mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 01:10:48 +01:00

Currently fully support mattermost,slack and discord. Message deleted on the bridge or received from other bridges will be deleted. Partially support for Gitter. Gitter bridge will delete messages received from other bridges. But if you delete a message on gitter, this deletion will not be sent to other bridges (this is a gitter API limitation, it doesn't propogate edits or deletes via the API)
358 lines
10 KiB
358 lines
10 KiB
package birc
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
_ "github.com/paulrosania/go-charset/data"
ircm "github.com/sorcix/irc"
type Birc struct {
i *irc.Connection
Nick string
names map[string][]string
Config *config.Protocol
Remote chan config.Message
connected chan struct{}
Local chan config.Message // local queue for flood control
Account string
FirstConnection bool
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "irc"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": protocol})
func New(cfg config.Protocol, account string, c chan config.Message) *Birc {
b := &Birc{}
b.Config = &cfg
b.Nick = b.Config.Nick
b.Remote = c
b.names = make(map[string][]string)
b.Account = account
b.connected = make(chan struct{})
if b.Config.MessageDelay == 0 {
b.Config.MessageDelay = 1300
if b.Config.MessageQueue == 0 {
b.Config.MessageQueue = 30
if b.Config.MessageLength == 0 {
b.Config.MessageLength = 400
b.FirstConnection = true
return b
func (b *Birc) Command(msg *config.Message) string {
switch msg.Text {
case "!users":
b.i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_NAMREPLY, b.storeNames)
b.i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, b.endNames)
b.i.SendRaw("NAMES " + msg.Channel)
return ""
func (b *Birc) Connect() error {
b.Local = make(chan config.Message, b.Config.MessageQueue+10)
flog.Infof("Connecting %s", b.Config.Server)
i := irc.IRC(b.Config.Nick, b.Config.Nick)
if log.GetLevel() == log.DebugLevel {
i.Debug = true
i.UseTLS = b.Config.UseTLS
i.UseSASL = b.Config.UseSASL
i.SASLLogin = b.Config.NickServNick
i.SASLPassword = b.Config.NickServPassword
i.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify}
i.KeepAlive = time.Minute
i.PingFreq = time.Minute
if b.Config.Password != "" {
i.Password = b.Config.Password
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_WELCOME, b.handleNewConnection)
err := i.Connect(b.Config.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
b.i = i
select {
case <-b.connected:
flog.Info("Connection succeeded")
case <-time.After(time.Second * 30):
return fmt.Errorf("connection timed out")
i.Debug = false
// clear on reconnects
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_WELCOME, func(event *irc.Event) {
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: "", Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_REJOIN_CHANNELS}
// set our correct nick on reconnect if necessary
b.Nick = event.Nick
go i.Loop()
go b.doSend()
return nil
func (b *Birc) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *Birc) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
if channel.Options.Key != "" {
flog.Debugf("using key %s for channel %s", channel.Options.Key, channel.Name)
b.i.Join(channel.Name + " " + channel.Options.Key)
} else {
return nil
func (b *Birc) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// ignore delete messages
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE {
return "", nil
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Text, "!") {
if b.Config.Charset != "" {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
w, err := charset.NewWriter(b.Config.Charset, buf)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("charset from utf-8 conversion failed: %s", err)
return "", err
fmt.Fprintf(w, msg.Text)
msg.Text = buf.String()
for _, text := range strings.Split(msg.Text, "\n") {
if len(text) > b.Config.MessageLength {
text = text[:b.Config.MessageLength] + " <message clipped>"
if len(b.Local) < b.Config.MessageQueue {
if len(b.Local) == b.Config.MessageQueue-1 {
text = text + " <message clipped>"
b.Local <- config.Message{Text: text, Username: msg.Username, Channel: msg.Channel, Event: msg.Event}
} else {
flog.Debugf("flooding, dropping message (queue at %d)", len(b.Local))
return "", nil
func (b *Birc) doSend() {
rate := time.Millisecond * time.Duration(b.Config.MessageDelay)
throttle := time.NewTicker(rate)
for msg := range b.Local {
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
b.i.Action(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
} else {
b.i.Privmsg(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
func (b *Birc) endNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[1]
maxNamesPerPost := (300 / b.nicksPerRow()) * b.nicksPerRow()
continued := false
for len(b.names[channel]) > maxNamesPerPost {
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: b.Nick, Text: b.formatnicks(b.names[channel][0:maxNamesPerPost], continued),
Channel: channel, Account: b.Account}
b.names[channel] = b.names[channel][maxNamesPerPost:]
continued = true
