Aie Conditioner Fan mode cannot be set to auto #84

opened 2023-06-27 22:49:00 +02:00 by andremain · 12 comments
andremain commented 2023-06-27 22:49:00 +02:00 (Migrated from

When i select auto fan mode it cannot call service. Available values 1,2,3,5

When i select auto fan mode it cannot call service. Available values 1,2,3,5
Andre0512 commented 2023-06-28 22:59:40 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hi, can you please share your device data as archive? (Install the latest beta)

Data Archive For further analysis, please add your appliance data archive here. Navigate to Settings -> Device & Services -> Haier hOn -> your device and press the > Create Data Archive button. Then open notifications to download the data zip archive. To attach the file: * GitHub Web: Use the “Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting or pasting them.” function * GitHub Mobile: Upload the zip archive as image

Hi, can you please share your device data as archive? (Install the latest beta) > **Data Archive** > For further analysis, please add your appliance data archive here. > Navigate to `Settings` -> `Device & Services` -> `Haier hOn` -> _your device_ and press the > _Create Data Archive_ button. > Then open notifications to download the data zip archive. > To attach the file: > * GitHub Web: Use the "Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting or pasting them." function > * GitHub Mobile: Upload the zip archive as image
andremain commented 2023-06-30 23:31:41 +02:00 (Migrated from

Sorry for the wait.

Here is the code:

data: additional_data: appliance: SK_Secondary: AC#selfClean56#2022-10-24 applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-08-25T13:38:15Z applianceModelId: 342 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 11 applianceTypeName: AC attributes: acuVersion: 06.26.00 chipset: 1 dictionaryId: 183 eppParserSet: 1 fwLabel: iotfw_epp lang: it-IT uiVersion: 06.26.00 brand: haier code: AABL80E0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-08-25T13:38:15.968Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 5.12.0 id: 342 lastUpdate: 2022-08-25T13:40:54Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: AS35TAMHRA-C nickName: Bedroom 3 AC purchaseDate: 2022-08-24T21:00:00.000Z sections: chatbot: True double_pairing_hidden: True epp_enabled: False series: tundra topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update unitConfiguration: 1to1 attributes: activity: activityExecutionStarted: 2023-06-30 20:58:05 activityStarted: 2023-06-30T20:58:05Z applianceTypeName: AC attributes: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 appVersion: 2.0.10 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 channel: mobileApp cleaningTimeStatus: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 0 compressorStatus: 0 defrostStatus: 0 deviceModel: exynos9820 echoStatus: 0 ecoMode: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 0 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 mobileOs: android muteStatus: 0 operationSource: 3 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 31 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 principalUserId: 0016800000ETo7bAAD programFamily: [standard] rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempAirOutdoor: 47 tempCoilerIndoor: 27.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 24 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 29.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1695934685 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 applianceOptions: applianceType: AC attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.10 deviceModel: exynos9820 mobileId: 5251f0304a1a7e85 mobileOs: android osVersion: 31 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 timestamp: 2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.0Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.8Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-29T08:31:57Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1688027517594 parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 48 compressorStatus: 1 debugEnabled: 0 defrostStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 errCode: 0 errors: 00 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 1 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusLocal: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 highTransRate: 1 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationSource: 3 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 statusSyncRate: 1440 stdTransRate: 3600 tempAirOutdoor: 48 tempCoilerIndoor: 10.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 29 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 25.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 24.00 tempUnit: 0 totalElectricityUsed: 0 totalWorkTime: 0 transMode: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 resultCode: 0 settings: ancillaryParameters: programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} custom: category: setParameters parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 24 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 custom: program: iot_cool parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 statistics: mostUsedPrograms: - count: 260 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.HOME_ASSISTANT - count: 3 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.IOT_COOL mostUsedRecipes: programsCounter: 0 stopProgram: parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 0 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 commands: settings: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 category: - setConfig - setParameters echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 startProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 ecoMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 program: - iot_10_heating - iot_auto - iot_cool - iot_dry - iot_fan - iot_heat - iot_self_clean - iot_simple_start programFamily: - maintenance - health - maintenance_health rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteActionable: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteVisible: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 stopProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 rules: startProgram: ecoMode: 1: tempSel: None windDirectionVertical: None windSpeed: None pyhOnVersion: 0.12.4

