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# File: ProcessManager.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: Handles forking and execution of module/subroutine processes
License project under MPL2 This patch adds the file LICENSE which is the verbatim copy of the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 as retreived from https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.815ca599c9df.txt on 2017-03-05. This patch also places license headers for the MPL2 type A variant of the license header in the following files: PBot/AntiFlood.pm PBot/BanTracker.pm PBot/BlackList.pm PBot/BotAdminCommands.pm PBot/BotAdmins.pm PBot/ChanOpCommands.pm PBot/ChanOps.pm PBot/Channels.pm PBot/Commands.pm PBot/DualIndexHashObject.pm PBot/EventDispatcher.pm PBot/FactoidCommands.pm PBot/FactoidModuleLauncher.pm PBot/Factoids.pm PBot/HashObject.pm PBot/IRCHandlers.pm PBot/IgnoreList.pm PBot/IgnoreListCommands.pm PBot/Interpreter.pm PBot/LagChecker.pm PBot/Logger.pm PBot/MessageHistory.pm PBot/MessageHistory_SQLite.pm PBot/NickList.pm PBot/PBot.pm PBot/Plugins.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiAway.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiKickAutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiRepeat.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiTwitter.pm PBot/Plugins/AutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/Counter.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_Hashtable.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_SQLite.pm PBot/Plugins/UrlTitles.pm PBot/Plugins/_Example.pm PBot/Refresher.pm PBot/Registerable.pm PBot/Registry.pm PBot/RegistryCommands.pm PBot/SQLiteLogger.pm PBot/SQLiteLoggerLayer.pm PBot/SelectHandler.pm PBot/StdinReader.pm PBot/Timer.pm PBot/Utils/ParseDate.pm PBot/VERSION.pm build/update-version.pl modules/acronym.pl modules/ago.pl modules/c11std.pl modules/c2english.pl modules/c2english/CGrammar.pm modules/c2english/c2eng.pl modules/c99std.pl modules/cdecl.pl modules/cfaq.pl modules/cjeopardy/IRCColors.pm modules/cjeopardy/QStatskeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/Scorekeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_answer.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_filter.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_hint.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_qstats.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_scores.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_show.pl modules/codepad.pl modules/compiler_block.pl modules/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/Diff.pm modules/compiler_vm/cc modules/compiler_vm/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_vbox_win32.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/languages/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bash.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bc.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bf.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clangpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clisp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/go.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/javascript.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/ksh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/lua.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/perl.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python3.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/scheme.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/tendra.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/sh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/tendra.pm modules/compliment modules/cstd.pl modules/define.pl modules/dice_roll.pl modules/excuse.sh modules/expand_macros.pl modules/fnord.pl modules/funnyish_quote.pl modules/g.pl modules/gdefine.pl modules/gen_cfacts.pl modules/gencstd.pl modules/get_title.pl modules/getcfact.pl modules/google.pl modules/gspy.pl modules/gtop10.pl modules/gtop15.pl modules/headlines.pl modules/horoscope modules/horrorscope modules/ideone.pl modules/insult.pl modules/love_quote.pl modules/man.pl modules/map.pl modules/math.pl modules/prototype.pl modules/qalc.pl modules/random_quote.pl modules/seen.pl modules/urban modules/weather.pl modules/wikipedia.pl pbot.pl pbot.sh It is highly recommended that this list of files is reviewed to ensure that all files are the copyright of the sole maintainer of the repository. If any files with license headers contain the intellectual property of anyone else, it is recommended that a request is made to revise this patch or that the explicit permission of the co-author is gained to allow for the license of the work to be changed. I (Tomasz Kramkowski), the contributor, take no responsibility for any legal action taken against the maintainer of this repository for incorrectly claiming copyright to any work not owned by the maintainer of this repository.
