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# File: FactoidCommands.pm
# Author: pragma_
2020-01-11 03:59:15 +01:00
# Purpose: Factoid command subroutines.
License project under MPL2 This patch adds the file LICENSE which is the verbatim copy of the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 as retreived from https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.815ca599c9df.txt on 2017-03-05. This patch also places license headers for the MPL2 type A variant of the license header in the following files: PBot/AntiFlood.pm PBot/BanTracker.pm PBot/BlackList.pm PBot/BotAdminCommands.pm PBot/BotAdmins.pm PBot/ChanOpCommands.pm PBot/ChanOps.pm PBot/Channels.pm PBot/Commands.pm PBot/DualIndexHashObject.pm PBot/EventDispatcher.pm PBot/FactoidCommands.pm PBot/FactoidModuleLauncher.pm PBot/Factoids.pm PBot/HashObject.pm PBot/IRCHandlers.pm PBot/IgnoreList.pm PBot/IgnoreListCommands.pm PBot/Interpreter.pm PBot/LagChecker.pm PBot/Logger.pm PBot/MessageHistory.pm PBot/MessageHistory_SQLite.pm PBot/NickList.pm PBot/PBot.pm PBot/Plugins.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiAway.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiKickAutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiRepeat.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiTwitter.pm PBot/Plugins/AutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/Counter.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_Hashtable.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_SQLite.pm PBot/Plugins/UrlTitles.pm PBot/Plugins/_Example.pm PBot/Refresher.pm PBot/Registerable.pm PBot/Registry.pm PBot/RegistryCommands.pm PBot/SQLiteLogger.pm PBot/SQLiteLoggerLayer.pm PBot/SelectHandler.pm PBot/StdinReader.pm PBot/Timer.pm PBot/Utils/ParseDate.pm PBot/VERSION.pm build/update-version.pl modules/acronym.pl modules/ago.pl modules/c11std.pl modules/c2english.pl modules/c2english/CGrammar.pm modules/c2english/c2eng.pl modules/c99std.pl modules/cdecl.pl modules/cfaq.pl modules/cjeopardy/IRCColors.pm modules/cjeopardy/QStatskeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/Scorekeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_answer.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_filter.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_hint.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_qstats.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_scores.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_show.pl modules/codepad.pl modules/compiler_block.pl modules/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/Diff.pm modules/compiler_vm/cc modules/compiler_vm/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_vbox_win32.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/languages/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bash.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bc.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bf.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clangpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clisp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/go.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/javascript.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/ksh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/lua.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/perl.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python3.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/scheme.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/tendra.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/sh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/tendra.pm modules/compliment modules/cstd.pl modules/define.pl modules/dice_roll.pl modules/excuse.sh modules/expand_macros.pl modules/fnord.pl modules/funnyish_quote.pl modules/g.pl modules/gdefine.pl modules/gen_cfacts.pl modules/gencstd.pl modules/get_title.pl modules/getcfact.pl modules/google.pl modules/gspy.pl modules/gtop10.pl modules/gtop15.pl modules/headlines.pl modules/horoscope modules/horrorscope modules/ideone.pl modules/insult.pl modules/love_quote.pl modules/man.pl modules/map.pl modules/math.pl modules/prototype.pl modules/qalc.pl modules/random_quote.pl modules/seen.pl modules/urban modules/weather.pl modules/wikipedia.pl pbot.pl pbot.sh It is highly recommended that this list of files is reviewed to ensure that all files are the copyright of the sole maintainer of the repository. If any files with license headers contain the intellectual property of anyone else, it is recommended that a request is made to revise this patch or that the explicit permission of the co-author is gained to allow for the license of the work to be changed. I (Tomasz Kramkowski), the contributor, take no responsibility for any legal action taken against the maintainer of this repository for incorrectly claiming copyright to any work not owned by the maintainer of this repository.
2017-03-05 22:33:31 +01:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::FactoidCommands;
use warnings;
use strict;
2019-07-11 03:40:53 +02:00
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use Carp ();
use Time::Duration;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Storable;
2020-01-20 05:00:01 +01:00
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use PBot::Utils::SafeFilename;
2017-08-24 04:25:43 +02:00
our %factoid_metadata_levels = (
2015-07-13 11:47:30 +02:00
created_on => 90,
enabled => 10,
2015-07-13 11:47:30 +02:00
last_referenced_in => 90,
last_referenced_on => 90,
modulelauncher_subpattern => 90,
owner => 90,
rate_limit => 10,
2015-07-13 11:47:30 +02:00
ref_count => 90,
ref_user => 90,
type => 90,
edited_by => 90,
edited_on => 90,
locked => 10,
2014-05-31 03:04:26 +02:00
add_nick => 10,
nooverride => 10,
'effective-level' => 40,
2017-08-24 04:25:43 +02:00
'persist-key' => 20,
'interpolate' => 10,
# all others are allowed to be factset by anybody/default to level 0
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to FactoidCommands should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH';
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot} = delete $conf{pbot} // Carp::croak("Missing pbot reference to FactoidCommands");
$self->{pbot}->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_repo', $conf{module_repo} // 'https://github.com/pragma-/pbot/blob/master/modules/');
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factadd(@_) }, "learn", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factadd(@_) }, "factadd", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factrem(@_) }, "forget", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factrem(@_) }, "factrem", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factshow(@_) }, "factshow", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factinfo(@_) }, "factinfo", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factlog(@_) }, "factlog", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factundo(@_) }, "factundo", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factredo(@_) }, "factredo", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factset(@_) }, "factset", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factunset(@_) }, "factunset", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factchange(@_) }, "factchange", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factalias(@_) }, "factalias", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factmove(@_) }, "factmove", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->call_factoid(@_) }, "fact", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->factfind(@_) }, "factfind", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->top20(@_) }, "top20", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->load_module(@_) }, "load", 90);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->unload_module(@_) }, "unload", 90);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->histogram(@_) }, "histogram", 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->count(@_) }, "count", 0);
