mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 21:30:39 +01:00
Add support for Telegram topics (telegram) (#1942)
Topics are surfaced by appending /<topic-id> to the channel setting for the gateway. An example for the topic with ID of 16 would be: ``` [[gateway.inout]] account="telegram.mytelegram" channel="-100xxxxxxxxxx/16" ```
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
tgbotapi "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5"
tgbotapi "github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6"
func (b *Btelegram) handleUpdate(rmsg *config.Message, message, posted, edited *tgbotapi.Message) *tgbotapi.Message {
@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleUpdate(rmsg *config.Message, message, posted, edited *
if posted.Text == "/chatId" {
chatID := strconv.FormatInt(posted.Chat.ID, 10)
// Handle chat topics
if posted.IsTopicMessage {
chatID = chatID + "/" + strconv.Itoa(posted.MessageThreadID)
_, err := b.Send(config.Message{
Channel: chatID,
Text: fmt.Sprintf("ID of this chat: %s", chatID),
@ -91,7 +96,8 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleForwarded(rmsg *config.Message, message *tgbotapi.Mess
// handleQuoting handles quoting of previous messages
func (b *Btelegram) handleQuoting(rmsg *config.Message, message *tgbotapi.Message) {
if message.ReplyToMessage != nil {
// Used to check if the message was a reply to the root topic
if message.ReplyToMessage != nil && !(message.ReplyToMessage.MessageID == message.MessageThreadID) { //nolint:nestif
usernameReply := ""
if message.ReplyToMessage.From != nil {
if b.GetBool("UseFirstName") {
@ -211,9 +217,14 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleRecv(updates <-chan tgbotapi.Update) {
// set the ID's from the channel or group message
rmsg.ID = strconv.Itoa(message.MessageID)
rmsg.Channel = strconv.FormatInt(message.Chat.ID, 10)
if message.MessageThreadID != 0 {
rmsg.Channel += "/" + strconv.Itoa(message.MessageThreadID)
// preserve threading from telegram reply
if message.ReplyToMessage != nil {
if message.ReplyToMessage != nil &&
// Used to check if the message was a reply to the root topic
!(message.ReplyToMessage.MessageID == message.MessageThreadID) {
rmsg.ParentID = strconv.Itoa(message.ReplyToMessage.MessageID)
@ -326,12 +337,12 @@ func (b *Btelegram) maybeConvertWebp(name *string, data *[]byte) {
// handleDownloadFile handles file download
func (b *Btelegram) handleDownload(rmsg *config.Message, message *tgbotapi.Message) error {
size := 0
size := int64(0)
var url, name, text string
switch {
case message.Sticker != nil:
text, name, url = b.getDownloadInfo(message.Sticker.FileID, ".webp", true)
size = message.Sticker.FileSize
size = int64(message.Sticker.FileSize)
case message.Voice != nil:
text, name, url = b.getDownloadInfo(message.Voice.FileID, ".ogg", true)
size = message.Voice.FileSize
@ -348,7 +359,7 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleDownload(rmsg *config.Message, message *tgbotapi.Messa
text = " " + message.Document.FileName + " : " + url
case message.Photo != nil:
photos := message.Photo
size = photos[len(photos)-1].FileSize
size = int64(photos[len(photos)-1].FileSize)
text, name, url = b.getDownloadInfo(photos[len(photos)-1].FileID, "", true)
@ -452,7 +463,7 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleEdit(msg *config.Message, chatid int64) (string, error
// handleUploadFile handles native upload of files
func (b *Btelegram) handleUploadFile(msg *config.Message, chatid int64, parentID int) (string, error) {
func (b *Btelegram) handleUploadFile(msg *config.Message, chatid int64, threadid int, parentID int) (string, error) {
var media []interface{}
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
@ -502,7 +513,7 @@ func (b *Btelegram) handleUploadFile(msg *config.Message, chatid int64, parentID
return b.sendMediaFiles(msg, chatid, parentID, media)
return b.sendMediaFiles(msg, chatid, threadid, parentID, media)
func (b *Btelegram) handleQuote(message, quoteNick, quoteMessage string) string {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
