// Code generated by 'ccgo errno/gen.c -crt-import-path "" -export-defines "" -export-enums "" -export-externs X -export-fields F -export-structs "" -export-typedefs "" -header -hide _OSSwapInt16,_OSSwapInt32,_OSSwapInt64 -ignore-unsupported-alignment -o errno/errno_windows_386.go -pkgname errno', DO NOT EDIT. package errno import ( "math" "reflect" "sync/atomic" "unsafe" ) var _ = math.Pi var _ reflect.Kind var _ atomic.Value var _ unsafe.Pointer const ( DUMMYSTRUCTNAME = 0 // _mingw.h:519:1: DUMMYSTRUCTNAME1 = 0 // _mingw.h:520:1: DUMMYSTRUCTNAME2 = 0 // _mingw.h:521:1: DUMMYSTRUCTNAME3 = 0 // _mingw.h:522:1: DUMMYSTRUCTNAME4 = 0 // _mingw.h:523:1: DUMMYSTRUCTNAME5 = 0 // _mingw.h:524:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME = 0 // _mingw.h:497:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME1 = 0 // _mingw.h:498:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME2 = 0 // _mingw.h:499:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME3 = 0 // _mingw.h:500:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME4 = 0 // _mingw.h:501:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME5 = 0 // _mingw.h:502:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME6 = 0 // _mingw.h:503:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME7 = 0 // _mingw.h:504:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME8 = 0 // _mingw.h:505:1: DUMMYUNIONNAME9 = 0 // _mingw.h:506:1: E2BIG = 7 // errno.h:31:1: EACCES = 13 // errno.h:37:1: EADDRINUSE = 100 // errno.h:86:1: EADDRNOTAVAIL = 101 // errno.h:90:1: EAFNOSUPPORT = 102 // errno.h:82:1: EAGAIN = 11 // errno.h:35:1: EALREADY = 103 // errno.h:106:1: EBADF = 9 // errno.h:33:1: EBADMSG = 104 // errno.h:182:1: EBUSY = 16 // errno.h:39:1: ECANCELED = 105 // errno.h:154:1: ECHILD = 10 // errno.h:34:1: ECONNABORTED = 106 // errno.h:102:1: ECONNREFUSED = 107 // errno.h:110:1: ECONNRESET = 108 // errno.h:114:1: EDEADLK = 36 // errno.h:55:1: EDEADLOCK = 36 // errno.h:71:1: EDESTADDRREQ = 109 // errno.h:118:1: EDOM = 33 // errno.h:54:1: EEXIST = 17 // errno.h:40:1: EFAULT = 14 // errno.h:38:1: EFBIG = 27 // errno.h:48:1: EHOSTUNREACH = 110 // errno.h:122:1: EIDRM = 111 // errno.h:186:1: EILSEQ = 42 // errno.h:66:1: EINPROGRESS = 112 // errno.h:158:1: EINTR = 4 // errno.h:28:1: EINVAL = 22 // errno.h:64:1: EIO = 5 // errno.h:29:1: EISCONN = 113 // errno.h:94:1: EISDIR = 21 // errno.h:44:1: ELOOP = 114 // errno.h:227:1: EMFILE = 24 // errno.h:46:1: EMLINK = 31 // errno.h:52:1: EMSGSIZE = 115 // errno.h:126:1: ENAMETOOLONG = 38 // errno.h:56:1: ENETDOWN = 116 // errno.h:130:1: ENETRESET = 117 // errno.h:134:1: ENETUNREACH = 118 // errno.h:138:1: ENFILE = 23 // errno.h:45:1: ENOBUFS = 119 // errno.h:98:1: ENODATA = 120 // errno.h:190:1: ENODEV = 19 // errno.h:42:1: ENOENT = 2 // errno.h:25:1: ENOEXEC = 8 // errno.h:32:1: ENOFILE = 2 // errno.h:26:1: ENOLCK = 39 // errno.h:57:1: ENOLINK = 121 // errno.h:194:1: ENOMEM = 12 // errno.h:36:1: ENOMSG = 122 // errno.h:198:1: ENOPROTOOPT = 123 // errno.h:142:1: ENOSPC = 28 // errno.h:49:1: ENOSR = 124 // errno.h:202:1: ENOSTR = 125 // errno.h:206:1: ENOSYS = 40 // errno.h:58:1: ENOTCONN = 126 // errno.h:150:1: ENOTDIR = 20 // errno.h:43:1: ENOTEMPTY = 41 // errno.h:59:1: ENOTRECOVERABLE = 127 // errno.h:210:1: ENOTSOCK = 128 // errno.h:146:1: ENOTSUP = 129 // errno.h:76:1: ENOTTY = 25 // errno.h:47:1: ENXIO = 6 // errno.h:30:1: EOPNOTSUPP = 130 // errno.h:162:1: EOVERFLOW = 132 // errno.h:235:1: EOWNERDEAD = 133 // errno.h:170:1: EPERM = 1 // errno.h:24:1: EPIPE = 32 // errno.h:53:1: EPROTO = 134 // errno.h:174:1: EPROTONOSUPPORT = 135 // errno.h:178:1: EPROTOTYPE = 136 // errno.h:231:1: ERANGE = 34 // errno.h:65:1: EROFS = 30 // errno.h:51:1: ESPIPE = 29 // errno.h:50:1: ESRCH = 3 // errno.h:27:1: ETIME = 137 // errno.h:214:1: ETIMEDOUT = 138 // errno.h:223:1: ETXTBSY = 139 // errno.h:218:1: EWOULDBLOCK = 140 // errno.h:166:1: EXDEV = 18 // errno.h:41:1: MINGW_DDK_H = 0 // _mingw_ddk.h:2:1: MINGW_HAS_DDK_H = 1 // _mingw_ddk.h:4:1: MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API = 1 // _mingw.h:602:1: MINGW_SDK_INIT = 0 // _mingw.h:598:1: STRUNCATE = 80 // errno.h:67:1: UNALIGNED = 0 // _mingw.h:384:1: USE___UUIDOF = 0 // _mingw.h:77:1: WIN32 = 1 // <predefined>:258:1: WINNT = 1 // <predefined>:306:1: X_AGLOBAL = 0 // _mingw.h:346:1: X_ANONYMOUS_STRUCT = 0 // _mingw.h:474:1: X_ANONYMOUS_UNION = 0 // _mingw.h:473:1: X_ARGMAX = 100 // _mingw.h:402:1: X_CONST_RETURN = 0 // _mingw.h:377:1: X_CRTNOALIAS = 0 // corecrt.h:29:1: X_CRTRESTRICT = 0 // corecrt.h:33:1: X_CRT_ALTERNATIVE_IMPORTED = 0 // _mingw.h:313:1: X_CRT_ERRNO_DEFINED = 0 // errno.h:16:1: X_CRT_MANAGED_HEAP_DEPRECATE = 0 // _mingw.h:361:1: X_CRT_PACKING = 8 // corecrt.h:14:1: X_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_NAMES = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:34:1: X_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_NAMES_MEMORY = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:35:1: X_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:36:1: X_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES_COUNT = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:37:1: X_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES_MEMORY = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:38:1: X_CRT_USE_WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP = 0 // corecrt.h:501:1: X_DLL = 0 // _mingw.h:326:1: X_ERRCODE_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:117:1: X_FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64 // <builtin>:25:1: X_ILP32 = 1 // <predefined>:211:1: X_INC_CORECRT = 0 // corecrt.h:8:1: X_INC_CRTDEFS = 0 // crtdefs.h:8:1: X_INC_CRTDEFS_MACRO = 0 // _mingw_mac.h:8:1: X_INC_ERRNO = 0 // errno.h:7:1: X_INC_MINGW_SECAPI = 0 // _mingw_secapi.h:8:1: X_INC_VADEFS = 0 // vadefs.h:7:1: X_INC__MINGW_H = 0 // _mingw.h:8:1: X_INT128_DEFINED = 0 // _mingw.h:237:1: X_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS = 64 // <predefined>:320:1: X_INTPTR_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:62:1: X_MT = 0 // _mingw.h:330:1: X_M_IX86 = 600 // _mingw_mac.h:54:1: X_PGLOBAL = 0 // _mingw.h:342:1: X_PTRDIFF_T_ = 0 // corecrt.h:90:1: X_PTRDIFF_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:88:1: X_RSIZE_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:58:1: X_SECURECRT_ERRCODE_VALUES_DEFINED = 0 // errno.h:63:1: X_SECURECRT_FILL_BUFFER_PATTERN = 0xFD // _mingw.h:349:1: X_SIZE_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:37:1: X_SSIZE_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:47:1: X_TAGLC_ID_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:447:1: X_THREADLOCALEINFO = 0 // corecrt.h:456:1: X_TIME32_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:122:1: X_TIME64_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:127:1: X_TIME_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:139:1: X_UINTPTR_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:75:1: X_USE_32BIT_TIME_T = 0 // _mingw.h:372:1: X_VA_LIST_DEFINED = 0 // <builtin>:55:1: X_W64 = 0 // _mingw.h:296:1: X_WCHAR_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:101:1: X_WCTYPE_T_DEFINED = 0 // corecrt.h:108:1: X_WIN32 = 1 // <predefined>:164:1: X_WIN32_WINNT = 0x502 // _mingw.h:233:1: X_WINT_T = 0 // corecrt.h:110:1: X_X86_ = 1 // <predefined>:169:1: I386 = 1 // <predefined>:171:1: ) type Ptrdiff_t = int32 /* <builtin>:3:26 */ type Size_t = uint32 /* <builtin>:9:23 */ type Wchar_t = uint16 /* <builtin>:15:24 */ type X__builtin_va_list = uintptr /* <builtin>:46:14 */ type X__float128 = float64 /* <builtin>:47:21 */ type Va_list = X__builtin_va_list /* <builtin>:50:27 */ // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // This macro holds an monotonic increasing value, which indicates // a specific fix/patch is present on trunk. This value isn't related to // minor/major version-macros. It is increased on demand, if a big // fix was applied to trunk. This macro gets just increased on trunk. For // other branches its value won't be modified. // mingw.org's version macros: these make gcc to define // MINGW32_SUPPORTS_MT_EH and to use the _CRT_MT global // and the __mingwthr_key_dtor() function from the MinGW // CRT in its private gthr-win32.h header. // Set VC specific compiler target macros. // For x86 we have always to prefix by underscore. // Special case nameless struct/union. // MinGW-w64 has some additional C99 printf/scanf feature support. // So we add some helper macros to ease recognition of them. // If _FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled, some inline functions may use // __builtin_va_arg_pack(). GCC may report an error if the address // of such a function is used. Set _FORTIFY_VA_ARG=0 in this case. // Enable workaround for ABI incompatibility on affected platforms // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175759%28v=VS.100%29.aspx // Templates won't work in C, will break if secure API is not enabled, disabled // https://blogs.msdn.com/b/sdl/archive/2010/02/16/vc-2010-and-memcpy.aspx?Redirected=true // fallback on default implementation if we can't know the size of the destination // Include _cygwin.h if we're building a Cygwin application. // Target specific macro replacement for type "long". In the Windows API, // the type long is always 32 bit, even if the target is 64 bit (LLP64). // On 64 bit Cygwin, the type long is 64 bit (LP64). So, to get the right // sized definitions and declarations, all usage of type long in the Windows // headers have to be replaced by the below defined macro __LONG32. // C/C++ specific language defines. // Note the extern. This is needed to work around GCC's // limitations in handling dllimport attribute. // Attribute `nonnull' was valid as of gcc 3.3. We don't use GCC's // variadiac macro facility, because variadic macros cause syntax // errors with --traditional-cpp. // High byte is the major version, low byte is the minor. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // * // This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. // This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. // No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. // for backward compatibility type X__gnuc_va_list = X__builtin_va_list /* vadefs.h:24:29 */ type Ssize_t = int32 /* corecrt.h:52:13 */ type Rsize_t = Size_t /* corecrt.h:57:16 */ type Intptr_t = int32 /* corecrt.h:69:13 */ type Uintptr_t = uint32 /* corecrt.h:82:22 */ type Wint_t = uint16 /* corecrt.h:111:24 */ type Wctype_t = uint16 /* corecrt.h:112:24 */ type Errno_t = int32 /* corecrt.h:118:13 */ type X__time32_t = int32 /* corecrt.h:123:14 */ type X__time64_t = int64 /* corecrt.h:128:35 */ type Time_t = X__time32_t /* corecrt.h:141:20 */ type Threadlocaleinfostruct = struct { Frefcount int32 Flc_codepage uint32 Flc_collate_cp uint32 Flc_handle [6]uint32 Flc_id [6]LC_ID Flc_category [6]struct { Flocale uintptr Fwlocale uintptr Frefcount uintptr Fwrefcount uintptr } Flc_clike int32 Fmb_cur_max int32 Flconv_intl_refcount uintptr Flconv_num_refcount uintptr Flconv_mon_refcount uintptr Flconv uintptr Fctype1_refcount uintptr Fctype1 uintptr Fpctype uintptr Fpclmap uintptr Fpcumap uintptr Flc_time_curr uintptr } /* corecrt.h:435:1 */ type Pthreadlocinfo = uintptr /* corecrt.h:437:39 */ type Pthreadmbcinfo = uintptr /* corecrt.h:438:36 */ type Localeinfo_struct = struct { Flocinfo Pthreadlocinfo Fmbcinfo Pthreadmbcinfo } /* corecrt.h:441:9 */ type X_locale_tstruct = Localeinfo_struct /* corecrt.h:444:3 */ type X_locale_t = uintptr /* corecrt.h:444:19 */ type TagLC_ID = struct { FwLanguage uint16 FwCountry uint16 FwCodePage uint16 } /* corecrt.h:435:1 */ type LC_ID = TagLC_ID /* corecrt.h:452:3 */ type LPLC_ID = uintptr /* corecrt.h:452:9 */ type Threadlocinfo = Threadlocaleinfostruct /* corecrt.h:487:3 */ // Posix thread extensions. // Extension defined as by report VC 10+ defines error-numbers. // Defined as WSAETIMEDOUT. var _ int8 /* gen.c:2:13: */