# the following commands have not yet been updated to use the new factoid structure
# DO NOT USE!! Factoid corruption may occur.
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { return $self->add_regex(@_) }, "regex", 999);
sub call_factoid {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($chan, $keyword, $args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 3);
if (not defined $chan or not defined $keyword) {
return "Usage: fact <channel> <keyword> [arguments]";
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($chan, $keyword, arguments => $args, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (not defined $trigger) {
return "No such factoid $keyword exists for $chan";
$stuff->{keyword} = $trigger;
2017-12-01 01:41:50 +01:00
$stuff->{trigger} = $trigger;
$stuff->{ref_from} = $channel;
$stuff->{arguments} = $args;
2017-12-01 01:41:50 +01:00
$stuff->{root_keyword} = $trigger;
return $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->interpreter($stuff);
sub log_factoid {
my $self = shift;
my ($channel, $trigger, $hostmask, $msg, $dont_save_undo) = @_;
$channel = lc $channel;
$trigger = lc $trigger;
my $channel_path = $channel;
$channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*';
my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path;
my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger;
my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog';
open my $fh, ">> $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe" or do {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to open factlog for $channel/$trigger: $!\n");
my $now = gettimeofday;
my $h = {ts => $now, hm => $hostmask, msg => $msg};
my $json = encode_json $h;
print $fh "$json\n";
close $fh;
return if $dont_save_undo;
my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); };
if (not $undos) {
$undos = {
idx => -1,
list => []
# TODO: use registry instead of hardcoded 20... meh
if (@{$undos->{list}} > 20) {
shift @{$undos->{list}};
if ($undos->{idx} > -1 and @{$undos->{list}} > $undos->{idx} + 1) {
splice @{$undos->{list}}, $undos->{idx} + 1;
push @{$undos->{list}}, $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger};
eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; };
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@;
sub find_factoid_with_optional_channel {
my ($self, $from, $arguments, $command, %opts) = @_;
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
my %default_opts = (
usage => undef,
explicit => 0,
exact_channel => 0
%opts = (%default_opts, %opts);
my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments);
my ($from_chan, $from_trigger, $remaining_args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 3);
if (not defined $from_chan or (not defined $from_chan and not defined $from_trigger)) {
return "Usage: $command [channel] <keyword>" if not $opts{usage};
return $opts{usage};
my $needs_disambig;
if (not defined $from_trigger) {
# cmd arg1, so insert $from as channel
$from_trigger = $from_chan;
$from_chan = $from;
$remaining_args = "";
#$needs_disambig = 1;
} else {
# cmd arg1 arg2 [...?]
if ($from_chan !~ /^#/ and lc $from_chan ne 'global' and $from_chan ne '.*') {
# not a channel or global, so must be a keyword
my $keyword = $from_chan;
$from_chan = $from;
$from_trigger = $keyword;
(undef, $remaining_args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2);
$from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan !~ /^#/;
$from_chan = lc $from_chan;
my ($channel, $trigger);
if ($opts{exact_channel} == 1) {
($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $from_trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (not defined $channel) {
$from_chan = 'the global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*';
return "/say $from_trigger not found in $from_chan.";
} else {
my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $from_trigger, exact_trigger => 1);
if (not @factoids or not $factoids[0]) {
if ($needs_disambig) {
return "/say $from_trigger not found";
} else {
$from_chan = 'global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*';
return "/say $from_trigger not found in $from_chan";
if (@factoids > 1) {
if ($needs_disambig or not grep { $_->[0] eq $from_chan } @factoids) {
unless ($opts{explicit}) {
foreach my $factoid (@factoids) {
if ($factoid->[0] eq '.*') {
($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]);
if (not defined $channel) {
return "/say $from_trigger found in multiple channels: " . (join ', ', sort map { $_->[0] eq '.*' ? 'global' : $_->[0] } @factoids) . "; use `$command <channel> $from_trigger` to disambiguate.";
} else {
foreach my $factoid (@factoids) {
if ($factoid->[0] eq $from_chan) {
($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]);
} else {
($channel, $trigger) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]);
$channel = '.*' if $channel eq 'global';
$from_chan = '.*' if $channel eq 'global';
if ($opts{explicit} and $channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) {
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, not $from_chan. Please switch to or explicitly specify $channel_name.";
return ($channel, $trigger, $remaining_args);
sub hash_differences_as_string {
my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
my @exclude = qw/created_on last_referenced_in last_referenced_on ref_count ref_user edited_by edited_on/;
my %diff;
foreach my $key (keys %$new) {
next if grep { $key eq $_ } @exclude;
if (not exists $old->{$key} or $old->{$key} ne $new->{$key}) {
$diff{$key} = $new->{$key};
foreach my $key (keys %$old) {
next if grep { $key eq $_ } @exclude;
if (not exists $new->{$key}) {
$diff{"deleted $key"} = undef;
if (not keys %diff) {
return "No change.";
my $changes = "";
my $comma = "";
foreach my $key (sort keys %diff) {
if (defined $diff{$key}) {
$changes .= "$comma$key => $diff{$key}";
} else {
$changes .= "$comma$key";
$comma = ", ";
return $changes
sub list_undo_history {
my ($self, $undos, $start_from) = @_;
$start_from-- if defined $start_from;
$start_from = 0 if not defined $start_from or $start_from < 0;
my $result = "";
if ($start_from > @{$undos->{list}}) {
if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) {
return "But there is only one revision available.";
} else {
return "But there are only " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available.";
if ($start_from == 0) {
if ($undos->{idx} == 0) {
$result .= "*1*: ";
} else {
$result .= "1: ";
$result .= $self->hash_differences_as_string({}, $undos->{list}->[0]) . ";\n\n";
for (my $i = $start_from; $i < @{$undos->{list}}; $i++) {
if ($i == $undos->{idx}) {
$result .= "*" . ($i + 1) . "*: ";
} else {
$result .= ($i + 1) . ": ";
$result .= $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$i - 1], $undos->{list}->[$i]);
$result .= ";\n\n";
return $result;
sub factundo {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: factundo [-l [N]] [-r N] [channel] <keyword> (-l list undo history, optionally starting from N; -r jump to revision N)";
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($list_undos, $goto_revision);
my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments,
'l:i' => \$list_undos,
'r=i' => \$goto_revision);
return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return $usage if @$args > 2;
return $usage if not @$args;
$arguments = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args);
my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments);
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factundo', explicit => 1, exact_channel => 1);
my $deleted;
if (not defined $trigger) {
# factoid not found or some error, try to continue and load undo file if it exists
$deleted = 1;
($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2);
if (not defined $trigger) {
$trigger = $channel;
$channel = $from;
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ m/^#/;
my $channel_path = $channel;
$channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*';
my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path;
my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger;
my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog';
my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); };
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
if (not $undos) {
return "There are no undos available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
if (defined $list_undos) {
$list_undos = 1 if $list_undos == 0;
return $self->list_undo_history($undos, $list_undos);
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my $admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be reverted." if not defined $admininfo;
if (exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}
and $admininfo->{level} < $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked with an effective-level higher than your level and cannot be reverted.";
if (defined $goto_revision) {
return "Don't be absurd." if $goto_revision < 1;
if ($goto_revision > @{$undos->{list}}) {
if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) {
return "There is only one revision available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
} else {
return "There are " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
if ($goto_revision == $undos->{idx} + 1) {
return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name is already at revision $goto_revision.";
$undos->{idx} = $goto_revision - 1;
eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; };
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@;
} else {
unless ($deleted) {
return "There are no more undos remaining for [$channel_name] $trigger_name." if not $undos->{idx};
eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; };
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@;
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger} = $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}];
my $changes = $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx} + 1], $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}]);
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "reverted (undo): $changes", 1);
return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name reverted (revision " . ($undos->{idx} + 1) . "): $changes\n";
sub factredo {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: factredo [-l [N]] [-r N] [channel] <keyword> (-l list undo history, optionally starting from N; -r jump to revision N)";
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($list_undos, $goto_revision);
my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments,
'l:i' => \$list_undos,
'r=i' => \$goto_revision);
return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return $usage if @$args > 2;
return $usage if not @$args;
$arguments = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args);
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factredo', explicit => 1, exact_channel => 1);
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
my $channel_path = $channel;
$channel_path = 'global' if $channel_path eq '.*';
my $channel_path_safe = safe_filename $channel_path;
my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger;
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog';
my $undos = eval { retrieve("$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"); };
if (not $undos) {
return "There are no redos available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
if (defined $list_undos) {
$list_undos = 1 if $list_undos == 0;
return $self->list_undo_history($undos, $list_undos);
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my $admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be reverted." if not defined $admininfo;
if (exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}
and $admininfo->{level} < $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked with an effective-level higher than your level and cannot be reverted.";
if (not defined $goto_revision and $undos->{idx} + 1 == @{$undos->{list}}) {
return "There are no more redos remaining for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
if (defined $goto_revision) {
return "Don't be absurd." if $goto_revision < 1;
if ($goto_revision > @{$undos->{list}}) {
if (@{$undos->{list}} == 1) {
return "There is only one revision available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
} else {
return "There are " . @{$undos->{list}} . " revisions available for [$channel_name] $trigger_name.";
if ($goto_revision == $undos->{idx} + 1) {
return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name is already at revision $goto_revision.";
$undos->{idx} = $goto_revision - 1;
eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; };
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@;
} else {
eval { store $undos, "$path/$trigger_safe.$channel_path_safe.undo"; };
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error storing undo: $@\n") if $@;
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger} = $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}];
my $changes = $self->hash_differences_as_string($undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx} - 1], $undos->{list}->[$undos->{idx}]);
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "reverted (redo): $changes", 1);
return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name restored (revision " . ($undos->{idx} + 1) . "): $changes\n";
sub factset {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $args) = @_;
my ($channel, $trigger, $arguments) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factset', usage => 'Usage: factset [channel] <factoid> [key [value]]', explicit => 1);
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($arguments);
my ($key, $value) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2);
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ /^#/;
my ($owner_channel, $owner_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($channel, $trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
my $admininfo;
if (defined $owner_channel) {
$admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($owner_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
} else {
$admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $level = 0;
my $meta_level = 0;
if (defined $admininfo) {
$level = $admininfo->{level};
if (defined $key) {
if (defined $factoid_metadata_levels{$key}) {
$meta_level = $factoid_metadata_levels{$key};
if ($meta_level > 0) {
if ($level == 0) {
return "You must be an admin to set $key";
} elsif ($level < $meta_level) {
return "You must be at least level $meta_level to set $key";
if (defined $value and !$level and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before setting.";
2019-05-28 04:40:24 +02:00
if (lc $key eq 'effective-level' and defined $value and $level > 0) {
if ($value > $level) {
return "You cannot set `effective-level` greater than your level, which is $level.";
} elsif ($value < 0) {
return "You cannot set a negative effective-level.";
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->set($channel, $trigger, 'locked', '1');
if (lc $key eq 'locked' and exists $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
if ($level < $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
return "You cannot unlock this factoid because its effective-level is greater than your level.";
if (defined $owner_channel) {
my $factoid = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$owner_channel}->{$owner_trigger};
my $owner;
my $mask;
if ($factoid->{'locked'}) {
# check owner against full hostmask for locked factoids
$owner = $factoid->{'owner'};
$mask = "$nick!$user\@$host";
} else {
# otherwise just the nick
($owner) = $factoid->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/;
$mask = $nick;
if ((defined $value and $key ne 'action' and $key ne 'action_with_args') and lc $mask ne lc $owner and $level == 0) {