tgbotapi "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5"
tgbotapi "github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6"
const (
@ -86,11 +86,41 @@ func TGGetParseMode(b *Btelegram, username string, text string) (textout string,
return textout, parsemode
func (b *Btelegram) getIds(channel string) (int64, int, error) {
var chatid int64
topicid := 0
// get the chatid
if strings.Contains(channel, "/") { //nolint:nestif
s := strings.Split(channel, "/")
if len(s) < 2 {
b.Log.Errorf("Invalid channel format: %#v\n", channel)
return 0, 0, nil
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
chatid = id
tid, err := strconv.Atoi(s[1])
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
topicid = tid
} else {
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(channel, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
chatid = id
return chatid, topicid, nil
func (b *Btelegram) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
b.Log.Debugf("=> Receiving %#v", msg)
// get the chatid
chatid, err := strconv.ParseInt(msg.Channel, 10, 64)
chatid, topicid, err := b.getIds(msg.Channel)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -123,13 +153,13 @@ func (b *Btelegram) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// Upload a file if it exists
if msg.Extra != nil {
for _, rmsg := range helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General) {
if _, msgErr := b.sendMessage(chatid, rmsg.Username, rmsg.Text, parentID); msgErr != nil {
if _, msgErr := b.sendMessage(chatid, topicid, rmsg.Username, rmsg.Text, parentID); msgErr != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("sendMessage failed: %s", msgErr)
// check if we have files to upload (from slack, telegram or mattermost)
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
return b.handleUploadFile(&msg, chatid, parentID)
return b.handleUploadFile(&msg, chatid, topicid, parentID)
@ -143,7 +173,7 @@ func (b *Btelegram) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// Ignore empty text field needs for prevent double messages from whatsapp to telegram
// when sending media with text caption
if msg.Text != "" {
return b.sendMessage(chatid, msg.Username, msg.Text, parentID)
return b.sendMessage(chatid, topicid, msg.Username, msg.Text, parentID)
return "", nil
@ -157,9 +187,12 @@ func (b *Btelegram) getFileDirectURL(id string) string {
return res
func (b *Btelegram) sendMessage(chatid int64, username, text string, parentID int) (string, error) {
func (b *Btelegram) sendMessage(chatid int64, topicid int, username, text string, parentID int) (string, error) {
m := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chatid, "")
m.Text, m.ParseMode = TGGetParseMode(b, username, text)
if topicid != 0 {
m.BaseChat.MessageThreadID = topicid
m.ReplyToMessageID = parentID
m.DisableWebPagePreview = b.GetBool("DisableWebPagePreview")
@ -171,11 +204,19 @@ func (b *Btelegram) sendMessage(chatid int64, username, text string, parentID in
// sendMediaFiles native upload media files via media group
func (b *Btelegram) sendMediaFiles(msg *config.Message, chatid int64, parentID int, media []interface{}) (string, error) {
func (b *Btelegram) sendMediaFiles(msg *config.Message, chatid int64, threadid int, parentID int, media []interface{}) (string, error) {
if len(media) == 0 {
return "", nil
mg := tgbotapi.MediaGroupConfig{ChatID: chatid, ChannelUsername: msg.Username, Media: media, ReplyToMessageID: parentID}
mg := tgbotapi.MediaGroupConfig{
BaseChat: tgbotapi.BaseChat{
ChatID: chatid,
MessageThreadID: threadid,
ChannelUsername: msg.Username,
ReplyToMessageID: parentID,
Media: media,
messages, err := b.c.SendMediaGroup(mg)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ require (
github.com/d5/tengo/v2 v2.13.0
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0
github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5 v5.5.1
github.com/gomarkdown/markdown v0.0.0-20221013030248-663e2500819c
github.com/google/gops v0.3.27
github.com/gorilla/schema v1.2.0
