Yousef Mansy c0f5d0c5f7 Add persistent message map
Resolves #541
2023-03-01 01:39:23 -08:00

103 lines
2.6 KiB

package farm
import (
func hash32Len5to12(s []byte, seed uint32) uint32 {
slen := len(s)
a := uint32(len(s))
b := uint32(len(s) * 5)
c := uint32(9)
d := b + seed
a += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[0 : 0+4])
b += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-4 : slen-4+4])
c += binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[((slen >> 1) & 4) : ((slen>>1)&4)+4])
return fmix(seed ^ mur(c, mur(b, mur(a, d))))
// Hash32 hashes a byte slice and returns a uint32 hash value
func Hash32(s []byte) uint32 {
slen := len(s)
if slen <= 24 {
if slen <= 12 {
if slen <= 4 {
return hash32Len0to4(s, 0)
return hash32Len5to12(s, 0)
return hash32Len13to24Seed(s, 0)
// len > 24
h := uint32(slen)
g := c1 * uint32(slen)
f := g
a0 := bits.RotateLeft32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-4:slen-4+4])*c1, -17) * c2
a1 := bits.RotateLeft32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-8:slen-8+4])*c1, -17) * c2
a2 := bits.RotateLeft32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-16:slen-16+4])*c1, -17) * c2
a3 := bits.RotateLeft32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-12:slen-12+4])*c1, -17) * c2
a4 := bits.RotateLeft32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[slen-20:slen-20+4])*c1, -17) * c2
h ^= a0
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h, -19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h ^= a2
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h, -19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
g ^= a1
g = bits.RotateLeft32(g, -19)
g = g*5 + 0xe6546b64
g ^= a3
g = bits.RotateLeft32(g, -19)
g = g*5 + 0xe6546b64
f += a4
f = bits.RotateLeft32(f, -19) + 113
for len(s) > 20 {
a := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[0 : 0+4])
b := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[4 : 4+4])
c := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[8 : 8+4])
d := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[12 : 12+4])
e := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s[16 : 16+4])
h += a
g += b
f += c
h = mur(d, h) + e
g = mur(c, g) + a
f = mur(b+e*c1, f) + d
f += g
g += f
s = s[20:]
g = bits.RotateLeft32(g, -11) * c1
g = bits.RotateLeft32(g, -17) * c1
f = bits.RotateLeft32(f, -11) * c1
f = bits.RotateLeft32(f, -17) * c1
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h+g, -19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h, -17) * c1
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h+f, -19)
h = h*5 + 0xe6546b64
h = bits.RotateLeft32(h, -17) * c1
return h
// Hash32WithSeed hashes a byte slice and a uint32 seed and returns a uint32 hash value
func Hash32WithSeed(s []byte, seed uint32) uint32 {
slen := len(s)
if slen <= 24 {
if slen >= 13 {
return hash32Len13to24Seed(s, seed*c1)
if slen >= 5 {
return hash32Len5to12(s, seed)
return hash32Len0to4(s, seed)
h := hash32Len13to24Seed(s[:24], seed^uint32(slen))
return mur(Hash32(s[24:])+seed, h)