mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 00:40:48 +01:00
Replace sorcix/irc and go-ircevent with girc
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
_ "github.com/paulrosania/go-charset/data"
ircm "github.com/sorcix/irc"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
type Birc struct {
i *irc.Connection
i *girc.Client
Nick string
names map[string][]string
Config *config.Protocol
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ func New(cfg config.Protocol, account string, c chan config.Message) *Birc {
func (b *Birc) Command(msg *config.Message) string {
switch msg.Text {
case "!users":
b.i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_NAMREPLY, b.storeNames)
b.i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, b.endNames)
b.i.SendRaw("NAMES " + msg.Channel)
b.i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_NAMREPLY, b.storeNames)
b.i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, b.endNames)
b.i.Cmd.SendRaw("NAMES " + msg.Channel)
return ""
@ -73,26 +73,50 @@ func (b *Birc) Command(msg *config.Message) string {
func (b *Birc) Connect() error {
b.Local = make(chan config.Message, b.Config.MessageQueue+10)
flog.Infof("Connecting %s", b.Config.Server)
i := irc.IRC(b.Config.Nick, b.Config.Nick)
if log.GetLevel() == log.DebugLevel {
i.Debug = true
i.UseTLS = b.Config.UseTLS
i.UseSASL = b.Config.UseSASL
i.SASLLogin = b.Config.NickServNick
i.SASLPassword = b.Config.NickServPassword
i.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify}
i.KeepAlive = time.Minute
i.PingFreq = time.Minute
if b.Config.Password != "" {
i.Password = b.Config.Password
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_WELCOME, b.handleNewConnection)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_ENDOFMOTD, b.handleOtherAuth)
err := i.Connect(b.Config.Server)
server, portstr, err := net.SplitHostPort(b.Config.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portstr)
if err != nil {
return err
i := girc.New(girc.Config{
Server: server,
ServerPass: b.Config.Password,
Port: port,
Nick: b.Config.Nick,
User: b.Config.Nick,
Name: b.Config.Nick,
SSL: b.Config.UseTLS,
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify},
PingDelay: time.Minute,
if b.Config.UseSASL {
i.Config.SASL = &girc.SASLPlain{b.Config.NickServNick, b.Config.NickServPassword}
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_WELCOME, b.handleNewConnection)
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD, b.handleOtherAuth)
i.Handlers.Add("*", b.handleOther)
go func() {
for {
if err := i.Connect(); err != nil {
flog.Errorf("error: %s", err)
flog.Info("reconnecting in 30 seconds...")
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_WELCOME, func(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: "", Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_REJOIN_CHANNELS}
// set our correct nick on reconnect if necessary
b.Nick = event.Source.Name
} else {
b.i = i
select {
case <-b.connected:
@ -100,15 +124,8 @@ func (b *Birc) Connect() error {
case <-time.After(time.Second * 30):
return fmt.Errorf("connection timed out")
i.Debug = false
// clear on reconnects
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_WELCOME, func(event *irc.Event) {
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: "", Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_REJOIN_CHANNELS}
// set our correct nick on reconnect if necessary
b.Nick = event.Nick
go i.Loop()
//i.Debug = false
go b.doSend()
return nil
@ -122,9 +139,9 @@ func (b *Birc) Disconnect() error {
func (b *Birc) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
if channel.Options.Key != "" {
flog.Debugf("using key %s for channel %s", channel.Options.Key, channel.Name)
b.i.Join(channel.Name + " " + channel.Options.Key)
b.i.Cmd.JoinKey(channel.Name, channel.Options.Key)
} else {
return nil
@ -173,15 +190,15 @@ func (b *Birc) doSend() {
for msg := range b.Local {
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
b.i.Action(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
b.i.Cmd.Action(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
} else {
b.i.Privmsg(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
b.i.Cmd.Message(msg.Channel, msg.Username+msg.Text)
func (b *Birc) endNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[1]
func (b *Birc) endNames(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
channel := event.Params[1]
maxNamesPerPost := (300 / b.nicksPerRow()) * b.nicksPerRow()
continued := false
@ -194,99 +211,95 @@ func (b *Birc) endNames(event *irc.Event) {
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: b.Nick, Text: b.formatnicks(b.names[channel], continued),
Channel: channel, Account: b.Account}
b.names[channel] = nil
func (b *Birc) handleNewConnection(event *irc.Event) {
func (b *Birc) handleNewConnection(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
flog.Debug("Registering callbacks")
i := b.i
b.Nick = event.Arguments[0]
i.AddCallback("PRIVMSG", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback("CTCP_ACTION", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, b.handleTopicWhoTime)
i.AddCallback(ircm.NOTICE, b.handleNotice)
//i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_MYINFO, func(e *irc.Event) { flog.Infof("%s: %s", e.Code, strings.Join(e.Arguments[1:], " ")) })
i.AddCallback("PING", func(e *irc.Event) {
i.SendRaw("PONG :" + e.Message())
i.AddCallback("JOIN", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("PART", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("QUIT", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("KICK", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("*", b.handleOther)
b.Nick = event.Params[0]
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD, b.handleOtherAuth)
i.Handlers.Add("PRIVMSG", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.Handlers.Add("CTCP_ACTION", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, b.handleTopicWhoTime)
i.Handlers.Add(girc.NOTICE, b.handleNotice)
i.Handlers.Add("JOIN", b.handleJoinPart)
i.Handlers.Add("PART", b.handleJoinPart)
i.Handlers.Add("QUIT", b.handleJoinPart)
i.Handlers.Add("KICK", b.handleJoinPart)