return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name.";
my $result = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->set($channel, $trigger, $key, $value);
2015-12-22 17:12:59 +01:00
if (defined $value and $result =~ m/set to/) {
2017-08-28 04:02:48 +02:00
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "set $key to $value");
return $result;
sub factunset {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $args) = @_;
my $usage = 'Usage: factunset [channel] <factoid> <key>';
my ($channel, $trigger, $arguments) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factunset', usage => $usage, explicit => 1);
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
my ($key) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($arguments, strip_quotes => 1);
return $usage if not length $key;
my ($owner_channel, $owner_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($channel, $trigger, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
my $admininfo;
if (defined $owner_channel) {
$admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($owner_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
} else {
$admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
my $level = 0;
my $meta_level = 0;
if (defined $admininfo) {
$level = $admininfo->{level};
if (defined $factoid_metadata_levels{$key}) {
$meta_level = $factoid_metadata_levels{$key};
if ($meta_level > 0) {
if ($level == 0) {
return "You must be an admin to unset $key";
} elsif ($level < $meta_level) {
return "You must be at least level $meta_level to unset $key";
if (exists $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
if (lc $key eq 'locked') {
if ($level >= $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->unset($channel, $trigger, 'effective-level');
} else {
return "You cannot unlock this factoid because its effective-level is higher than your level.";
} elsif (lc $key eq 'effective-level') {
if ($level < $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
return "You cannot unset the effective-level because it is higher than your level.";
my $oldvalue;
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
if (defined $owner_channel) {
my $factoid = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$owner_channel}->{$owner_trigger};
my ($owner) = $factoid->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/;
if ($key ne 'action_with_args' and lc $nick ne lc $owner and $level == 0) {
return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name.";
$oldvalue = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{$key};
return "[$channel_name] $trigger_name: key '$key' does not exist." if not defined $oldvalue;
my $result = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->unset($channel, $trigger, $key);
if ($result =~ m/unset/) {
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "unset $key (value: $oldvalue)");
return $result;
sub factmove {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($src_channel, $source, $target_channel, $target) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 5);
my $usage = "Usage: factmove <source channel> <source factoid> <target channel/factoid> [target factoid]";
if (not defined $target_channel) {
return $usage;
if ($target_channel !~ /^#/ and $target_channel ne '.*') {
if (defined $target) {
return "Unexpected argument '$target' when renaming to '$target_channel'. Perhaps '$target_channel' is missing #s? $usage";
$target = $target_channel;
$target_channel = $src_channel;
} else {
if (not defined $target) {
$target = $source;
if (length $target > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long.";
if (length $target_channel > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel name needs to be that long.";
my ($found_src_channel, $found_source) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($src_channel, $source, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (not defined $found_src_channel) {
return "Source factoid $source not found in channel $src_channel";
my $source_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$found_src_channel}->{_name};
my $source_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$found_src_channel}->{$found_source}->{_name};
$source_channel_name = 'global' if $source_channel_name eq '.*';
$source_trigger_name = "\"$source_trigger_name\"" if $source_trigger_name =~ / /;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($owner) = $factoids->{$found_src_channel}->{$found_source}->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/;
if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($found_src_channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempted to move [$found_src_channel] $found_source (not owner)\n");
my $chan = ($found_src_channel eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $found_src_channel);
return "You are not the owner of $source_trigger_name for $source_channel_name.";
if ($factoids->{$found_src_channel}->{$found_source}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $source_trigger_name is locked; unlock before moving.";
my ($found_target_channel, $found_target) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($target_channel, $target, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $found_target_channel) {
my $target_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$found_target_channel}->{_name};
my $target_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$found_target_channel}->{$found_target}->{_name};
$target_channel_name = 'global' if $target_channel_name eq '.*';
$target_trigger_name = "\"$target_trigger_name\"" if $target_trigger_name =~ / /;
return "Target factoid $target_trigger_name already exists in channel $target_channel_name.";
my ($overchannel, $overtrigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $target, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $overtrigger and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{'.*'}->{$overtrigger}->{'nooverride'}) {
my $override_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$overchannel}->{_name};
my $override_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$overchannel}->{$overtrigger}->{_name};
$override_channel_name = 'global' if $override_channel_name eq '.*';
$override_trigger_name = "\"$override_trigger_name\"" if $override_trigger_name =~ / /;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to override $target\n");
return "/say $override_trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($target_channel eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $target_channel) . ".";
if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($target)) {
return "/say $target already exists as a built-in command.";
$target_channel = '.*' if $target_channel !~ /^#/;
$factoids->{lc $target_channel}->{lc $target} = delete $factoids->{$found_src_channel}->{$found_source};
$factoids->{lc $target_channel}->{lc $target}->{_name} = $target;
$factoids->{lc $target_channel}->{_name} = $target_channel if not exists $factoids->{lc $target_channel}->{_name};
2015-02-16 05:17:36 +01:00
$found_src_channel = 'global' if $found_src_channel eq '.*';
$target_channel = 'global' if $target_channel eq '.*';
if ($src_channel eq lc $target_channel) {
$self->log_factoid($found_src_channel, $found_source, "$nick!$user\@$host", "renamed from $source_trigger_name to $target");
$self->log_factoid($target_channel, $target, "$nick!$user\@$host", "renamed from $source_trigger_name to $target");
return "[$source_channel_name] $source_trigger_name renamed to $target";
} else {
$self->log_factoid($found_src_channel, $found_source, "$nick!$user\@$host", "moved from $source_channel_name/$source_trigger_name to $target_channel/$target");
$self->log_factoid($target_channel, $target, "$nick!$user\@$host", "moved from $source_channel_name/$source_trigger_name to $target_channel/$target");
return "[$source_channel_name] $source_trigger_name moved to [$target_channel] $target";
