* [List of recognized registry items](#list-of-recognized-registry-items)
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There are two types of registry values: literals and arrays. Literals can be strings, floats or integers. Arrays are comma-separated lists of literals.
Overriding registry values per-channel
Some key/value pairs belonging to a specific section may be overridden on a per-channel basis by setting the key/value in a channel-specific section.
For example, the bot's trigger is defined in `general.trigger`. You may add a trigger key in `#channel` to override the trigger value for that channel: `#channel.trigger`.
For another example, the anti-flood max lines is defined in `antiflood.chat_flood_threshold`. To override this setting in `#neatchannel`, you can set `#neatchannel.chat_flood_threshold`.
`regadd` adds a new registry value to a specific section/channel.
Usage: `regadd <section> <key> <value>`
For example, to override the trigger for #mychannel to be any of `,`, `!` or `%`:
<pragma> regadd #mychannel trigger [,!%]
<PBot> [#mychannel] trigger set to [,!%]
Some registry values can be *regular expressions*, like the above trigger example. Setting `general.trigger` to the character class `[,!%]` means that it will respond to `,``!` and `%` as trigger characters on a general basis.
`regrem` removes a registry key from a specific section/channel.
Usage: `regrem <section> <key>`
`regshow` displays the type and value of a specific key.
`regset` sets the meta-data values for a specific registry key. See [registry meta-data list](#Registry_metadata_list).
If you omit the `<key>` argument, it will list all the defined keys and values for the registry item. If you specify `<key>` but omit `<value>`, it will show the value for that specific key.
Usage: `regset <section> <item> [key [value]]`
<pragma> regset irc botnick value pangloss
* PBot changed nick to pangloss
<pangloss> [irc] botnick: 'value' set to 'pangloss'
### Registry metadata list
This is a list of recognized registry meta-data keys.
*`type`: sets the type of this registry key; values can be `text` (literal) or `array`.
*`value`: the value of this registry key.
*`private`: whether the value of the registry key is displayed in regset, regshow or regfind. If set to a true value, the value of the registry key will be shown as "**\<private\>**".
`regunset` deletes a meta-data key from a registry key.
Usage: `regunset <section> <item> <key>`
`regchange` changes the value of a registry item using a *regular substitution expression*.