Wrong parameters sent for drying #74

opened 2023-06-16 11:23:30 +02:00 by frlequ · 0 comments
frlequ commented 2023-06-16 11:23:30 +02:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug When comparing sent parameters between official app vs hOn there are some wrong data structures.

I think there are two options regarding Drying: 1. Automatic drying (dryLevel: "2",dryProgFlag: "1", dryTime: "1") 2. Custom drying set by minutes (in this case the dryProgFlag should be “1” AND steamLevel: 0 AND dryLevel not set.

Also, when starting WD with integration, the official app shows all kind of wrong values(undefined). I think there are also programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15 parameters missing, but I’m not sure. If you look at mostUsedPrograms: some programs are undefined

Screenshots Capture

Environment (please complete the following information): - Home Assistant Version: 2023.6.2 - hOn Integration Version 0.9.0beta 3, - pyhOn Version 0.13.0

Device Log OFFICIAL APP (Integration log is below!!!)

      haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection
    applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-12-15T12:52:26Z
    applianceModelId: 1228
    applianceStatus: 1
    applianceTypeId: 2
    applianceTypeName: WD
      acuVersion: 21.05.18
      chipset: ESP32D0WDQ5
      dictionaryId: 77
      lang: it-IT
    brand: haier
    code: CE0HUTB0000
    connectivity: wifi|ble
    eepromId: 41
    eepromName: no_eeprom
    enrollmentDate: 2022-12-15T12:52:26.825Z
    firstEnrollment: True
    firstEnrollmentTBC: True
    fwVersion: 3.8.0
    id: 1228
    lastUpdate: 2022-12-15T12:52:46Z
    macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
    modelName: HWD100-BD1499U1N-INT
    nickName: Washer Dryer
      chatbot: True
      demo: False
      double_pairing_hidden: True
      ecoDelayStart: True
      epp_enabled: False
      snap_wash: True
    series: superdrum
        - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
        - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
        - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update
        - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update
    waterHard: 3
    active: True
      activityStarted: 2023-06-16T08:43:58Z
      applianceTypeName: WM
        antiWrinkle: 1
        appVersion: 2.0.9
        autoDetergentStatus: 1
        autoSoftenerStatus: 1
        channel: mobileApp
        delayStatus: 1
        delayTime: 510
        deviceModel: exynos2100
        dirtyLevel: 0
        dryProgFlag: 1
        dryTime: 4
        dryTimeMM: 0
        dryType: C
        ecoDelayStart: 0
        energyLabel: 0
        haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
        liquidDetergentDose: 1
        mainWashTime: 3
        mobileOs: android
        nightWashStatus: 0
        origin: standardProgram
        osVersion: 33
        permanentPressStatus: 0
        powderDetergentDose: 1
        prCode: 72
        prPosition: 2
        prStrDisp: Quick 15'
        principalUserId: 0016800000J84GHAAZ
        programCluster: quick
        programFamily: [dashboard]
        programIntensity: standard
        programName: HQD_QUICK_15
        programType: W+D
        remainingTimeMM: 510
        remoteCtrValid: 1
        rinseIterationTime: 3
        rinseIterations: 1
        spinSpeed: 1400
        steamLevel: 0
        suggestedLoadW: 2
        suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
        temp: 0
      category: CYCLE
      macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
      resultCode: 0
      ttl: 1694681040
          antiWrinkle: 1
          dryOption: 0
          dryTimeMM: 0
          dryType: C
          ecoDelayStart: 0
          energyLabel: 0
          liquidDetergentDose: 1
          powderDetergentDose: 1
          prPosition: 2
          programCluster: quick
          programFamily: [dashboard]
          programIntensity: standard
                  fixedValue: 0
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 0
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 4
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 5
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 6
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 7
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 1
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 2
                  typology: fixed
                  fixedValue: 3
                  typology: fixed
          programType: W+D
          remoteActionable: 1
          remoteVisible: 1
          suggestedLoadW: 2
          suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
          tempContribution: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection
        applianceType: WD
          channel: mobileApp
          energyLabel: 0
          origin: standardProgram
          prStr: Quick 15'
        commandName: startProgram
          appVersion: 2.0.9
          deviceModel: exynos2100
          mobileId: 664fb7aa93b9cf82
          mobileOs: android
          osVersion: 33
        macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
          antiAllergyStatus: 0
          autoDetergentStatus: 1
          autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
          autoSoftenerStatus: 1
          cloudProgId: 255
          cloudProgSrc: 2
          creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
          delayStatus: 0
          delayTime: 510
          detergentBStatus: 0
          dryProgFlag: 1
          dryTime: 4
          energySavingStatus: 0
          haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1
          haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15
          haier_MainWashSpeed: 45
          haier_MainWashStopTime: 0
          haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3
          haier_RinseRotateTime: 15
          haier_RinseSpeed: 45
          haier_RinseStopTime: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15
          haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45
          haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30
          haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0
          highWaterLevelStatus: 0
          intelligenceStatus: 0
          lockStatus: 0
          mainWashTime: 3
          nightWashStatus: 0
          operationName: grOnlineWash
          permanentPressStatus: 0
          prCode: 72
          purifiedWashStatus: 0
          rinseIterationTime: 3
          rinseIterations: 1
          soakWashStatus: 0
          speedUpStatus: 0
          spinSpeed: 1000
          steamLevel: 0
          strongStatus: 0
          temp: 0
          texture: 20
          uvSterilizationStatus: 0
          voiceStatus: 0
          washerDryIntensity: 1
          weight: 3
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15
        timestamp: 2023-06-16T08:43:48.487Z
        transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-16T08:43:48.487Z
      timestampAccepted: 2023-06-16T08:43:50.0Z
      timestampExecuted: 2023-06-16T08:43:54.9Z
      category: CONNECTED
      instantTime: 2023-06-16T05:46:19Z
      macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
      timestampEvent: 1686894379114
      actualWeight: 0
      airWashTempLevel: 0
      airWashTime: 0
      antiAllergyStatus: 0
      autoDetergentStatus: 1
      autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
      autoSoftenerStatus: 1
      buzzerDisabled: 1
      buzzerDisabledCurrent: 0
      clothesAnionStatus: 0
      cloudProgId: 255
      cloudProgSrc: 2
      creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
      currentElectricityUsed: 0.00
      currentWashCycle: 67
      currentWaterUsed: 0
      defSetAllowed: 0
      delayStatus: 1
      detWarn: 0
      detergentBStatus: 0
      detergentPercent: 100
      detergentType: 1
      dirtyLevel: 0
      doorLockStatus: 1
      doorStatus: 0
      dryCleaningNeeded: 0
      dryLevel: 0
      dryProgFlag: 1
      dryStatus: 1
      dryTime: 4
      energySavingStatus: 0
      errors: 00
      forceDelete: 0
      haier_DetergentWeight: 1
      haier_SoftenerWeight: 1
      highWaterLevelStatus: 0
      intelligenceStatus: 0
      laundryCycleStatus: 1
      lockStatus: 0
      loosenStatus: 0
      machMode: 5
      message: 0
      nightWashStatus: 0
      pause: 0
      permanentPressStatus: 0
      prCode: 72
      prPhase: 19
      program1: 0
      program10: 0
      program11: 2
      program12: 0
      program13: 0
      program14: 2
      program15: 0
      program16: 0
      program17: 1
      program18: 10
      program2: 19
      program3: 0
      program4: 3
      program5: 0
      program6: 2
      program7: 7
      program8: 19
      program9: 1
      purifiedWashStatus: 0
      remainingMainWashTime: 6
      remainingRinseIterations: 1
      remainingStandbyTime: 1440
      remainingTimeMM: 510
      remoteCtrValid: 1
      shoesAnionStatus: 0
      soakWashStatus: 0
      socksAnionStatus: 0
      softWarn: 0
