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// Discordgo - Discord bindings for Go
// Available at https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo
// Copyright 2015-2016 Bruce Marriner <bruce@sqls.net>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains all structures for the discordgo package. These
// may be moved about later into separate files but I find it easier to have
// them all located together.
package discordgo
import (
// A Session represents a connection to the Discord API.
type Session struct {
// General configurable settings.
// Authentication token for this session
Token string
// Debug for printing JSON request/responses
Debug bool // Deprecated, will be removed.
LogLevel int
// Should the session reconnect the websocket on errors.
ShouldReconnectOnError bool
// Should the session request compressed websocket data.
Compress bool
// Sharding
ShardID int
ShardCount int
// Should state tracking be enabled.
// State tracking is the best way for getting the the users
// active guilds and the members of the guilds.
StateEnabled bool
// Exposed but should not be modified by User.
// Whether the Data Websocket is ready
DataReady bool // NOTE: Maye be deprecated soon
// Status stores the currect status of the websocket connection
// this is being tested, may stay, may go away.
status int32
// Whether the Voice Websocket is ready
VoiceReady bool // NOTE: Deprecated.
// Whether the UDP Connection is ready
UDPReady bool // NOTE: Deprecated
// Stores a mapping of guild id's to VoiceConnections
VoiceConnections map[string]*VoiceConnection
// Managed state object, updated internally with events when
// StateEnabled is true.
State *State
handlersMu sync.RWMutex
// This is a mapping of event struct to a reflected value
// for event handlers.
// We store the reflected value instead of the function
// reference as it is more performant, instead of re-reflecting
// the function each event.
handlers map[interface{}][]reflect.Value
// The websocket connection.
wsConn *websocket.Conn
// When nil, the session is not listening.
listening chan interface{}
// used to deal with rate limits
// may switch to slices later
// TODO: performance test map vs slices
rateLimit rateLimitMutex
// sequence tracks the current gateway api websocket sequence number
sequence int
// stores sessions current Discord Gateway
gateway string
// stores session ID of current Gateway connection
sessionID string
// used to make sure gateway websocket writes do not happen concurrently
wsMutex sync.Mutex
type rateLimitMutex struct {
url map[string]*sync.Mutex
// bucket map[string]*sync.Mutex // TODO :)
// A Resumed struct holds the data received in a RESUMED event
type Resumed struct {
HeartbeatInterval time.Duration `json:"heartbeat_interval"`
Trace []string `json:"_trace"`
// A VoiceRegion stores data for a specific voice region server.
type VoiceRegion struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Hostname string `json:"sample_hostname"`
Port int `json:"sample_port"`
// A VoiceICE stores data for voice ICE servers.
type VoiceICE struct {
TTL string `json:"ttl"`
Servers []*ICEServer `json:"servers"`
// A ICEServer stores data for a specific voice ICE server.
type ICEServer struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Credential string `json:"credential"`
// A Invite stores all data related to a specific Discord Guild or Channel invite.
type Invite struct {
Guild *Guild `json:"guild"`
Channel *Channel `json:"channel"`
Inviter *User `json:"inviter"`
Code string `json:"code"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` // TODO make timestamp
MaxAge int `json:"max_age"`
Uses int `json:"uses"`
MaxUses int `json:"max_uses"`
XkcdPass string `json:"xkcdpass"`
Revoked bool `json:"revoked"`
Temporary bool `json:"temporary"`
// A Channel holds all data related to an individual Discord channel.
type Channel struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Topic string `json:"topic"`
Type string `json:"type"`
LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`
Position int `json:"position"`
Bitrate int `json:"bitrate"`
IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"`
Recipient *User `json:"recipient"`
Messages []*Message `json:"-"`
PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"`
// A PermissionOverwrite holds permission overwrite data for a Channel
type PermissionOverwrite struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Deny int `json:"deny"`
Allow int `json:"allow"`
// Emoji struct holds data related to Emoji's
type Emoji struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Roles []string `json:"roles"`
Managed bool `json:"managed"`
RequireColons bool `json:"require_colons"`
// VerificationLevel type defination
type VerificationLevel int
// Constants for VerificationLevel levels from 0 to 3 inclusive
const (
VerificationLevelNone VerificationLevel = iota
// A Guild holds all data related to a specific Discord Guild. Guilds are also
// sometimes referred to as Servers in the Discord client.
type Guild struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Region string `json:"region"`
AfkChannelID string `json:"afk_channel_id"`
EmbedChannelID string `json:"embed_channel_id"`
OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`
JoinedAt string `json:"joined_at"` // make this a timestamp
Splash string `json:"splash"`
AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"`
VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"`
EmbedEnabled bool `json:"embed_enabled"`
Large bool `json:"large"` // ??
