/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "vector_vrle.h" #include "vector_vrect.h" #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include "vector_vdebug.h" #include "vector_vglobal.h" V_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using Result = std::array<VRle::Span, 255>; using rle_view = VRle::View; static size_t _opGeneric(rle_view &a, rle_view &b, Result &result, VRle::Data::Op op); static size_t _opIntersect(const VRect &, rle_view &, Result &); static size_t _opIntersect(rle_view &, rle_view &, Result &); static inline uchar divBy255(int x) { return (x + (x >> 8) + 0x80) >> 8; } inline static void copy(const VRle::Span *span, size_t count, std::vector<VRle::Span> &v) { // make sure enough memory available if (v.capacity() < v.size() + count) v.reserve(v.size() + count); std::copy(span, span + count, back_inserter(v)); } void VRle::Data::addSpan(const VRle::Span *span, size_t count) { copy(span, count, mSpans); mBboxDirty = true; } VRect VRle::Data::bbox() const { updateBbox(); return mBbox; } void VRle::Data::setBbox(const VRect &bbox) const { mBboxDirty = false; mBbox = bbox; } void VRle::Data::reset() { mSpans.clear(); mBbox = VRect(); mOffset = VPoint(); mBboxDirty = false; } void VRle::Data::clone(const VRle::Data &o) { *this = o; } void VRle::Data::translate(const VPoint &p) { // take care of last offset if applied mOffset = p - mOffset; int x = mOffset.x(); int y = mOffset.y(); for (auto &i : mSpans) { i.x = i.x + x; i.y = i.y + y; } updateBbox(); mBbox.translate(mOffset.x(), mOffset.y()); } void VRle::Data::addRect(const VRect &rect) { int x = rect.left(); int y = rect.top(); int width = rect.width(); int height = rect.height(); mSpans.reserve(size_t(height)); VRle::Span span; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { span.x = x; span.y = y + i; span.len = width; span.coverage = 255; mSpans.push_back(span); } mBbox = rect; } void VRle::Data::updateBbox() const { if (!mBboxDirty) return; mBboxDirty = false; int l = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); const VRle::Span *span = mSpans.data(); mBbox = VRect(); size_t sz = mSpans.size(); if (sz) { int t = span[0].y; int b = span[sz - 1].y; int r = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (span[i].x < l) l = span[i].x; if (span[i].x + span[i].len > r) r = span[i].x + span[i].len; } mBbox = VRect(l, t, r - l, b - t + 1); } } void VRle::Data::operator*=(uchar alpha) { for (auto &i : mSpans) { i.coverage = divBy255(i.coverage * alpha); } } void VRle::Data::opIntersect(const VRect &r, VRle::VRleSpanCb cb, void *userData) const { if (empty()) return; if (r.contains(bbox())) { cb(mSpans.size(), mSpans.data(), userData); return; } auto obj = view(); Result result; // run till all the spans are processed while (obj.size()) { auto count = _opIntersect(r, obj, result); if (count) cb(count, result.data(), userData); } } // res = a - b; void VRle::Data::opSubstract(const VRle::Data &aObj, const VRle::Data &bObj) { // if two rle are disjoint if (!aObj.bbox().intersects(bObj.bbox())) { mSpans = aObj.mSpans; } else { auto a = aObj.view(); auto b = bObj.view(); auto aPtr = a.data(); auto aEnd = a.data() + a.size(); auto bPtr = b.data(); auto bEnd = b.data() + b.size(); // 1. forward a till it intersects with b while ((aPtr != aEnd) && (aPtr->y < bPtr->y)) aPtr++; auto count = aPtr - a.data(); if (count) copy(a.data(), count, mSpans); // 2. forward b till it intersects with a if (aPtr != aEnd) while ((bPtr != bEnd) && (bPtr->y < aPtr->y)) bPtr++; // update a and b object a = {aPtr, size_t(aEnd - aPtr)}; b = {bPtr, size_t(bEnd - bPtr)}; // 3. calculate the intersect region Result result; // run till all the spans are processed while (a.size() && b.size()) { auto count = _opGeneric(a, b, result, Op::Substract); if (count) copy(result.data(), count, mSpans); } // 4. copy the rest of a if (a.size()) copy(a.data(), a.size(), mSpans); } mBboxDirty = true; } void VRle::Data::opGeneric(const VRle::Data &aObj, const VRle::Data &bObj, Op op) { // This routine assumes, obj1(span_y) < obj2(span_y). auto a = aObj.view(); auto b = bObj.view(); // reserve some space for the result vector. mSpans.reserve(a.size() + b.size()); // if two rle are disjoint if (!aObj.bbox().intersects(bObj.bbox())) { if (a.data()[0].y < b.data()[0].y) { copy(a.data(), a.size(), mSpans); copy(b.data(), b.size(), mSpans); } else { copy(b.data(), b.size(), mSpans); copy(a.data(), a.size(), mSpans); } } else { auto aPtr = a.data(); auto aEnd = a.data() + a.size(); auto bPtr = b.data(); auto bEnd = b.data() + b.size(); // 1. forward a till it intersects with b while ((aPtr != aEnd) && (aPtr->y < bPtr->y)) aPtr++; auto count = aPtr - a.data(); if (count) copy(a.data(), count, mSpans); // 2. forward b till it intersects with a if (aPtr != aEnd) while ((bPtr != bEnd) && (bPtr->y < aPtr->y)) bPtr++; count = bPtr - b.data(); if (count) copy(b.data(), count, mSpans); // update a and b object a = {aPtr, size_t(aEnd - aPtr)}; b = {bPtr, size_t(bEnd - bPtr)}; // 3. calculate the intersect region Result result; // run till all the spans are processed while (a.size() && b.size()) { auto count = _opGeneric(a, b, result, op); if (count) copy(result.data(), count, mSpans); } // 3. copy the rest if (b.size()) copy(b.data(), b.size(), mSpans); if (a.size()) copy(a.data(), a.size(), mSpans); } mBboxDirty = true; } static inline V_ALWAYS_INLINE void _opIntersectPrepare(VRle::View &a, VRle::View &b) { auto aPtr = a.data(); auto aEnd = a.data() + a.size(); auto bPtr = b.data(); auto bEnd = b.data() + b.size(); // 1. advance a till it intersects with b while ((aPtr != aEnd) && (aPtr->y < bPtr->y)) aPtr++; // 2. advance b till it intersects with a if (aPtr != aEnd) while ((bPtr != bEnd) && (bPtr->y < aPtr->y)) bPtr++; // update a and b object a = {aPtr, size_t(aEnd - aPtr)}; b = {bPtr, size_t(bEnd - bPtr)}; } void VRle::Data::opIntersect(VRle::View a, VRle::View b) { _opIntersectPrepare(a, b); Result result; while (a.size()) { auto count = _opIntersect(a, b, result); if (count) copy(result.data(), count, mSpans); } updateBbox(); } static void _opIntersect(rle_view a, rle_view b, VRle::VRleSpanCb cb, void *userData) { if (!cb) return; _opIntersectPrepare(a, b); Result result; while (a.size()) { auto count = _opIntersect(a, b, result); if (count) cb(count, result.data(), userData); } } /* * This function will clip a rle list with another rle object * tmp_clip : The rle list that will be use to clip the rle * tmp_obj : holds the list of spans that has to be clipped * result : will hold the result after the processing * NOTE: if the algorithm runs out of the result buffer list * it will stop and update the tmp_obj with the span list * that are yet to be processed as well as the tpm_clip object * with the unprocessed clip spans. */ static size_t _opIntersect(rle_view &obj, rle_view &clip, Result &result) { auto out = result.data(); auto available = result.max_size(); auto spans = obj.data(); auto end = obj.data() + obj.size(); auto clipSpans = clip.data(); auto clipEnd = clip.data() + clip.size(); int sx1, sx2, cx1, cx2, x, len; while (available && spans < end) { if (clipSpans >= clipEnd) { spans = end; break; } if (clipSpans->y > spans->y) { ++spans; continue; } if (spans->y != clipSpans->y) { ++clipSpans; continue; } // assert(spans->y == (clipSpans->y + clip_offset_y)); sx1 = spans->x; sx2 = sx1 + spans->len; cx1 = clipSpans->x; cx2 = cx1 + clipSpans->len; if (cx1 < sx1 && cx2 < sx1) { ++clipSpans; continue; } else if (sx1 < cx1 && sx2 < cx1) { ++spans; continue; } x = std::max(sx1, cx1); len = std::min(sx2, cx2) - x; if (len) { out->x = std::max(sx1, cx1); out->len = (std::min(sx2, cx2) - out->x); out->y = spans->y; out->coverage = divBy255(spans->coverage * clipSpans->coverage); ++out; --available; } if (sx2 < cx2) { ++spans; } else { ++clipSpans; } } // update