mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-05 02:48:50 +02:00

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2021-05-24 02:56:40 +02:00
1. for f in $(ls *.mp3)
2. cp $file $target
3. Filenames with leading dashes
4. [ $foo = "bar" ]
5. cd $(dirname "$f")
6. [ "$foo" = bar && "$bar" = foo ]
7. [[ $foo > 7 ]]
8. grep foo bar | while read -r; do ((count++)); done
9. if [grep foo myfile]
10. if [bar="$foo"]; then ...
11. if [ [ a = b ] && [ c = d ] ]; then ...
12. read $foo
13. cat file | sed s/foo/bar/ > file
14. echo $foo
15. $foo=bar
16. foo = bar
17. echo <<EOF
18. su -c 'some command'
19. cd /foo; bar
20. [ bar == "$foo" ]
21. for i in {1..10}; do ./something &; done
22. cmd1 && cmd2 || cmd3
23. echo "Hello World!"
24. for arg in $*
25. function foo()
26. echo "~"
27. local var=$(cmd)
28. export foo=~/bar
29. sed 's/$foo/good bye/'
30. tr [A-Z] [a-z]
31. ps ax | grep gedit
32. printf "$foo"
33. for i in {1..$n}
34. if [[ $foo = $bar ]] (depending on intent)
35. if [[ $foo =~ 'some RE' ]]
36. [ -n $foo ] or [ -z $foo ]
37. [[ -e "$broken_symlink" ]] returns 1 even though $broken_symlink exists
38. ed file <<<"g/d\{0,3\}/s//e/g" fails
39. expr sub-string fails for "match"
40. On UTF-8 and Byte-Order Marks (BOM)
41. content=$(<file)
42. for file in ./* ; do if [[ $file != *.* ]]
43. somecmd 2>&1 >>logfile
44. cmd; (( ! $? )) || die
45. y=$(( array[$x] ))
46. read num; echo $((num+1))
47. IFS=, read -ra fields <<< "$csv_line"
48. export CDPATH=.:~/myProject
49. OIFS="$IFS"; ...; IFS="$OIFS"
50. hosts=( $(aws ...) )
51. Non-atomic writes with xargs -P
52. find . -exec sh -c 'echo {}' \;
53. sudo mycmd > /myfile
54. sudo ls /foo/*
55. myprogram 2>&-
56. Using xargs without -0
57. unset a[0]
58. month=$(date +%m); day=$(date +%d)
59. i=$(( 10#$i ))
60. set -euo pipefail
61. [[ -v hash[$key] ]]
62. (( hash[$key]++ ))