DefaultMessageNotifications int `json:"default_message_notifications"`
Roles []*Role `json:"roles"`
Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`
Members []*Member `json:"members"`
Presences []*Presence `json:"presences"`
Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"`
VoiceStates []*VoiceState `json:"voice_states"`
Unavailable *bool `json:"unavailable"`
// A GuildParams stores all the data needed to update discord guild settings
type GuildParams struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Region string `json:"region"`
VerificationLevel *VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"`
// A Role stores information about Discord guild member roles.
type Role struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Managed bool `json:"managed"`
Hoist bool `json:"hoist"`
Color int `json:"color"`
Position int `json:"position"`
Permissions int `json:"permissions"`
// A VoiceState stores the voice states of Guilds
type VoiceState struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
SessionID string `json:"session_id"`
ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
Suppress bool `json:"suppress"`
SelfMute bool `json:"self_mute"`
SelfDeaf bool `json:"self_deaf"`
Mute bool `json:"mute"`
Deaf bool `json:"deaf"`
// A Presence stores the online, offline, or idle and game status of Guild members.
type Presence struct {
User *User `json:"user"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Game *Game `json:"game"`
// A Game struct holds the name of the "playing .." game for a user
type Game struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type int `json:"type"`
URL string `json:"url"`
// A Member stores user information for Guild members.
type Member struct {
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
JoinedAt string `json:"joined_at"`
Nick string `json:"nick"`
Deaf bool `json:"deaf"`
Mute bool `json:"mute"`
User *User `json:"user"`
Roles []string `json:"roles"`
// A User stores all data for an individual Discord user.
type User struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Avatar string `json:"Avatar"`
Discriminator string `json:"discriminator"`
Token string `json:"token"`
Verified bool `json:"verified"`
MFAEnabled bool `json:"mfa_enabled"`
Bot bool `json:"bot"`
// A Settings stores data for a specific users Discord client settings.
type Settings struct {
RenderEmbeds bool `json:"render_embeds"`
InlineEmbedMedia bool `json:"inline_embed_media"`
InlineAttachmentMedia bool `json:"inline_attachment_media"`
EnableTtsCommand bool `json:"enable_tts_command"`
MessageDisplayCompact bool `json:"message_display_compact"`
ShowCurrentGame bool `json:"show_current_game"`
AllowEmailFriendRequest bool `json:"allow_email_friend_request"`
ConvertEmoticons bool `json:"convert_emoticons"`
Locale string `json:"locale"`
Theme string `json:"theme"`
GuildPositions []string `json:"guild_positions"`
RestrictedGuilds []string `json:"restricted_guilds"`
FriendSourceFlags *FriendSourceFlags `json:"friend_source_flags"`
// FriendSourceFlags stores ... TODO :)
type FriendSourceFlags struct {
All bool `json:"all"`
MutualGuilds bool `json:"mutual_guilds"`
MutualFriends bool `json:"mutual_friends"`
// An Event provides a basic initial struct for all websocket event.
type Event struct {
Operation int `json:"op"`
Sequence int `json:"s"`
Type string `json:"t"`
RawData json.RawMessage `json:"d"`
Struct interface{} `json:"-"`
// A Ready stores all data for the websocket READY event.
type Ready struct {
Version int `json:"v"`
SessionID string `json:"session_id"`
HeartbeatInterval time.Duration `json:"heartbeat_interval"`
User *User `json:"user"`
ReadState []*ReadState `json:"read_state"`
PrivateChannels []*Channel `json:"private_channels"`
Guilds []*Guild `json:"guilds"`
// Undocumented fields
Settings *Settings `json:"user_settings"`
UserGuildSettings []*UserGuildSettings `json:"user_guild_settings"`
Relationships []*Relationship `json:"relationships"`
Presences []*Presence `json:"presences"`
// A Relationship between the logged in user and Relationship.User
type Relationship struct {
User *User `json:"user"`
Type int `json:"type"` // 1 = friend, 2 = blocked, 3 = incoming friend req, 4 = sent friend req
ID string `json:"id"`
// A TooManyRequests struct holds information received from Discord
// when receiving a HTTP 429 response.
