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synced 2025-03-09 16:00:52 +01:00
450 lines
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450 lines
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package bmattermost
import (
type Bmattermost struct {
mh *matterhook.Client
mc *matterclient.MMClient
uuid string
TeamID string
avatarMap map[string]string
func New(cfg *bridge.Config) bridge.Bridger {
b := &Bmattermost{Config: cfg, avatarMap: make(map[string]string)}
b.uuid = xid.New().String()
return b
func (b *Bmattermost) Command(cmd string) string {
return ""
func (b *Bmattermost) Connect() error {
if b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress") != "" {
if b.GetString("WebhookURL") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending) and webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.GetString("WebhookURL"),
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify"),
BindAddress: b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress")})
} else if b.GetString("Token") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using token (sending)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if b.GetString("Login") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using login/password (sending)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.GetString("WebhookURL"),
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify"),
BindAddress: b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress")})
go b.handleMatter()
return nil
if b.GetString("WebhookURL") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.GetString("WebhookURL"),
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify"),
DisableServer: true})
if b.GetString("Token") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using token (receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
} else if b.GetString("Login") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using login/password (receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
return nil
} else if b.GetString("Token") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using token (sending and receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
} else if b.GetString("Login") != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using login/password (sending and receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
if b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress") == "" && b.GetString("WebhookURL") == "" && b.GetString("Login") == "" && b.GetString("Token") == "" {
return errors.New("no connection method found. See that you have WebhookBindAddress, WebhookURL or Token/Login/Password/Server/Team configured")
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
// we can only join channels using the API
if b.GetString("WebhookURL") == "" && b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress") == "" {
id := b.mc.GetChannelId(channel.Name, "")
if id == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not find channel ID for channel %s", channel.Name)
return b.mc.JoinChannel(id)
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
b.Log.Debugf("=> Receiving %#v", msg)
// Make a action /me of the message
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
msg.Text = "*" + msg.Text + "*"
// map the file SHA to our user (caches the avatar)
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD {
return b.cacheAvatar(&msg)
// Use webhook to send the message
if b.GetString("WebhookURL") != "" {
return b.sendWebhook(msg)
// Delete message
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE {
if msg.ID == "" {
return "", nil
return msg.ID, b.mc.DeleteMessage(msg.ID)
// Upload a file if it exists
if msg.Extra != nil {
for _, rmsg := range helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General) {
b.mc.PostMessage(b.mc.GetChannelId(rmsg.Channel, ""), rmsg.Username+rmsg.Text)
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
return b.handleUploadFile(&msg)
// Prepend nick if configured
if b.GetBool("PrefixMessagesWithNick") {
msg.Text = msg.Username + msg.Text
// Edit message if we have an ID
if msg.ID != "" {
return b.mc.EditMessage(msg.ID, msg.Text)
// Post normal message
return b.mc.PostMessage(b.mc.GetChannelId(msg.Channel, ""), msg.Text)
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatter() {
messages := make(chan *config.Message)
if b.GetString("WebhookBindAddress") != "" {
b.Log.Debugf("Choosing webhooks based receiving")
go b.handleMatterHook(messages)
} else {
if b.GetString("Token") != "" {
b.Log.Debugf("Choosing token based receiving")
} else {
b.Log.Debugf("Choosing login/password based receiving")
go b.handleMatterClient(messages)
var ok bool
for message := range messages {
message.Avatar = helper.GetAvatar(b.avatarMap, message.UserID, b.General)
message.Account = b.Account
message.Text, ok = b.replaceAction(message.Text)
if ok {
message.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
b.Log.Debugf("<= Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", message.Username, b.Account)
b.Log.Debugf("<= Message is %#v", message)
b.Remote <- *message
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatterClient(messages chan *config.Message) {
for message := range b.mc.MessageChan {
b.Log.Debugf("%#v", message.Raw.Data)
if b.skipMessage(message) {
b.Log.Debugf("Skipped message: %#v", message)
// only download avatars if we have a place to upload them (configured mediaserver)
if b.General.MediaServerUpload != "" {
b.handleDownloadAvatar(message.UserID, message.Channel)
b.Log.Debugf("== Receiving event %#v", message)
rmsg := &config.Message{Username: message.Username, UserID: message.UserID, Channel: message.Channel, Text: message.Text, ID: message.Post.Id, Extra: make(map[string][]interface{})}
// handle mattermost post properties (override username and attachments)
props := message.Post.Props
if props != nil {
if _, ok := props["override_username"].(string); ok {
rmsg.Username = props["override_username"].(string)
if _, ok := props["attachments"].([]interface{}); ok {
rmsg.Extra["attachments"] = props["attachments"].([]interface{})
// create a text for bridges that don't support native editing
if message.Raw.Event == "post_edited" && !b.GetBool("EditDisable") {
rmsg.Text = message.Text + b.GetString("EditSuffix")
if message.Raw.Event == "post_deleted" {
rmsg.Event = config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE
if len(message.Post.FileIds) > 0 {
for _, id := range message.Post.FileIds {
err := b.handleDownloadFile(rmsg, id)
if err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("download failed: %s", err)
messages <- rmsg
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatterHook(messages chan *config.Message) {
for {
message := b.mh.Receive()
b.Log.Debugf("Receiving from matterhook %#v", message)
messages <- &config.Message{UserID: message.UserID, Username: message.UserName, Text: message.Text, Channel: message.ChannelName}
func (b *Bmattermost) apiLogin() error {
password := b.GetString("Password")
if b.GetString("Token") != "" {
password = "MMAUTHTOKEN=" + b.GetString("Token")
b.mc = matterclient.New(b.GetString("Login"), password, b.GetString("Team"), b.GetString("Server"))
if b.GetBool("debug") {
b.mc.SkipTLSVerify = b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify")
b.mc.NoTLS = b.GetBool("NoTLS")
b.Log.Infof("Connecting %s (team: %s) on %s", b.GetString("Login"), b.GetString("Team"), b.GetString("Server"))
err := b.mc.Login()
if err != nil {
return err
b.Log.Info("Connection succeeded")
b.TeamID = b.mc.GetTeamId()
go b.mc.WsReceiver()
go b.mc.StatusLoop()
return nil
// replaceAction replace the message with the correct action (/me) code
func (b *Bmattermost) replaceAction(text string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "*") && strings.HasSuffix(text, "*") {
return strings.Replace(text, "*", "", -1), true
return text, false
func (b *Bmattermost) cacheAvatar(msg *config.Message) (string, error) {
fi := msg.Extra["file"][0].(config.FileInfo)
/* if we have a sha we have successfully uploaded the file to the media server,
so we can now cache the sha */
if fi.SHA != "" {
b.Log.Debugf("Added %s to %s in avatarMap", fi.SHA, msg.UserID)
b.avatarMap[msg.UserID] = fi.SHA
return "", nil
// handleDownloadAvatar downloads the avatar of userid from channel
// sends a EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD message to the gateway if successful.
// logs an error message if it fails
func (b *Bmattermost) handleDownloadAvatar(userid string, channel string) {
rmsg := config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "avatar", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, UserID: userid, Event: config.EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD, Extra: make(map[string][]interface{})}
if _, ok := b.avatarMap[userid]; !ok {
data, resp := b.mc.Client.GetProfileImage(userid, "")
if resp.Error != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("ProfileImage download failed for %#v %s", userid, resp.Error)
err := helper.HandleDownloadSize(b.Log, &rmsg, userid+".png", int64(len(data)), b.General)
if err != nil {
helper.HandleDownloadData(b.Log, &rmsg, userid+".png", rmsg.Text, "", &data, b.General)
b.Remote <- rmsg
// handleDownloadFile handles file download
func (b *Bmattermost) handleDownloadFile(rmsg *config.Message, id string) error {
url, _ := b.mc.Client.GetFileLink(id)
finfo, resp := b.mc.Client.GetFileInfo(id)
if resp.Error != nil {
return resp.Error
err := helper.HandleDownloadSize(b.Log, rmsg, finfo.Name, finfo.Size, b.General)
if err != nil {
return err
data, resp := b.mc.Client.DownloadFile(id, true)
if resp.Error != nil {
return resp.Error
helper.HandleDownloadData(b.Log, rmsg, finfo.Name, rmsg.Text, url, &data, b.General)
return nil
// handleUploadFile handles native upload of files
func (b *Bmattermost) handleUploadFile(msg *config.Message) (string, error) {
var err error
var res, id string
channelID := b.mc.GetChannelId(msg.Channel, "")
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
id, err = b.mc.UploadFile(*fi.Data, channelID, fi.Name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
msg.Text = fi.Comment
if b.GetBool("PrefixMessagesWithNick") {
msg.Text = msg.Username + msg.Text
res, err = b.mc.PostMessageWithFiles(channelID, msg.Text, []string{id})
return res, err
// sendWebhook uses the configured WebhookURL to send the message
func (b *Bmattermost) sendWebhook(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// skip events
if msg.Event != "" {
return "", nil
if b.GetBool("PrefixMessagesWithNick") {
msg.Text = msg.Username + msg.Text
if msg.Extra != nil {
// this sends a message only if we received a config.EVENT_FILE_FAILURE_SIZE
for _, rmsg := range helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General) {
iconURL := config.GetIconURL(&rmsg, b.GetString("iconurl"))
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{IconURL: iconURL, Channel: rmsg.Channel, UserName: rmsg.Username, Text: rmsg.Text, Props: make(map[string]interface{})}
matterMessage.Props["matterbridge_"+b.uuid] = true
// webhook doesn't support file uploads, so we add the url manually
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
if fi.URL != "" {
msg.Text += fi.URL
iconURL := config.GetIconURL(&msg, b.GetString("iconurl"))
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{IconURL: iconURL, Channel: msg.Channel, UserName: msg.Username, Text: msg.Text, Props: make(map[string]interface{})}
if msg.Avatar != "" {
matterMessage.IconURL = msg.Avatar
matterMessage.Props["matterbridge_"+b.uuid] = true
err := b.mh.Send(matterMessage)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
// skipMessages returns true if this message should not be handled
func (b *Bmattermost) skipMessage(message *matterclient.Message) bool {
// Handle join/leave
if message.Type == "system_join_leave" ||
message.Type == "system_join_channel" ||
message.Type == "system_leave_channel" {
if b.GetBool("nosendjoinpart") {
return true
b.Log.Debugf("Sending JOIN_LEAVE event from %s to gateway", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: message.Text, Channel: message.Channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE}
return true
// Handle edited messages
if (message.Raw.Event == "post_edited") && b.GetBool("EditDisable") {
return true
// Ignore messages sent from matterbridge
if message.Post.Props != nil {
if _, ok := message.Post.Props["matterbridge_"+b.uuid].(bool); ok {
b.Log.Debugf("sent by matterbridge, ignoring")
return true
// Ignore messages sent from a user logged in as the bot
if b.mc.User.Username == message.Username {
return true
// if the message has reactions don't repost it (for now, until we can correlate reaction with message)
if message.Post.HasReactions {
return true
// ignore messages from other teams than ours
if message.Raw.Data["team_id"].(string) != b.TeamID {
return true
// only handle posted, edited or deleted events
if !(message.Raw.Event == "posted" || message.Raw.Event == "post_edited" || message.Raw.Event == "post_deleted") {
return true
return false