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# Vagrant instructions
### Install Vagrant
To install vagrant on openSUSE, use:
zypper install --no-recommends vagrant vagrant-libvirt
Otherwise see https://vagrant-libvirt.github.io/vagrant-libvirt/installation.html for installation instructions for your platform.
### Install vagrant-libvirt
If your distribution does not have a `vagrant-libvirt` package or if you need an up-to-date version use Vagrant's plugin manager:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
### Start Vagrant Box
To start a virtual machine, `cd` into one of the PBot-VM Vagrant sub-directories and run:
vagrant up
You may pass optional environment variables to override pbot-vm default configuration (see [Virtual Machine](../../../doc/VirtualMachine.md)):
PBOTVM_SERIAL=7777 PBOTVM_HEART=7778 vagrant up
### Shutdown Vagrant Box
vagrant halt
### Destroy Vagrant Box
vagrant destroy
### Delete Vagrant Box
vagrant box list
vagrant box remove <name>
### (Optional) Install Alterantive Vagrant Box
To install an alternative Vagrant box with your preferred OS/distribution, search for one at https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search
and then run the following command to download its Vagrantfile:
vagrant init <OS/distribution>
vagrant init debian/testing64
vagrant init debian/bookworm64
vagrant init opensuse/Tumbleweed.x86_64
vagrant init archlinux/archlinux
vagrant init freebsd/FreeBSD-14.0-CURRENT
vagrant init generic/openbsd7
Then use one of the existing PBot-VM Vagrantfiles as a guide for adjusting your alternative Vagrantfile.