@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ require (
github.com/matterbridge/gozulipbot v0.0.0-20211023205727-a19d6c1f3b75
github.com/matterbridge/logrus-prefixed-formatter v0.5.3-0.20200523233437-d971309a77ba
github.com/matterbridge/matterclient v0.0.0-20221106190440-8bcf49695e0d
github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6 v6.5.0
github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v5 v5.39.3
github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6 v6.7.2
github.com/mattn/godown v0.0.1
@ -607,8 +607,6 @@ github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.5.0/go.mod h1:DCzpHaOWr8IXmIStZouvnhqoel9Qv2LB
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0/go.mod h1:DCzpHaOWr8IXmIStZouvnhqoel9Qv2LBy8hT2VhHyBg=
github.com/go-stack/stack v1.8.0/go.mod h1:v0f6uXyyMGvRgIKkXu+yp6POWl0qKG85gN/melR3HDY=
github.com/go-task/slim-sprig v0.0.0-20210107165309-348f09dbbbc0/go.mod h1:fyg7847qk6SyHyPtNmDHnmrv/HOrqktSC+C9fM+CJOE=
github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5 v5.5.1 h1:wG8n/XJQ07TmjbITcGiUaOtXxdrINDz1b0J1w0SzqDc=
github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5 v5.5.1/go.mod h1:A2S0CWkNylc2phvKXWBBdD3K0iGnDBGbzRpISP2zBl8=
github.com/go-test/deep v1.0.4 h1:u2CU3YKy9I2pmu9pX0eq50wCgjfGIt539SqR7FbHiho=
github.com/go-test/deep v1.0.4/go.mod h1:wGDj63lr65AM2AQyKZd/NYHGb0R+1RLqB8NKt3aSFNA=
github.com/gobuffalo/attrs v0.0.0-20190224210810-a9411de4debd/go.mod h1:4duuawTqi2wkkpB4ePgWMaai6/Kc6WEz83bhFwpHzj0=
@ -1085,6 +1083,8 @@ github.com/matterbridge/logrus-prefixed-formatter v0.5.3-0.20200523233437-d97130
github.com/matterbridge/logrus-prefixed-formatter v0.5.3-0.20200523233437-d971309a77ba/go.mod h1:iXGEotOvwI1R1SjLxRc+BF5rUORTMtE0iMZBT2lxqAU=
github.com/matterbridge/matterclient v0.0.0-20221106190440-8bcf49695e0d h1:aI0ANEzy3dMv3vEAMQ80AItNie0fBR9ZxE2sAedORmM=
github.com/matterbridge/matterclient v0.0.0-20221106190440-8bcf49695e0d/go.mod h1:Zg8PH1P/1CNUxozQ8blnjAV9PA4Qn2qWf33cX5yNKGM=
github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6 v6.5.0 h1:wCnHWvt4WGhfognQsuu2OnHyqENBdJRf2mReYTCXggQ=
github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6 v6.5.0/go.mod h1:/hSLrs8h/xNsQglQXjwXJ92iZU8XfTGkYUQ7KVDWEVo=
github.com/mattermost/go-i18n v1.11.0/go.mod h1:RyS7FDNQlzF1PsjbJWHRI35exqaKGSO9qD4iv8QjE34=
github.com/mattermost/go-i18n v1.11.1-0.20211013152124-5c415071e404 h1:Khvh6waxG1cHc4Cz5ef9n3XVCxRWpAKUtqg9PJl5+y8=
github.com/mattermost/go-i18n v1.11.1-0.20211013152124-5c415071e404/go.mod h1:RyS7FDNQlzF1PsjbJWHRI35exqaKGSO9qD4iv8QjE34=
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ func main() {
log.Printf("Authorized on account %s", bot.Self.UserName)
wh, _ := tgbotapi.NewWebhookWithCert("https://www.google.com:8443/"+bot.Token, "cert.pem")
wh, _ := tgbotapi.NewWebhookWithCert("https://www.example.com:8443/"+bot.Token, "cert.pem")
_, err = bot.SetWebhook(wh)
_, err = bot.Request(wh)
if err != nil {
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) decodeAPIResponse(responseBody io.Reader, resp *APIResponse)
// if debug, read response body
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(responseBody)
data, err := io.ReadAll(responseBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -494,6 +493,8 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) ListenForWebhookRespReqFormat(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.
ch := make(chan Update, bot.Buffer)
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer close(ch)
update, err := bot.HandleUpdate(r)
if err != nil {
errMsg, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
@ -504,7 +505,6 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) ListenForWebhookRespReqFormat(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.
ch <- *update
}(w, r)
return ch
@ -681,12 +681,7 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) GetMyCommandsWithConfig(config GetMyCommandsConfig) ([]BotCom
// forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn't have a link to the original
// message. Returns the MessageID of the sent message on success.