      speedUpStatus: 0
      spinSpeed: 1400
      stainType: 0
      standbyTimeExtended: 1
      steamStatus: 0
      strongStatus: 0
      temp: 0
      temp0to30: 33
      temp40: 22
      temp60to90: 12
      testCmdReceiveStatus: 0
      texture: 20
      totalElectricityUsed: 71.94
      totalWashCycle: 67
      totalWaterUsed: 4792
      toyAnionStatus: 0
      uvSterilizationStatus: 0
      voiceModuleDataDef: 130
      voiceModuleOnOffStatus: 1
      voiceModuleVolume: 0
      voiceModuleWakeStatus: 0
      voiceModuleWakeUp: 0
      voiceStatus: 0
      washSpeed: 0
      washerDryIntensity: 1
      weight: 3
    pause: False
    programName: hqd_quick_15
    resultCode: 0
        2: 45
        0: 0
        1: 30
        2: 60
        3: 90
        4: 120
        5: 150
        6: 180
        7: 210
        8: 10
        9: 15
      pause: 1
      pause: 0
      category: setConfig
      httpEndpoint: 0
      mqttEndpoint: 0
      antiWrinkle: 1
      dryOption: 0
      dryTimeMM: 120
      dryType: C
      energyLabel: 5
      liquidDetergentDose: 1
      powderDetergentDose: 1
      prPosition: 2
      programCluster: quick
      programFamily: [dashboard]
      programIntensity: standard
      programRules: {'dryLevel': {'dryOption': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}}}, 'dryTime': {'dryTimeMM': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}, '30': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '1'}, '60': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '2'}, '90': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}, '120': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '4'}, '150': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '5'}, '180': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '6'}, '210': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '7'}}}}
      programType: W+D
      remoteActionable: 1
      remoteVisible: 1
      suggestedLoadW: 2
      suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
      tempContribution: 0
      program: hqd_quick_15
      antiAllergyStatus: 0
      autoDetergentStatus: 1
      autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
      autoSoftenerStatus: 1
      cloudProgId: 255
      cloudProgSrc: 2
      creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
      delayStatus: 1
      delayTime: 510
      detergentBStatus: 0
      dryLevel: 2
      dryProgFlag: 0
      dryTime: 6
      energySavingStatus: 0
      haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1
      haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15
      haier_MainWashSpeed: 45
      haier_MainWashStopTime: 0
      haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3
      haier_RinseRotateTime: 15
      haier_RinseSpeed: 45
      haier_RinseStopTime: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15
      haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45
      haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30
      haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0
      highWaterLevelStatus: 0
      intelligenceStatus: 0
      lockStatus: 0
      mainWashTime: 3
      nightWashStatus: 0
      operationName: grOnlineWash
      permanentPressStatus: 0
      prCode: 72
      purifiedWashStatus: 0
      rinseIterationTime: 3
      rinseIterations: 1
      soakWashStatus: 0
      speedUpStatus: 0
      spinSpeed: 1000
      strongStatus: 0
      temp: 0
      texture: 20
      uvSterilizationStatus: 0
      voiceStatus: 0
      washerDryIntensity: 1
      weight: 3
      remainingTime: 15
      count: 67
      percentage: 74
      remaining: 23
      tot: 90
      count: 32
      percentage: 32
      remaining: 68
      tot: 100
    lastCheckup: 2023-03-12T10:29:47.874Z
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-16T06:21:53.2Z
        max: 0.6
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-16T06:08:49.4Z
        max: 0.6
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49Z
        max: 4.8
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49.7Z
        max: 4.8
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:09:39Z
        max: 0.1
      - count: 15
        prCode: 77
        prPosition: 18
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
      - count: 10
        prCode: 72
        prPosition: 2
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15
        programType: W+D
      - count: 9
        prCode: 116
        prPosition: 8
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
      - count: 8
        prCode: 116
        prPosition: 8
        programType: W+D
      - count: 7
        prCode: 115
        prPosition: 7
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
    programsCounter: 99
    resultCode: 0
      temp0to30: 33
      temp40: 22
      temp60to90: 12
      onOffStatus: 0
      - setConfig
      - 30
      - 55
      - 30
      - 5
      - 45
      - 30
      - 50
      - 80
      - 160
      - 10
      - 10
      - 85
      - 1
      - 0
      - 8
      - 10
      - 95
      - 30
      - 10
      - 180
      - 150
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1410
      min: 0
      step: 30
      - h1
      - h2
      - h3
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 7
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 210
      min: 0
      step: 30
      max: 5
      min: 3
      step: 1
      max: 2
      min: 0
      step: 2
      max: 120
      min: 5
      step: 5
      - Bathrobes and Towels
      - hqd_20_degrees
      - hqd_autoclean
      - hqd_babycare
      - hqd_checkup
      - hqd_cottons
      - hqd_delicate
      - hqd_dry
      - hqd_duvet
      - hqd_eco_40_60_degrees
      - hqd_handwash_wool
      - hqd_i_refresh
      - hqd_mix
      - hqd_quick_15
      - hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry
      - hqd_rinse
      - hqd_shirts
      - hqd_smart
      - hqd_spin
      - hqd_sport
      - hqd_super_fast
      - hqd_synthetic_and_coloured
      - iot_dry_cotton_dry
      - iot_wash_anti_mites
      - iot_wash_anti_odor
      - iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle
      - iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle
      - iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle
      - iot_wash_baby_sanitizer
      - iot_wash_backpacks
      - iot_wash_bathrobe
      - iot_wash_bed_linen
      - iot_wash_bleaching
      - iot_wash_blood_stains
      - iot_wash_cashmere
      - iot_wash_chocolate_stains
      - iot_wash_cold_wash
      - iot_wash_colored
      - iot_wash_colored_anti_stain
      - iot_wash_colored_delicate
      - iot_wash_coloured
      - iot_wash_cotton
      - iot_wash_cuddly_toys
      - iot_wash_curtains
      - iot_wash_dark
      - iot_wash_delicate
      - iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy
      - iot_wash_delicate_colors
      - iot_wash_delicate_dark
      - iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths
      - iot_wash_delicate_whites
      - iot_wash_denim_jeans
      - iot_wash_diving_suits
      - iot_wash_down_jackets
      - iot_wash_fruit_stains
      - iot_wash_handwash
      - iot_wash_handwash_colored
      - iot_wash_handwash_dark
      - iot_wash_lingerie
      - iot_wash_masks_refresh
      - iot_wash_masks_sanification
      - iot_wash_mats
      - iot_wash_men_s_trousers
      - iot_wash_mixed
      - iot_wash_new_clothes
      - iot_wash_perfect_white
      - iot_wash_pets
      - iot_wash_pets_hair_removal
      - iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal
      - iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner
      - iot_wash_rapid_14
      - iot_wash_rapid_30
      - iot_wash_rapid_44
      - iot_wash_rapid_59
      - iot_wash_resistant_colored
      - iot_wash_resistant_dark
      - iot_wash_resistant_whites
      - iot_wash_rinse
      - iot_wash_silk
      - iot_wash_ski_suit
      - iot_wash_spin
      - iot_wash_sport
      - iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis
      - iot_wash_synthetic
      - iot_wash_tablecloths
      - iot_wash_technical_fabrics
      - iot_wash_technical_jackets
      - iot_wash_trainers
      - iot_wash_whites
      - iot_wash_wine_stains
      - iot_wash_wool
      - traditional
      - eco
      - traditional_eco
      - hidden
      - guided
      - dashboard
      - hidden_guided_dashboard
      max: 48
      min: 38
      step: 10
      max: 5
      min: 0
      step: 1
      - 0
      - 400
      - 600
      - 800
      - 1000
      - 1200
      - 1400
      - 0
      - 20
      - 30
      - 40
      - 60
      - 90
        airWashPara10: 60
        airWashPara11: 45
        airWashPara12: 15
        airWashPara13: 10
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 45
        airWashPara16: 50
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 60
        airWashPara2: 65
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 120
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 8
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara27: 10