Sorry for the wait. Here is the code: ``` data: additional_data: appliance: SK_Secondary: AC#selfClean56#2022-10-24 applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-08-25T13:38:15Z applianceModelId: 342 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 11 applianceTypeName: AC attributes: acuVersion: 06.26.00 chipset: 1 dictionaryId: 183 eppParserSet: 1 fwLabel: iotfw_epp lang: it-IT uiVersion: 06.26.00 brand: haier code: AABL80E0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-08-25T13:38:15.968Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 5.12.0 id: 342 lastUpdate: 2022-08-25T13:40:54Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: AS35TAMHRA-C nickName: Bedroom 3 AC purchaseDate: 2022-08-24T21:00:00.000Z sections: chatbot: True double_pairing_hidden: True epp_enabled: False series: tundra topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update unitConfiguration: 1to1 attributes: activity: activityExecutionStarted: 2023-06-30 20:58:05 activityStarted: 2023-06-30T20:58:05Z applianceTypeName: AC attributes: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 appVersion: 2.0.10 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 channel: mobileApp cleaningTimeStatus: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 0 compressorStatus: 0 defrostStatus: 0 deviceModel: exynos9820 echoStatus: 0 ecoMode: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 0 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 mobileOs: android muteStatus: 0 operationSource: 3 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 31 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 principalUserId: 0016800000ETo7bAAD programFamily: [standard] rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempAirOutdoor: 47 tempCoilerIndoor: 27.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 24 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 29.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1695934685 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 applianceOptions: applianceType: AC attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.10 deviceModel: exynos9820 mobileId: 5251f0304a1a7e85 mobileOs: android osVersion: 31 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 timestamp: 2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.0Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.8Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-29T08:31:57Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1688027517594 parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 48 compressorStatus: 1 debugEnabled: 0 defrostStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 errCode: 0 errors: 00 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 1 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusLocal: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 highTransRate: 1 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationSource: 3 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 statusSyncRate: 1440 stdTransRate: 3600 tempAirOutdoor: 48 tempCoilerIndoor: 10.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 29 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 25.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 24.00 tempUnit: 0 totalElectricityUsed: 0 totalWorkTime: 0 transMode: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 resultCode: 0 settings: ancillaryParameters: programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} custom: category: setParameters parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 24 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 custom: program: iot_cool parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 statistics: mostUsedPrograms: - count: 260 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.HOME_ASSISTANT - count: 3 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.IOT_COOL mostUsedRecipes: programsCounter: 0 stopProgram: parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 0 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 commands: settings: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 category: - setConfig - setParameters echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 startProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 ecoMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 program: - iot_10_heating - iot_auto - iot_cool - iot_dry - iot_fan - iot_heat - iot_self_clean - iot_simple_start programFamily: - maintenance - health - maintenance_health rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteActionable: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteVisible: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 stopProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 rules: startProgram: ecoMode: 1: tempSel: None windDirectionVertical: None windSpeed: None pyhOnVersion: 0.12.4 ```
Andre0512 commented 2023-06-30 23:59:08 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hey no problem! Thanks, I have added a new feature in the latest beta to download a zip archive with all available data. Can you please attach that as well? (like describe in the last message). Then I can see the full configuration of the auto-fan mode and it’s much easier to find the problem 🙂

Hey no problem! Thanks, I have added a new feature in the latest beta to download a zip archive with all available data. Can you please attach that as well? (like describe in the last message). Then I can see the full configuration of the auto-fan mode and it's much easier to find the problem :slightly_smiling_face:
andremain commented 2023-07-01 10:30:05 +02:00 (Migrated from

Sorry for the wait.

