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2015-04-10 12:43:45 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
License project under MPL2 This patch adds the file LICENSE which is the verbatim copy of the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 as retreived from https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.815ca599c9df.txt on 2017-03-05. This patch also places license headers for the MPL2 type A variant of the license header in the following files: PBot/AntiFlood.pm PBot/BanTracker.pm PBot/BlackList.pm PBot/BotAdminCommands.pm PBot/BotAdmins.pm PBot/ChanOpCommands.pm PBot/ChanOps.pm PBot/Channels.pm PBot/Commands.pm PBot/DualIndexHashObject.pm PBot/EventDispatcher.pm PBot/FactoidCommands.pm PBot/FactoidModuleLauncher.pm PBot/Factoids.pm PBot/HashObject.pm PBot/IRCHandlers.pm PBot/IgnoreList.pm PBot/IgnoreListCommands.pm PBot/Interpreter.pm PBot/LagChecker.pm PBot/Logger.pm PBot/MessageHistory.pm PBot/MessageHistory_SQLite.pm PBot/NickList.pm PBot/PBot.pm PBot/Plugins.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiAway.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiKickAutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiRepeat.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiTwitter.pm PBot/Plugins/AutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/Counter.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_Hashtable.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_SQLite.pm PBot/Plugins/UrlTitles.pm PBot/Plugins/_Example.pm PBot/Refresher.pm PBot/Registerable.pm PBot/Registry.pm PBot/RegistryCommands.pm PBot/SQLiteLogger.pm PBot/SQLiteLoggerLayer.pm PBot/SelectHandler.pm PBot/StdinReader.pm PBot/Timer.pm PBot/Utils/ParseDate.pm PBot/VERSION.pm build/update-version.pl modules/acronym.pl modules/ago.pl modules/c11std.pl modules/c2english.pl modules/c2english/CGrammar.pm modules/c2english/c2eng.pl modules/c99std.pl modules/cdecl.pl modules/cfaq.pl modules/cjeopardy/IRCColors.pm modules/cjeopardy/QStatskeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/Scorekeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_answer.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_filter.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_hint.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_qstats.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_scores.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_show.pl modules/codepad.pl modules/compiler_block.pl modules/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/Diff.pm modules/compiler_vm/cc modules/compiler_vm/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_vbox_win32.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/languages/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bash.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bc.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bf.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clangpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clisp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/go.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/javascript.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/ksh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/lua.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/perl.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python3.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/scheme.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/tendra.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/sh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/tendra.pm modules/compliment modules/cstd.pl modules/define.pl modules/dice_roll.pl modules/excuse.sh modules/expand_macros.pl modules/fnord.pl modules/funnyish_quote.pl modules/g.pl modules/gdefine.pl modules/gen_cfacts.pl modules/gencstd.pl modules/get_title.pl modules/getcfact.pl modules/google.pl modules/gspy.pl modules/gtop10.pl modules/gtop15.pl modules/headlines.pl modules/horoscope modules/horrorscope modules/ideone.pl modules/insult.pl modules/love_quote.pl modules/man.pl modules/map.pl modules/math.pl modules/prototype.pl modules/qalc.pl modules/random_quote.pl modules/seen.pl modules/urban modules/weather.pl modules/wikipedia.pl pbot.pl pbot.sh It is highly recommended that this list of files is reviewed to ensure that all files are the copyright of the sole maintainer of the repository. If any files with license headers contain the intellectual property of anyone else, it is recommended that a request is made to revise this patch or that the explicit permission of the co-author is gained to allow for the license of the work to be changed. I (Tomasz Kramkowski), the contributor, take no responsibility for any legal action taken against the maintainer of this repository for incorrectly claiming copyright to any work not owned by the maintainer of this repository.