func (bot *BotAPI) CopyMessage(config CopyMessageConfig) (MessageID, error) {
params, err := config.params()
if err != nil {
return MessageID{}, err
resp, err := bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), params)
resp, err := bot.Request(config)
if err != nil {
return MessageID{}, err
@ -697,6 +692,33 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) CopyMessage(config CopyMessageConfig) (MessageID, error) {
return messageID, err
// AnswerWebAppQuery sets the result of an interaction with a Web App and send a
// corresponding message on behalf of the user to the chat from which the query originated.
func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerWebAppQuery(config AnswerWebAppQueryConfig) (SentWebAppMessage, error) {
var sentWebAppMessage SentWebAppMessage
resp, err := bot.Request(config)
if err != nil {
return sentWebAppMessage, err
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &sentWebAppMessage)
return sentWebAppMessage, err
// GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights gets the current default administrator rights of the bot.
func (bot *BotAPI) GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights(config GetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig) (ChatAdministratorRights, error) {
var rights ChatAdministratorRights
resp, err := bot.Request(config)
if err != nil {
return rights, err
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &rights)
return rights, err
// EscapeText takes an input text and escape Telegram markup symbols.
// In this way we can send a text without being afraid of having to escape the characters manually.
// Note that you don't have to include the formatting style in the input text, or it will be escaped too.
@ -265,7 +265,9 @@ func (CloseConfig) params() (Params, error) {
// BaseChat is base type for all chat config types.
type BaseChat struct {
ChatID int64 // required
MessageThreadID int
ChannelUsername string
ProtectContent bool
ReplyToMessageID int
ReplyMarkup interface{}
DisableNotification bool
@ -276,9 +278,11 @@ func (chat *BaseChat) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", chat.ChatID, chat.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", chat.MessageThreadID)
params.AddNonZero("reply_to_message_id", chat.ReplyToMessageID)
params.AddBool("disable_notification", chat.DisableNotification)
params.AddBool("allow_sending_without_reply", chat.AllowSendingWithoutReply)
params.AddBool("protect_content", chat.ProtectContent)
err := params.AddInterface("reply_markup", chat.ReplyMarkup)
@ -319,6 +323,21 @@ func (edit BaseEdit) params() (Params, error) {
return params, err
// BaseSpoiler is base type of structures with spoilers.
type BaseSpoiler struct {
HasSpoiler bool
func (spoiler BaseSpoiler) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
if spoiler.HasSpoiler {
params.AddBool("has_spoiler", true)
return params, nil
// MessageConfig contains information about a SendMessage request.
type MessageConfig struct {
@ -403,6 +422,7 @@ func (config CopyMessageConfig) method() string {
// PhotoConfig contains information about a SendPhoto request.
type PhotoConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
@ -418,6 +438,15 @@ func (config PhotoConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
if err != nil {
return params, err
p1, err := config.BaseSpoiler.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
return params, err
@ -553,6 +582,7 @@ func (config StickerConfig) files() []RequestFile {
// VideoConfig contains information about a SendVideo request.
type VideoConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Duration int
Caption string
@ -572,6 +602,15 @@ func (config VideoConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
params.AddBool("supports_streaming", config.SupportsStreaming)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
if err != nil {
return params, err
p1, err := config.BaseSpoiler.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
return params, err
@ -599,6 +638,7 @@ func (config VideoConfig) files() []RequestFile {
// AnimationConfig contains information about a SendAnimation request.
type AnimationConfig struct {
Duration int
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
@ -616,6 +656,15 @@ func (config AnimationConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
if err != nil {
return params, err
p1, err := config.BaseSpoiler.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
return params, err
@ -972,13 +1021,15 @@ func (config GetGameHighScoresConfig) method() string {
// ChatActionConfig contains information about a SendChatAction request.
type ChatActionConfig struct {
Action string // required
MessageThreadID int
Action string // required
func (config ChatActionConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params["action"] = config.Action
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
return params, err
@ -1162,6 +1213,7 @@ type WebhookConfig struct {
MaxConnections int
AllowedUpdates []string
DropPendingUpdates bool
SecretToken string
func (config WebhookConfig) method() string {
@ -1179,6 +1231,7 @@ func (config WebhookConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddNonZero("max_connections", config.MaxConnections)
err := params.AddInterface("allowed_updates", config.AllowedUpdates)
params.AddBool("drop_pending_updates", config.DropPendingUpdates)
params.AddNonEmpty("secret_token", config.SecretToken)
return params, err
@ -1240,6 +1293,29 @@ func (config InlineConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return params, err
// AnswerWebAppQueryConfig is used to set the result of an interaction with a
// Web App and send a corresponding message on behalf of the user to the chat
// from which the query originated.
type AnswerWebAppQueryConfig struct {
// WebAppQueryID is the unique identifier for the query to be answered.