sub factalias {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($chan, $alias, $command) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 3);
if (defined $chan and not ($chan eq '.*' or $chan =~ m/^#/)) {
# $chan doesn't look like a channel, so shift everything to the right
# and replace $chan with $from
if (defined $command and length $command) {
$command = "$alias $command";
} else {
$command = $alias;
$alias = $chan;
$chan = $from;
$chan = '.*' if $chan !~ /^#/;
if (not length $alias or not length $command) {
return "Usage: factalias [channel] <keyword> <command>";
if (length $alias > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long.";
if (length $chan > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel name needs to be that long.";
my ($channel, $alias_trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($chan, $alias, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
if (defined $alias_trigger) {
my $alias_channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $alias_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$alias_trigger}->{_name};
$alias_channel_name = 'global' if $alias_channel_name eq '.*';
$alias_trigger_name = "\"$alias_trigger_name\"" if $alias_trigger_name =~ / /;
return "$alias_trigger_name already exists for $alias_channel_name.";
my ($overchannel, $overtrigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $alias, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $overtrigger and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{'.*'}->{$overtrigger}->{'nooverride'}) {
my $override_trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$overchannel}->{$overtrigger}->{_name};
$override_trigger_name = "\"$override_trigger_name\"" if $override_trigger_name =~ / /;
return "/say $override_trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $chan) . ".";
if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($alias)) {
return "/say $alias already exists as a built-in command.";
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $chan, "$nick!$user\@$host", $alias, "/call $command");
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host [$chan] aliased $alias => $command\n");
return "$alias aliases `$command` for " . ($chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $chan);
sub add_regex {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($keyword, $text) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments;
$from = '.*' if not defined $from or $from !~ /^#/;
if (not defined $keyword) {
$text = "";
foreach my $trigger (sort keys %{ $factoids->{lc $from} }) {
next if $trigger eq '_name';
if ($factoids->{$from}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'regex') {
$text .= $trigger . " ";
return "Stored regexs for channel $from: $text";
if (not defined $text) {
return "Usage: regex <regex> <command>";
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from, $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $trigger) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host attempt to overwrite $trigger\n");
return "/say $trigger already exists for channel $channel.";
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('regex', $from, "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $text);
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host added [$keyword] => [$text]\n");
return "/say $keyword added.";
sub factadd {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my ($from_chan, $keyword, $text, $force);
my @arglist = @{$stuff->{arglist}};
if (@arglist) {
# check for -f since we allow it to be before optional channel argument
if ($arglist[0] eq '-f') {
$force = 1;
# check if this is an optional channel argument
if ($arglist[0] =~ m/(?:^#|^global$|^\.\*$)/i) {
$from_chan = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist);
} else {
$from_chan = $from;
# check for -f again since we also allow it to appear after the channel argument
if ($arglist[0] eq '-f') {
$force = 1;
# now this is the keyword
$keyword = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->shift_arg(\@arglist);
# check for -url
if ($arglist[0] eq '-url') {
# discard it
# the URL is the remaining arguments
my ($url) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args(\@arglist, 1);
# FIXME: move this to registry
if ($url !~ m/^https?:\/\/(?:sprunge.us|ix.io)\/\w+$/) {
return "Invalid URL: acceptable URLs are: http://sprunge.us, http://ix.io";
# create a UserAgent
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);
# get the factoid's text from the URL
my $response = $ua->get($url);
# process the response
if ($response->is_success) {
$text = $response->decoded_content;
} else {
return "Failed to get URL: " . $response->status_line;
} else {
# check for optional "is" and discard
if (lc $arglist[0] eq 'is') {
# and the text is the remaining arguments with quotes preserved
($text) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args(\@arglist, 1);
if (not defined $from_chan or not defined $text or not defined $keyword) {
return "Usage: factadd [-f] [channel] <keyword> (<factoid> | -url <paste site>); -f to force overwrite; -url to download from paste site";
2018-08-01 02:23:15 +02:00
$from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan !~ /^#/;
2017-01-30 03:01:26 +01:00
if (length $keyword > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_name_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the factoid name needs to be that long.";
if (length $from_chan > $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('factoids', 'max_channel_length')) {
return "/say $nick: I don't think the channel needs to be that long.";
2017-01-30 03:01:26 +01:00
$from_chan = '.*' if lc $from_chan eq 'global';
$from_chan = '.*' if not $from_chan =~ m/^#/;
my $keyword_text = $keyword =~ / / ? "\"$keyword\"" : $keyword;
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $trigger) {
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
if (not $force) {
return "/say $trigger_name already exists for $channel_name.";
} else {
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before overwriting.";
my ($owner) = $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/;
if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) {
return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name for $channel_name; cannot force overwrite.";
($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid('.*', $keyword, exact_channel => 1, exact_trigger => 1);
if (defined $trigger and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{'.*'}->{$trigger}->{'nooverride'}) {
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
return "/say $trigger_name already exists for the global channel and cannot be overridden for " . ($from_chan eq '.*' ? 'the global channel' : $from_chan) . ".";
if ($self->{pbot}->{commands}->exists($keyword)) {
return "/say $keyword_text already exists as a built-in command.";
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('text', $from_chan, "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $text);
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host added [$from_chan] $keyword_text => $text\n");
return "/say $keyword_text added to " . ($from_chan eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $from_chan) . ".";
sub factrem {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($from_chan, $from_trig) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2);
if (not defined $from_trig) {
$from_trig = $from_chan;
$from_chan = $from;
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factrem', explicit => 1);
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
$channel = '.*' if $channel eq 'global';
$from_chan = '.*' if $channel eq 'global';
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'module') {
return "/say $trigger_name is not a factoid.";
if ($channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) {
