diff --git a/PBot/VERSION.pm b/PBot/VERSION.pm index 6b2e5fee..054a24c8 100644 --- a/PBot/VERSION.pm +++ b/PBot/VERSION.pm @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use warnings; # These are set automatically by the build/commit script use constant { BUILD_NAME => "PBot", - BUILD_REVISION => 506, + BUILD_REVISION => 507, BUILD_DATE => "2014-03-05", }; diff --git a/data/quotegrabs b/data/quotegrabs index 3998893c..b8f96b02 100644 --- a/data/quotegrabs +++ b/data/quotegrabs @@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ sha0+pragma- ##c 1380862013.76601 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos Wi phox+phox+phox+rob`` ##c 1380924292.02233 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos strcmp has an alternate personality that's a hermit crab so in its mind it's always in a shell at least that's what I tell students (: wat? pragma- ##c 1380948711.51289 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix Do you typically put a lot of things in your butt? suit_of_sables+pragma- ##c 1380951714.86938 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos Hmm I guess I have little choice. My only other option would be to factor out the inner loop and make it into a function call. But I think I'd have to pass a butt-load of variables to it to make it work as it does right now Do you typically put a lot of things in your butt? -pragma- ##c 1380952389.11999 Plazma!~Plazma@freenode/staff/plazma code is like a penis... pragma-+pragma- ##c 1380952699.77456 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos code is like a penis... The longer and harder it is the better it works. jennie+pragma- ##c 1380970542.41631 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos hi oh no. fisted ##c 1381092170.59783 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix does visual studio even have Clippy? @@ -295,3 +294,50 @@ edk+boru ##c 1384127040.81025 sha0!~sha0@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net. nitrix+nitrix ##c 1384301386.81229 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos davidio 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen jackie 5/22/07 Temporary my ass Zhivago ##c 1384316122.53029 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk Anyhow, I respect that lilo died before he could embezzle the funds. Chris+IHunger+Chris+IHunger+IHunger ##c 1384316262.06803 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos /me attempts to further poison his brain with C++ Don't do it, man! It's not worth it! I'm doing my part to determine the LD50 of C++ Ahh, well there'll be something useful out of it then. Thanks for taking one for the team ;) +Cyp_+Cyp_+halogenandtoast ##c 1384464895.04026 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk halogenandtoast: Your stack seems a bit small (only room for one int). Multiply it by 640k, that should be enough for anyone. That was it thanks Cyp_ +edk+Chris ##c 1384920001.60137 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk Or a metric ass-ton? metric would be arse-tonne +edk ##c 1384920839.137 frog_sha0!~Shao@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com If you're being absolutely clear, you could seek employment as a lens. +boru+frog_sha0 ##c 1384920946.53334 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk murple; yeah, there's more to shooting bytes out onto the wire than meets the eye. boru: Not if you're using fibre optics. +Subsentient ##c 1385637127.06717 CaZe!~caze@ Zhivago: That it neither works as expected or just behaves like you would expect, with a never-updating variable. +CaZe+edk+Subsentient+Zhivago ##c 1385637448.83889 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk Maybe you don't know C. CaZe: well, he has that in common with most people in the channel... edk: I revile being told that every time I come in with a question. I never asked how to use a pointer or how to use bit fields, or how to dereference a 2d array without subscripts. I know C. C doesn't have 2d arrays. +sha0+fisted ##c 1385870096.37439 sha0!~sha0@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com fisted: Yeahbut what does the GNU stand for inside "GNU's not UNIX"? sha0: dunno, perhaps "Great Nonsensical Undertaking" +nitrix ##c 1385929001.62826 cousteau!~cousteau@ If I can give you an advice, stop trying to generalize things. It never works out. +{[^-^]}+Zhivago ##c 1386692082.83408 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix are there general purpose libraries for C to make you a bit more productive like in C++? Stupid-face: Maybe. +mdev+boru ##c 1386765426.6805 edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk boru read my code I'd rather not. I just ate lunch. +sheilong ##c 1387259678.38563 CaZe!~caze@2607:f2f8:a678::2 CaZe: you assing it as Char +cousteau ##c 1387307382.79686 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix I expected it to be way larger +no-n+nitrix ##c 1387513802.37052 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix hmm You can shoot a lot of stuff and anywhere. +Temper ##c 1387688036.75712 fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted ltbarcly, so we have to be competent to program c now? +zid` ##c 1387828627.46442 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos Penis in mouth, please leave +sha0+Zhivago ##c 1388380059.61499 sha0!