WebAppQueryID string `json:"web_app_query_id"`
// Result is an InlineQueryResult object describing the message to be sent.
Result interface{} `json:"result"`
func (config AnswerWebAppQueryConfig) method() string {
return "answerWebAppQuery"
func (config AnswerWebAppQueryConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["web_app_query_id"] = config.WebAppQueryID
err := params.AddInterface("result", config.Result)
return params, err
// CallbackConfig contains information on making a CallbackQuery response.
type CallbackConfig struct {
CallbackQueryID string `json:"callback_query_id"`
@ -1324,8 +1400,9 @@ type KickChatMemberConfig = BanChatMemberConfig
// RestrictChatMemberConfig contains fields to restrict members of chat
type RestrictChatMemberConfig struct {
UntilDate int64
Permissions *ChatPermissions
UntilDate int64
UseIndependentChatPermissions bool
Permissions *ChatPermissions
func (config RestrictChatMemberConfig) method() string {
@ -1337,6 +1414,7 @@ func (config RestrictChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddBool("use_independent_chat_permissions", config.UseIndependentChatPermissions)
err := params.AddInterface("permissions", config.Permissions)
params.AddNonZero64("until_date", config.UntilDate)
@ -1353,11 +1431,12 @@ type PromoteChatMemberConfig struct {
CanPostMessages bool
CanEditMessages bool
CanDeleteMessages bool
CanManageVoiceChats bool
CanManageVideoChats bool
CanInviteUsers bool
CanRestrictMembers bool
CanPinMessages bool
CanPromoteMembers bool
CanManageTopics bool
func (config PromoteChatMemberConfig) method() string {
@ -1376,11 +1455,12 @@ func (config PromoteChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddBool("can_post_messages", config.CanPostMessages)
params.AddBool("can_edit_messages", config.CanEditMessages)
params.AddBool("can_delete_messages", config.CanDeleteMessages)
params.AddBool("can_manage_voice_chats", config.CanManageVoiceChats)
params.AddBool("can_manage_video_chats", config.CanManageVideoChats)
params.AddBool("can_invite_users", config.CanInviteUsers)
params.AddBool("can_restrict_members", config.CanRestrictMembers)
params.AddBool("can_pin_messages", config.CanPinMessages)
params.AddBool("can_promote_members", config.CanPromoteMembers)
params.AddBool("can_manage_topics", config.CanManageTopics)
return params, nil
@ -1500,7 +1580,8 @@ func (ChatAdministratorsConfig) method() string {
// restrict members.
type SetChatPermissionsConfig struct {
Permissions *ChatPermissions
UseIndependentChatPermissions bool
Permissions *ChatPermissions
func (SetChatPermissionsConfig) method() string {
@ -1511,6 +1592,7 @@ func (config SetChatPermissionsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddBool("use_independent_chat_permissions", config.UseIndependentChatPermissions)
err := params.AddInterface("permissions", config.Permissions)
return params, err
@ -1759,6 +1841,64 @@ func (config InvoiceConfig) method() string {
return "sendInvoice"
// InvoiceLinkConfig contains information for createInvoiceLink method
type InvoiceLinkConfig struct {
Title string //Required
Description string //Required
Payload string //Required
ProviderToken string //Required
Currency string //Required
Prices []LabeledPrice //Required
MaxTipAmount int
SuggestedTipAmounts []int
ProviderData string
PhotoURL string
PhotoSize int
PhotoWidth int
PhotoHeight int
NeedName bool
NeedPhoneNumber bool
NeedEmail bool
NeedShippingAddress bool
SendPhoneNumberToProvider bool
SendEmailToProvider bool
IsFlexible bool
func (config InvoiceLinkConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["title"] = config.Title
params["description"] = config.Description
params["payload"] = config.Payload
params["provider_token"] = config.ProviderToken
params["currency"] = config.Currency
if err := params.AddInterface("prices", config.Prices); err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("max_tip_amount", config.MaxTipAmount)
err := params.AddInterface("suggested_tip_amounts", config.SuggestedTipAmounts)
params.AddNonEmpty("provider_data", config.ProviderData)
params.AddNonEmpty("photo_url", config.PhotoURL)
params.AddNonZero("photo_size", config.PhotoSize)
params.AddNonZero("photo_width", config.PhotoWidth)
params.AddNonZero("photo_height", config.PhotoHeight)
params.AddBool("need_name", config.NeedName)
params.AddBool("need_phone_number", config.NeedPhoneNumber)
params.AddBool("need_email", config.NeedEmail)
params.AddBool("need_shipping_address", config.NeedShippingAddress)
params.AddBool("send_phone_number_to_provider", config.SendPhoneNumberToProvider)
params.AddBool("send_email_to_provider", config.SendEmailToProvider)
params.AddBool("is_flexible", config.IsFlexible)
return params, err
func (config InvoiceLinkConfig) method() string {
return "createInvoiceLink"
// ShippingConfig contains information for answerShippingQuery request.