return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, but this is $from_chan. Please switch to $channel_name or use /msg to remove this factoid.";
my ($owner) = $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'owner'} =~ m/([^!]+)/;
if ((lc $nick ne lc $owner) and (not $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host"))) {
return "You are not the owner of $trigger_name for $channel_name.";
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked; unlock before deleting.";
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host removed [$channel][$trigger][" . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action} . "]\n");
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->remove_factoid($channel, $trigger);
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "deleted", 1);
return "/say $trigger_name removed from $channel_name.";
sub histogram {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my %hash;
my $factoid_count = 0;
foreach my $channel (keys %$factoids) {
foreach my $command (keys %{ $factoids->{$channel} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$command}->{type} eq 'text') {
my $text;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $owner (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) {
my $percent = int($hash{$owner} / $factoid_count * 100);
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
$text .= "$owner: $hash{$owner} ($percent". "%)\n";
last if $i >= 10;
return "/say $factoid_count factoids, top 10 submitters:\n$text";
sub factshow {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
$stuff->{preserve_whitespace} = 1;
my $usage = "Usage: factshow [-p] [channel] <keyword>; -p to paste";
return $usage if not $arguments;
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($paste);
my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments,
'p' => \$paste);
return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @$args > 2;
return "Missing argument -- $usage" if not @$args;
my ($chan, $trig) = @$args;
if (not defined $trig) {
$chan = $from;
$args = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args);
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factshow', usage => $usage);
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
my $result = "$trigger_name: ";
if ($paste) {
$result .= $self->{pbot}->{webpaste}->paste($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action}, no_split => 1);
$result = "[$channel_name] $result" if $channel ne lc $chan;
return $result;
$result .= $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action};
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'module') {
$result .= ' [module]';
$result = "[$channel_name] $result" if $channel ne lc $chan;
return $result;
sub factlog {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $usage = "Usage: factlog [-h] [-t] [channel] <keyword>; -h show full hostmask; -t show actual timestamp instead of relative";
return $usage if not $arguments;
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($show_hostmask, $actual_timestamp);
my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($arguments,
'h' => \$show_hostmask,
't' => \$actual_timestamp);
return "/say $getopt_error -- $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return "Too many arguments -- $usage" if @$args > 2;
return "Missing argument -- $usage" if not @$args;
$args = join(' ', map { $_ = "'$_'" if $_ =~ m/ /; $_; } @$args);
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $args, 'factlog', usage => $usage, exact_channel => 1);
if (not defined $trigger) {
# factoid not found or some error, try to continue and load factlog file if it exists
my $arglist = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->make_args($args);
($channel, $trigger) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($arglist, 2);
if (not defined $trigger) {
$trigger = $channel;
$channel = $from;
$channel = '.*' if $channel !~ m/^#/;
my $path = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'data_dir') . '/factlog';
$channel = 'global' if $channel eq '.*';
my $channel_safe = safe_filename $channel;
my $trigger_safe = safe_filename $trigger;
open my $fh, "< $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_safe" or do {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Could not open $path/$trigger_safe.$channel_safe: $!\n");
$channel = 'the global channel' if $channel eq 'global';
return "No factlog available for $trigger in $channel.";
my @entries;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
my ($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg);
($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg) = eval {
my $h = decode_json $line;
return ($h->{ts}, $h->{hm}, $h->{msg});
if ($@) {
($timestamp, $hostmask, $msg) = split /\s+/, $line, 3;
if (not $show_hostmask) {
$hostmask =~ s/!.*$//;
if ($actual_timestamp) {
$timestamp = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime $timestamp;
} else {
$timestamp = concise ago gettimeofday - $timestamp;
push @entries, "[$timestamp] $hostmask $msg\n";
close $fh;
my $result = join "", reverse @entries;
return $result;
sub factinfo {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($chan, $trig) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2);
if (not defined $trig) {
$trig = $chan;
$chan = $from;
my ($channel, $trigger) = $self->find_factoid_with_optional_channel($from, $arguments, 'factinfo');
return $channel if not defined $trigger; # if $trigger is not defined, $channel is an error message
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
my $created_ago = ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on});
my $ref_ago = ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) if defined $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on};
# factoid
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'text') {
return "/say $trigger_name: Factoid submitted by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{owner} . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on}) . " [$created_ago], " . (defined $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} ? "last edited by $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on}) . " [" . ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on}) . "], " : "") . "referenced " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_count} . " times (last by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_user} . (exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on} ? " on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) . " [$ref_ago]" : "") . ")";
# module
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'module') {
my $module_repo = $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('general', 'module_repo');
$module_repo .= "$factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{workdir}/" if exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{workdir};
return "/say $trigger_name: Module loaded by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{owner} . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on}) . " [$created_ago] -> $module_repo" . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action} . ", used " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_count} . " times (last by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_user} . (exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on} ? " on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) . " [$ref_ago]" : "") . ")";
# regex
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'regex') {
return "/say $trigger_name: Regex created by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{owner} . " for $channel_name on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{created_on}) . " [$created_ago], " . (defined $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} ? "last edited by $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on}) . " [" . ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on}) . "], " : "") . " used " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_count} . " times (last by " . $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{ref_user} . (exists $factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on} ? " on " . localtime($factoids->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{last_referenced_on}) . " [$ref_ago]" : "") . ")";
