`<name>` | A unique name to identify this account (usually the `nick` of the admin, but can be any identifier).
`<channel>` | Which channel the admin can administrate; use `global` for all channels. This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin.
`<hostmask>` | What hostmask the admin is recognized/allowed to login from (e.g., `somenick!*@*somedomain.com` or `*@unaffiliated/someuser`). This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin.
`<level>` | An integer representing their level of privileges. See [admin-levels](#admin-levels).
`<password>` | the password the admin will use to login (from /msg!). A password is not required if the `stayloggedin` and `loggedin` metadata are set for the admin; however, a dummy password still needs to be set.
Sets metadata for an admin account. You can use the `name` field or the `hostmask` field that was set via `adminadd`. See also: [admin metadata list](#admin-metadata-list).
This is a list of recognized metadata keys for admin accounts.
Name | Description
--- | ---
`name` | A unique name identifying this admin account.
`level` | The privilege level of the admin. See [admin levels](#admin-levels).
`password` | The password for this admin account.
`loggedin` | Whether the admin is logged in or not.
`stayloggedin` | Do not log the admin out when they part/quit.
### Channel management commands
#### join
To temporarily join a channel, use the `join` command. The channels may be a comma-
separated list.
Usage: `join <channel(s)>`
#### part
To temporarily leave a channel (that is, without removing it from PBot's list
of channels), use the `part` command. The channels may be a comma-separated
Usage `part <channel(s)>`
#### chanadd
`chanadd` permanently adds a channel to PBot's list of channels to auto-join and manage.
Usage: `chanadd <channel>`
#### chanrem
`chanrem` removes a channel from PBot's list of channels to auto-join and manage.
Usage: `chanrem <channel>`
#### chanset
`chanset` sets a channel's metadata. See [channel metadata list](#channel-metadata-list)
Usage: `chanset <channel> [key [value]]`
If both `key` and `value` are omitted, chanset will show all the keys and values for that channel. If only `value` is omitted, chanset will show the value for that key.
#### chanunset
`chanunset` deletes a channel's metadata key.
Usage: `chanunset <channel> <key>`
#### chanlist
`chanlist` lists all added channels and their metadata keys and values.
##### Channel metadata list
Name | Description
--- | ---
`enabled` | When set to a true value, PBot will auto-join this channel after identifying to NickServ (unless `general.autojoin_wait_for_nickserv` is `0`, in which case auto-join happens immediately).
`chanop` | When set to a true value, PBot will perform channel management (anti-flooding, ban-evasion, etc).
`permop` | When set to a true value, PBot will automatically op itself when joining and remain opped instead of automatically opping and deopping as necessary.
#### ignore
Ignore a user. If you omit `[channel]` PBot will ignore the user in all channels, including private messages.
Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, `5 minutes`, `1 month and 2 weeks`, `next thursday`, `friday after next`, and so on.
Bans a user. If the argument is a `nick` instead of a `hostmask`, it will determine an appropriate banmask for that nick.
Usage: `ban <nick or hostmask> [channel [timeout]]`
If `timeout` is omitted, PBot will ban the user for 24 hours. Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, `5 minutes`, `1 month and 2 weeks`, `next thursday`, `friday after next`, and so on.
Unbans a user. If the argument is a `nick` instead of a `hostmask`, it will find all bans that match any of that nick's hostmasks or NickServ accounts and unban them.
Removes a user from the channel. `nick` can be a comma-separated list of multiple users, optionally containing wildcards. If `reason` is omitted, a random insult will be used.