package discordgo

import (

// This file contains all the possible structs that can be
// handled by AddHandler/EventHandler.
//go:generate go run tools/cmd/eventhandlers/main.go

// Connect is the data for a Connect event.
// This is a synthetic event and is not dispatched by Discord.
type Connect struct{}

// Disconnect is the data for a Disconnect event.
// This is a synthetic event and is not dispatched by Discord.
type Disconnect struct{}

// RateLimit is the data for a RateLimit event.
// This is a synthetic event and is not dispatched by Discord.
type RateLimit struct {
	URL string

// Event provides a basic initial struct for all websocket events.
type Event struct {
	Operation int             `json:"op"`
	Sequence  int64           `json:"s"`
	Type      string          `json:"t"`
	RawData   json.RawMessage `json:"d"`
	// Struct contains one of the other types in this file.
	Struct interface{} `json:"-"`

// A Ready stores all data for the websocket READY event.
type Ready struct {
	Version         int          `json:"v"`
	SessionID       string       `json:"session_id"`
	User            *User        `json:"user"`
	Shard           *[2]int      `json:"shard"`
	Application     *Application `json:"application"`
	Guilds          []*Guild     `json:"guilds"`
	PrivateChannels []*Channel   `json:"private_channels"`

// ChannelCreate is the data for a ChannelCreate event.
type ChannelCreate struct {

// ChannelUpdate is the data for a ChannelUpdate event.
type ChannelUpdate struct {

// ChannelDelete is the data for a ChannelDelete event.
type ChannelDelete struct {

// ChannelPinsUpdate stores data for a ChannelPinsUpdate event.
type ChannelPinsUpdate struct {
	LastPinTimestamp string `json:"last_pin_timestamp"`
	ChannelID        string `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID          string `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`

// ThreadCreate is the data for a ThreadCreate event.
type ThreadCreate struct {
	NewlyCreated bool `json:"newly_created"`

// ThreadUpdate is the data for a ThreadUpdate event.
type ThreadUpdate struct {
	BeforeUpdate *Channel `json:"-"`

// ThreadDelete is the data for a ThreadDelete event.
type ThreadDelete struct {

// ThreadListSync is the data for a ThreadListSync event.
type ThreadListSync struct {
	// The id of the guild
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
	// The parent channel ids whose threads are being synced.
	// If omitted, then threads were synced for the entire guild.
	// This array may contain channel_ids that have no active threads as well, so you know to clear that data.
	ChannelIDs []string `json:"channel_ids"`
	// All active threads in the given channels that the current user can access
	Threads []*Channel `json:"threads"`
	// All thread member objects from the synced threads for the current user,
	// indicating which threads the current user has been added to
	Members []*ThreadMember `json:"members"`

// ThreadMemberUpdate is the data for a ThreadMemberUpdate event.
type ThreadMemberUpdate struct {
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// ThreadMembersUpdate is the data for a ThreadMembersUpdate event.
type ThreadMembersUpdate struct {
	ID             string              `json:"id"`
	GuildID        string              `json:"guild_id"`
	MemberCount    int                 `json:"member_count"`
	AddedMembers   []AddedThreadMember `json:"added_members"`
	RemovedMembers []string            `json:"removed_member_ids"`

// GuildCreate is the data for a GuildCreate event.
type GuildCreate struct {

// GuildUpdate is the data for a GuildUpdate event.
type GuildUpdate struct {

// GuildDelete is the data for a GuildDelete event.
type GuildDelete struct {
	BeforeDelete *Guild `json:"-"`

// GuildBanAdd is the data for a GuildBanAdd event.
type GuildBanAdd struct {
	User    *User  `json:"user"`
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// GuildBanRemove is the data for a GuildBanRemove event.
type GuildBanRemove struct {
	User    *User  `json:"user"`
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// GuildMemberAdd is the data for a GuildMemberAdd event.
type GuildMemberAdd struct {

// GuildMemberUpdate is the data for a GuildMemberUpdate event.
type GuildMemberUpdate struct {
	BeforeUpdate *Member `json:"-"`

// GuildMemberRemove is the data for a GuildMemberRemove event.
type GuildMemberRemove struct {

// GuildRoleCreate is the data for a GuildRoleCreate event.
type GuildRoleCreate struct {

// GuildRoleUpdate is the data for a GuildRoleUpdate event.
type GuildRoleUpdate struct {

// A GuildRoleDelete is the data for a GuildRoleDelete event.
type GuildRoleDelete struct {
	RoleID  string `json:"role_id"`
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// A GuildEmojisUpdate is the data for a guild emoji update event.
type GuildEmojisUpdate struct {
	GuildID string   `json:"guild_id"`
	Emojis  []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`

// A GuildMembersChunk is the data for a GuildMembersChunk event.
type GuildMembersChunk struct {
	GuildID    string      `json:"guild_id"`
	Members    []*Member   `json:"members"`
	ChunkIndex int         `json:"chunk_index"`
	ChunkCount int         `json:"chunk_count"`
	NotFound   []string    `json:"not_found,omitempty"`
	Presences  []*Presence `json:"presences,omitempty"`
	Nonce      string      `json:"nonce,omitempty"`

// GuildIntegrationsUpdate is the data for a GuildIntegrationsUpdate event.
type GuildIntegrationsUpdate struct {
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// StageInstanceEventCreate is the data for a StageInstanceEventCreate event.
type StageInstanceEventCreate struct {