2017-03-05 22:33:31 +01:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2015-04-10 12:43:45 +02:00
use warnings;
use strict;
package java;
use parent '_default';
use Text::Balanced qw/extract_bracketed/;
2015-04-10 12:43:45 +02:00
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
$self->{sourcefile} = 'prog.java';
$self->{execfile} = 'prog';
$self->{default_options} = '';
$self->{cmdline} = 'javac $options $sourcefile';
$self->{prelude} = <<'END';
import java.*;
sub process_custom_options {
my $self = shift;
$self->{code} = $self->{code};
$self->add_option("-nomain") if $self->{code} =~ s/(?:^|(?<=\s))-nomain\s*//i;
$self->add_option("-noheaders") if $self->{code} =~ s/(?:^|(?<=\s))-noheaders\s*//i;
$self->{code} = $self->{code};
sub pretty_format {
my $self = shift;
my $code = join '', @_;
my $result;
$code = $self->{code} if not defined $code;
open my $fh, ">$self->{sourcefile}" or die "Couldn't write $self->{sourcefile}: $!";
print $fh $code;
close $fh;
system("astyle", "-A3 -UHpnfq", $self->{sourcefile});
open $fh, "<$self->{sourcefile}" or die "Couldn't read $self->{sourcefile}: $!";
$result = join '', <$fh>;
close $fh;
return $result;
sub preprocess_code {
my $self = shift;
my $default_prelude = exists $self->{options}->{'-noheaders'} ? '' : $self->{prelude};
print "code before: [$self->{code}]\n" if $self->{debug};
# add newlines to ends of statements and #includes
my $single_quote = 0;
my $double_quote = 0;
my $parens = 0;
my $escaped = 0;
while($self->{code} =~ m/(.)/msg) {
my $ch = $1;
my $pos = pos $self->{code};
print "adding newlines, ch = [$ch], parens: $parens, single: $single_quote, double: $double_quote, escaped: $escaped, pos: $pos\n" if $self->{debug} >= 10;
if($ch eq '\\') {
$escaped = not $escaped;
} elsif($ch eq '"') {
$double_quote = not $double_quote unless $escaped or $single_quote;
$escaped = 0;
} elsif($ch eq '(' and not $single_quote and not $double_quote) {
} elsif($ch eq ')' and not $single_quote and not $double_quote) {
$parens = 0 if $parens < 0;
} elsif($ch eq ';' and not $single_quote and not $double_quote and $parens == 0) {
if(not substr($self->{code}, $pos, 1) =~ m/[\n\r]/) {
substr ($self->{code}, $pos, 0) = "\n";
pos $self->{code} = $pos + 1;
} elsif($ch eq "'") {
$single_quote = not $single_quote unless $escaped or $double_quote;
$escaped = 0;
} elsif($ch eq 'n' and $escaped) {
if(not $single_quote and not $double_quote) {
print "added newline\n" if $self->{debug} >= 10;
substr ($self->{code}, $pos - 2, 2) = "\n";
pos $self->{code} = $pos;
$escaped = 0;
} elsif($ch eq '{' and not $single_quote and not $double_quote) {
if(not substr($self->{code}, $pos, 1) =~ m/[\n\r]/) {
substr ($self->{code}, $pos, 0) = "\n";
pos $self->{code} = $pos + 1;
} elsif($ch eq '}' and not $single_quote and not $double_quote) {
if(not substr($self->{code}, $pos, 1) =~ m/[\n\r;]/) {
substr ($self->{code}, $pos, 0) = "\n";
pos $self->{code} = $pos + 1;
} else {
$escaped = 0;
print "code after \\n additions: [$self->{code}]\n" if $self->{debug};
# white-out contents of quoted literals so content within literals aren't parsed as code
my $white_code = $self->{code};
$white_code =~ s/(?:\"((?:\\\"|(?!\").)*)\")/'"' . ('-' x length $1) . '"'/ge;
$white_code =~ s/(?:\'((?:\\\'|(?!\').)*)\')/"'" . ('-' x length $1) . "'"/ge;
my $precode;
if($white_code =~ m/\bimport\s/) {
$precode = $self->{code};
} else {
$precode = $default_prelude . $self->{code};
$self->{code} = '';
print "--- precode: [$precode]\n" if $self->{debug};
$self->{warn_unterminated_define} = 0;
my $has_main = 0;
my $prelude = '';
while($precode =~ s/^\s*(import .*\n{1,2})//g) {
$prelude .= $1;
print "*** prelude: [$prelude]\n precode: [$precode]\n" if $self->{debug};
my $preprecode = $precode;