Here is the code:

``` data: additional_data: appliance: SK_Secondary: AC#selfClean56#2022-10-24 applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-08-25T13:38:15Z applianceModelId: 342 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 11 applianceTypeName: AC attributes: acuVersion: 06.26.00 chipset: 1 dictionaryId: 183 eppParserSet: 1 fwLabel: iotfw_epp lang: it-IT uiVersion: 06.26.00 brand: haier code: AABL80E0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-08-25T13:38:15.968Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 5.12.0 id: 342 lastUpdate: 2022-08-25T13:40:54Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: AS35TAMHRA-C nickName: Bedroom 3 AC purchaseDate: 2022-08-24T21:00:00.000Z sections: chatbot: True double_pairing_hidden: True epp_enabled: False series: tundra topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update unitConfiguration: 1to1 attributes: activity: activityExecutionStarted: 2023-06-30 20:58:05 activityStarted: 2023-06-30T20:58:05Z applianceTypeName: AC attributes: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 appVersion: 2.0.10 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 channel: mobileApp cleaningTimeStatus: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 0 compressorStatus: 0 defrostStatus: 0 deviceModel: exynos9820 echoStatus: 0 ecoMode: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 0 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 mobileOs: android muteStatus: 0 operationSource: 3 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 31 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 principalUserId: 0016800000ETo7bAAD programFamily: [standard] rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempAirOutdoor: 47 tempCoilerIndoor: 27.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 24 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 29.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1695934685 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 applianceOptions: applianceType: AC attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.10 deviceModel: exynos9820 mobileId: 5251f0304a1a7e85 mobileOs: android osVersion: 31 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 timestamp: 2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.0Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.8Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-29T08:31:57Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1688027517594 parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 48 compressorStatus: 1 debugEnabled: 0 defrostStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 errCode: 0 errors: 00 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 1 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusLocal: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 highTransRate: 1 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationSource: 3 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 statusSyncRate: 1440 stdTransRate: 3600 tempAirOutdoor: 48 tempCoilerIndoor: 10.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 29 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 25.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 24.00 tempUnit: 0 totalElectricityUsed: 0 totalWorkTime: 0 transMode: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 resultCode: 0 settings: ancillaryParameters: programRules: {‘tempSel’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘26’}, ‘4’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘20’}}}}}, ‘windSpeed’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1|4’: {‘typology’: ‘enum’, ‘defaultValue’: ‘1’, ‘enumValues’: ‘1|2|3|5’}}}}}, ‘windDirectionVertical’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1|4’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘3’}}}}}} custom: category: setParameters parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 24 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] programRules: {‘tempSel’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘26’}, ‘4’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘20’}}}}}, ‘windSpeed’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1|4’: {‘typology’: ‘enum’, ‘defaultValue’: ‘1’, ‘enumValues’: ‘1|2|3|5’}}}}}, ‘windDirectionVertical’: {‘ecoMode’: {‘1’: {‘machMode’: {‘1|4’: {‘typology’: ‘fixed’, ‘fixedValue’: ‘3’}}}}}} remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 custom: program: iot_cool parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 statistics: mostUsedPrograms: - count: 260 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.HOME_ASSISTANT - count: 3 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.IOT_COOL mostUsedRecipes: programsCounter: 0 stopProgram: parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 0 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 commands: settings: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 category: - setConfig - setParameters echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 startProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 ecoMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 program: - iot_10_heating - iot_auto - iot_cool - iot_dry - iot_fan - iot_heat - iot_self_clean - iot_simple_start programFamily: - maintenance - health - maintenance_health rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteActionable: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteVisible: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 stopProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 rules: startProgram: ecoMode: 1: tempSel: None windDirectionVertical: None windSpeed: None pyhOnVersion: 0.12.4 ``````


