore\s*signs\s*in\s*type\s*comparisons\s*use\s*\+ignoresigns\s*//gs;
$output =~ s/Fresh storage/Allocated storage/g;
$output =~ s/derived\s*from\s*.*?\s*precondition:\s*requires\s*maxSet\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*maxRead\(.*?\)\s*//gs;
$output =~ s/\s*needed\s*to\s*satisfy\s*precondition:\s*requires\s*max.*?\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*\d+//gs;
$output =~ s/\s*needed\s*to\s*satisfy\s*precondition:\s*requires\s*max.*?\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*.*?@//gs;
$output =~ s/\s*To allow all numeric types to match, use \+relaxtypes.//g;
$output =~ s/\s*Corresponding format code//g;
$output =~ s/Command Line: Setting .*? redundant with current value\s*//g;
# $output =~ s/maxSet\((.*?)\s*@\s*\)/$1/g;
$output =~ s/\s*Unable to resolve constraint: requires .*? >= [^ \]]+//gs;
$output =~ s/\s*To\s*allow\s*arbitrary\s*integral\s*types\s*to\s*match\s*any\s*integral\s*type,\s*use\s*\+matchanyintegral.//gs;
$output =~ s/\s*Storage\s*.*?\s*becomes\s*static//gs;
$output =~ s/A\s*possibly\s*null\s*pointer\s*is\s*passed\s*as\s*a\s*parameter\s*corresponding\s*to\s*a\s*formal\s*parameter\s*with\s*no\s*\/\*\@null\@\*\/\s*annotation.\s*If\s*NULL\s*may\s*be\s*used\s*for\s*this\s*parameter,\s*add\s*a\s*\/\*\@null\@\*\/\s*annotation\s*to\s*the\s*function\s*parameter\s*declaration./A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter to a function./gs;
unless($got_run) {

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ my $USE_LOCAL = defined $ENV{'CC_LOCAL'};
my %languages = (
'C' => {
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -gdwarf-2 -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -std=gnu89 -lm',
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -ggdb -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -std=gnu89 -lm -Wfatal-errors',
'file' => 'prog.c',
'C++' => {
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ my %languages = (
'file' => 'prog.cpp',
'C99' => {
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -gdwarf-2 -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -pedantic -std=c99 -lm',
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -ggdb -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -pedantic -std=c99 -lm -Wfatal-errors',
'file' => 'prog.c',
'C11' => {
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -gdwarf-2 -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -pedantic -std=c11 -lm',
'cmdline' => 'gcc $args $file -o prog -ggdb -g3',
'args' => '-Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused -Wcast-qual -Wconversion -Wlogical-op -pedantic -std=c11 -lm -Wfatal-errors',
'file' => 'prog.c',
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ sub runserver {
print $output "result:$result\n";
print $output "result:end\n";
system("rm *");
#system("rm *");
if(not defined $USE_LOCAL or $USE_LOCAL == 0) {
print "input: ";
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ sub interpret {
$cmdline =~ s/\$file/$languages{$lang}{'file'}/;
print "Executing [$cmdline]\n";
my ($ret, $result) = execute(60, $cmdline);
my ($ret, $result) = execute(60, "$cmdline 2>&1");
# print "Got result: ($ret) [$result]\n";
# if exit code was not 0, then there was a problem compiling, such as an error diagnostic
@ -137,18 +137,42 @@ sub interpret {
my $output = "";
my $splint_result;
($ret, $splint_result) = execute(60, "splint -paramuse -varuse -warnposix -exportlocal -retvalint -predboolint -compdef -formatcode +bounds -boolops +boolint +charint +matchanyintegral +charintliteral -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/include -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/include-fixed/ -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ prog.c 2>/dev/null");
if($ret == 0) {
$splint_result = "";
} else {
$splint_result =~ s/\s*prog.c:\s*\(in function main\)\s*prog.c:\d+:\d+:\s*Fresh\s*storage\s*.*?\s*not\s*released.*?reference\s*to\s*it\s*is\s*lost.\s*\(Use\s*.*?\s*to\s*inhibit\s*warning\)\s*//msg;
$splint_result =~ s/prog.c:\d+:\d+:?//g;
$splint_result =~ s/prog.c:\s*//g;
$splint_result =~ s/\s*(\(\s*in\s*function\s*.*?\s*\))?\s*Possible\s*out-of-bounds\s*(read|store):\s*.*?\s*Unable\s*to\s*resolve\s*constraint:\s*requires\s*max(Read|Set)\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*0\s*needed\s*to\s*satisfy\s*precondition:\s*requires\s*max(Read|Set)\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*0\s*(A\s*memory.*?beyond\s*the\s*allocated\s*(storage|buffer).\s*\(Use\s*.*?\s*to\s*inhibit\s*warning\))?//msg;
$splint_result =~ s/\s*(\(\s*in\s*function\s*.*?\s*\))?\s*Possible\s*out-of-bounds\s*(read|store):\s*.*?\s*Unable\s*to\s*resolve\s*constraint:\s*requires\s*max(Read|Set)\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*.*?\s*\+\s*-\d+\s*needed\s*to\s*satisfy\s*precondition:\s*requires\s*max(Read|Set)\(.*?\)\s*>=\s*.*?\s*\+\s*-\d+\s*derived\s*from\s*.*?\s*precondition:\s*requires.*?\s*\+\s*-\d+\s*(A\s*memory.*?beyond\s*the\s*allocated\s*(storage|buffer).\s*\(Use\s*.*?\s*to\s*inhibit\s*warning\))?//msg;
$splint_result =~ s/Storage .*? becomes observer\s*//g;
$splint_result =~ s/Fresh storage .*? created\s*//g;
$splint_result =~ s/^\s+//msg;
$splint_result =~ s/\s+$//msg;
$splint_result =~ s/\s+/ /msg;
print "splint_result: [$splint_result]\n";
# no errors compiling, but if $result contains something, it must be a warning message
# so prepend it to the output
if(length $result) {
if(length $result or length $splint_result) {
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
$output = "[$result]\n";
$splint_result =~ s/^\s+//;
$splint_result =~ s/\s+$//;
$splint_result = " $splint_result" if length $result and length $splint_result;
$output = "[$result$splint_result]\n";
$output =~ s/^\[\s*\]\s*//;
$output =~ s/^\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\s*$/[$1]\n/; # remove whitespace hack
my $user_input_quoted = quotemeta $user_input;
($ret, $result) = execute(60, "compiler_watchdog.pl $user_input_quoted");
($ret, $result) = execute(60, "compiler_watchdog.pl $user_input_quoted 2>&1");
$result =~ s/^\s+//;
#$result =~ s/^\s+//;
$result =~ s/\s+$//;
# print "Executed prog; got result: ($ret) [$result]\n";
@ -172,7 +196,7 @@ sub execute {
my $result = '';
my $pid = open(my $fh, '-|', "$cmdline 2>&1");
my $pid = open(my $fh, '-|', "$cmdline");
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "Time out\n"; kill 'TERM', $pid; die "$result [Timed-out]\n"; };

View File

@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ sub execute {
gdb $in, "up\n";
elsif($line =~ s/^\d+\s+//) {
next if $line =~ /No such file/;
gdb $in, "up\n" and next if $line =~ /No such file/;
$result .= "at statement: $line " unless $skip;
# gdb $in, "info locals\n" unless $skip;