// we are now fully connected
b.connected <- struct{}{}
func (b *Birc) handleJoinPart(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[0]
if event.Code == "KICK" {
flog.Infof("Got kicked from %s by %s", channel, event.Nick)
func (b *Birc) handleJoinPart(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
channel := event.Params[0]
if event.Command == "KICK" {
flog.Infof("Got kicked from %s by %s", channel, event.Source.Name)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_REJOIN_CHANNELS}
if event.Code == "QUIT" {
if event.Nick == b.Nick && strings.Contains(event.Raw, "Ping timeout") {
if event.Command == "QUIT" {
if event.Source.Name == b.Nick && strings.Contains(event.Trailing, "Ping timeout") {
flog.Infof("%s reconnecting ..", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "reconnect", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_FAILURE}
if event.Nick != b.Nick {
if event.Source.Name != b.Nick {
flog.Debugf("Sending JOIN_LEAVE event from %s to gateway", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: event.Nick + " " + strings.ToLower(event.Code) + "s", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE}
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: event.Source.Name + " " + strings.ToLower(event.Command) + "s", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE}
flog.Debugf("handle %#v", event)
func (b *Birc) handleNotice(event *irc.Event) {
if strings.Contains(event.Message(), "This nickname is registered") && event.Nick == b.Config.NickServNick {
b.i.Privmsg(b.Config.NickServNick, "IDENTIFY "+b.Config.NickServPassword)
func (b *Birc) handleNotice(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
if strings.Contains(event.String(), "This nickname is registered") && event.Source.Name == b.Config.NickServNick {
b.i.Cmd.Message(b.Config.NickServNick, "IDENTIFY "+b.Config.NickServPassword)
} else {
b.handlePrivMsg(client, event)
func (b *Birc) handleOther(event *irc.Event) {
switch event.Code {
func (b *Birc) handleOther(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
switch event.Command {
case "372", "375", "376", "250", "251", "252", "253", "254", "255", "265", "266", "002", "003", "004", "005":
flog.Debugf("%#v", event.Raw)
flog.Debugf("%#v", event.String())
func (b *Birc) handleOtherAuth(event *irc.Event) {
func (b *Birc) handleOtherAuth(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
if strings.EqualFold(b.Config.NickServNick, "Q@CServe.quakenet.org") {
flog.Debugf("Authenticating %s against %s", b.Config.NickServUsername, b.Config.NickServNick)
b.i.Privmsg(b.Config.NickServNick, "AUTH "+b.Config.NickServUsername+" "+b.Config.NickServPassword)
b.i.Cmd.Message(b.Config.NickServNick, "AUTH "+b.Config.NickServUsername+" "+b.Config.NickServPassword)
func (b *Birc) handlePrivMsg(event *irc.Event) {
func (b *Birc) handlePrivMsg(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
b.Nick = b.i.GetNick()
// freenode doesn't send 001 as first reply
if event.Code == "NOTICE" {
if event.Command == "NOTICE" {
// don't forward queries to the bot
if event.Arguments[0] == b.Nick {
if event.Params[0] == b.Nick {
// don't forward message from ourself
if event.Nick == b.Nick {
if event.Source.Name == b.Nick {
rmsg := config.Message{Username: event.Nick, Channel: event.Arguments[0], Account: b.Account, UserID: event.User + "@" + event.Host}
flog.Debugf("handlePrivMsg() %s %s %#v", event.Nick, event.Message(), event)
rmsg := config.Message{Username: event.Source.Name, Channel: event.Params[0], Account: b.Account, UserID: event.Source.Ident + "@" + event.Source.Host}
flog.Debugf("handlePrivMsg() %s %s %#v", event.Source.Name, event.Trailing, event)
msg := ""
if event.Code == "CTCP_ACTION" {
// msg = event.Nick + " "
if event.Command == "CTCP_ACTION" {
// msg = event.Source.Name + " "
rmsg.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
msg += event.Message()
msg += event.Trailing
// strip IRC colors
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[[:cntrl:]](?:\d{1,2}(?:,\d{1,2})?)?`)
msg = re.ReplaceAllString(msg, "")
@ -317,49 +330,35 @@ func (b *Birc) handlePrivMsg(event *irc.Event) {
output, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
msg = string(output)
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", event.Arguments[0], b.Account)
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", event.Params[0], b.Account)
rmsg.Text = msg
b.Remote <- rmsg
func (b *Birc) handleTopicWhoTime(event *irc.Event) {
parts := strings.Split(event.Arguments[2], "!")
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(event.Arguments[3], 10, 64)
func (b *Birc) handleTopicWhoTime(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
parts := strings.Split(event.Params[2], "!")
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(event.Params[3], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("Invalid time stamp: %s", event.Arguments[3])
flog.Errorf("Invalid time stamp: %s", event.Params[3])
user := parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1 {
user += " [" + parts[1] + "]"
flog.Debugf("%s: Topic set by %s [%s]", event.Code, user, time.Unix(t, 0))
flog.Debugf("%s: Topic set by %s [%s]", event.Command, user, time.Unix(t, 0))
func (b *Birc) nicksPerRow() int {
return 4
if b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow < 1 {
return 4
return b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow
func (b *Birc) storeNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[2]
func (b *Birc) storeNames(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
channel := event.Params[2]
b.names[channel] = append(
strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(event.Message()), " ")...)
strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(event.Trailing), " ")...)
func (b *Birc) formatnicks(nicks []string, continued bool) string {
return plainformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow())
switch b.Config.Mattermost.NickFormatter {
case "table":
return tableformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow(), continued)
return plainformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user