type TooManyRequests struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
Message string `json:"message"`
RetryAfter time.Duration `json:"retry_after"`
// A ReadState stores data on the read state of channels.
type ReadState struct {
MentionCount int `json:"mention_count"`
LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`
ID string `json:"id"`
// A TypingStart stores data for the typing start websocket event.
type TypingStart struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
// A PresenceUpdate stores data for the presence update websocket event.
type PresenceUpdate struct {
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
Roles []string `json:"roles"`
// A MessageAck stores data for the message ack websocket event.
type MessageAck struct {
MessageID string `json:"message_id"`
ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
// A GuildIntegrationsUpdate stores data for the guild integrations update
// websocket event.
type GuildIntegrationsUpdate struct {
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
// A GuildRole stores data for guild role websocket events.
type GuildRole struct {
Role *Role `json:"role"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
// A GuildRoleDelete stores data for the guild role delete websocket event.
type GuildRoleDelete struct {
RoleID string `json:"role_id"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
// A GuildBan stores data for a guild ban.
type GuildBan struct {
User *User `json:"user"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
// A GuildEmojisUpdate stores data for a guild emoji update event.
type GuildEmojisUpdate struct {
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`
// A GuildIntegration stores data for a guild integration.
type GuildIntegration struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
Syncing bool `json:"syncing"`
RoleID string `json:"role_id"`
ExpireBehavior int `json:"expire_behavior"`
ExpireGracePeriod int `json:"expire_grace_period"`
User *User `json:"user"`
Account *GuildIntegrationAccount `json:"account"`
SyncedAt int `json:"synced_at"`
// A GuildIntegrationAccount stores data for a guild integration account.
type GuildIntegrationAccount struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
// A GuildEmbed stores data for a guild embed.
type GuildEmbed struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
// A UserGuildSettingsChannelOverride stores data for a channel override for a users guild settings.
type UserGuildSettingsChannelOverride struct {
Muted bool `json:"muted"`
MessageNotifications int `json:"message_notifications"`
ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
// A UserGuildSettings stores data for a users guild settings.
type UserGuildSettings struct {
SupressEveryone bool `json:"suppress_everyone"`
Muted bool `json:"muted"`
MobilePush bool `json:"mobile_push"`
MessageNotifications int `json:"message_notifications"`
GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
ChannelOverrides []*UserGuildSettingsChannelOverride `json:"channel_overrides"`
// A UserGuildSettingsEdit stores data for editing UserGuildSettings
type UserGuildSettingsEdit struct {
SupressEveryone bool `json:"suppress_everyone"`
Muted bool `json:"muted"`
MobilePush bool `json:"mobile_push"`
MessageNotifications int `json:"message_notifications"`
ChannelOverrides map[string]*UserGuildSettingsChannelOverride `json:"channel_overrides"`
// Constants for the different bit offsets of text channel permissions
const (
PermissionReadMessages = 1 << (iota + 10)
// Constants for the different bit offsets of voice permissions
const (
PermissionVoiceConnect = 1 << (iota + 20)
// Constants for the different bit offsets of general permissions
const (
PermissionCreateInstantInvite = 1 << iota
PermissionAllText = PermissionReadMessages |
PermissionSendMessages |
PermissionSendTTSMessages |
PermissionManageMessages |
PermissionEmbedLinks |
PermissionAttachFiles |
PermissionReadMessageHistory |
PermissionAllVoice = PermissionVoiceConnect |
PermissionVoiceSpeak |
PermissionVoiceMuteMembers |
PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers |
PermissionVoiceMoveMembers |
PermissionAllChannel = PermissionAllText |
PermissionAllVoice |
PermissionCreateInstantInvite |
PermissionManageRoles |
PermissionAll = PermissionAllChannel |
PermissionKickMembers |
PermissionBanMembers |