// StageInstanceEventUpdate is the data for a StageInstanceEventUpdate event.
type StageInstanceEventUpdate struct {

// StageInstanceEventDelete is the data for a StageInstanceEventDelete event.
type StageInstanceEventDelete struct {

// GuildScheduledEventCreate is the data for a GuildScheduledEventCreate event.
type GuildScheduledEventCreate struct {

// GuildScheduledEventUpdate is the data for a GuildScheduledEventUpdate event.
type GuildScheduledEventUpdate struct {

// GuildScheduledEventDelete is the data for a GuildScheduledEventDelete event.
type GuildScheduledEventDelete struct {

// GuildScheduledEventUserAdd is the data for a GuildScheduledEventUserAdd event.
type GuildScheduledEventUserAdd struct {
	GuildScheduledEventID string `json:"guild_scheduled_event_id"`
	UserID                string `json:"user_id"`
	GuildID               string `json:"guild_id"`

// GuildScheduledEventUserRemove is the data for a GuildScheduledEventUserRemove event.
type GuildScheduledEventUserRemove struct {
	GuildScheduledEventID string `json:"guild_scheduled_event_id"`
	UserID                string `json:"user_id"`
	GuildID               string `json:"guild_id"`

// MessageCreate is the data for a MessageCreate event.
type MessageCreate struct {

// UnmarshalJSON is a helper function to unmarshal MessageCreate object.
func (m *MessageCreate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(b, &m.Message)

// MessageUpdate is the data for a MessageUpdate event.
type MessageUpdate struct {
	// BeforeUpdate will be nil if the Message was not previously cached in the state cache.
	BeforeUpdate *Message `json:"-"`

// UnmarshalJSON is a helper function to unmarshal MessageUpdate object.
func (m *MessageUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(b, &m.Message)

// MessageDelete is the data for a MessageDelete event.
type MessageDelete struct {
	BeforeDelete *Message `json:"-"`

// UnmarshalJSON is a helper function to unmarshal MessageDelete object.
func (m *MessageDelete) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(b, &m.Message)

// MessageReactionAdd is the data for a MessageReactionAdd event.
type MessageReactionAdd struct {
	Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"`

// MessageReactionRemove is the data for a MessageReactionRemove event.
type MessageReactionRemove struct {

// MessageReactionRemoveAll is the data for a MessageReactionRemoveAll event.
type MessageReactionRemoveAll struct {

// PresencesReplace is the data for a PresencesReplace event.
type PresencesReplace []*Presence

// PresenceUpdate is the data for a PresenceUpdate event.
type PresenceUpdate struct {
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// Resumed is the data for a Resumed event.
type Resumed struct {
	Trace []string `json:"_trace"`

// TypingStart is the data for a TypingStart event.
type TypingStart struct {
	UserID    string `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   string `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Timestamp int    `json:"timestamp"`

// UserUpdate is the data for a UserUpdate event.
type UserUpdate struct {

// VoiceServerUpdate is the data for a VoiceServerUpdate event.
type VoiceServerUpdate struct {
	Token    string `json:"token"`
	GuildID  string `json:"guild_id"`
	Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`

// VoiceStateUpdate is the data for a VoiceStateUpdate event.
type VoiceStateUpdate struct {
	// BeforeUpdate will be nil if the VoiceState was not previously cached in the state cache.
	BeforeUpdate *VoiceState `json:"-"`

// MessageDeleteBulk is the data for a MessageDeleteBulk event
type MessageDeleteBulk struct {
	Messages  []string `json:"ids"`
	ChannelID string   `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   string   `json:"guild_id"`

// WebhooksUpdate is the data for a WebhooksUpdate event
type WebhooksUpdate struct {
	GuildID   string `json:"guild_id"`
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`

// InteractionCreate is the data for a InteractionCreate event
type InteractionCreate struct {

// UnmarshalJSON is a helper function to unmarshal Interaction object.
func (i *InteractionCreate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(b, &i.Interaction)

// InviteCreate is the data for a InviteCreate event
type InviteCreate struct {
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   string `json:"guild_id"`

// InviteDelete is the data for a InviteDelete event
type InviteDelete struct {
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   string `json:"guild_id"`
	Code      string `json:"code"`

// ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate is the data for an ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate event
type ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate struct {

// AutoModerationRuleCreate is the data for an AutoModerationRuleCreate event.
type AutoModerationRuleCreate struct {

// AutoModerationRuleUpdate is the data for an AutoModerationRuleUpdate event.
type AutoModerationRuleUpdate struct {

// AutoModerationRuleDelete is the data for an AutoModerationRuleDelete event.
type AutoModerationRuleDelete struct {

// AutoModerationActionExecution is the data for an AutoModerationActionExecution event.
type AutoModerationActionExecution struct {
	GuildID              string                        `json:"guild_id"`
	Action               AutoModerationAction          `json:"action"`
	RuleID               string                        `json:"rule_id"`
	RuleTriggerType      AutoModerationRuleTriggerType `json:"rule_trigger_type"`
	UserID               string                        `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelID            string                        `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID            string                        `json:"message_id"`
	AlertSystemMessageID string                        `json:"alert_system_message_id"`
	Content              string                        `json:"content"`
	MatchedKeyword       string                        `json:"matched_keyword"`
	MatchedContent       string                        `json:"matched_content"`