# white-out contents of quoted literals
$preprecode =~ s/(?:\"((?:\\\"|(?!\").)*)\")/'"' . ('-' x length $1) . '"'/ge;
$preprecode =~ s/(?:\'((?:\\\'|(?!\').)*)\')/"'" . ('-' x length $1) . "'"/ge;
# strip comments
$preprecode =~ s#|//([^\\]|[^\n][\n]?)*?\n|("(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|.[^/"'\\]*)#defined $2 ? $2 : ""#gse;
$preprecode =~ s#/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/# #gs;
print "preprecode: [$preprecode]\n" if $self->{debug};
print "looking for functions, has main: $has_main\n" if $self->{debug} >= 2;
my $func_regex = qr/^([ *\w]+)\s+([ ()*\w:]+)\s*\(([^;{]*)\s*\)\s*({.*|<%.*|\?\?<.*)/ims;
# look for potential functions to extract
while($preprecode =~ /$func_regex/ms) {
my ($pre_ret, $pre_ident, $pre_params, $pre_potential_body) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
my $precode_code;
print "looking for functions, found [$pre_ret][$pre_ident][$pre_params][$pre_potential_body], has main: $has_main\n" if $self->{debug} >= 1;
# find the pos at which this function lives, for extracting from precode
$preprecode =~ m/(\Q$pre_ret\E\s+\Q$pre_ident\E\s*\(\s*\Q$pre_params\E\s*\)\s*\Q$pre_potential_body\E)/g;
my $extract_pos = (pos $preprecode) - (length $1);
# now that we have the pos, substitute out the extracted potential function from preprecode
$preprecode =~ s/$func_regex//ms;
# create tmpcode object that starts from extract pos, to skip any quoted code
my $tmpcode = substr($precode, $extract_pos);
print "tmpcode: [$tmpcode]\n" if $self->{debug};
$precode = substr($precode, 0, $extract_pos);
print "precode: [$precode]\n" if $self->{debug};
$precode_code = $precode;
$tmpcode =~ m/$func_regex/ms;
my ($ret, $ident, $params, $potential_body) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
print "1st extract: [$ret][$ident][$params][$potential_body]\n" if $self->{debug};
$ret =~ s/^\s+//;
$ret =~ s/\s+$//;
if(not length $ret or $ret eq "else" or $ret eq "while" or $ret eq "if" or $ret eq "for" or $ident eq "for" or $ident eq "while" or $ident eq "if") {
$precode .= "$ret $ident ($params) $potential_body";
} else {
$tmpcode =~ s/$func_regex//ms;
$potential_body =~ s/^\s*<%/{/ms;
$potential_body =~ s/%>\s*$/}/ms;
$potential_body =~ s/^\s*\?\?</{/ms;
$potential_body =~ s/\?\?>$/}/ms;
my @extract = extract_bracketed($potential_body, '{}');
my $body;
if(not defined $extract[0]) {
if($self->{debug} == 0) {
print "error: unmatched brackets\n";
} else {
print "error: unmatched brackets for function '$ident';\n";
print "body: [$potential_body]\n";
} else {
$body = $extract[0];
$preprecode = $extract[1];
$precode = $extract[1];
print "final extract: [$ret][$ident][$params][$body]\n" if $self->{debug};
$self->{code} .= "$precode_code\n$ret $ident($params) $body\n";
if($self->{debug} >= 2) { print '-' x 20 . "\n" }
print " code: [$self->{code}]\n" if $self->{debug} >= 2;
if($self->{debug} >= 2) { print '-' x 20 . "\n" }
print " precode: [$precode]\n" if $self->{debug} >= 2;
$has_main = 1 if $ident =~ m/^\s*\(?\s*main\s*\)?\s*$/;
$precode =~ s/^\s+//;
$precode =~ s/\s+$//;
$precode =~ s/^{(.*)}$/$1/s;
if(not $has_main and not exists $self->{options}->{'-nomain'}) {
if ($precode =~ s/^(};?)//) {
$self->{code} .= $1;
$self->{code} = "$prelude\nclass prog {\n$self->{code}\n" . "public static void main(String[] args) {\n$precode\n;\n}\n}\n";
} else {
$self->{code} = "$prelude\n$self->{code}\n";
print "after func extract, code: [$self->{code}]\n" if $self->{debug};
$self->{code} =~ s/\|n/\n/g;
$self->{code} =~ s/^\s+//;
$self->{code} =~ s/\s+$//;
$self->{code} =~ s/;\s*;\n/;\n/gs;
$self->{code} =~ s/;(\s*\/\*.*?\*\/\s*);\n/;$1/gs;
$self->{code} =~ s/;(\s*\/\/.*?\s*);\n/;$1/gs;
$self->{code} =~ s/({|})\n\s*;\n/$1\n/gs;
$self->{code} =~ s/(?:\n\n)+/\n\n/g;
print "final code: [$self->{code}]\n" if $self->{debug};
2015-04-10 12:43:45 +02:00