type ShippingConfig struct {
ShippingQueryID string // required
@ -1782,7 +1922,7 @@ func (config ShippingConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return params, err
// PreCheckoutConfig conatins information for answerPreCheckoutQuery request.
// PreCheckoutConfig contains information for answerPreCheckoutQuery request.
type PreCheckoutConfig struct {
PreCheckoutQueryID string // required
OK bool // required
@ -1979,6 +2119,24 @@ func (config GetStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return params, nil
// GetCustomEmojiStickersConfig get information about
// custom emoji stickers by their identifiers.
type GetCustomEmojiStickersConfig struct {
CustomEmojiIDs []string
func (config GetCustomEmojiStickersConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddInterface("custom_emoji_ids", config.CustomEmojiIDs)
return params, nil
func (config GetCustomEmojiStickersConfig) method() string {
return "getCustomEmojiStickers"
// UploadStickerConfig allows you to upload a sticker for use in a set later.
type UploadStickerConfig struct {
UserID int64
@ -2013,8 +2171,9 @@ type NewStickerSetConfig struct {
Title string
PNGSticker RequestFileData
TGSSticker RequestFileData
StickerType string
Emojis string
ContainsMasks bool
ContainsMasks bool // deprecated
MaskPosition *MaskPosition
@ -2028,11 +2187,10 @@ func (config NewStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params["name"] = config.Name
params["title"] = config.Title
params["emojis"] = config.Emojis
params.AddBool("contains_masks", config.ContainsMasks)
params.AddNonEmpty("sticker_type", string(config.StickerType))
err := params.AddInterface("mask_position", config.MaskPosition)
return params, err
@ -2195,16 +2353,246 @@ func (config DeleteChatStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return params, nil
// GetForumTopicIconStickersConfig allows you to get custom emoji stickers,
// which can be used as a forum topic icon by any user.
type GetForumTopicIconStickersConfig struct{}
func (config GetForumTopicIconStickersConfig) method() string {
return "getForumTopicIconStickers"
func (config GetForumTopicIconStickersConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return nil, nil
// BaseForum is a base type for all forum config types.
type BaseForum struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
func (config BaseForum) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
return params, nil
// CreateForumTopicConfig allows you to create a topic
// in a forum supergroup chat.
type CreateForumTopicConfig struct {
Name string
IconColor int
IconCustomEmojiID string
func (config CreateForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "createForumTopic"
func (config CreateForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonEmpty("name", config.Name)
params.AddNonZero("icon_color", config.IconColor)
params.AddNonEmpty("icon_custom_emoji_id", config.IconCustomEmojiID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// EditForumTopicConfig allows you to edit
// name and icon of a topic in a forum supergroup chat.
type EditForumTopicConfig struct {
MessageThreadID int
Name string
IconCustomEmojiID string
func (config EditForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "editForumTopic"
func (config EditForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
params.AddNonEmpty("name", config.Name)
params.AddNonEmpty("icon_custom_emoji_id", config.IconCustomEmojiID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// CloseForumTopicConfig allows you to close
// an open topic in a forum supergroup chat.
type CloseForumTopicConfig struct {
MessageThreadID int
func (config CloseForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "closeForumTopic"
func (config CloseForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// ReopenForumTopicConfig allows you to reopen
// an closed topic in a forum supergroup chat.