return "/say $arguments is not a factoid or a module.";
sub top20 {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my %hash = ();
my $text = "";
my $i = 0;
my ($channel, $args) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($stuff->{arglist}, 2);
if (not defined $channel) {
return "Usage: top20 <channel> [nick or 'recent']";
if (not defined $args) {
foreach my $chan (sort keys %{ $factoids }) {
next if lc $chan ne lc $channel;
foreach my $command (sort {$factoids->{$chan}->{$b}->{ref_count} <=> $factoids->{$chan}->{$a}->{ref_count}} keys %{ $factoids->{$chan} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
if ($factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_count} > 0 and $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{type} eq 'text') {
$text .= "$factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{_name} ($factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_count}) ";
last if $i >= 20;
$channel = "the global channel" if $channel eq '.*';
$text = "Top $i referenced factoids for $channel: $text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
} else {
if (lc $args eq "recent") {
foreach my $chan (sort keys %{ $factoids }) {
next if lc $chan ne lc $channel;
foreach my $command (sort { $factoids->{$chan}->{$b}{created_on} <=> $factoids->{$chan}->{$a}{created_on} } keys %{ $factoids->{$chan} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
2015-12-22 17:12:59 +01:00
my $ago = concise ago gettimeofday - $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{created_on};
my $owner = $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{owner};
$owner =~ s/!.*$//;
$text .= " $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{_name} [$ago by $owner]\n";
last if $i >= 50;
$channel = "global channel" if $channel eq '.*';
$text = "$i most recent $channel submissions:\n\n$text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
my $user = lc $args;
foreach my $chan (sort keys %{ $factoids }) {
next if lc $chan ne lc $channel;
foreach my $command (sort { ($factoids->{$chan}->{$b}->{last_referenced_on} || 0) <=> ($factoids->{$chan}->{$a}->{last_referenced_on} || 0) } keys %{ $factoids->{$chan} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
if ($factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_user} =~ /\Q$args\E/i) {
if ($user ne lc $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_user} && not $user =~ /$factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_user}/i) {
$user .= " ($factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{ref_user})";
2020-01-11 03:59:15 +01:00
my $ago = $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}{last_referenced_on} ? concise ago(gettimeofday - $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}{last_referenced_on}) : "unknown";
$text .= " $factoids->{$chan}->{$command}->{_name} [$ago]\n";
last if $i >= 20;
$text = "$i factoids last referenced by $user:\n\n$text" if $i > 0;
return $text;
sub count {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my $i = 0;
my $total = 0;
2017-11-18 06:36:41 +01:00
if (not length $arguments) {
return "Usage: count <nick|factoids>";
$arguments = ".*" if ($arguments =~ /^factoids$/);
eval {
foreach my $channel (keys %{ $factoids }) {
foreach my $command (keys %{ $factoids->{$channel} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
next if $factoids->{$channel}->{$command}->{type} ne 'text';
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
if ($factoids->{$channel}->{$command}->{owner} =~ /^\Q$arguments\E$/i) {
return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@;
return "I have $i factoids." if $arguments eq ".*";
if ($i > 0) {
my $percent = int($i / $total * 100);
$percent = 1 if $percent == 0;
return "/say $arguments has submitted $i factoids out of $total ($percent"."%)";
} else {
return "/say $arguments hasn't submitted any factoids";
sub factfind {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my $usage = "Usage: factfind [-channel channel] [-owner regex] [-editby regex] [-refby regex] [-regex] [text]";
if (not defined $arguments) {
return $usage;
my ($channel, $owner, $refby, $editby, $use_regex);
$channel = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-channel\s+([^\b\s]+)//i;
$owner = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-owner\s+([^\b\s]+)//i;
$refby = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-refby\s+([^\b\s]+)//i;
$editby = $1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-editby\s+([^\b\s]+)//i;
$use_regex = 1 if $arguments =~ s/\s*-regex\b//i;
$owner = '.*' if not defined $owner;
$refby = '.*' if not defined $refby;
$editby = '.*' if not defined $editby;
$arguments =~ s/^\s+//;
$arguments =~ s/\s+$//;
$arguments =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$arguments = substr($arguments, 0, 30);
my $argtype = undef;
if ($owner ne '.*') {
$argtype = "owned by $owner";
if ($refby ne '.*') {
if (not defined $argtype) {
$argtype = "last referenced by $refby";
} else {
$argtype .= " and last referenced by $refby";
if ($editby ne '.*') {
if (not defined $argtype) {
$argtype = "last edited by $editby";
} else {
$argtype .= " and last edited by $editby";
if ($arguments ne "") {
my $unquoted_args = $arguments;
$unquoted_args =~ s/(?:\\(?!\\))//g;
$unquoted_args =~ s/(?:\\\\)/\\/g;
if (not defined $argtype) {
$argtype = "with text containing '$unquoted_args'";
} else {
$argtype .= " and with text containing '$unquoted_args'";
if (not defined $argtype) {
return $usage;
my ($text, $last_trigger, $last_chan, $i);
$last_chan = "";
$i = 0;
eval {
2017-09-10 07:37:11 +02:00
use re::engine::RE2 -strict => 1;
my $regex;
if ($use_regex) {
$regex = $arguments;
} else {
$regex = ($arguments =~ m/^\w/) ? '\b' : '\B';
$regex .= quotemeta $arguments;
$regex .= ($arguments =~ m/\w$/) ? '\b' : '\B';
foreach my $chan (sort keys %{ $factoids }) {
2018-05-12 11:52:52 +02:00
next if defined $channel and $chan !~ /^$channel$/i;
foreach my $trigger (sort keys %{ $factoids->{$chan} }) {
next if $trigger eq '_name';
if ($factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'text' or $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{type} eq 'regex') {
if ($factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{owner} =~ /^$owner$/i
2018-05-12 11:52:52 +02:00
&& $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{ref_user} =~ /^$refby$/i
&& (exists $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} ? $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} =~ /^$editby$/i : 1)) {
next if ($arguments ne "" && $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{action} !~ /$regex/i && $trigger !~ /$regex/i);
if ($chan ne $last_chan) {
$text .= $chan eq '.*' ? "[global channel] " : "[$factoids->{$chan}->{_name}] ";
$last_chan = $chan;
my $trigger_name = $factoids->{$chan}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
$text .= "$trigger_name ";
$last_trigger = $trigger_name;
return "/msg $nick $arguments: $@" if $@;
if ($i == 1) {
chop $text;
return "Found one factoid submitted for " . ($last_chan eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $factoids->{$last_chan}->{_name}) . " " . $argtype . ": $last_trigger is $factoids->{$last_chan}->{$last_trigger}->{action}";
} else {
return "Found $i factoids " . $argtype . ": $text" unless $i == 0;
my $chans = (defined $channel ? ($channel eq '.*' ? 'global channel' : $channel) : 'any channels');
return "No factoids " . $argtype . " submitted for $chans.";
