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// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jeremy Latt
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Edmund Huber
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license
package irc
import (
// PassConfig holds the connection password.
type PassConfig struct {
Password string
// TLSListenConfig defines configuration options for listening on TLS.
type TLSListenConfig struct {
Cert string
Key string
// Config returns the TLS contiguration assicated with this TLSListenConfig.
func (conf *TLSListenConfig) Config() (*tls.Config, error) {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(conf.Cert, conf.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("tls cert+key: invalid pair")
return &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
}, err
// PasswordBytes returns the bytes represented by the password hash.
func (conf *PassConfig) PasswordBytes() []byte {
bytes, err := passwd.DecodePasswordHash(conf.Password)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("decode password error: ", err)
return bytes
// AccountRegistrationConfig controls account registration.
type AccountRegistrationConfig struct {
Enabled bool
EnabledCallbacks []string `yaml:"enabled-callbacks"`
Callbacks struct {
Mailto struct {
Server string
Port int
TLS struct {
Enabled bool
InsecureSkipVerify bool `yaml:"insecure_skip_verify"`
ServerName string `yaml:"servername"`
Username string
Password string
Sender string
VerifyMessageSubject string `yaml:"verify-message-subject"`
VerifyMessage string `yaml:"verify-message"`
AllowMultiplePerConnection bool `yaml:"allow-multiple-per-connection"`
// ChannelRegistrationConfig controls channel registration.
type ChannelRegistrationConfig struct {
Enabled bool
// OperClassConfig defines a specific operator class.
type OperClassConfig struct {
Title string
WhoisLine string
Extends string
Capabilities []string
// OperConfig defines a specific operator's configuration.
type OperConfig struct {
Class string
Vhost string
WhoisLine string `yaml:"whois-line"`
Password string
Modes string
// PasswordBytes returns the bytes represented by the password hash.
func (conf *OperConfig) PasswordBytes() []byte {
bytes, err := passwd.DecodePasswordHash(conf.Password)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("decode password error: ", err)
return bytes
// LineLenConfig controls line lengths.
type LineLenConfig struct {
Tags int
Rest int
// STSConfig controls the STS configuration/
type STSConfig struct {
Enabled bool
Duration time.Duration `yaml:"duration-real"`
DurationString string `yaml:"duration"`
Port int
Preload bool
// Value returns the STS value to advertise in CAP
func (sts *STSConfig) Value() string {
val := fmt.Sprintf("duration=%d,", int(sts.Duration.Seconds()))
if sts.Enabled && sts.Port > 0 {
val += fmt.Sprintf(",port=%d", sts.Port)
if sts.Enabled && sts.Preload {
val += ",preload"
return val
// StackImpactConfig is the config used for StackImpact's profiling.
type StackImpactConfig struct {
Enabled bool
AgentKey string `yaml:"agent-key"`
AppName string `yaml:"app-name"`
// Config defines the overall configuration.
type Config struct {
Network struct {
Name string
Server struct {
Password string
Name string
Listen []string
TLSListeners map[string]*TLSListenConfig `yaml:"tls-listeners"`
CheckIdent bool `yaml:"check-ident"`
MOTD string
MOTDFormatting bool `yaml:"motd-formatting"`
ProxyAllowedFrom []string `yaml:"proxy-allowed-from"`
WebIRC []webircConfig `yaml:"webirc"`
MaxSendQString string `yaml:"max-sendq"`
MaxSendQBytes uint64
ConnectionLimiter connection_limits.LimiterConfig `yaml:"connection-limits"`
ConnectionThrottler connection_limits.ThrottlerConfig `yaml:"connection-throttling"`
Datastore struct {
Path string
Accounts struct {
Registration AccountRegistrationConfig
AuthenticationEnabled bool `yaml:"authentication-enabled"`
Channels struct {
DefaultModes *string `yaml:"default-modes"`
Registration ChannelRegistrationConfig
OperClasses map[string]*OperClassConfig `yaml:"oper-classes"`
Opers map[string]*OperConfig
Logging []logger.LoggingConfig
Debug struct {
RecoverFromErrors *bool `yaml:"recover-from-errors"`
StackImpact StackImpactConfig
Limits struct {
AwayLen uint `yaml:"awaylen"`
ChanListModes uint `yaml:"chan-list-modes"`
ChannelLen uint `yaml:"channellen"`
KickLen uint `yaml:"kicklen"`
MonitorEntries uint `yaml:"monitor-entries"`
NickLen uint `yaml:"nicklen"`
TopicLen uint `yaml:"topiclen"`
WhowasEntries uint `yaml:"whowas-entries"`
LineLen LineLenConfig `yaml:"linelen"`
Filename string
// OperClass defines an assembled operator class.
type OperClass struct {
Title string
WhoisLine string `yaml:"whois-line"`
Capabilities map[string]bool // map to make lookups much easier
// OperatorClasses returns a map of assembled operator classes from the given config.
func (conf *Config) OperatorClasses() (*map[string]OperClass, error) {
ocs := make(map[string]OperClass)
// loop from no extends to most extended, breaking if we can't add any more
lenOfLastOcs := -1
for {
if lenOfLastOcs == len(ocs) {
return nil, errors.New("OperClasses contains a looping dependency, or a class extends from a class that doesn't exist")
lenOfLastOcs = len(ocs)
var anyMissing bool
for name, info := range conf.OperClasses {
_, exists := ocs[name]
_, extendsExists := ocs[info.Extends]
if exists {
// class already exists
} else if len(info.Extends) > 0 && !extendsExists {
// class we extend on doesn't exist
_, exists := conf.OperClasses[info.Extends]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Operclass [%s] extends [%s], which doesn't exist", name, info.Extends)
anyMissing = true
// create new operclass
var oc OperClass
oc.Capabilities = make(map[string]bool)
// get inhereted info from other operclasses
if len(info.Extends) > 0 {
einfo, _ := ocs[info.Extends]
for capab := range einfo.Capabilities {
oc.Capabilities[capab] = true
// add our own info
oc.Title = info.Title
for _, capab := range info.Capabilities {
oc.Capabilities[capab] = true
if len(info.WhoisLine) > 0 {
oc.WhoisLine = info.WhoisLine
} else {
oc.WhoisLine = "is a"
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(string(oc.Title[0])), "aeiou") {
oc.WhoisLine += "n"
oc.WhoisLine += " "
oc.WhoisLine += oc.Title
ocs[name] = oc
if !anyMissing {
// we've got every operclass!