~sha0@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com Constipation is good. Yes. +rob`` ##c 1388614436.29619 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix Someoneā„¢ should do it! +CaZe ##c 1388784055.57263 fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted *(x + y) is syntactic exercise for x[y]. +pragma- ##c 1389074332.29619 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix That's the problem with idiots. They're like a blackhole, sucking everybody else in. +frog_sha0+Chris+Zhivago ##c 1389237870.16067 frog_sha0!~Shao@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com But I don't think JS nurtures hard-coreness, in a programmer. what is hard-coreness? Chris: It's like being an apple. +pragma- ##c 1389371731.86698 fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted you misspelled retarted +Chris ##c 1390195759.89498 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix * is the defenestrating operator. If you use it wrongly you will be thrown out the window. +take` ##c 1390342509.68936 take`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 just omit the potato +beaky+pragma- ##c 1390656900.88751 rob``!~rob@gtng-4db0579c.pool.mediaWays.net hello beaky: no. +pragma- ##c 1390657885.97665 fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter consoles still at 80x25? how quaint. +Zhivago ##c 1391594782.85441 aemquo!~UN@unaffiliated/aemquo tommy: Hire a mexican circus midget to hit him until he does. +tommy^m+Zhivago ##c 1391594886.05733 cousteau!~cousteau@ i want to make sure the user inputs at least a 13 numbers, how can i do that? tommy: Hire a mexican circus midget to hit him until he does. +LunaticEdit ##c 1391653662.06746 sha0!~sha0@CPE000d936ea638-CM0014045a7c44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com the ground creaks and grones under the weight of sha0's words +riverloop+twkm ##c 1391839993.21714 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix But, I have heard that arrays decay to pointers. you decay too, doesn't mean you are fertilizer. +nitrix ##c 1391977139.34171 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix He didn't solve a problem with C (that could have been done with an implementation tailored to his vision), he instead, created a new language. In the end, C is just the same and we have a second language to design, learn and fix the implementations. +kfirfer ##c 1392003898.83682 nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix make stack which are inserted the characters of opening brackets and closing brackets for checking the organ cartridge +pragma-+pragma-+pragma- ##c 1392203506.42698 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos There's a boomerang joke I'm trying to remember. Just wait a second, it'll come back to me. It might have flown over the heads of a few people here. Did anybody catch that? +pragma-+kate` ##c 1392207154.83243 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos There's a boomerang joke I'm trying to remember. Just wait a second, it'll come back to me. well, what's the joke? +zid` ##c 1392239058.42156 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos I licked my cable once, it hurt +Willdude+Willdude ##c 1392929031.27698 rob``!~rob@gtng-4db04e40.pool.mediaWays.net (not an invite) (not an invite) +kate` ##c 1393043519.11897 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos man. C is a stupid language +pragma- ##c 1393578394.17919 fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter stop arguing with me. +boru ##c 1393746598.64385 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos To paraphrase Gene Spafford; "IRC is like a herd of performing elephants. Massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it." +zyxwvuts ##c 1393747281.8582 scrapcode!~scrapcode@ luckily for me, candide has never grabbed any of my quotes +Tekk_+Tekk_ ##c 1393827386.03924 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos actually outside of windows window manager doesn't affect me too much since I use emacs for most window management +twkm ##c 1393837048.42629 dozn!~dozn@24-207-52-240.eastlink.ca you have limited exposure to life. +edk ##c 1393889567.48333 pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos sometimes this channel makes me want to mash my brains into a cheese grater +Duzz+Chris ##c 1393933389.37563 dozn!~dozn@24-207-52-240.eastlink.ca What is the term for determining instruction rates from benchmark programs? divining +Teckla ##c 1393949900.2454 aemquo!~UN@unaffiliated/aemquo And the LORD said, "Four spaces shall it be; neither more, nor less. Thine indentation shall not be tabs, as they are an abomination." +Zhivago ##c 1393985619.14992 CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze That's what she said. +CaZe ##c 1393985655.76498 Jack64!~pena@ ,grab zhivago +Jack64 ##c 1393985674.84777 CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze ,grab CaZe