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 70
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 10
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara36: 8
        airWashPara4: 85
        airWashPara5: 20
        airWashPara6: 3
        airWashPara7: 135
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 150
        cloudProgId: 442
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 38
        airWashPara11: 50
        airWashPara12: 30
        airWashPara13: 5
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 60
        airWashPara16: 30
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 45
        airWashPara2: 65
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 120
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 10
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 70
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 6
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara36: 10
        airWashPara4: 70
        airWashPara5: 20
        airWashPara6: 3
        airWashPara7: 90
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 135
        cloudProgId: 393
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 38
        airWashPara10: 30
        airWashPara11: 55
        airWashPara12: 30
        airWashPara13: 5
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 45
        airWashPara16: 30
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 50
        airWashPara2: 80
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 160
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 10
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara27: 10
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 85
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 1
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara4: 95
        airWashPara5: 30
        airWashPara6: 10
        airWashPara7: 180
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 150
        cloudProgId: 392
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 48
        dryLevel: 0
        dryTime: 0
        dryTime: 4
        dryTime: 5
        dryTime: 6
        dryTime: 7
        dryTime: 1
        dryTime: 2
        dryTime: 3
pyhOnVersion: 0.13.0


      haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection
    applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-12-15T12:52:26Z
    applianceModelId: 1228
    applianceStatus: 1
    applianceTypeId: 2
    applianceTypeName: WD
      acuVersion: 21.05.18
      chipset: ESP32D0WDQ5
      dictionaryId: 77
      lang: it-IT
    brand: haier
    code: CE0HUTB0000
    connectivity: wifi|ble
    eepromId: 41
    eepromName: no_eeprom
    enrollmentDate: 2022-12-15T12:52:26.825Z
    firstEnrollment: True
    firstEnrollmentTBC: True
    fwVersion: 3.8.0
    id: 1228
    lastUpdate: 2022-12-15T12:52:46Z
    macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
    modelName: HWD100-BD1499U1N-INT
    nickName: Washer Dryer
      chatbot: True
      demo: False
      double_pairing_hidden: True
      ecoDelayStart: True
      epp_enabled: False
      snap_wash: True
    series: superdrum
        - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
        - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
        - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update
        - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update
    waterHard: 3
    active: True
      activityStarted: 2023-06-16T09:04:03Z
      applianceTypeName: WM
        antiWrinkle: 1
        appVersion: 2.0.10
        autoDetergentStatus: 1
        autoSoftenerStatus: 1
        channel: mobileApp
        delayStatus: 1
        delayTime: 510
        deviceModel: exynos9820
        dirtyLevel: 0
        dryLevel: 0
        dryProgFlag: 0
        dryTime: 4
        dryTimeMM: 120
        dryType: C
        energyLabel: 0
        haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
        liquidDetergentDose: 1
        mainWashTime: 3
        mobileOs: android
        nightWashStatus: 0
        origin: standardProgram
        osVersion: 31
        permanentPressStatus: 0
        powderDetergentDose: 1
        prCode: 72
        prPosition: 2
        principalUserId: 0016800000J84GHAAZ
        programCluster: quick
        programFamily: [dashboard]
        programIntensity: standard
        programType: W+D
        remainingTimeMM: 510
        remoteCtrValid: 1
        rinseIterationTime: 3
        rinseIterations: 1
        spinSpeed: 1000
        suggestedLoadW: 2
        suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
        temp: 0
      category: CYCLE
      macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
      resultCode: 0
      ttl: 1694682247
          antiWrinkle: 1
          dryOption: 0
          dryTimeMM: 120
          dryType: C
          energyLabel: 5
          liquidDetergentDose: 1
          powderDetergentDose: 1
          prPosition: 2
          programCluster: quick
          programFamily: [dashboard]
          programIntensity: standard
          programType: W+D
          remoteActionable: 1
          remoteVisible: 1
          suggestedLoadW: 2
          suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
          tempContribution: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection
        applianceType: WD
          channel: mobileApp
          energyLabel: 0
          origin: standardProgram
        commandName: startProgram
          appVersion: 2.0.10
          deviceModel: exynos9820
          mobileId: be7aeae771cea87d
          mobileOs: android
          osVersion: 31
        macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
          antiAllergyStatus: 0
          autoDetergentStatus: 1
          autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
          autoSoftenerStatus: 1
          cloudProgId: 255
          cloudProgSrc: 2
          creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
          delayStatus: 1
          delayTime: 510
          detergentBStatus: 0
          dryLevel: 0
          dryProgFlag: 0
          dryTime: 4
          energySavingStatus: 0
          haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1
          haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15
          haier_MainWashSpeed: 45
          haier_MainWashStopTime: 0
          haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3
          haier_RinseRotateTime: 15
          haier_RinseSpeed: 45
          haier_RinseStopTime: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15
          haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45
          haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0
          haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30
          haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0
          highWaterLevelStatus: 0
          intelligenceStatus: 0
          lockStatus: 0
          mainWashTime: 3
          nightWashStatus: 0
          operationName: grOnlineWash
          permanentPressStatus: 0
          prCode: 72
          purifiedWashStatus: 0
          rinseIterationTime: 3
          rinseIterations: 1
          soakWashStatus: 0
          speedUpStatus: 0
          spinSpeed: 1000
          strongStatus: 0
          temp: 0
          texture: 20
          uvSterilizationStatus: 0
          voiceStatus: 0
          washerDryIntensity: 1
          weight: 3
        timestamp: 2023-06-16T09:04:00.553Z
        transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-16T09:04:00.553Z
      timestampAccepted: 2023-06-16T09:03:59.9Z
      timestampExecuted: 2023-06-16T09:04:01.7Z
      category: CONNECTED
      instantTime: 2023-06-16T05:46:19Z
      macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
      timestampEvent: 1686894379114
      actualWeight: 0
      airWashTempLevel: 0
      airWashTime: 0
      antiAllergyStatus: 0
      autoDetergentStatus: 1
      autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
      autoSoftenerStatus: 1
      buzzerDisabled: 1
      buzzerDisabledCurrent: 0
      clothesAnionStatus: 0
      cloudProgId: 255
      cloudProgSrc: 2
      creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
      currentElectricityUsed: 0.00
      currentWashCycle: 67
      currentWaterUsed: 0
      defSetAllowed: 0
      delayStatus: 1
      detWarn: 0
      detergentBStatus: 0
      detergentPercent: 100
      detergentType: 1
      dirtyLevel: 0
      doorLockStatus: 1
      doorStatus: 0
      dryCleaningNeeded: 0
      dryLevel: 0
      dryProgFlag: 0
      dryStatus: 0
      dryTime: 0
      energySavingStatus: 0
      errors: 00
      forceDelete: 0
      haier_DetergentWeight: 1
      haier_SoftenerWeight: 1
      highWaterLevelStatus: 0
      intelligenceStatus: 0
      laundryCycleStatus: 1
      lockStatus: 0
      loosenStatus: 0
      machMode: 5
      message: 0
      nightWashStatus: 0
      pause: 0
      permanentPressStatus: 0
      prCode: 72
      prPhase: 19
      program1: 0
      program10: 0
      program11: 2
      program12: 0
      program13: 0
      program14: 2
