package zerolog

import (


const (
	colorBlack = iota + 30

	colorBold     = 1
	colorDarkGray = 90

var (
	consoleBufPool = sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 100))

const (
	consoleDefaultTimeFormat = time.Kitchen

// Formatter transforms the input into a formatted string.
type Formatter func(interface{}) string

// ConsoleWriter parses the JSON input and writes it in an
// (optionally) colorized, human-friendly format to Out.
type ConsoleWriter struct {
	// Out is the output destination.
	Out io.Writer

	// NoColor disables the colorized output.
	NoColor bool

	// TimeFormat specifies the format for timestamp in output.
	TimeFormat string

	// PartsOrder defines the order of parts in output.
	PartsOrder []string

	// PartsExclude defines parts to not display in output.
	PartsExclude []string

	// FieldsExclude defines contextual fields to not display in output.
	FieldsExclude []string

	FormatTimestamp     Formatter
	FormatLevel         Formatter
	FormatCaller        Formatter
	FormatMessage       Formatter
	FormatFieldName     Formatter
	FormatFieldValue    Formatter
	FormatErrFieldName  Formatter
	FormatErrFieldValue Formatter

	FormatExtra func(map[string]interface{}, *bytes.Buffer) error

	FormatPrepare func(map[string]interface{}) error

// NewConsoleWriter creates and initializes a new ConsoleWriter.
func NewConsoleWriter(options ...func(w *ConsoleWriter)) ConsoleWriter {
	w := ConsoleWriter{
		Out:        os.Stdout,
		TimeFormat: consoleDefaultTimeFormat,
		PartsOrder: consoleDefaultPartsOrder(),

	for _, opt := range options {

	// Fix color on Windows
	if w.Out == os.Stdout || w.Out == os.Stderr {
		w.Out = colorable.NewColorable(w.Out.(*os.File))

	return w

// Write transforms the JSON input with formatters and appends to w.Out.
func (w ConsoleWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	// Fix color on Windows
	if w.Out == os.Stdout || w.Out == os.Stderr {
		w.Out = colorable.NewColorable(w.Out.(*os.File))

	if w.PartsOrder == nil {
		w.PartsOrder = consoleDefaultPartsOrder()

	var buf = consoleBufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
	defer func() {

	var evt map[string]interface{}
	p = decodeIfBinaryToBytes(p)
	d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(p))
	err = d.Decode(&evt)
	if err != nil {
		return n, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode event: %s", err)

	if w.FormatPrepare != nil {
		err = w.FormatPrepare(evt)
		if err != nil {
			return n, err

	for _, p := range w.PartsOrder {
		w.writePart(buf, evt, p)

	w.writeFields(evt, buf)

	if w.FormatExtra != nil {
		err = w.FormatExtra(evt, buf)
		if err != nil {
			return n, err

	err = buf.WriteByte('\n')
	if err != nil {
		return n, err

	_, err = buf.WriteTo(w.Out)
	return len(p), err

// Call the underlying writer's Close method if it is an io.Closer. Otherwise
// does nothing.
func (w ConsoleWriter) Close() error {
	if closer, ok := w.Out.(io.Closer); ok {
		return closer.Close()
	return nil

// writeFields appends formatted key-value pairs to buf.
func (w ConsoleWriter) writeFields(evt map[string]interface{}, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
	var fields = make([]string, 0, len(evt))
	for field := range evt {
		var isExcluded bool
		for _, excluded := range w.FieldsExclude {
			if field == excluded {
				isExcluded = true
		if isExcluded {

		switch field {
		case LevelFieldName, TimestampFieldName, MessageFieldName, CallerFieldName:
		fields = append(fields, field)

	// Write space only if something has already been written to the buffer, and if there are fields.
	if buf.Len() > 0 && len(fields) > 0 {
		buf.WriteByte(' ')

	// Move the "error" field to the front
	ei := sort.Search(len(fields), func(i int) bool { return fields[i] >= ErrorFieldName })
	if ei < len(fields) && fields[ei] == ErrorFieldName {
		fields[ei] = ""
		fields = append([]string{ErrorFieldName}, fields...)
		var xfields = make([]string, 0, len(fields))
		for _, field := range fields {
			if field == "" { // Skip empty fields
			xfields = append(xfields, field)
		fields = xfields

	for i, field := range fields {
		var fn Formatter
		var fv Formatter

		if field == ErrorFieldName {
			if w.FormatErrFieldName == nil {
				fn = consoleDefaultFormatErrFieldName(w.NoColor)
			} else {
				fn = w.FormatErrFieldName

			if w.FormatErrFieldValue == nil {
				fv = consoleDefaultFormatErrFieldValue(w.NoColor)
			} else {
				fv = w.FormatErrFieldValue
		} else {
			if w.FormatFieldName == nil {
				fn = consoleDefaultFormatFieldName(w.NoColor)
			} else {
				fn = w.FormatFieldName

			if w.FormatFieldValue == nil {
				fv = consoleDefaultFormatFieldValue
			} else {
				fv = w.FormatFieldValue


		switch fValue := evt[field].(type) {
		case string:
			if needsQuote(fValue) {
			} else {
		case json.Number:
			b, err := InterfaceMarshalFunc(fValue)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(buf, colorize("[error: %v]", colorRed, w.NoColor), err)
			} else {
				fmt.Fprint(buf, fv(b))

		if i < len(fields)-1 { // Skip space for last field
			buf.WriteByte(' ')

