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#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
use strict;
use List::Util qw[ reduce ]; $a=$b;
our $XLATE ||= 0;
sub rpn2exp {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print "Malformed arguments.\n";
exit 1;
my %tops = map{ $_ => undef } qw[ % MOD + ADD * MULT / DIV ** POW - SUB ];
my @stack;
my $expr;
while( @_ ) {
my $item = shift @_;
push( @stack, $item ), next
unless exists $tops{ $item } or $item =~ m[\(\)$];
if( exists $tops{ $item } ) {
my $arg2 = pop @stack;
my $arg1 = pop @stack;
push @stack, "($arg1 $item $arg2)";
elsif( my( $func ) = $item =~ m[^(.*)\(\)$] ) {
my $args = pop @stack;
if($args > 4) {
print "Too many function arguments.\n";
exit 1;
my @args = map{ pop @stack } 1 .. $args;
push @stack, $func . '(' . join( ', ', reverse @args ) . ')';
return "@stack";
sub nestedOk {
index( $_[ 0 ], '(' ) <= index( $_[ 0 ], ')' ) and
0 == reduce{
$a + ( $b eq '(' ) - ( $b eq ')' )
} 0, split'[^()]*', $_[ 0 ]
my $re_var = qr[ [a-zA-Z]\w* ]x;
my $re_subex = qr[ \{\d+\} ]x;
my $re_func = qr[ $re_var $re_subex ]x;
my $re_num = qr[ -? \d+ (?: \. \d+ )? (?: [Ee] [+-]? \d+ )? ]x;
my $re_term = qr[ $re_num | $re_func | $re_subex | $re_var ]x;
my $re_op = qr[\*\*|[,*%+/^-]];
my %ops = ( qw[ % MOD + ADD * MULT / DIV ** POW - SUB ] );
my @varargs;
sub exp2rpn {
my( $exp, $aStack, $aBits ) = @_;
print "Unbalanced parens: '$exp'" and exit 1 unless nestedOk $exp;
if( $exp =~ m/^$re_term$/ and $exp !~ m/\{\d+\}/ ) {
push @$aStack, $exp;
else {{
my( $left, $op, $right, $rest ) = $exp =~ m[
^ (?: ( $re_term )? ( $re_op ) )? ( $re_term ) ( .* ) $
]x or print "malformed (sub)expression '$exp'" and exit 1;
#{ no warnings; print "'$exp' => L'$left' O'$op' R'$right' >'$rest'"; }
$varargs[ -1 ]++ if $op and $op eq ',' and @varargs;
for ( $left, $right ) {
next unless $_;
if( my( $func, $subex ) = m[^ ( $re_var )? \{ ( \d+ ) \} $]x ) {
push @varargs, 1 if $func;
exp2rpn( $aBits->[ $subex ], $aStack, $aBits );
push @$aStack, pop( @varargs ), "$func()" if $func;
push( @$aStack, $_ );
push @$aStack, $XLATE ? $ops{ $op } : $op
if $op and $op ne ',';
$exp = $rest, redo if $rest;
return $aStack;
sub parseExp {
my( $exp ) = @_;
print "Unbalanced parens: '$exp'" and exit 1 unless nestedOk $exp;
$exp =~ s[\s+][]g;
my( $n, @bits )= ( 1, $exp );
for ( reverse @bits ) {
s/\( ( [^()]* ) \)/ push @bits, $1; "{${ \( $n++ ) }}"; /ex while m/[()]/;
s/([^,]+)(,?)/push @bits, $1; "{${ \( $n++ ) }}$2" /eg for reverse @bits;
for ( reverse @bits ) {
1 while s/( $re_term (?:\*\*) $re_term )/ push @bits, $1; "{${ \( $n++ ) }}"; /gex;
1 while s/( $re_term (?:[*\/%]) $re_term )/ push @bits, $1; "{${ \( $n++ ) }}"; /gex;
1 while s/( $re_term (?:(?<![eE])[+-]) $re_term )/ push @bits, $1; "{${ \( $n++ ) }}"; /gex;
return @{ exp2rpn $bits[ 0 ], [], \@bits };
my $mode = shift @ARGV;
my $args = join ' ', @ARGV;
if(not $args) {
print "Missing arguments.\n";
exit 1;
if($mode eq 'rpn') {
my @rpn = parseExp $args;
print join(', ', @rpn), "\n";
} else {
my $infix = rpn2exp split /\s*,\s*/, $args;
print "$infix\n";