      program15: 0
      program16: 0
      program17: 1
      program18: 10
      program2: 19
      program3: 0
      program4: 3
      program5: 0
      program6: 2
      program7: 7
      program8: 19
      program9: 1
      purifiedWashStatus: 0
      remainingMainWashTime: 6
      remainingRinseIterations: 1
      remainingStandbyTime: 1440
      remainingTimeMM: 510
      remoteCtrValid: 1
      shoesAnionStatus: 0
      soakWashStatus: 0
      socksAnionStatus: 0
      softWarn: 0
      speedUpStatus: 0
      spinSpeed: 1000
      stainType: 0
      standbyTimeExtended: 1
      steamStatus: 0
      strongStatus: 0
      temp: 0
      temp0to30: 33
      temp40: 22
      temp60to90: 12
      testCmdReceiveStatus: 0
      texture: 20
      totalElectricityUsed: 71.94
      totalWashCycle: 67
      totalWaterUsed: 4792
      toyAnionStatus: 0
      uvSterilizationStatus: 0
      voiceModuleDataDef: 130
      voiceModuleOnOffStatus: 1
      voiceModuleVolume: 0
      voiceModuleWakeStatus: 0
      voiceModuleWakeUp: 0
      voiceStatus: 0
      washSpeed: 0
      washerDryIntensity: 1
      weight: 3
    pause: False
    programName: hqd_quick_15
    resultCode: 0
        2: 45
        0: 0
        1: 30
        2: 60
        3: 90
        4: 120
        5: 150
        6: 180
        7: 210
        8: 10
        9: 15
      pause: 1
      pause: 0
      category: setConfig
      httpEndpoint: 0
      mqttEndpoint: 0
      antiWrinkle: 1
      dryOption: 0
      dryTimeMM: 120
      dryType: C
      energyLabel: 5
      liquidDetergentDose: 1
      powderDetergentDose: 1
      prPosition: 2
      programCluster: quick
      programFamily: [dashboard]
      programIntensity: standard
      programRules: {'dryLevel': {'dryOption': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}}}, 'dryTime': {'dryTimeMM': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}, '30': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '1'}, '60': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '2'}, '90': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}, '120': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '4'}, '150': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '5'}, '180': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '6'}, '210': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '7'}}}}
      programType: W+D
      remoteActionable: 1
      remoteVisible: 1
      suggestedLoadW: 2
      suggestedLoadWD: 0.6
      tempContribution: 0
      program: hqd_quick_15
      antiAllergyStatus: 0
      autoDetergentStatus: 1
      autoDisinfectantStatus: 0
      autoSoftenerStatus: 1
      cloudProgId: 255
      cloudProgSrc: 2
      creaseResistSoakStatus: 0
      delayStatus: 1
      delayTime: 510
      detergentBStatus: 0
      dryLevel: 0
      dryProgFlag: 0
      dryTime: 4
      energySavingStatus: 0
      haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1
      haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15
      haier_MainWashSpeed: 45
      haier_MainWashStopTime: 0
      haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3
      haier_RinseRotateTime: 15
      haier_RinseSpeed: 45
      haier_RinseStopTime: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15
      haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45
      haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0
      haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30
      haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0
      highWaterLevelStatus: 0
      intelligenceStatus: 0
      lockStatus: 0
      mainWashTime: 3
      nightWashStatus: 0
      operationName: grOnlineWash
      permanentPressStatus: 0
      prCode: 72
      purifiedWashStatus: 0
      rinseIterationTime: 3
      rinseIterations: 1
      soakWashStatus: 0
      speedUpStatus: 0
      spinSpeed: 1000
      strongStatus: 0
      temp: 0
      texture: 20
      uvSterilizationStatus: 0
      voiceStatus: 0
      washerDryIntensity: 1
      weight: 3
      remainingTime: 15
      count: 67
      percentage: 74
      remaining: 23
      tot: 90
      count: 32
      percentage: 32
      remaining: 68
      tot: 100
    lastCheckup: 2023-03-12T10:29:47.874Z
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-16T06:21:53.2Z
        max: 0.6
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-16T06:08:49.4Z
        max: 0.6
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49Z
        max: 4.8
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49.7Z
        max: 4.8
      - current: None
        date: 2023-06-15T20:09:39Z
        max: 0.1
      - count: 15
        prCode: 77
        prPosition: 18
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
      - count: 10
        prCode: 72
        prPosition: 2
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15
        programType: W+D
      - count: 9
        prCode: 116
        prPosition: 8
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
      - count: 8
        prCode: 116
        prPosition: 8
        programType: W+D
      - count: 7
        prCode: 115
        prPosition: 7
        programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined
        programType: W+D
    programsCounter: 99
    resultCode: 0
      temp0to30: 33
      temp40: 22
      temp60to90: 12
      onOffStatus: 0
      - setConfig
      - 30
      - 55
      - 30
      - 5
      - 45
      - 30
      - 50
      - 80
      - 160
      - 10
      - 10
      - 85
      - 1
      - 0
      - 8
      - 10
      - 95
      - 30
      - 10
      - 180
      - 150
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1410
      min: 0
      step: 30
      - h1
      - h2
      - h3
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 1
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 7
      min: 0
      step: 1
      max: 210
      min: 0
      step: 30
      max: 5
      min: 3
      step: 1
      max: 2
      min: 0
      step: 2
      max: 120
      min: 5
      step: 5
      - Bathrobes and Towels
      - hqd_20_degrees
      - hqd_autoclean
      - hqd_babycare
      - hqd_checkup
      - hqd_cottons
      - hqd_delicate
      - hqd_dry
      - hqd_duvet
      - hqd_eco_40_60_degrees
      - hqd_handwash_wool
      - hqd_i_refresh
      - hqd_mix
      - hqd_quick_15
      - hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry
      - hqd_rinse
      - hqd_shirts
      - hqd_smart
      - hqd_spin
      - hqd_sport
      - hqd_super_fast
      - hqd_synthetic_and_coloured
      - iot_dry_cotton_dry
      - iot_wash_anti_mites
      - iot_wash_anti_odor
      - iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle
      - iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle
      - iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle
      - iot_wash_baby_sanitizer
      - iot_wash_backpacks
      - iot_wash_bathrobe
      - iot_wash_bed_linen
      - iot_wash_bleaching
      - iot_wash_blood_stains
      - iot_wash_cashmere
      - iot_wash_chocolate_stains
      - iot_wash_cold_wash
      - iot_wash_colored
      - iot_wash_colored_anti_stain
      - iot_wash_colored_delicate
      - iot_wash_coloured
      - iot_wash_cotton
      - iot_wash_cuddly_toys
      - iot_wash_curtains
      - iot_wash_dark
      - iot_wash_delicate
      - iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy
      - iot_wash_delicate_colors
      - iot_wash_delicate_dark
      - iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths
      - iot_wash_delicate_whites
      - iot_wash_denim_jeans
      - iot_wash_diving_suits
      - iot_wash_down_jackets
      - iot_wash_fruit_stains
      - iot_wash_handwash
      - iot_wash_handwash_colored
      - iot_wash_handwash_dark
      - iot_wash_lingerie
      - iot_wash_masks_refresh
      - iot_wash_masks_sanification
      - iot_wash_mats
      - iot_wash_men_s_trousers
      - iot_wash_mixed
      - iot_wash_new_clothes
      - iot_wash_perfect_white
      - iot_wash_pets
      - iot_wash_pets_hair_removal
      - iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal
      - iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner
      - iot_wash_rapid_14
      - iot_wash_rapid_30
      - iot_wash_rapid_44
      - iot_wash_rapid_59
      - iot_wash_resistant_colored
      - iot_wash_resistant_dark
      - iot_wash_resistant_whites
      - iot_wash_rinse
      - iot_wash_silk
      - iot_wash_ski_suit
      - iot_wash_spin
      - iot_wash_sport
      - iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis
      - iot_wash_synthetic
      - iot_wash_tablecloths
      - iot_wash_technical_fabrics
      - iot_wash_technical_jackets
      - iot_wash_trainers
      - iot_wash_whites
      - iot_wash_wine_stains
      - iot_wash_wool
      - traditional
      - eco
      - traditional_eco
      - hidden
      - guided
      - dashboard
      - hidden_guided_dashboard
      max: 48
      min: 38
      step: 10
      max: 5
      min: 0
      step: 1
      - 0
      - 400
      - 600
      - 800
      - 1000
      - 1200