the obj view yet to be processed obj = {spans, size_t(end - spans)}; // update the clip view yet to be processed clip = {clipSpans, size_t(clipEnd - clipSpans)}; return result.max_size() - available; } /* * This function will clip a rle list with a given rect * clip : The clip rect that will be use to clip the rle * tmp_obj : holds the list of spans that has to be clipped * result : will hold the result after the processing * NOTE: if the algorithm runs out of the result buffer list * it will stop and update the tmp_obj with the span list * that are yet to be processed */ static size_t _opIntersect(const VRect &clip, rle_view &obj, Result &result) { auto out = result.data(); auto available = result.max_size(); auto ptr = obj.data(); auto end = obj.data() + obj.size(); const auto minx = clip.left(); const auto miny = clip.top(); const auto maxx = clip.right() - 1; const auto maxy = clip.bottom() - 1; while (available && ptr < end) { const auto &span = *ptr; if (span.y > maxy) { ptr = end; // update spans so that we can breakout break; } if (span.y < miny || span.x > maxx || span.x + span.len <= minx) { ++ptr; continue; } if (span.x < minx) { out->len = std::min(span.len - (minx - span.x), maxx - minx + 1); out->x = minx; } else { out->x = span.x; out->len = std::min(span.len, ushort(maxx - span.x + 1)); } if (out->len != 0) { out->y = span.y; out->coverage = span.coverage; ++out; --available; } ++ptr; } // update the span list that yet to be processed obj = {ptr, size_t(end - ptr)}; return result.max_size() - available; } static void blitXor(VRle::Span *spans, int count, uchar *buffer, int offsetX) { while (count--) { int x = spans->x + offsetX; int l = spans->len; uchar *ptr = buffer + x; while (l--) { int da = *ptr; *ptr = divBy255((255 - spans->coverage) * (da) + spans->coverage * (255 - da)); ptr++; } spans++; } } static void blitDestinationOut(VRle::Span *spans, int count, uchar *buffer, int offsetX) { while (count--) { int x = spans->x + offsetX; int l = spans->len; uchar *ptr = buffer + x; while (l--) { *ptr = divBy255((255 - spans->coverage) * (*ptr)); ptr++; } spans++; } } static void blitSrcOver(VRle::Span *spans, int count, uchar *buffer, int offsetX) { while (count--) { int x = spans->x + offsetX; int l = spans->len; uchar *ptr = buffer + x; while (l--) { *ptr = spans->coverage + divBy255((255 - spans->coverage) * (*ptr)); ptr++; } spans++; } } void blitSrc(VRle::Span *spans, int count, uchar *buffer, int offsetX) { while (count--) { int x = spans->x + offsetX; int l = spans->len; uchar *ptr = buffer + x; while (l--) { *ptr = std::max(spans->coverage, *ptr); ptr++; } spans++; } } size_t bufferToRle(uchar *buffer, int size, int offsetX, int y, VRle::Span *out) { size_t count = 0; uchar value = buffer[0]; int curIndex = 0; // size = offsetX < 0 ? size + offsetX : size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { uchar curValue = buffer[0]; if (value != curValue) { if (value) { out->y = y; out->x = offsetX + curIndex; out->len = i - curIndex; out->coverage = value; out++; count++; } curIndex = i; value = curValue; } buffer++; } if (value) { out->y = y; out->x = offsetX + curIndex; out->len = size - curIndex; out->coverage = value; count++; } return count; } struct SpanMerger { explicit SpanMerger(VRle::Data::Op op) { switch (op) { case VRle::Data::Op::Add: _blitter = &blitSrcOver; break; case VRle::Data::Op::Xor: _blitter = &blitXor; break; case VRle::Data::Op::Substract: _blitter = &blitDestinationOut; break; } } using blitter = void (*)(VRle::Span *, int, uchar *, int); blitter _blitter; std::array<VRle::Span, 256> _result; std::array<uchar, 1024> _buffer; VRle::Span * _aStart{nullptr}; VRle::Span * _bStart{nullptr}; void revert(VRle::Span *&aPtr, VRle::Span *&bPtr) { aPtr = _aStart; bPtr = _bStart; } VRle::Span *data() { return _result.data(); } size_t merge(VRle::Span *&aPtr, const VRle::Span *aEnd, VRle::Span *&bPtr, const VRle::Span *bEnd); }; size_t SpanMerger::merge(VRle::Span *&aPtr, const VRle::Span *aEnd, VRle::Span *&bPtr, const VRle::Span *bEnd) { assert(aPtr->y == bPtr->y); _aStart = aPtr; _bStart = bPtr; int lb = std::min(aPtr->x, bPtr->x); int y = aPtr->y; while (aPtr < aEnd && aPtr->y == y) aPtr++; while (bPtr < bEnd && bPtr->y == y) bPtr++; int ub = std::max((aPtr - 1)->x + (aPtr - 1)->len, (bPtr - 1)->x + (bPtr - 1)->len); int length = (lb < 0) ? ub + lb : ub - lb; if (length <= 0 || size_t(length) >= _buffer.max_size()) { // can't handle merge . skip return 0; } // clear buffer memset(_buffer.data(), 0, length); // blit a to buffer blitSrc(_aStart, aPtr - _aStart, _buffer.data(), -lb); // blit b to buffer _blitter(_bStart, bPtr - _bStart, _buffer.data(), -lb); // convert buffer to span return bufferToRle(_buffer.data(), length, lb, y, _result.data()); } static size_t _opGeneric(rle_view &a, rle_view &b, Result &result, VRle::Data::Op op) { SpanMerger merger{op}; auto out = result.data(); size_t available = result.max_size(); auto aPtr = a.data(); auto aEnd = a.data() + a.size(); auto bPtr = b.data(); auto bEnd = b.data() + b.size(); // only logic change for substract operation. const bool keep = op != (VRle::Data::Op::Substract); while (available && aPtr < aEnd && bPtr < bEnd) { if (aPtr->y < bPtr->y) { *out++ = *aPtr++; available--; } else if (bPtr->y < aPtr->y) { if (keep) { *out++ = *bPtr; available--; } bPtr++; } else { // same y auto count = merger.merge(aPtr, aEnd, bPtr, bEnd); if (available >= count) { if (count) { memcpy(out, merger.data(), count * sizeof(VRle::Span)); out += count; available -= count; } } else { // not enough space try next time. merger.revert(aPtr, bPtr); break; } } } // update the span list that yet to be processed a = {aPtr, size_t(aEnd - aPtr)}; b = {bPtr, size_t(bEnd - bPtr)}; return result.max_size() - available; } /* * this api makes use of thread_local temporary * buffer to avoid creating intermediate temporary rle buffer * the scratch buffer object will grow its size on demand * so that future call won't need any more memory allocation. * this function is thread safe as it uses thread_local variable * which is unique per thread. */ static vthread_local VRle::Data Scratch_Object; VRle VRle::opGeneric(const VRle &o, Data::Op op) const { if (empty()) return o; if (o.empty()) return *this; Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.opGeneric(d.read(), o.d.read(), op); VRle result; result.d.write() = Scratch_Object; return result; } VRle VRle::operator-(const VRle &o) const { if (empty()) return {}; if (o.empty()) return *this; Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.opSubstract(d.read(), o.d.read()); VRle result; result.d.write() = Scratch_Object; return result; } VRle VRle::operator&(const VRle &o) const { if (empty() || o.empty()) return {}; Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.opIntersect(d.read().view(), o.d.read().view()); VRle result; result.d.write() = Scratch_Object; return result; } void VRle::operator&=(const VRle &o) { if (empty()) return; if (o.empty()) { reset(); return; } Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.opIntersect(d.read().view(), o.d.read().view()); d.write() = Scratch_Object; } VRle operator-(const VRect &rect, const VRle &o) { if (rect.empty()) return {}; Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.addRect(rect); VRle result; result.d.write().opSubstract(Scratch_Object, o.d.read()); return result; } VRle operator&(const VRect &rect, const VRle &o) { if (rect.empty() || o.empty()) return {}; Scratch_Object.reset(); Scratch_Object.addRect(rect); VRle result; result.d.write().opIntersect(Scratch_Object.view(), o.d.read().view()); return result; } void VRle::intersect(const VRle &clip, VRleSpanCb cb, void *userData) const { if (empty() || clip.empty()) return; _opIntersect(d.read().view(), clip.d.read().view(), cb, userData); } V_END_NAMESPACE