2017-03-05 22:33:31 +01:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::ProcessManager;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
use parent 'PBot::Class';
use warnings; use strict;
2019-07-11 03:40:53 +02:00
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use Time::Duration qw/concise duration/;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use JSON;
sub initialize {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->ps_cmd(@_) }, 'ps', 0);
$self->{pbot}->{commands}->register(sub { $self->kill_cmd(@_) }, 'kill', 1);
$self->{pbot}->{capabilities}->add('admin', 'can-kill', 1);
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
$self->{processes} = {};
# automatically reap children processes in background
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
my $pid; do { $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); $self->remove_process($pid) if $pid > 0; } while $pid > 0;
sub ps_cmd {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $usage = 'Usage: ps [-atu]; -a show all information; -t show running time; -u show user/channel';
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($show_all, $show_user, $show_running_time);
my @opt_args = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($arguments, strip_quotes => 1);
'all|a' => \$show_all,
'user|u' => \$show_user,
'time|t' => \$show_running_time
return "$getopt_error; $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my @processes;
foreach my $pid (sort keys %{$self->{processes}}) { push @processes, $self->{processes}->{$pid}; }
if (not @processes) { return "No running processes."; }
my $result;
if (@processes == 1) { $result = 'One process: '; } else { $result = @processes . ' processes: '; }
my $sep = '';
foreach my $process (@processes) {
$result .= $sep;
$result .= "$process->{pid}: $process->{commands}->[0]";
if ($show_running_time or $show_all) {
my $duration = concise duration (gettimeofday - $process->{process_start});
$result .= " [$duration]";
if ($show_user or $show_all) {
$result .= " ($process->{nick} in $process->{from})";
$sep = '; ';
return $result;
sub kill_cmd {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments, $stuff) = @_;
my $usage = 'Usage: kill [-a] [-t <seconds>] [-s <signal>] [pids...]; -a kill all processes; -t <seconds> kill processes running longer than <seconds>; -s send <signal> to processes';
my $getopt_error;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$getopt_error = shift;
chomp $getopt_error;
my ($kill_all, $kill_time, $signal);
my @opt_args = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->split_line($arguments, preserve_escapes => 1, strip_quotes => 1);
'all|a' => \$kill_all,
'time|t=i' => \$kill_time,
'signal|s=s' => \$signal,
return "$getopt_error; $usage" if defined $getopt_error;
return "Must specify PIDs to kill unless options -a or -t are provided." if not $kill_all and not $kill_time and not @opt_args;
if (defined $signal) {
$signal = uc $signal;
} else {
$signal = 'INT';
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my @pids;
if (defined $kill_all or defined $kill_time) {
my $now = time;
foreach my $pid (sort keys %{$self->{processes}}) {
my $process = $self->{processes}->{$pid};
next if defined $kill_time and $now - $process->{process_start} < $kill_time;
push @pids, $pid;
} else {
foreach my $pid (@opt_args) {
return "No such pid $pid." if not exists $self->{processes}->{$pid};
push @pids, $pid;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
return "No matching process." if not @pids;
my $ret = eval { kill $signal, @pids };
if ($@) { my $error = $@; $error =~ s/ at PBot.*//; return $error; }
return "[$ret] Sent signal " . $signal . ' to ' . join ', ', @pids;
sub add_process {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $pid, $stuff) = @_;
$stuff->{process_start} = gettimeofday;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
$self->{processes}->{$pid} = $stuff;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Starting process $pid: $stuff->{commands}->[0]\n");
sub remove_process {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
if (exists $self->{processes}->{$pid}) {
my $command = $self->{processes}->{$pid}->{commands}->[0];
my $duration = gettimeofday - $self->{processes}->{$pid}->{process_start};
$duration = sprintf "%0.3f", $duration;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Finished process $pid ($command): duration $duration seconds\n");
delete $self->{processes}->{$pid};
} else {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Finished process $pid\n");