      - 1400
      - 0
      - 20
      - 30
      - 40
      - 60
      - 90
        airWashPara10: 60
        airWashPara11: 45
        airWashPara12: 15
        airWashPara13: 10
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 45
        airWashPara16: 50
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 60
        airWashPara2: 65
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 120
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 8
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara27: 10
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 70
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 10
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara36: 8
        airWashPara4: 85
        airWashPara5: 20
        airWashPara6: 3
        airWashPara7: 135
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 150
        cloudProgId: 442
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 38
        airWashPara11: 50
        airWashPara12: 30
        airWashPara13: 5
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 60
        airWashPara16: 30
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 45
        airWashPara2: 65
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 120
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 10
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 70
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 6
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara36: 10
        airWashPara4: 70
        airWashPara5: 20
        airWashPara6: 3
        airWashPara7: 90
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 135
        cloudProgId: 393
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 38
        airWashPara10: 30
        airWashPara11: 55
        airWashPara12: 30
        airWashPara13: 5
        airWashPara14: 120
        airWashPara15: 45
        airWashPara16: 30
        airWashPara17: 5
        airWashPara18: 120
        airWashPara19: 50
        airWashPara2: 80
        airWashPara20: 10
        airWashPara21: 160
        airWashPara22: 12
        airWashPara23: 120
        airWashPara24: 10
        airWashPara25: 60
        airWashPara26: 30
        airWashPara27: 10
        airWashPara28: 64255
        airWashPara29: 64255
        airWashPara3: 85
        airWashPara30: 254
        airWashPara31: 1
        airWashPara32: 50
        airWashPara33: 55
        airWashPara34: 5
        airWashPara35: 120
        airWashPara4: 95
        airWashPara5: 30
        airWashPara6: 10
        airWashPara7: 180
        airWashPara8: 90
        airWashPara9: 150
        cloudProgId: 392
        cloudProgSrc: 2
        remainingTime: 48
        dryLevel: 0
        dryTime: 0
        dryTime: 4
        dryTime: 5
        dryTime: 6
        dryTime: 7
        dryTime: 1
        dryTime: 2
        dryTime: 3
pyhOnVersion: 0.13.0
**Describe the bug** When comparing sent parameters between official app vs hOn there are some wrong data structures. I think there are two options regarding Drying: 1. Automatic drying (`dryLevel: "2"`,` dryProgFlag: "1"`, `dryTime: "1"`) 2. Custom drying set by minutes (in this case the `dryProgFlag` should be "1" AND `steamLevel: 0` AND `dryLevel` not set. Also, when starting WD with integration, the official app shows all kind of wrong values(undefined). I think there are also `programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15` parameters missing, but I'm not sure. If you look at `mostUsedPrograms:` some programs are `undefined` **Screenshots** ![Capture](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/assets/121799877/c920587f-dbe5-494b-bf50-ba46b9e8d6a8) **Environment (please complete the following information):** - Home Assistant Version: 2023.6.2 - hOn Integration Version 0.9.0beta 3, - pyhOn Version 0.13.0 **Device Log OFFICIAL APP** (Integration log is below!!!) ``` data: additional_data: options: haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection appliance: applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-12-15T12:52:26Z applianceModelId: 1228 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 2 applianceTypeName: WD attributes: acuVersion: 21.05.18 chipset: ESP32D0WDQ5 dictionaryId: 77 lang: it-IT brand: haier code: CE0HUTB0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-12-15T12:52:26.825Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 3.8.0 id: 1228 lastUpdate: 2022-12-15T12:52:46Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: HWD100-BD1499U1N-INT nickName: Washer Dryer sections: chatbot: True demo: False double_pairing_hidden: True ecoDelayStart: True epp_enabled: False snap_wash: True series: superdrum topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update waterHard: 3 attributes: active: True activity: activityStarted: 2023-06-16T08:43:58Z applianceTypeName: WM attributes: antiWrinkle: 1 appVersion: 2.0.9 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 channel: mobileApp delayStatus: 1 delayTime: 510 deviceModel: exynos2100 dirtyLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 1 dryTime: 4 dryTimeMM: 0 dryType: C ecoDelayStart: 0 energyLabel: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 liquidDetergentDose: 1 mainWashTime: 3 mobileOs: android nightWashStatus: 0 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 33 permanentPressStatus: 0 powderDetergentDose: 1 prCode: 72 prPosition: 2 prStrDisp: Quick 15' principalUserId: 0016800000J84GHAAZ programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programName: HQD_QUICK_15 programType: W+D remainingTimeMM: 510 remoteCtrValid: 1 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 spinSpeed: 1400 steamLevel: 0 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 temp: 0 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1694681040 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: antiWrinkle: 1 dryOption: 0 dryTimeMM: 0 dryType: C ecoDelayStart: 0 energyLabel: 0 liquidDetergentDose: 1 powderDetergentDose: 1 prPosition: 2 programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programRules: dryLevel: dryOption: 0: fixedValue: 0 typology: fixed dryTime: dryTimeMM: 0: fixedValue: 0 typology: fixed 120: fixedValue: 4 typology: fixed 150: fixedValue: 5 typology: fixed 180: fixedValue: 6 typology: fixed 210: fixedValue: 7 typology: fixed 30: fixedValue: 1 typology: fixed 60: fixedValue: 2 typology: fixed 90: fixedValue: 3 typology: fixed programType: W+D remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 tempContribution: 0 applianceOptions: haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection applianceType: WD attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram prStr: Quick 15' commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.9 deviceModel: exynos2100 mobileId: 664fb7aa93b9cf82 mobileOs: android osVersion: 33 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 delayStatus: 0 delayTime: 510 detergentBStatus: 0 dryProgFlag: 1 dryTime: 4 energySavingStatus: 0 haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1 haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15 haier_MainWashSpeed: 45 haier_MainWashStopTime: 0 haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3 haier_RinseRotateTime: 15 haier_RinseSpeed: 45 haier_RinseStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45 haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30 haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 mainWashTime: 3 nightWashStatus: 0 operationName: grOnlineWash permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 purifiedWashStatus: 0 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 soakWashStatus: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1000 steamLevel: 0 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 texture: 20 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15 timestamp: 2023-06-16T08:43:48.487Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-16T08:43:48.487Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-16T08:43:50.0Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-16T08:43:54.9Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-16T05:46:19Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1686894379114 parameters: actualWeight: 0 airWashTempLevel: 0 airWashTime: 0 antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 buzzerDisabled: 1 buzzerDisabledCurrent: 0 clothesAnionStatus: 0 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 currentElectricityUsed: 0.00 currentWashCycle: 67 currentWaterUsed: 0 defSetAllowed: 0 delayStatus: 1 detWarn: 0 detergentBStatus: 0 detergentPercent: 100 detergentType: 1 dirtyLevel: 0 doorLockStatus: 1 doorStatus: 0 dryCleaningNeeded: 0 dryLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 1 dryStatus: 1 dryTime: 4 energySavingStatus: 0 errors: 00 forceDelete: 0 haier_DetergentWeight: 1 haier_SoftenerWeight: 1 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 laundryCycleStatus: 1 lockStatus: 0 loosenStatus: 0 machMode: 5 message: 0 nightWashStatus: 0 pause: 0 permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 prPhase: 19 program1: 0 program10: 0 program11: 2 program12: 0 program13: 0 program14: 2 program15: 0 program16: 0 program17: 1 program18: 10 program2: 19 program3: 0 program4: 3 program5: 0 program6: 2 program7: 7 program8: 19 program9: 1 purifiedWashStatus: 0 remainingMainWashTime: 6 remainingRinseIterations: 1 remainingStandbyTime: 1440 remainingTimeMM: 510 remoteCtrValid: 1 shoesAnionStatus: 0 soakWashStatus: 0 socksAnionStatus: 0 softWarn: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1400 stainType: 0 standbyTimeExtended: 1 steamStatus: 0 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 temp0to30: 33 temp40: 22 temp60to90: 12 testCmdReceiveStatus: 0 texture: 20 totalElectricityUsed: 71.94 totalWashCycle: 67 totalWaterUsed: 4792 toyAnionStatus: 0 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceModuleDataDef: 130 voiceModuleOnOffStatus: 1 voiceModuleVolume: 0 voiceModuleWakeStatus: 0 voiceModuleWakeUp: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washSpeed: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 pause: False programName: hqd_quick_15 resultCode: 0 extra_command_data: startProgram: dryLevel: 2: 45 dryTime: 0: 0 1: 30 2: 60 3: 90 4: 120 5: 150 6: 180 7: 210 8: 10 9: 15 pauseProgram: parameters: pause: 1 resumeProgram: parameters: pause: 0 settings: custom: category: setConfig parameters: httpEndpoint: 0 mqttEndpoint: 0 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: antiWrinkle: 1 dryOption: 0 dryTimeMM: 120 dryType: C energyLabel: 5 liquidDetergentDose: 1 powderDetergentDose: 1 prPosition: 2 programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programRules: {'dryLevel': {'dryOption': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}}}, 'dryTime': {'dryTimeMM': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}, '30': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '1'}, '60': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '2'}, '90': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}, '120': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '4'}, '150': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '5'}, '180': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '6'}, '210': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '7'}}}} programType: W+D remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 tempContribution: 0 custom: program: hqd_quick_15 parameters: antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 delayStatus: 1 delayTime: 510 detergentBStatus: 0 dryLevel: 2 dryProgFlag: 0 dryTime: 6 energySavingStatus: 0 haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1 haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15 haier_MainWashSpeed: 45 haier_MainWashStopTime: 0 haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3 haier_RinseRotateTime: 15 haier_RinseSpeed: 45 haier_RinseStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45 haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30 haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 mainWashTime: 3 nightWashStatus: 0 operationName: grOnlineWash permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 purifiedWashStatus: 0 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 soakWashStatus: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1000 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 texture: 20 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 remainingTimes: remainingTime: 15 statistics: drumCleaning: count: 67 percentage: 74 remaining: 23 tot: 90 filterCleaning: count: 32 percentage: 32 remaining: 68 tot: 100 lastCheckup: 2023-03-12T10:29:47.874Z loadingPercentage: - current: None date: 2023-06-16T06:21:53.2Z max: 0.6 - current: None date: 2023-06-16T06:08:49.4Z max: 0.6 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49Z max: 4.8 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49.7Z max: 4.8 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:09:39Z max: 0.1 mostUsedPrograms: - count: 15 prCode: 77 prPosition: 18 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D - count: 10 prCode: 72 prPosition: 2 programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15 programType: W+D - count: 9 prCode: 116 prPosition: 8 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D - count: 8 prCode: 116 prPosition: 8 programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_SYNTHETIC_AND_COLOURED programType: W+D - count: 7 prCode: 115 prPosition: 7 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D programsCounter: 99 resultCode: 0 temperatureUsage: temp0to30: 33 temp40: 22 temp60to90: 12 stopProgram: parameters: onOffStatus: 0 commands: settings: category: - setConfig startProgram: airWashPara10: - 30 airWashPara11: - 55 airWashPara12: - 30 airWashPara13: - 5 airWashPara15: - 45 airWashPara16: - 30 airWashPara19: - 50 airWashPara2: - 80 airWashPara21: - 160 airWashPara24: - 10 airWashPara27: - 10 airWashPara3: - 85 airWashPara31: - 1 airWashPara36: - 0 - 8 - 10 airWashPara4: - 95 airWashPara5: - 30 airWashPara6: - 10 airWashPara7: - 180 airWashPara9: - 150 autoDetergentStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 autoSoftenerStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 delayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 delayTime: max: 1410 min: 0 step: 30 dryLevel: - h1 - h2 - h3 dryOption: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 dryProgFlag: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 dryTime: max: 7 min: 0 step: 1 dryTimeMM: max: 210 min: 0 step: 30 energyLabel: max: 5 min: 3 step: 1 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: max: 2 min: 0 step: 2 mainWashTime: max: 120 min: 5 step: 5 program: - Bathrobes and Towels - hqd_20_degrees - hqd_autoclean - hqd_babycare - hqd_checkup - hqd_cottons - hqd_delicate - hqd_dry - hqd_duvet - hqd_eco_40_60_degrees - hqd_handwash_wool - hqd_i_refresh - hqd_mix - hqd_quick_15 - hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry - hqd_rinse - hqd_shirts - hqd_smart - hqd_spin - hqd_sport - hqd_super_fast - hqd_synthetic_and_coloured - iot_dry_cotton_dry - iot_wash_anti_mites - iot_wash_anti_odor - iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle - iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle - iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle - iot_wash_baby_sanitizer - iot_wash_backpacks - iot_wash_bathrobe - iot_wash_bed_linen - iot_wash_bleaching - iot_wash_blood_stains - iot_wash_cashmere - iot_wash_chocolate_stains - iot_wash_cold_wash - iot_wash_colored - iot_wash_colored_anti_stain - iot_wash_colored_delicate - iot_wash_coloured - iot_wash_cotton - iot_wash_cuddly_toys - iot_wash_curtains - iot_wash_dark - iot_wash_delicate - iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy - iot_wash_delicate_colors - iot_wash_delicate_dark - iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths - iot_wash_delicate_whites - iot_wash_denim_jeans - iot_wash_diving_suits - iot_wash_down_jackets - iot_wash_fruit_stains - iot_wash_handwash - iot_wash_handwash_colored - iot_wash_handwash_dark - iot_wash_lingerie - iot_wash_masks_refresh - iot_wash_masks_sanification - iot_wash_mats - iot_wash_men_s_trousers - iot_wash_mixed - iot_wash_new_clothes - iot_wash_perfect_white - iot_wash_pets - iot_wash_pets_hair_removal - iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal - iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner - iot_wash_rapid_14 - iot_wash_rapid_30 - iot_wash_rapid_44 - iot_wash_rapid_59 - iot_wash_resistant_colored - iot_wash_resistant_dark - iot_wash_resistant_whites - iot_wash_rinse - iot_wash_silk - iot_wash_ski_suit - iot_wash_spin - iot_wash_sport - iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis - iot_wash_synthetic - iot_wash_tablecloths - iot_wash_technical_fabrics - iot_wash_technical_jackets - iot_wash_trainers - iot_wash_whites - iot_wash_wine_stains - iot_wash_wool programCluster: - traditional - eco - traditional_eco programFamily: - hidden - guided - dashboard - hidden_guided_dashboard remainingTime: max: 48 min: 38 step: 10 rinseIterations: max: 5 min: 0 step: 1 spinSpeed: - 0 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 temp: - 0 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 60 - 90 rules: startProgram: dryLevel: H1: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: 60 airWashPara11: 45 airWashPara12: 15 airWashPara13: 10 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 45 airWashPara16: 50 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 60 airWashPara2: 65 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 120 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 8 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: 10 airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 70 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 10 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: 8 airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 85 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 20 airWashPara6: 3 airWashPara7: 135 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 150 