// writePart appends a formatted part to buf.
func (w ConsoleWriter) writePart(buf *bytes.Buffer, evt map[string]interface{}, p string) {
	var f Formatter

	if w.PartsExclude != nil && len(w.PartsExclude) > 0 {
		for _, exclude := range w.PartsExclude {
			if exclude == p {

	switch p {
	case LevelFieldName:
		if w.FormatLevel == nil {
			f = consoleDefaultFormatLevel(w.NoColor)
		} else {
			f = w.FormatLevel
	case TimestampFieldName:
		if w.FormatTimestamp == nil {
			f = consoleDefaultFormatTimestamp(w.TimeFormat, w.NoColor)
		} else {
			f = w.FormatTimestamp
	case MessageFieldName:
		if w.FormatMessage == nil {
			f = consoleDefaultFormatMessage(w.NoColor, evt[LevelFieldName])
		} else {
			f = w.FormatMessage
	case CallerFieldName:
		if w.FormatCaller == nil {
			f = consoleDefaultFormatCaller(w.NoColor)
		} else {
			f = w.FormatCaller
		if w.FormatFieldValue == nil {
			f = consoleDefaultFormatFieldValue
		} else {
			f = w.FormatFieldValue

	var s = f(evt[p])

	if len(s) > 0 {
		if buf.Len() > 0 {
			buf.WriteByte(' ') // Write space only if not the first part

// needsQuote returns true when the string s should be quoted in output.
func needsQuote(s string) bool {
	for i := range s {
		if s[i] < 0x20 || s[i] > 0x7e || s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '\\' || s[i] == '"' {
			return true
	return false

// colorize returns the string s wrapped in ANSI code c, unless disabled is true or c is 0.
func colorize(s interface{}, c int, disabled bool) string {
	e := os.Getenv("NO_COLOR")
	if e != "" || c == 0 {
		disabled = true

	if disabled {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s", s)
	return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%dm%v\x1b[0m", c, s)

// ----- DEFAULT FORMATTERS ---------------------------------------------------

func consoleDefaultPartsOrder() []string {
	return []string{

func consoleDefaultFormatTimestamp(timeFormat string, noColor bool) Formatter {
	if timeFormat == "" {
		timeFormat = consoleDefaultTimeFormat
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		t := "<nil>"
		switch tt := i.(type) {
		case string:
			ts, err := time.ParseInLocation(TimeFieldFormat, tt, time.Local)
			if err != nil {
				t = tt
			} else {
				t = ts.Local().Format(timeFormat)
		case json.Number:
			i, err := tt.Int64()
			if err != nil {
				t = tt.String()
			} else {
				var sec, nsec int64

				switch TimeFieldFormat {
				case TimeFormatUnixNano:
					sec, nsec = 0, i
				case TimeFormatUnixMicro:
					sec, nsec = 0, int64(time.Duration(i)*time.Microsecond)
				case TimeFormatUnixMs:
					sec, nsec = 0, int64(time.Duration(i)*time.Millisecond)
					sec, nsec = i, 0

				ts := time.Unix(sec, nsec)
				t = ts.Format(timeFormat)
		return colorize(t, colorDarkGray, noColor)

func consoleDefaultFormatLevel(noColor bool) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		var l string
		if ll, ok := i.(string); ok {
			level, _ := ParseLevel(ll)
			fl, ok := FormattedLevels[level]
			if ok {
				l = colorize(fl, LevelColors[level], noColor)
			} else {
				l = strings.ToUpper(ll)[0:3]
		} else {
			if i == nil {
				l = "???"
			} else {
				l = strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("%s", i))[0:3]
		return l

func consoleDefaultFormatCaller(noColor bool) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		var c string
		if cc, ok := i.(string); ok {
			c = cc
		if len(c) > 0 {
			if cwd, err := os.Getwd(); err == nil {
				if rel, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, c); err == nil {
					c = rel
			c = colorize(c, colorBold, noColor) + colorize(" >", colorCyan, noColor)
		return c

func consoleDefaultFormatMessage(noColor bool, level interface{}) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		if i == nil || i == "" {
			return ""
		switch level {
		case LevelInfoValue, LevelWarnValue, LevelErrorValue, LevelFatalValue, LevelPanicValue:
			return colorize(fmt.Sprintf("%s", i), colorBold, noColor)
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s", i)

func consoleDefaultFormatFieldName(noColor bool) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		return colorize(fmt.Sprintf("%s=", i), colorCyan, noColor)

func consoleDefaultFormatFieldValue(i interface{}) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s", i)

func consoleDefaultFormatErrFieldName(noColor bool) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		return colorize(fmt.Sprintf("%s=", i), colorCyan, noColor)

func consoleDefaultFormatErrFieldValue(noColor bool) Formatter {
	return func(i interface{}) string {
		return colorize(colorize(fmt.Sprintf("%s", i), colorBold, noColor), colorRed, noColor)