return &ocs, nil
// Oper represents a single assembled operator's config.
type Oper struct {
Class *OperClass
WhoisLine string
Vhost string
Pass []byte
Modes string
// Operators returns a map of operator configs from the given OperClass and config.
func (conf *Config) Operators(oc *map[string]OperClass) (map[string]Oper, error) {
operators := make(map[string]Oper)
for name, opConf := range conf.Opers {
var oper Oper
// oper name
name, err := CasefoldName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not casefold oper name: %s", err.Error())
oper.Pass = opConf.PasswordBytes()
oper.Vhost = opConf.Vhost
class, exists := (*oc)[opConf.Class]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not load operator [%s] - they use operclass [%s] which does not exist", name, opConf.Class)
oper.Class = &class
if len(opConf.WhoisLine) > 0 {
oper.WhoisLine = opConf.WhoisLine
} else {
oper.WhoisLine = class.WhoisLine
oper.Modes = strings.TrimSpace(opConf.Modes)
// successful, attach to list of opers
operators[name] = oper
return operators, nil
// TLSListeners returns a list of TLS listeners and their configs.
func (conf *Config) TLSListeners() map[string]*tls.Config {
tlsListeners := make(map[string]*tls.Config)
for s, tlsListenersConf := range conf.Server.TLSListeners {
config, err := tlsListenersConf.Config()
config.ClientAuth = tls.RequestClientCert
if err != nil {
tlsListeners[s] = config
return tlsListeners
// LoadConfig loads the given YAML configuration file.
func LoadConfig(filename string) (config *Config, err error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config.Filename = filename
// we need this so PasswordBytes returns the correct info
if config.Server.Password != "" {
config.Server.PassConfig.Password = config.Server.Password
if config.Network.Name == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Network name missing")
if config.Server.Name == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Server name missing")
if !utils.IsHostname(config.Server.Name) {
return nil, errors.New("Server name must match the format of a hostname")
if config.Datastore.Path == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Datastore path missing")
if len(config.Server.Listen) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Server listening addresses missing")
if config.Limits.NickLen < 1 || config.Limits.ChannelLen < 2 || config.Limits.AwayLen < 1 || config.Limits.KickLen < 1 || config.Limits.TopicLen < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("Limits aren't setup properly, check them and make them sane")
if config.Server.STS.Enabled {
config.Server.STS.Duration, err = custime.ParseDuration(config.Server.STS.DurationString)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse STS duration: %s", err.Error())
if config.Server.STS.Port < 0 || config.Server.STS.Port > 65535 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("STS port is incorrect, should be 0 if disabled: %d", config.Server.STS.Port)
if config.Server.ConnectionThrottler.Enabled {
config.Server.ConnectionThrottler.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(config.Server.ConnectionThrottler.DurationString)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse connection-throttle duration: %s", err.Error())
config.Server.ConnectionThrottler.BanDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(config.Server.ConnectionThrottler.BanDurationString)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse connection-throttle ban-duration: %s", err.Error())
// process webirc blocks
var newWebIRC []webircConfig
for _, webirc := range config.Server.WebIRC {
// skip webirc blocks with no hosts (such as the example one)
if len(webirc.Hosts) == 0 {
err = webirc.Populate()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse WebIRC config: %s", err.Error())
newWebIRC = append(newWebIRC, webirc)
config.Server.WebIRC = newWebIRC
// process limits
if config.Limits.LineLen.Tags < 512 || config.Limits.LineLen.Rest < 512 {
return nil, errors.New("Line lengths must be 512 or greater (check the linelen section under server->limits)")
var newLogConfigs []logger.LoggingConfig
for _, logConfig := range config.Logging {
// methods
methods := make(map[string]bool)
for _, method := range strings.Split(logConfig.Method, " ") {
if len(method) > 0 {
methods[strings.ToLower(method)] = true
if methods["file"] && logConfig.Filename == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Logging configuration specifies 'file' method but 'filename' is empty")
logConfig.MethodFile = methods["file"]
logConfig.MethodStdout = methods["stdout"]
logConfig.MethodStderr = methods["stderr"]
// levels
level, exists := logger.LogLevelNames[strings.ToLower(logConfig.LevelString)]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not translate log leve [%s]", logConfig.LevelString)
logConfig.Level = level
// types
for _, typeStr := range strings.Split(logConfig.TypeString, " ") {
if len(typeStr) == 0 {
if typeStr == "-" {
return nil, errors.New("Encountered logging type '-' with no type to exclude")
if typeStr[0] == '-' {
typeStr = typeStr[1:]
logConfig.ExcludedTypes = append(logConfig.ExcludedTypes, typeStr)
} else {
logConfig.Types = append(logConfig.Types, typeStr)
if len(logConfig.Types) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("Logger has no types to log")
newLogConfigs = append(newLogConfigs, logConfig)
config.Logging = newLogConfigs
config.Server.MaxSendQBytes, err = bytefmt.ToBytes(config.Server.MaxSendQString)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse maximum SendQ size (make sure it only contains whole numbers): %s", err.Error())
return config, nil