cloudProgId: 442 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 38 H2: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: airWashPara11: 50 airWashPara12: 30 airWashPara13: 5 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 60 airWashPara16: 30 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 45 airWashPara2: 65 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 120 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 10 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 70 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 6 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: 10 airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 70 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 20 airWashPara6: 3 airWashPara7: 90 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 135 cloudProgId: 393 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 38 H3: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: 30 airWashPara11: 55 airWashPara12: 30 airWashPara13: 5 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 45 airWashPara16: 30 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 50 airWashPara2: 80 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 160 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 10 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: 10 airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 85 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 1 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 95 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 30 airWashPara6: 10 airWashPara7: 180 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 150 cloudProgId: 392 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 48 dryOption: 0: dryLevel: 0 dryTimeMM: 0: dryTime: 0 120: dryTime: 4 150: dryTime: 5 180: dryTime: 6 210: dryTime: 7 30: dryTime: 1 60: dryTime: 2 90: dryTime: 3 pyhOnVersion: 0.13.0 ``` **Device Log HON INTEGRATION** ``` data: additional_data: options: haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection appliance: applianceId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx#2022-12-15T12:52:26Z applianceModelId: 1228 applianceStatus: 1 applianceTypeId: 2 applianceTypeName: WD attributes: acuVersion: 21.05.18 chipset: ESP32D0WDQ5 dictionaryId: 77 lang: it-IT brand: haier code: CE0HUTB0000 connectivity: wifi|ble eepromId: 41 eepromName: no_eeprom enrollmentDate: 2022-12-15T12:52:26.825Z firstEnrollment: True firstEnrollmentTBC: True fwVersion: 3.8.0 id: 1228 lastUpdate: 2022-12-15T12:52:46Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx modelName: HWD100-BD1499U1N-INT nickName: Washer Dryer sections: chatbot: True demo: False double_pairing_hidden: True ecoDelayStart: True epp_enabled: False snap_wash: True series: superdrum topics: publish: subscribe: - $aws/events/presence/disconnected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - $aws/events/presence/connected/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/appliancestatus/update - haier/things/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/event/discovery/update waterHard: 3 attributes: active: True activity: activityStarted: 2023-06-16T09:04:03Z applianceTypeName: WM attributes: antiWrinkle: 1 appVersion: 2.0.10 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 channel: mobileApp delayStatus: 1 delayTime: 510 deviceModel: exynos9820 dirtyLevel: 0 dryLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 0 dryTime: 4 dryTimeMM: 120 dryType: C energyLabel: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 liquidDetergentDose: 1 mainWashTime: 3 mobileOs: android nightWashStatus: 0 origin: standardProgram osVersion: 31 permanentPressStatus: 0 powderDetergentDose: 1 prCode: 72 prPosition: 2 principalUserId: 0016800000J84GHAAZ programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programType: W+D remainingTimeMM: 510 remoteCtrValid: 1 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 spinSpeed: 1000 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 temp: 0 category: CYCLE macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx resultCode: 0 ttl: 1694682247 commandHistory: command: ancillaryParameters: antiWrinkle: 1 dryOption: 0 dryTimeMM: 120 dryType: C energyLabel: 5 liquidDetergentDose: 1 powderDetergentDose: 1 prPosition: 2 programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programType: W+D remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 tempContribution: 0 applianceOptions: haier_SoakPrewashSelection: haier_SoakPrewashSelection applianceType: WD attributes: channel: mobileApp energyLabel: 0 origin: standardProgram commandName: startProgram device: appVersion: 2.0.10 deviceModel: exynos9820 mobileId: be7aeae771cea87d mobileOs: android osVersion: 31 macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx parameters: antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 delayStatus: 1 delayTime: 510 detergentBStatus: 0 dryLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 0 dryTime: 4 energySavingStatus: 0 haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1 haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15 haier_MainWashSpeed: 45 haier_MainWashStopTime: 0 haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3 haier_RinseRotateTime: 15 haier_RinseSpeed: 45 haier_RinseStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45 haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30 haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 mainWashTime: 3 nightWashStatus: 0 operationName: grOnlineWash permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 purifiedWashStatus: 0 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 soakWashStatus: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1000 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 texture: 20 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 timestamp: 2023-06-16T09:04:00.553Z transactionId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx_2023-06-16T09:04:00.553Z timestampAccepted: 2023-06-16T09:03:59.9Z timestampExecuted: 2023-06-16T09:04:01.7Z lastConnEvent: category: CONNECTED instantTime: 2023-06-16T05:46:19Z macAddress: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx timestampEvent: 1686894379114 parameters: actualWeight: 0 airWashTempLevel: 0 airWashTime: 0 antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 buzzerDisabled: 1 buzzerDisabledCurrent: 0 clothesAnionStatus: 0 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 currentElectricityUsed: 0.00 currentWashCycle: 67 currentWaterUsed: 0 defSetAllowed: 0 delayStatus: 1 detWarn: 0 detergentBStatus: 0 detergentPercent: 100 detergentType: 1 dirtyLevel: 0 doorLockStatus: 1 doorStatus: 0 dryCleaningNeeded: 0 dryLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 0 dryStatus: 0 dryTime: 0 energySavingStatus: 0 errors: 00 forceDelete: 0 haier_DetergentWeight: 1 haier_SoftenerWeight: 1 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 laundryCycleStatus: 1 lockStatus: 0 loosenStatus: 0 machMode: 5 message: 0 nightWashStatus: 0 pause: 0 permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 prPhase: 19 program1: 0 program10: 0 program11: 2 program12: 0 program13: 0 program14: 2 program15: 0 program16: 0 program17: 1 program18: 10 program2: 19 program3: 0 program4: 3 program5: 0 program6: 2 program7: 7 program8: 19 program9: 1 purifiedWashStatus: 0 remainingMainWashTime: 6 remainingRinseIterations: 1 remainingStandbyTime: 1440 remainingTimeMM: 510 remoteCtrValid: 1 shoesAnionStatus: 0 soakWashStatus: 0 socksAnionStatus: 0 softWarn: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1000 stainType: 0 standbyTimeExtended: 1 steamStatus: 0 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 temp0to30: 33 temp40: 22 temp60to90: 12 testCmdReceiveStatus: 0 texture: 20 totalElectricityUsed: 71.94 totalWashCycle: 67 totalWaterUsed: 4792 toyAnionStatus: 0 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceModuleDataDef: 130 voiceModuleOnOffStatus: 1 voiceModuleVolume: 0 voiceModuleWakeStatus: 0 voiceModuleWakeUp: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washSpeed: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 pause: False programName: hqd_quick_15 resultCode: 0 extra_command_data: startProgram: dryLevel: 2: 45 dryTime: 0: 0 1: 30 2: 60 3: 90 4: 120 5: 150 6: 180 7: 210 8: 10 9: 15 pauseProgram: parameters: pause: 1 resumeProgram: parameters: pause: 0 settings: custom: category: setConfig parameters: httpEndpoint: 0 mqttEndpoint: 0 startProgram: ancillaryParameters: antiWrinkle: 1 dryOption: 0 dryTimeMM: 120 dryType: C energyLabel: 5 liquidDetergentDose: 1 powderDetergentDose: 1 prPosition: 2 programCluster: quick programFamily: [dashboard] programIntensity: standard programRules: {'dryLevel': {'dryOption': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}}}, 