type ReopenForumTopicConfig struct {
MessageThreadID int
func (config ReopenForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "reopenForumTopic"
func (config ReopenForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// DeleteForumTopicConfig allows you to delete a forum topic
// along with all its messages in a forum supergroup chat.
type DeleteForumTopicConfig struct {
MessageThreadID int
func (config DeleteForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "deleteForumTopic"
func (config DeleteForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesConfig allows you to clear the list
// of pinned messages in a forum topic.
type UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesConfig struct {
MessageThreadID int
func (config UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesConfig) method() string {
return "unpinAllForumTopicMessages"
func (config UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_thread_id", config.MessageThreadID)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// UnpinAllForumTopicMessagesConfig allows you to edit the name of
// the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat.
// The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work
// and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
type EditGeneralForumTopicConfig struct {
Name string
func (config EditGeneralForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "editGeneralForumTopic"
func (config EditGeneralForumTopicConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonEmpty("name", config.Name)
p1, _ := config.BaseForum.params()
return params, nil
// CloseGeneralForumTopicConfig allows you to to close an open 'General' topic
// in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
// for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights.
// Returns True on success.
type CloseGeneralForumTopicConfig struct{ BaseForum }
func (config CloseGeneralForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "closeGeneralForumTopic"
// CloseGeneralForumTopicConfig allows you to reopen a closed 'General' topic
// in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
// for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights.
// The topic will be automatically unhidden if it was hidden.
// Returns True on success.
type ReopenGeneralForumTopicConfig struct{ BaseForum }
func (config ReopenGeneralForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "reopenGeneralForumTopic"
// HideGeneralForumTopicConfig allows you to hide the 'General' topic
// in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
// for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights.
// The topic will be automatically closed if it was open.
// Returns True on success.
type HideGeneralForumTopicConfig struct{ BaseForum }
func (config HideGeneralForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "hideGeneralForumTopic"
// UnhideGeneralForumTopicConfig allows you to unhide the 'General' topic
// in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
// for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights.
// Returns True on success.
type UnhideGeneralForumTopicConfig struct{ BaseForum }
func (config UnhideGeneralForumTopicConfig) method() string {
return "unhideGeneralForumTopic"
// MediaGroupConfig allows you to send a group of media.
// Media consist of InputMedia items (InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo).
type MediaGroupConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
Media []interface{}
DisableNotification bool
ReplyToMessageID int
Media []interface{}
func (config MediaGroupConfig) method() string {
@ -2212,13 +2600,16 @@ func (config MediaGroupConfig) method() string {
func (config MediaGroupConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddBool("disable_notification", config.DisableNotification)
params.AddNonZero("reply_to_message_id", config.ReplyToMessageID)
err := params.AddInterface("media", prepareInputMediaForParams(config.Media))
err = params.AddInterface("media", prepareInputMediaForParams(config.Media))
return params, err
@ -2313,6 +2704,81 @@ func (config DeleteMyCommandsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return params, err
// SetChatMenuButtonConfig changes the bot's menu button in a private chat,
// or the default menu button.
type SetChatMenuButtonConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MenuButton *MenuButton
func (config SetChatMenuButtonConfig) method() string {
return "setChatMenuButton"
func (config SetChatMenuButtonConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
if err := params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername); err != nil {
return params, err
err := params.AddInterface("menu_button", config.MenuButton)
return params, err
type GetChatMenuButtonConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
func (config GetChatMenuButtonConfig) method() string {
return "getChatMenuButton"
func (config GetChatMenuButtonConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
err := params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
return params, err
type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig struct {
Rights ChatAdministratorRights
ForChannels bool
func (config SetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig) method() string {
return "setMyDefaultAdministratorRights"
func (config SetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
err := params.AddInterface("rights", config.Rights)
params.AddBool("for_channels", config.ForChannels)
return params, err
type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig struct {
ForChannels bool
func (config GetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig) method() string {
return "getMyDefaultAdministratorRights"
func (config GetMyDefaultAdministratorRightsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddBool("for_channels", config.ForChannels)
return params, nil
// prepareInputMediaParam evaluates a single InputMedia and determines if it
// needs to be modified for a successful upload. If it returns nil, then the
// value does not need to be included in the params. Otherwise, it will return
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
package tgbotapi
import (
// NewMessage creates a new Message.