sub factchange {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $factoids_hash = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($channel, $trigger, $keyword, $delim, $tochange, $changeto, $modifier, $url);
$stuff->{preserve_whitespace} = 1;
my $needs_disambig;
if (length $arguments) {
my $args = $stuff->{arglist};
my $sub;
my $arg_count = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->arglist_size($args);
if ($arg_count >= 4 and ($args->[0] =~ m/^#/ or $args->[0] eq '.*' or lc $args->[0] eq 'global') and ($args->[2] eq '-url')) {
$channel = $args->[0];
$keyword = $args->[1];
$url = $args->[3];
$needs_disambig = 0;
} elsif ($arg_count >= 3 and $args->[1] eq '-url') {
$keyword = $args->[0];
$url = $args->[2];
$channel = $from;
$needs_disambig = 1;
} elsif ($arg_count >= 3 and ($args->[0] =~ m/^#/ or $args->[0] eq '.*' or lc $args->[0] eq 'global') and ($args->[2] =~ m/^s([[:punct:]])/)) {
$delim = $1;
$channel = $args->[0];
$keyword = $args->[1];
($sub) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($args, 1, 2);
$needs_disambig = 0;
} elsif ($arg_count >= 2 and $args->[1] =~ m/^s([[:punct:]])/) {
$delim = $1;
$keyword = $args->[0];
$channel = $from;
($sub) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_args($args, 1, 1);
$needs_disambig = 1;
if (defined $sub) {
$delim = quotemeta $delim;
if ($sub =~ /^s$delim(.*?)$delim(.*)$delim(.*)$/) {
$tochange = $1;
$changeto = $2;
$modifier = $3;
} elsif ($sub =~ /^s$delim(.*?)$delim(.*)$/) {
$tochange = $1;
$changeto = $2;
$modifier = '';
if (not defined $channel or (not defined $changeto and not defined $url)) {
return "Usage: factchange [channel] <keyword> (s/<pattern>/<replacement>/ | -url <paste site>)";
my ($from_trigger, $from_chan) = ($keyword, $channel);
my @factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->find_factoid($from_chan, $keyword, exact_trigger => 1);
if (not @factoids or not $factoids[0]) {
$from_chan = 'global channel' if $from_chan eq '.*';
return "/say $keyword not found in $from_chan";
if (@factoids > 1) {
if (not grep { $_->[0] eq $from_chan } @factoids) {
return "/say $from_trigger found in multiple channels: " . (join ', ', sort map { $_->[0] eq '.*' ? 'global' : $_->[0] } @factoids) . "; use `factchange <channel> $from_trigger` to disambiguate.";
} else {
foreach my $factoid (@factoids) {
if ($factoid->[0] eq $from_chan) {
($channel, $trigger) = ($factoid->[0], $factoid->[1]);
} else {
($channel, $trigger) = ($factoids[0]->[0], $factoids[0]->[1]);
if (not defined $trigger) {
return "/say $keyword not found in channel $from_chan.";
my $channel_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{_name};
my $trigger_name = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{_name};
$channel_name = 'global' if $channel_name eq '.*';
$trigger_name = "\"$trigger_name\"" if $trigger_name =~ / /;
$from_chan = '.*' if $from_chan eq 'global';
if ($channel =~ /^#/ and $from_chan =~ /^#/ and $channel ne $from_chan) {
return "/say $trigger_name belongs to $channel_name, but this is $from_chan. Please switch to $channel_name or use /msg to change this factoid.";
my $admininfo = $self->{pbot}->{users}->loggedin_admin($channel, "$nick!$user\@$host");
if ($factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'locked'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked and cannot be changed." if not defined $admininfo;
if (exists $factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}
and $admininfo->{level} < $factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{'effective-level'}) {
return "/say $trigger_name is locked with an effective-level higher than your level and cannot be changed.";
my $action = $factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action};
if (defined $url) {
# FIXME: move this to registry
if ($url !~ m/^https?:\/\/(?:sprunge.us|ix.io)\/\w+$/) {
return "Invalid URL: acceptable URLs are: http://sprunge.us, http://ix.io";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
$action = $response->decoded_content;
} else {
return "Failed to get URL: " . $response->status_line;
} else {
my $ret = eval {
use re::engine::RE2 -strict => 1;
my $changed;
if ($modifier eq 'gi' or $modifier eq 'ig' or $modifier eq 'g') {
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9");
my $magic = '';
$magic .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..(10 * rand) + 10;
my $insensitive = index ($modifier, 'i') + 1;
my $count = 0;
my $max = 50;
while (1) {
if ($count == 0) {
if ($insensitive) {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto$magic|i;
} else {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto$magic|;
} else {
if ($insensitive) {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$1$changeto$magic|i;
} else {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$1$changeto$magic|;
if ($changed) {
if ($count == $max) {
$action =~ s/$magic//;
$tochange = "$magic(.*?)$tochange" if $count == 1;
} else {
$changed = $count;
$action =~ s/$magic// if $changed;
} elsif ($modifier eq 'i') {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto|i;
} else {
$changed = $action =~ s|$tochange|$changeto|;
if (not $changed) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: failed to change '$trigger' 's$delim$tochange$delim$changeto$delim\n");
return "Change $trigger failed.";
return "";
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
$err =~ s/ at PBot\/FactoidCommand.*$//;
return "/msg $nick Change $trigger_name failed: $err";
return $ret if length $ret;
if (length $action > 8000 and not defined $admininfo) {
return "Change $trigger_name failed; result is too long.";
if (not length $action) {
return "Change $trigger_name failed; factoids cannot be empty.";
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("($from) $nick!$user\@$host: changed '$trigger' 's/$tochange/$changeto/\n");
$factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action} = $action;
$factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_by} = "$nick!$user\@$host";
$factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{edited_on} = gettimeofday;
$self->log_factoid($channel, $trigger, "$nick!$user\@$host", "changed to $factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action}");
return "Changed: $trigger_name is " . $factoids_hash->{$channel}->{$trigger}->{action};
# FIXME: these two functions need to use $stuff->{arglist}
sub load_module {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
my ($keyword, $module) = $arguments =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/ if defined $arguments;
if (not defined $module) {
return "Usage: load <keyword> <module>";
if (not exists($factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $keyword})) {
$self->{pbot}->{factoids}->add_factoid('module', '.*', "$nick!$user\@$host", $keyword, $module);
$factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $keyword}->{add_nick} = 1;
$factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $keyword}->{nooverride} = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host loaded module $keyword => $module\n");
return "Loaded module $keyword => $module";
} else {
return "There is already a keyword named $factoids->{'.*'}->{$keyword}->{_name}.";
sub unload_module {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $factoids = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash};
if (not defined $arguments) {
return "Usage: unload <keyword>";
} elsif (not exists $factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $arguments}) {
return "/say $arguments not found.";
} elsif ($factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $arguments}->{type} ne 'module') {
return "/say " . $factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $arguments}->{_name} . " is not a module.";
} else {
my $data = delete $factoids->{'.*'}->{lc $arguments};
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host unloaded module $arguments\n");
return "/say $data->{_name} unloaded.";
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00