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# File: Selectors.pm
# Purpose: Provides implementation of factoid selectors.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package PBot::Core::Factoids::Selectors;
use parent 'PBot::Core::Class';
use PBot::Imports;
use PBot::Core::Utils::Indefinite;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Duration qw(duration);
sub initialize {
sub make_list {
my ($self, $context, $extracted, $settings, %opts) = @_;
if ($extracted =~ /(.*?)(?<!\\)%\s*\(.*\)/) {
$extracted = $self->expand_selectors($context, $extracted, %opts);
my @list;
foreach my $item (split /\s*(?<!\\)\|\s*/, $extracted, -1) {
$item =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$item =~ s/\\\|/|/g;
if ($settings->{'uc'}) {
$item = uc $item;
if ($settings->{'lc'}) {
$item = lc $item;
if ($settings->{'ucfirst'}) {
$item = ucfirst $item;
if ($settings->{'title'}) {
$item = ucfirst lc $item;
$item =~ s/ (\w)/' ' . uc $1/ge;
if ($settings->{'json'}) {
$item = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{variables}->escape_json($item);
push @list, $item;
if ($settings->{'unique'}) {
foreach my $choice (@{$settings->{'choices'}}) {
@list = grep { $_ ne $choice } @list;
if ($settings->{'sort+'}) {
@list = sort { $a cmp $b } @list;
if ($settings->{'sort-'}) {
@list = sort { $b cmp $a } @list;
return \@list;
sub select_weighted_item_from_list {
my ($self, $list, $index) = @_;
my @weights;
my $weight_sum = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$list; $i++) {
my $weight = 1;
if ($list->[$i] =~ s/:weight\(([0-9.-]+)\)//) {
$weight = $1;
$weights[$i] = [ $weight, $i ];
$weight_sum += $weight;
if (defined $index) {
return $list->[$index];
my $n = rand $weight_sum;
for my $weight (@weights) {
if ($n < $weight->[0]) {
return $list->[$weight->[1]];
$n -= $weight->[0];
sub select_item {
my ($self, $context, $extracted, $modifiers, %opts) = @_;
my %settings = $self->{pbot}->{factoids}->{modifiers}->parse($modifiers);
if (exists $settings{errors}) {
return "[Error: " . join ('; ', @{$settings{errors}}) . ']';
my $item;
if (exists $settings{'index'}) {
my $list = $self->make_list($context, $extracted, \%settings, %opts);
my $index = $settings{'index'};
$index = $#$list - -$index if $index < 0;
$index = 0 if $index < 0;
$index = $#$list if $index > $#$list;
$item = $self->select_weighted_item_from_list($list, $index);
# strip outer quotes
if (not $item =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/) { $item =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; }
} elsif ($settings{'pick'}) {
my $min = $settings{'pick_min'};
my $max = $settings{'pick_max'};
$max = 100 if $max > 100;
my $count = $max;
if ($settings{'random'}) {
$count = int rand ($max + 1 - $min) + $min;
my @choices;
$settings{'choices'} = \@choices;
while ($count-- > 0) {
my $list = $self->make_list($context, $extracted, \%settings, %opts);
last if not @$list;
$max = @$list if $settings{'unique'} and $max > @$list;
$min = $max if $min > $max;
my $choice = $self->select_weighted_item_from_list($list);
push @choices, $choice;
# strip outer quotes
foreach my $choice (@choices) {
if (not $choice =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/) { $choice =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; }
if ($settings{'sort+'}) {
@choices = sort { $a cmp $b } @choices;
if ($settings{'sort-'}) {
@choices = sort { $b cmp $a } @choices;
return @choices if wantarray;
if (exists $settings{'join'}) {
my $sep = $settings{'join'} // '';
$item = join $sep, @choices;
elsif ($settings{'enumerate'} or $settings{'comma'}) {
$item = join ', ', @choices;
$item =~ s/(.*), /$1 and / if $settings{'enumerate'};
else {
$item = $opts{nested} ? join('|', @choices) : "@choices";
} else {
my $list = $self->make_list($context, $extracted, \%settings, %opts);
$item = $self->select_weighted_item_from_list($list);
# strip outer quotes
if (not $item =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/) { $item =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; }
return $item;
sub expand_selectors {
my ($self, $context, $action, %opts) = @_;
my %default_opts = (
nested => 0,
recursions => 0,
%opts = (%default_opts, %opts);
return '!recursion limit!' if ++$opts{recursions} > 100;
my $result = '';
while (1) {
if ($action =~ /(.*?)(?<!\\)%\s*\(.*\)/) {
$result .= $1;
} else {
my ($extracted, $rest) = $self->{pbot}->{interpreter}->extract_bracketed($action, '(', ')', '%', 1);
last if not length $extracted;
my $item = $self->select_item($context, $extracted, \$rest, %opts);
if ($result =~ s/\b(a|an)(\s+)$//i) {
my ($article, $trailing) = ($1, $2);
my $fixed_article = select_indefinite_article $item;
if ($article eq 'AN') {
$fixed_article = uc $fixed_article;
} elsif ($article eq 'An' or $article eq 'A') {
$fixed_article = ucfirst $fixed_article;
$item = $fixed_article . $trailing . $item;
$result .= $item;
$action = $rest;
$result .= $action;
return $result;