Sorry for the wait. Here is the code: ``` data: additional_data: appliance: SK_Secondary: AC#selfClean56#2022-10-24 applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-08-25T13:38:15Z applianceModelId: 342 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 11 applianceTypeName: AC attributes: acuVersion: 06.26.00 chipset: 1 dictionaryId: 183 eppParserSet: 1 fwLabel: iotfw_epp lang: it-IT uiVersion: 06.26.00 brand: haier code: AABL80E0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-08-25T13:38:15.968Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 5.12.0 id: 342 lastUpdate: 2022-08-25T13:40:54Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: AS35TAMHRA-C nickName: Bedroom 3 AC purchaseDate: 2022-08-24T21:00:00.000Z sections: chatbot: True double_pairing_hidden: True epp_enabled: False series: tundra topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update unitConfiguration: 1to1 attributes: activity: activityExecutionStarted: 2023-06-30 20:58:05 activityStarted: 2023-06-30T20:58:05Z applianceTypeName: AC attributes: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 appVersion: 2.0.10 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 channel: mobileApp cleaningTimeStatus: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 0 compressorStatus: 0 defrostStatus: 0 deviceModel: exynos9820 echoStatus: 0 ecoMode: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 0 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 mobileOs: android muteStatus: 0 operationSource: 3 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 31 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 principalUserId: 0016800000ETo7bAAD programFamily: [standard] rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempAirOutdoor: 47 tempCoilerIndoor: 27.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 24 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 29.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1695934685 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 applianceOptions: applianceType: AC attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.10 deviceModel: exynos9820 mobileId: 5251f0304a1a7e85 mobileOs: android osVersion: 31 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 timestamp: 2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-30T20:58:02.722Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.0Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-30T21:27:38.8Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-29T08:31:57Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1688027517594 parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 acType: 0 airQuality: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 ch2oValueIndoor: 0 co2ValueIndoor: 0 compressorCurrent: 51.10 compressorFrequency: 48 compressorStatus: 1 debugEnabled: 0 defrostStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatusIndoor: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 errAckFlag: 0 errCode: 0 errors: 00 expansionValveOpenDegree: 88 fanStatusIndoor: 1 fanStatusOutdoor: 2 filterChangeStatusLocal: 0 fourWayValveStatus: 2 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 highTransRate: 1 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humidityIndoor: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 machineModeHK: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationSource: 3 pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pm2p5LevelIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueIndoor: 0 pm2p5ValueOutdoor: 0 pmvStatus: 0 power: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 sensingResult: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 statusSyncRate: 1440 stdTransRate: 3600 tempAirOutdoor: 48 tempCoilerIndoor: 10.00 tempCoilerOutdoor: 29 tempDefrostOutdoor: -64 tempInAirOutdoor: -64 tempIndoor: 25.50 tempOutdoor: 26.00 tempSel: 24.00 tempUnit: 0 totalElectricityUsed: 0 totalWorkTime: 0 transMode: 0 vocValueIndoor: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 resultCode: 0 settings: ancillaryParameters: programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} custom: category: setParameters parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 24 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 1 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: ecoMode: 0 programFamily: [standard] programRules: {'tempSel': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '26'}, '4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '20'}}}}}, 'windSpeed': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'enum', 'defaultValue': '1', 'enumValues': '1|2|3|5'}}}}}, 'windDirectionVertical': {'ecoMode': {'1': {'machMode': {'1|4': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}}}}}} remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 custom: program: iot_cool parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 1 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 1 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 statistics: mostUsedPrograms: - count: 260 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.HOME_ASSISTANT - count: 3 prCode: None programName: PROGRAMS.AC.IOT_COOL mostUsedRecipes: programsCounter: 0 stopProgram: parameters: 10degreeHeatingStatus: 0 ch2oCleaningStatus: 0 cleaningTimeStatus: 0 echoStatus: 0 electricHeatingStatus: 0 energySavePeriod: 15 energySavingStatus: 0 filterChangeStatusCloud: 0 freshAirStatus: 0 halfDegreeSettingStatus: 0 healthMode: 0 heatAccumulationStatus: 0 humanSensingStatus: 0 humidificationStatus: 0 humiditySel: 30 intelligenceStatus: 0 lightStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 machMode: 0 muteStatus: 0 onOffStatus: 0 operationName: grSetDAC pm2p5CleaningStatus: 0 pmvStatus: 0 rapidMode: 0 screenDisplayStatus: 1 selfCleaning56Status: 0 selfCleaningStatus: 0 silentSleepStatus: 0 specialMode: 0 tempSel: 22 tempUnit: 0 voiceSignStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 windDirectionHorizontal: 0 windDirectionVertical: 5 windSensingStatus: 0 windSpeed: 5 commands: settings: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 category: - setConfig - setParameters echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 0 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 startProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 ecoMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 program: - iot_10_heating - iot_auto - iot_cool - iot_dry - iot_fan - iot_heat - iot_self_clean - iot_simple_start programFamily: - maintenance - health - maintenance_health rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteActionable: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 remoteVisible: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 stopProgram: 10degreeHeatingStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 echoStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 machMode: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 muteStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 rapidMode: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 screenDisplayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 selfCleaningStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 silentSleepStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 tempSel: max: 30 min: 16 step: 1 windDirectionVertical: - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 windSpeed: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 rules: startProgram: ecoMode: 1: tempSel: None windDirectionVertical: None windSpeed: None pyhOnVersion: 0.12.4 `````` ![]( ```
andremain commented 2023-07-01 10:30:33 +02:00 (Migrated from

Did it however using thr latest beta none of the fan modes work

Did it however using thr latest beta none of the fan modes work
Andre0512 commented 2023-07-01 17:01:04 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hi, please test the last beta version, should be working now 🙂

Hi, please test the last beta version, should be working now :slightly_smiling_face:
andremain commented 2023-07-01 18:00:59 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hi, please test the last beta version, should be working now 🙂

Thanks, the other modes are n9w working but auto still isn’t

> Hi, please test the last beta version, should be working now :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks, the other modes are n9w working but auto still isn't
Andre0512 commented 2023-07-10 01:10:41 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hey, is the error still occurring? I have tried to recreate the error but have no success yet 🤔

Hey, is the error still occurring? I have tried to recreate the error but have no success yet :thinking:
andremain commented 2023-07-10 21:43:42 +02:00 (Migrated from

Hey, is the error still occurring? I have tried to recreate the error but have no success yet 🤔

Yeah, i downloaded the newest beta but i get the same error. Failed to call service climate/set fan mode.connection lost

> Hey, is the error still occurring? I have tried to recreate the error but have no success yet :thinking: Yeah, i downloaded the newest beta but i get the same error. Failed to call service climate/set fan mode.connection lost
Andre0512 commented 2023-07-11 00:26:12 +02:00 (Migrated from

I think I have now finally found the issue 😃 Please checkout the latest beta

I think I have now finally found the issue :smiley: Please checkout the latest beta
andremain commented 2023-07-11 05:19:14 +02:00 (Migrated from

That was it! It works :) Thank you so much. Mind me asking what the issue was?

That was it! It works :) Thank you so much. Mind me asking what the issue was?
Andre0512 commented 2023-07-11 07:45:46 +02:00 (Migrated from

Nice, thanks for testing! 🙂 I found a few bugs, there are two numbers for auto mode internally at hOn (4 and 5) and so far only the 4 has been taken, but your ac and almost all others only support the 5. Also I discovered that not every hvac mode supports every fan mode (e.g. fan only has no auto mode) and then there was a problem switching the mode back to others in certain programs (but that could be a result of the first fix).

Nice, thanks for testing! 🙂 I found a few bugs, there are two numbers for auto mode internally at hOn (4 and 5) and so far only the 4 has been taken, but your ac and almost all others only support the 5. Also I discovered that not every hvac mode supports every fan mode (e.g. fan only has no auto mode) and then there was a problem switching the mode back to others in certain programs (but that could be a result of the first fix).
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