sub execute_process {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $stuff, $subref, $timeout) = @_;
$timeout //= 30;
if (not exists $stuff->{commands}) { $stuff->{commands} = [$stuff->{command}]; }
# don't fork again if we're already a forked process
if (exists $stuff->{pid}) {
return $stuff->{result};
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
pipe(my $reader, my $writer);
$stuff->{pid} = fork;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
if (not defined $stuff->{pid}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Could not fork process: $!\n");
close $reader;
close $writer;
$stuff->{checkflood} = 1;
$self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->handle_result($stuff, "/me groans loudly.\n");
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
if ($stuff->{pid} == 0) {
# child
close $reader;
# don't quit the IRC client when the child dies
no warnings;
*PBot::IRC::Connection::DESTROY = sub { return; };
use warnings;
# remove atexit handlers
# execute the provided subroutine, results are stored in $stuff
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Process `$stuff->{commands}->[0]` timed-out" };
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
alarm $timeout;
die if $@;
alarm 0;
# check for errors
if ($@) {
$stuff->{result} = $@;
$stuff->{'timed-out'} = 1 if $stuff->{result} =~ /^Process .* timed-out at PBot\/ProcessManager/;
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Error executing process: $stuff->{result}\n");
$stuff->{result} =~ s/ at PBot.*$//ms;
# print $stuff to pipe
my $json = encode_json $stuff;
print $writer "$json\n";
# end child
exit 0;
} else {
# parent
close $writer;
$self->add_process($stuff->{pid}, $stuff);
$self->{pbot}->{select_handler}->add_reader($reader, sub { $self->process_pipe_reader($stuff->{pid}, @_) });
# return empty string since reader will handle the output when child is finished
return "";
sub process_pipe_reader {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my ($self, $pid, $buf) = @_;
my $stuff = decode_json $buf or do {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("Failed to decode bad json: [$buf]\n");
delete $stuff->{pid};
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
if (not defined $stuff->{result} or not length $stuff->{result}) {
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No result from process.\n");
if ($stuff->{referenced}) { return if $stuff->{result} =~ m/(?:no results)/i; }
if (exists $stuff->{special} and $stuff->{special} eq 'code-factoid') {
$stuff->{result} =~ s/\s+$//g;
$self->{pbot}->{logger}->log("No text result from code-factoid.\n") and return if not length $stuff->{result};
$stuff->{original_keyword} = $stuff->{root_keyword};
$stuff->{result} = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->handle_action($stuff, $stuff->{result});
$stuff->{checkflood} = 0;
if (defined $stuff->{nickoverride}) { $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->handle_result($stuff, $stuff->{result}); }
else {
# don't override nick if already set
if ( exists $stuff->{special}
and $stuff->{special} ne 'code-factoid'
and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->exists($stuff->{channel}, $stuff->{trigger}, 'add_nick')
and $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{factoids}->get_data($stuff->{channel}, $stuff->{trigger}, 'add_nick') != 0)
$stuff->{nickoverride} = $stuff->{nick};
$stuff->{no_nickoverride} = 0;
$stuff->{force_nickoverride} = 1;
2017-11-26 05:00:55 +01:00
} else {
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
# extract nick-like thing from module result
if ($stuff->{result} =~ s/^(\S+): //) {
my $nick = $1;
if (lc $nick eq "usage") {
# put it back on result if it's a usage message
$stuff->{result} = "$nick: $stuff->{result}";
} else {
my $present = $self->{pbot}->{nicklist}->is_present($stuff->{channel}, $nick);
if ($present) {
# nick is present in channel
$stuff->{nickoverride} = $present;
} else {
# nick not present, put it back on result
$stuff->{result} = "$nick: $stuff->{result}";
2017-11-26 05:00:55 +01:00
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
$self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->handle_result($stuff, $stuff->{result});
2020-02-15 23:38:32 +01:00
my $text = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}
->truncate_result($stuff->{channel}, $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'), 'undef', $stuff->{result}, $stuff->{result}, 0);
->check_flood($stuff->{from}, $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'), $self->{pbot}->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'), 'pbot', $text, 0, 0, 0);