@ -171,7 +178,9 @@ func NewVoice(chatID int64, file RequestFileData) VoiceConfig {
// two to ten InputMediaPhoto or InputMediaVideo.
func NewMediaGroup(chatID int64, files []interface{}) MediaGroupConfig {
return MediaGroupConfig{
ChatID: chatID,
BaseChat: BaseChat{
ChatID: chatID,
Media: files,
@ -567,7 +576,7 @@ func NewEditMessageText(chatID int64, messageID int, text string) EditMessageTex
// NewEditMessageTextAndMarkup allows you to edit the text and replymarkup of a message.
// NewEditMessageTextAndMarkup allows you to edit the text and reply markup of a message.
func NewEditMessageTextAndMarkup(chatID int64, messageID int, text string, replyMarkup InlineKeyboardMarkup) EditMessageTextConfig {
return EditMessageTextConfig{
BaseEdit: BaseEdit{
@ -618,6 +627,15 @@ func NewKeyboardButton(text string) KeyboardButton {
// NewKeyboardButtonWebApp creates a keyboard button with text
// which goes to a WebApp.
func NewKeyboardButtonWebApp(text string, webapp WebAppInfo) KeyboardButton {
return KeyboardButton{
Text: text,
WebApp: &webapp,
// NewKeyboardButtonContact creates a keyboard button that requests
// user contact information upon click.
func NewKeyboardButtonContact(text string) KeyboardButton {
@ -673,6 +691,15 @@ func NewInlineKeyboardButtonData(text, data string) InlineKeyboardButton {
// NewInlineKeyboardButtonWebApp creates an inline keyboard button with text
// which goes to a WebApp.
func NewInlineKeyboardButtonWebApp(text string, webapp WebAppInfo) InlineKeyboardButton {
return InlineKeyboardButton{
Text: text,
WebApp: &webapp,
// NewInlineKeyboardButtonLoginURL creates an inline keyboard button with text
// which goes to a LoginURL.
func NewInlineKeyboardButtonLoginURL(text string, loginURL LoginURL) InlineKeyboardButton {
@ -925,3 +952,38 @@ func NewDeleteMyCommandsWithScope(scope BotCommandScope) DeleteMyCommandsConfig
func NewDeleteMyCommandsWithScopeAndLanguage(scope BotCommandScope, languageCode string) DeleteMyCommandsConfig {
return DeleteMyCommandsConfig{Scope: &scope, LanguageCode: languageCode}
// ValidateWebAppData validate data received via the Web App
// https://core.telegram.org/bots/webapps#validating-data-received-via-the-web-app
func ValidateWebAppData(token, telegramInitData string) (bool, error) {
initData, err := url.ParseQuery(telegramInitData)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error parsing data %w", err)
dataCheckString := make([]string, 0, len(initData))
for k, v := range initData {
if k == "hash" {
if len(v) > 0 {
dataCheckString = append(dataCheckString, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v[0]))
secret := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte("WebAppData"))
hHash := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret.Sum(nil))
hHash.Write([]byte(strings.Join(dataCheckString, "\n")))
hash := hex.EncodeToString(hHash.Sum(nil))
if initData.Get("hash") != hash {
return false, errors.New("hash not equal")
return true, nil
@ -95,3 +95,10 @@ func (p Params) AddFirstValid(key string, args ...interface{}) error {
return nil
// Merge merges two sets of parameters. Overwrites old fields if present
func (p *Params) Merge(p1 Params) {
for k, v := range p1 {
(*p)[k] = v
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify
# github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.3
## explicit; go 1.13
# github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5 v5.5.1
## explicit; go 1.16
# github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.2+incompatible
## explicit
@ -234,6 +231,9 @@ github.com/matterbridge/logrus-prefixed-formatter
# github.com/matterbridge/matterclient v0.0.0-20221106190440-8bcf49695e0d
## explicit; go 1.17
# github.com/matterbridge/telegram-bot-api/v6 v6.5.0
## explicit; go 1.16
# github.com/mattermost/go-i18n v1.11.1-0.20211013152124-5c415071e404
## explicit
Reference in New Issue
Block a user