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# File: NewModule.pm
# Authoer: pragma_
# Purpose: New module skeleton
package PBot::FactoidStuff;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Exporter ();
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw($logger %commands $commands_file $export_factoids_path $export_factoids_timeout);
use vars @EXPORT_OK;
*logger = \$PBot::PBot::logger;
*commands_file = \$PBot::PBot::commands_file;
*export_factoids_path = \$PBot::PBot::export_factoids_path;
*export_factoids_timeout = \$PBot::PBot::export_factoids_timeout;
# TODO: move into pbot object, or make FactoidStuff an object and move this into it
%commands = ();
sub load_commands {
$logger->log("Loading commands from $commands_file ...\n");
open(FILE, "< $commands_file") or die "Couldn't open $commands_file: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@contents) {
chomp $line;
my ($command, $type, $enabled, $owner, $timestamp, $ref_count, $ref_user, $value) = split(/\s+/, $line, 8);
if(not defined $command || not defined $enabled || not defined $owner || not defined $timestamp
|| not defined $type || not defined $ref_count
|| not defined $ref_user || not defined $value) {
die "Syntax error around line $i of $commands_file\n";
if(exists $commands{$command}) {
die "Duplicate command $command found in $commands_file around line $i\n";
$commands{$command}{enabled} = $enabled;
$commands{$command}{$type} = $value;
$commands{$command}{owner} = $owner;
$commands{$command}{timestamp} = $timestamp;
$commands{$command}{ref_count} = $ref_count;
$commands{$command}{ref_user} = $ref_user;
# $logger->log(" Adding command $command ($type): $owner, $timestamp...\n");
$logger->log(" $i commands loaded.\n");
sub save_commands {
open(FILE, "> $commands_file") or die "Couldn't open $commands_file: $!\n";
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
next if $command eq "version";
if(defined $commands{$command}{module} || defined $commands{$command}{text} || defined $commands{$command}{regex}) {
print FILE "$command ";
} else {
$logger->log("save_commands: unknown command type $command\n");
#bleh, this is ugly - duplicated
if(defined $commands{$command}{module}) {
print FILE "module ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{enabled} $commands{$command}{owner} $commands{$command}{timestamp} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{ref_count} $commands{$command}{ref_user} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{module}\n";
} elsif(defined $commands{$command}{text}) {
print FILE "text ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{enabled} $commands{$command}{owner} $commands{$command}{timestamp} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{ref_count} $commands{$command}{ref_user} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{text}\n";
} elsif(defined $commands{$command}{regex}) {
print FILE "regex ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{enabled} $commands{$command}{owner} $commands{$command}{timestamp} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{ref_count} $commands{$command}{ref_user} ";
print FILE "$commands{$command}{regex}\n";
} else {
$logger->log("save_commands: skipping unknown command type for $command\n");
sub export_factoids() {
my $text;
open FILE, "> $export_factoids_path" or return "Could not open export path.";
my $time = localtime;
print FILE "<html><body><i>Generated at $time</i><hr><h3>Candide's factoids:</h3><br>\n";
my $i = 0;
print FILE "<table border=\"0\">\n";
foreach my $command (sort keys %commands) {
if(exists $commands{$command}{text}) {
if($i % 2) {
print FILE "<tr bgcolor=\"#dddddd\">\n";
} else {
print FILE "<tr>\n";
$text = "<td><b>$command</b> is " . encode_entities($commands{$command}{text}) . "</td>\n";
print FILE $text;
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($commands{$command}{timestamp});
my $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n",
$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $year+1900, $month+1, $day_of_month);
print FILE "<td align=\"right\">- submitted by<br> $commands{$command}{owner}<br><i>$t</i>\n";
print FILE "</td></tr>\n";
print FILE "</table>\n";
print FILE "<hr>$i factoids memorized.<br>This page is automatically generated every $export_factoids_timeout seconds.</body></html>";
#$logger->log("$i factoids exported.\n");
return "$i factoids exported to http://blackshell.com/~msmud/candide/factoids.html";