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: b.Nick, Text: b.formatnicks(b.names[channel], continued),
Channel: channel, Account: b.Account}
b.names[channel] = nil
func (b *Birc) handleNewConnection(event *irc.Event) {
flog.Debug("Registering callbacks")
i := b.i
b.Nick = event.Arguments[0]
i.AddCallback("PRIVMSG", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback("CTCP_ACTION", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, b.handleTopicWhoTime)
i.AddCallback(ircm.NOTICE, b.handleNotice)
//i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_MYINFO, func(e *irc.Event) { flog.Infof("%s: %s", e.Code, strings.Join(e.Arguments[1:], " ")) })
i.AddCallback("PING", func(e *irc.Event) {
i.SendRaw("PONG :" + e.Message())
i.AddCallback("JOIN", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("PART", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("QUIT", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("KICK", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("*", b.handleOther)
// we are now fully connected
b.connected <- struct{}{}
func (b *Birc) handleJoinPart(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[0]
if event.Code == "KICK" {
flog.Infof("Got kicked from %s by %s", channel, event.Nick)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_REJOIN_CHANNELS}
if event.Code == "QUIT" {
if event.Nick == b.Nick && strings.Contains(event.Raw, "Ping timeout") {
flog.Infof("%s reconnecting ..", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "reconnect", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_FAILURE}
if event.Nick != b.Nick {
flog.Debugf("Sending JOIN_LEAVE event from %s to gateway", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: event.Nick + " " + strings.ToLower(event.Code) + "s", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE}
flog.Debugf("handle %#v", event)
func (b *Birc) handleNotice(event *irc.Event) {
if strings.Contains(event.Message(), "This nickname is registered") && event.Nick == b.Config.NickServNick {
b.i.Privmsg(b.Config.NickServNick, "IDENTIFY "+b.Config.NickServPassword)
} else {
func (b *Birc) handleOther(event *irc.Event) {
switch event.Code {
case "372", "375", "376", "250", "251", "252", "253", "254", "255", "265", "266", "002", "003", "004", "005":
flog.Debugf("%#v", event.Raw)
func (b *Birc) handlePrivMsg(event *irc.Event) {
b.Nick = b.i.GetNick()
// freenode doesn't send 001 as first reply
if event.Code == "NOTICE" {
// don't forward queries to the bot
if event.Arguments[0] == b.Nick {
// don't forward message from ourself
if event.Nick == b.Nick {
rmsg := config.Message{Username: event.Nick, Channel: event.Arguments[0], Account: b.Account, UserID: event.User + "@" + event.Host}
flog.Debugf("handlePrivMsg() %s %s %#v", event.Nick, event.Message(), event)
msg := ""
if event.Code == "CTCP_ACTION" {
// msg = event.Nick + " "
rmsg.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
msg += event.Message()
// strip IRC colors
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[[:cntrl:]](\d+,|)\d+`)
msg = re.ReplaceAllString(msg, "")
var r io.Reader
var err error
mycharset := b.Config.Charset
if mycharset == "" {
// detect what were sending so that we convert it to utf-8
detector := chardet.NewTextDetector()
result, err := detector.DetectBest([]byte(msg))
if err != nil {
flog.Infof("detection failed for msg: %#v", msg)
flog.Debugf("detected %s confidence %#v", result.Charset, result.Confidence)
mycharset = result.Charset
// if we're not sure, just pick ISO-8859-1
if result.Confidence < 80 {
mycharset = "ISO-8859-1"
r, err = charset.NewReader(mycharset, strings.NewReader(msg))
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("charset to utf-8 conversion failed: %s", err)
output, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
msg = string(output)
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", event.Arguments[0], b.Account)
rmsg.Text = msg
b.Remote <- rmsg
func (b *Birc) handleTopicWhoTime(event *irc.Event) {
parts := strings.Split(event.Arguments[2], "!")
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(event.Arguments[3], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("Invalid time stamp: %s", event.Arguments[3])
user := parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1 {
user += " [" + parts[1] + "]"
flog.Debugf("%s: Topic set by %s [%s]", event.Code, user, time.Unix(t, 0))
func (b *Birc) nicksPerRow() int {
return 4
if b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow < 1 {
return 4
return b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow
func (b *Birc) storeNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[2]
b.names[channel] = append(
strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(event.Message()), " ")...)
func (b *Birc) formatnicks(nicks []string, continued bool) string {
return plainformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow())
switch b.Config.Mattermost.NickFormatter {
case "table":
return tableformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow(), continued)
return plainformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow())