/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "vector_vbezier.h" #include <cmath> #include "vector_vdasher.h" #include "vector_vline.h" V_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static constexpr float tolerance = 0.1f; VDasher::VDasher(const float *dashArray, size_t size) { mDashArray = reinterpret_cast<const VDasher::Dash *>(dashArray); mArraySize = size / 2; if (size % 2) mDashOffset = dashArray[size - 1]; mIndex = 0; mCurrentLength = 0; mDiscard = false; //if the dash array contains ZERO length // segments or ZERO lengths gaps we could // optimize those usecase. for (size_t i = 0; i < mArraySize; i++) { if (!vCompare(mDashArray[i].length, 0.0f)) mNoLength = false; if (!vCompare(mDashArray[i].gap, 0.0f)) mNoGap = false; } } void VDasher::moveTo(const VPointF &p) { mDiscard = false; mStartNewSegment = true; mCurPt = p; mIndex = 0; if (!vCompare(mDashOffset, 0.0f)) { float totalLength = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mArraySize; i++) { totalLength = mDashArray[i].length + mDashArray[i].gap; } float normalizeLen = std::fmod(mDashOffset, totalLength); if (normalizeLen < 0.0f) { normalizeLen = totalLength + normalizeLen; } // now the length is less than total length and +ve // findout the current dash index , dashlength and gap. for (size_t i = 0; i < mArraySize; i++) { if (normalizeLen < mDashArray[i].length) { mIndex = i; mCurrentLength = mDashArray[i].length - normalizeLen; mDiscard = false; break; } normalizeLen -= mDashArray[i].length; if (normalizeLen < mDashArray[i].gap) { mIndex = i; mCurrentLength = mDashArray[i].gap - normalizeLen; mDiscard = true; break; } normalizeLen -= mDashArray[i].gap; } } else { mCurrentLength = mDashArray[mIndex].length; } if (vIsZero(mCurrentLength)) updateActiveSegment(); } void VDasher::addLine(const VPointF &p) { if (mDiscard) return; if (mStartNewSegment) { mResult->moveTo(mCurPt); mStartNewSegment = false; } mResult->lineTo(p); } void VDasher::updateActiveSegment() { mStartNewSegment = true; if (mDiscard) { mDiscard = false; mIndex = (mIndex + 1) % mArraySize; mCurrentLength = mDashArray[mIndex].length; } else { mDiscard = true; mCurrentLength = mDashArray[mIndex].gap; } if (vIsZero(mCurrentLength)) updateActiveSegment(); } void VDasher::lineTo(const VPointF &p) { VLine left, right; VLine line(mCurPt, p); float length = line.length(); if (length <= mCurrentLength) { mCurrentLength -= length; addLine(p); } else { while (length > mCurrentLength) { length -= mCurrentLength; line.splitAtLength(mCurrentLength, left, right); addLine(left.p2()); updateActiveSegment(); line = right; mCurPt = line.p1(); } // handle remainder if (length > tolerance) { mCurrentLength -= length; addLine(line.p2()); } } if (mCurrentLength < tolerance) updateActiveSegment(); mCurPt = p; } void VDasher::addCubic(const VPointF &cp1, const VPointF &cp2, const VPointF &e) { if (mDiscard) return; if (mStartNewSegment) { mResult->moveTo(mCurPt); mStartNewSegment = false; } mResult->cubicTo(cp1, cp2, e); } void VDasher::cubicTo(const VPointF &cp1, const VPointF &cp2, const VPointF &e) { VBezier left, right; VBezier b = VBezier::fromPoints(mCurPt, cp1, cp2, e); float bezLen = b.length(); if (bezLen <= mCurrentLength) { mCurrentLength -= bezLen; addCubic(cp1, cp2, e); } else { while (bezLen > mCurrentLength) { bezLen -= mCurrentLength; b.splitAtLength(mCurrentLength, &left, &right); addCubic(left.pt2(), left.pt3(), left.pt4()); updateActiveSegment(); b = right; mCurPt = b.pt1(); } // handle remainder if (bezLen > tolerance) { mCurrentLength -= bezLen; addCubic(b.pt2(), b.pt3(), b.pt4()); } } if (mCurrentLength < tolerance) updateActiveSegment(); mCurPt = e; } void VDasher::dashHelper(const VPath &path, VPath &result) { mResult = &result; mResult->reserve(path.points().size(), path.elements().size()); mIndex = 0; const std::vector<VPath::Element> &elms = path.elements(); const std::vector<VPointF> & pts = path.points(); const VPointF * ptPtr = pts.data(); for (auto &i : elms) { switch (i) { case VPath::Element::MoveTo: { moveTo(*ptPtr++); break; } case VPath::Element::LineTo: { lineTo(*ptPtr++); break; } case VPath::Element::CubicTo: { cubicTo(*ptPtr, *(ptPtr + 1), *(ptPtr + 2)); ptPtr += 3; break; } case VPath::Element::Close: { // The point is already joined to start point in VPath // no need to do anything here. break; } } } mResult = nullptr; } void VDasher::dashed(const VPath &path, VPath &result) { if (mNoLength && mNoGap) return result.reset(); if (path.empty() || mNoLength) return result.reset(); if (mNoGap) return result.clone(path); result.reset(); dashHelper(path, result); } VPath VDasher::dashed(const VPath &path) { if (mNoLength && mNoGap) return path; if (path.empty() || mNoLength) return VPath(); if (mNoGap) return path; VPath result; dashHelper(path, result); return result; } V_END_NAMESPACE