'dryTime': {'dryTimeMM': {'0': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '0'}, '30': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '1'}, '60': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '2'}, '90': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '3'}, '120': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '4'}, '150': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '5'}, '180': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '6'}, '210': {'typology': 'fixed', 'fixedValue': '7'}}}} programType: W+D remoteActionable: 1 remoteVisible: 1 suggestedLoadW: 2 suggestedLoadWD: 0.6 tempContribution: 0 custom: program: hqd_quick_15 parameters: antiAllergyStatus: 0 autoDetergentStatus: 1 autoDisinfectantStatus: 0 autoSoftenerStatus: 1 cloudProgId: 255 cloudProgSrc: 2 creaseResistSoakStatus: 0 delayStatus: 1 delayTime: 510 detergentBStatus: 0 dryLevel: 0 dryProgFlag: 0 dryTime: 4 energySavingStatus: 0 haier_ConstantTempStatus: 1 haier_MainWashRotateTime: 15 haier_MainWashSpeed: 45 haier_MainWashStopTime: 0 haier_MainWashWaterLevel: 3 haier_RinseRotateTime: 15 haier_RinseSpeed: 45 haier_RinseStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashRotateTime: 15 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: 0 haier_SoakPrewashSpeed: 45 haier_SoakPrewashStopTime: 0 haier_SoakPrewashTemperature: 30 haier_SoakPrewashTime: 0 highWaterLevelStatus: 0 intelligenceStatus: 0 lockStatus: 0 mainWashTime: 3 nightWashStatus: 0 operationName: grOnlineWash permanentPressStatus: 0 prCode: 72 purifiedWashStatus: 0 rinseIterationTime: 3 rinseIterations: 1 soakWashStatus: 0 speedUpStatus: 0 spinSpeed: 1000 strongStatus: 0 temp: 0 texture: 20 uvSterilizationStatus: 0 voiceStatus: 0 washerDryIntensity: 1 weight: 3 remainingTimes: remainingTime: 15 statistics: drumCleaning: count: 67 percentage: 74 remaining: 23 tot: 90 filterCleaning: count: 32 percentage: 32 remaining: 68 tot: 100 lastCheckup: 2023-03-12T10:29:47.874Z loadingPercentage: - current: None date: 2023-06-16T06:21:53.2Z max: 0.6 - current: None date: 2023-06-16T06:08:49.4Z max: 0.6 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49Z max: 4.8 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:56:49.7Z max: 4.8 - current: None date: 2023-06-15T20:09:39Z max: 0.1 mostUsedPrograms: - count: 15 prCode: 77 prPosition: 18 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D - count: 10 prCode: 72 prPosition: 2 programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_QUICK_15 programType: W+D - count: 9 prCode: 116 prPosition: 8 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D - count: 8 prCode: 116 prPosition: 8 programName: PROGRAMS.WM_WD.HQD_SYNTHETIC_AND_COLOURED programType: W+D - count: 7 prCode: 115 prPosition: 7 programName: PROGRAMS.WM.undefined programType: W+D programsCounter: 99 resultCode: 0 temperatureUsage: temp0to30: 33 temp40: 22 temp60to90: 12 stopProgram: parameters: onOffStatus: 0 commands: settings: category: - setConfig startProgram: airWashPara10: - 30 airWashPara11: - 55 airWashPara12: - 30 airWashPara13: - 5 airWashPara15: - 45 airWashPara16: - 30 airWashPara19: - 50 airWashPara2: - 80 airWashPara21: - 160 airWashPara24: - 10 airWashPara27: - 10 airWashPara3: - 85 airWashPara31: - 1 airWashPara36: - 0 - 8 - 10 airWashPara4: - 95 airWashPara5: - 30 airWashPara6: - 10 airWashPara7: - 180 airWashPara9: - 150 autoDetergentStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 autoSoftenerStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 delayStatus: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 delayTime: max: 1410 min: 0 step: 30 dryLevel: - h1 - h2 - h3 dryOption: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 dryProgFlag: max: 1 min: 0 step: 1 dryTime: max: 7 min: 0 step: 1 dryTimeMM: max: 210 min: 0 step: 30 energyLabel: max: 5 min: 3 step: 1 haier_SoakPrewashSelection: max: 2 min: 0 step: 2 mainWashTime: max: 120 min: 5 step: 5 program: - Bathrobes and Towels - hqd_20_degrees - hqd_autoclean - hqd_babycare - hqd_checkup - hqd_cottons - hqd_delicate - hqd_dry - hqd_duvet - hqd_eco_40_60_degrees - hqd_handwash_wool - hqd_i_refresh - hqd_mix - hqd_quick_15 - hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry - hqd_rinse - hqd_shirts - hqd_smart - hqd_spin - hqd_sport - hqd_super_fast - hqd_synthetic_and_coloured - iot_dry_cotton_dry - iot_wash_anti_mites - iot_wash_anti_odor - iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle - iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle - iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle - iot_wash_baby_sanitizer - iot_wash_backpacks - iot_wash_bathrobe - iot_wash_bed_linen - iot_wash_bleaching - iot_wash_blood_stains - iot_wash_cashmere - iot_wash_chocolate_stains - iot_wash_cold_wash - iot_wash_colored - iot_wash_colored_anti_stain - iot_wash_colored_delicate - iot_wash_coloured - iot_wash_cotton - iot_wash_cuddly_toys - iot_wash_curtains - iot_wash_dark - iot_wash_delicate - iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy - iot_wash_delicate_colors - iot_wash_delicate_dark - iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths - iot_wash_delicate_whites - iot_wash_denim_jeans - iot_wash_diving_suits - iot_wash_down_jackets - iot_wash_fruit_stains - iot_wash_handwash - iot_wash_handwash_colored - iot_wash_handwash_dark - iot_wash_lingerie - iot_wash_masks_refresh - iot_wash_masks_sanification - iot_wash_mats - iot_wash_men_s_trousers - iot_wash_mixed - iot_wash_new_clothes - iot_wash_perfect_white - iot_wash_pets - iot_wash_pets_hair_removal - iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal - iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner - iot_wash_rapid_14 - iot_wash_rapid_30 - iot_wash_rapid_44 - iot_wash_rapid_59 - iot_wash_resistant_colored - iot_wash_resistant_dark - iot_wash_resistant_whites - iot_wash_rinse - iot_wash_silk - iot_wash_ski_suit - iot_wash_spin - iot_wash_sport - iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis - iot_wash_synthetic - iot_wash_tablecloths - iot_wash_technical_fabrics - iot_wash_technical_jackets - iot_wash_trainers - iot_wash_whites - iot_wash_wine_stains - iot_wash_wool programCluster: - traditional - eco - traditional_eco programFamily: - hidden - guided - dashboard - hidden_guided_dashboard remainingTime: max: 48 min: 38 step: 10 rinseIterations: max: 5 min: 0 step: 1 spinSpeed: - 0 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 temp: - 0 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 60 - 90 rules: startProgram: dryLevel: H1: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: 60 airWashPara11: 45 airWashPara12: 15 airWashPara13: 10 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 45 airWashPara16: 50 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 60 airWashPara2: 65 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 120 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 8 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: 10 airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 70 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 10 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: 8 airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 85 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 20 airWashPara6: 3 airWashPara7: 135 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 150 cloudProgId: 442 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 38 H2: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: airWashPara11: 50 airWashPara12: 30 airWashPara13: 5 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 60 airWashPara16: 30 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 45 airWashPara2: 65 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 120 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 10 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 70 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 6 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: 10 airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 70 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 20 airWashPara6: 3 airWashPara7: 90 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 135 cloudProgId: 393 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 38 H3: airWashPara1: airWashPara10: 30 airWashPara11: 55 airWashPara12: 30 airWashPara13: 5 airWashPara14: 120 airWashPara15: 45 airWashPara16: 30 airWashPara17: 5 airWashPara18: 120 airWashPara19: 50 airWashPara2: 80 airWashPara20: 10 airWashPara21: 160 airWashPara22: 12 airWashPara23: 120 airWashPara24: 10 airWashPara25: 60 airWashPara26: 30 airWashPara27: 10 airWashPara28: 64255 airWashPara29: 64255 airWashPara3: 85 airWashPara30: 254 airWashPara31: 1 airWashPara32: 50 airWashPara33: 55 airWashPara34: 5 airWashPara35: 120 airWashPara36: airWashPara37: airWashPara38: airWashPara39: airWashPara4: 95 airWashPara40: airWashPara5: 30 airWashPara6: 10 airWashPara7: 180 airWashPara8: 90 airWashPara9: 150 cloudProgId: 392 cloudProgSrc: 2 remainingTime: 48 dryOption: 0: dryLevel: 0 dryTimeMM: 0: dryTime: 0 120: dryTime: 4 150: dryTime: 5 180: dryTime: 6 210: dryTime: 7 30: dryTime: 1 60: dryTime: 2 90: dryTime: 3 pyhOnVersion: 0.13.0 ```
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Reference: GitHub/hon#74
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