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// Copyright 2020 Joshua J Baker. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btree
import (
const maxItems = 255 // max items per node. max children is +1
const minItems = maxItems * 40 / 100
type cow struct {
_ int // it cannot be an empty struct
type node struct {
cow *cow
leaf bool
numItems int16
count int
items [maxItems]interface{}
children *[maxItems + 1]*node
// BTree is an ordered set items
type BTree struct {
mu *sync.RWMutex
cow *cow
root *node
count int
less func(a, b interface{}) bool
locks bool
func (tr *BTree) newNode(leaf bool) *node {
n := &node{leaf: leaf}
if !leaf {
n.children = new([maxItems + 1]*node)
n.cow = tr.cow
return n
// PathHint is a utility type used with the *Hint() functions. Hints provide
// faster operations for clustered keys.
type PathHint struct {
used [8]bool
path [8]uint8
// New returns a new BTree
func New(less func(a, b interface{}) bool) *BTree {
return newBTree(less, true)
// NewNonConcurrent returns a new BTree which is not safe for concurrent
// write operations by multiple goroutines.
// This is useful for when you do not need the BTree to manage the locking,
// but would rather do it yourself.
func NewNonConcurrent(less func(a, b interface{}) bool) *BTree {
return newBTree(less, false)
func newBTree(less func(a, b interface{}) bool, locks bool) *BTree {
if less == nil {
panic("nil less")
tr := new(BTree)
tr.mu = new(sync.RWMutex)
tr.less = less
tr.locks = locks
return tr
// Less is a convenience function that performs a comparison of two items
// using the same "less" function provided to New.
func (tr *BTree) Less(a, b interface{}) bool {
return tr.less(a, b)
func (n *node) find(key interface{}, less func(a, b interface{}) bool,
hint *PathHint, depth int,
) (index int16, found bool) {
low := int16(0)
high := n.numItems - 1
if hint != nil && depth < 8 && hint.used[depth] {
index = int16(hint.path[depth])
if index >= n.numItems {
// tail item
if less(n.items[n.numItems-1], key) {
if less(key, n.items[n.numItems-1]) {
index = n.numItems - 1
found = true
goto path_match
} else {
index = n.numItems
goto path_match
index = n.numItems - 1
if less(key, n.items[index]) {
if index == 0 || less(n.items[index-1], key) {
goto path_match
high = index - 1
} else if less(n.items[index], key) {
low = index + 1
} else {
found = true
goto path_match
for low <= high {
mid := low + ((high+1)-low)/2
if !less(key, n.items[mid]) {
low = mid + 1
} else {
high = mid - 1
if low > 0 && !less(n.items[low-1], key) {
index = low - 1
found = true
} else {
index = low
found = false
if hint == nil || depth >= 8 {
return index, found
hint.used[depth] = true
if n.leaf && found {
hint.path[depth] = byte(index + 1)
} else {
hint.path[depth] = byte(index)
return index, found
// SetHint sets or replace a value for a key using a path hint
func (tr *BTree) SetHint(item interface{}, hint *PathHint) (prev interface{}) {
if item == nil {
panic("nil item")
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
return tr.setHint(item, hint)
func (tr *BTree) setHint(item interface{}, hint *PathHint) (prev interface{}) {
if tr.root == nil {
tr.root = tr.newNode(true)
tr.root.items[0] = item
tr.root.numItems = 1
tr.root.count = 1
tr.count = 1
prev = tr.nodeSet(&tr.root, item, tr.less, hint, 0)
if prev != nil {
return prev
if tr.root.numItems == maxItems {
n := tr.cowLoad(&tr.root)
right, median := tr.nodeSplit(n)
tr.root = tr.newNode(false)
tr.root.children[0] = n
tr.root.items[0] = median
tr.root.children[1] = right
tr.root.numItems = 1
tr.root.count = n.count + 1 + right.count
return prev
// Set or replace a value for a key
func (tr *BTree) Set(item interface{}) (prev interface{}) {
return tr.SetHint(item, nil)
func (tr *BTree) nodeSplit(n *node) (right *node, median interface{}) {
right = tr.newNode(n.leaf)
median = n.items[maxItems/2]
copy(right.items[:maxItems/2], n.items[maxItems/2+1:])
if !n.leaf {
copy(right.children[:maxItems/2+1], n.children[maxItems/2+1:])
right.numItems = maxItems / 2
if !n.leaf {
for i := maxItems/2 + 1; i < maxItems+1; i++ {
n.children[i] = nil
for i := maxItems / 2; i < maxItems; i++ {
n.items[i] = nil
n.numItems = maxItems / 2
// update counts
return right, median
func (n *node) updateCount() {
n.count = int(n.numItems)
if !n.leaf {
for i := 0; i <= int(n.numItems); i++ {
n.count += n.children[i].count
// This operation should not be inlined because it's expensive and rarely
// called outside of heavy copy-on-write situations. Marking it "noinline"
// allows for the parent cowLoad to be inlined.
// go:noinline
func (tr *BTree) copy(n *node) *node {
n2 := *n
n2.cow = tr.cow
copy(n2.items[:], n.items[:])
if n.children != nil {
n2.children = new([maxItems + 1]*node)
copy(n2.children[:], n.children[:])
return &n2
// cowLoad loads the provide node and, if needed, performs a copy-on-write.
func (tr *BTree) cowLoad(cn **node) *node {
if (*cn).cow != tr.cow {
*cn = tr.copy(*cn)
return *cn
func (tr *BTree) nodeSet(cn **node, item interface{},
less func(a, b interface{}) bool, hint *PathHint, depth int,
) (prev interface{}) {
n := tr.cowLoad(cn)
i, found := n.find(item, less, hint, depth)
if found {
prev = n.items[i]
n.items[i] = item
return prev
if n.leaf {
copy(n.items[i+1:n.numItems+1], n.items[i:n.numItems])
n.items[i] = item
return nil
prev = tr.nodeSet(&n.children[i], item, less, hint, depth+1)
if prev != nil {
return prev
if n.children[i].numItems == maxItems {
right, median := tr.nodeSplit(n.children[i])
copy(n.children[i+1:], n.children[i:])
copy(n.items[i+1:], n.items[i:])
n.items[i] = median
n.children[i+1] = right
return nil
func (n *node) scan(iter func(item interface{}) bool) bool {
if n.leaf {
for i := int16(0); i < n.numItems; i++ {
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
return true
for i := int16(0); i < n.numItems; i++ {
if !n.children[i].scan(iter) {
return false
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
return n.children[n.numItems].scan(iter)
// Get a value for key
func (tr *BTree) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
// This operation is basically the same as calling:
// return tr.GetHint(key, nil)
// But here we inline the bsearch to avoid the hint logic and extra
// function call.
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil || key == nil {
return nil
depth := 0
n := tr.root
for {
low := int16(0)
high := n.numItems - 1
for low <= high {
mid := low + ((high+1)-low)/2
if !tr.less(key, n.items[mid]) {
low = mid + 1
} else {
high = mid - 1
if low > 0 && !tr.less(n.items[low-1], key) {
return n.items[low-1]
if n.leaf {
return nil
n = n.children[low]
// GetHint gets a value for key using a path hint
func (tr *BTree) GetHint(key interface{}, hint *PathHint) interface{} {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil || key == nil {
return nil
depth := 0
n := tr.root
for {
index, found := n.find(key, tr.less, hint, depth)
if found {
return n.items[index]
if n.leaf {
return nil
n = n.children[index]
// Len returns the number of items in the tree
func (tr *BTree) Len() int {
return tr.count
// Delete a value for a key
func (tr *BTree) Delete(key interface{}) interface{} {
return tr.DeleteHint(key, nil)
// DeleteHint deletes a value for a key using a path hint
func (tr *BTree) DeleteHint(key interface{}, hint *PathHint) interface{} {
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
return tr.deleteHint(key, hint)
func (tr *BTree) deleteHint(key interface{}, hint *PathHint) interface{} {
if tr.root == nil || key == nil {
return nil
prev := tr.delete(&tr.root, false, key, tr.less, hint, 0)
if prev == nil {
return nil
if tr.root.numItems == 0 && !tr.root.leaf {
tr.root = tr.root.children[0]
if tr.count == 0 {
tr.root = nil
return prev
func (tr *BTree) delete(cn **node, max bool, key interface{},
less func(a, b interface{}) bool, hint *PathHint, depth int,
) interface{} {
n := tr.cowLoad(cn)
var i int16
var found bool
if max {
i, found = n.numItems-1, true
} else {
i, found = n.find(key, less, hint, depth)
if n.leaf {
if found {
prev := n.items[i]
// found the items at the leaf, remove it and return.
copy(n.items[i:], n.items[i+1:n.numItems])
n.items[n.numItems-1] = nil
return prev
return nil
var prev interface{}
if found {
if max {
prev = tr.delete(&n.children[i], true, "", less, nil, 0)
} else {
prev = n.items[i]
maxItem := tr.delete(&n.children[i], true, "", less, nil, 0)
n.items[i] = maxItem
} else {
prev = tr.delete(&n.children[i], max, key, less, hint, depth+1)
if prev == nil {
return nil
if n.children[i].numItems >= minItems {
return prev
// merge / rebalance nodes
if i == n.numItems {
n.children[i] = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[i])
n.children[i+1] = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[i+1])
if n.children[i].numItems+n.children[i+1].numItems+1 < maxItems {
// merge left + item + right
n.children[i].items[n.children[i].numItems] = n.items[i]
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i].numItems += n.children[i+1].numItems + 1
n.children[i].count += n.children[i+1].count + 1
copy(n.items[i:], n.items[i+1:n.numItems])
copy(n.children[i+1:], n.children[i+2:n.numItems+1])
n.items[n.numItems-1] = nil
n.children[n.numItems] = nil
} else if n.children[i].numItems > n.children[i+1].numItems {
// move left -> right
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i+1].items[0] = n.items[i]
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i+1].children[0] =
n.children[i+1].count += n.children[i+1].children[0].count
n.items[i] = n.children[i].items[n.children[i].numItems-1]
n.children[i].items[n.children[i].numItems-1] = nil
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i].children[n.children[i].numItems] = nil
n.children[i].count -= n.children[i+1].children[0].count
} else {
// move left <- right
n.children[i].items[n.children[i].numItems] = n.items[i]
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i].children[n.children[i].numItems+1] =
n.children[i].count +=
n.items[i] = n.children[i+1].items[0]
n.children[i+1].items[n.children[i+1].numItems-1] = nil
if !n.children[0].leaf {
n.children[i+1].children[n.children[i+1].numItems] = nil
n.children[i+1].count -=
return prev
// Ascend the tree within the range [pivot, last]
// Pass nil for pivot to scan all item in ascending order
// Return false to stop iterating
func (tr *BTree) Ascend(pivot interface{}, iter func(item interface{}) bool) {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil {
if pivot == nil {
} else if tr.root != nil {
tr.root.ascend(pivot, tr.less, nil, 0, iter)
func (n *node) ascend(pivot interface{}, less func(a, b interface{}) bool,
hint *PathHint, depth int, iter func(item interface{}) bool,
) bool {
i, found := n.find(pivot, less, hint, depth)
if !found {
if !n.leaf {
if !n.children[i].ascend(pivot, less, hint, depth+1, iter) {
return false
for ; i < n.numItems; i++ {
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
if !n.leaf {
if !n.children[i+1].scan(iter) {
return false
return true
func (n *node) reverse(iter func(item interface{}) bool) bool {
if n.leaf {
for i := n.numItems - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
return true
if !n.children[n.numItems].reverse(iter) {
return false
for i := n.numItems - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
if !n.children[i].reverse(iter) {
return false
return true
// Descend the tree within the range [pivot, first]
// Pass nil for pivot to scan all item in descending order
// Return false to stop iterating
func (tr *BTree) Descend(pivot interface{}, iter func(item interface{}) bool) {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil {
if pivot == nil {
} else if tr.root != nil {
tr.root.descend(pivot, tr.less, nil, 0, iter)
func (n *node) descend(pivot interface{}, less func(a, b interface{}) bool,
hint *PathHint, depth int, iter func(item interface{}) bool,
) bool {
i, found := n.find(pivot, less, hint, depth)
if !found {
if !n.leaf {
if !n.children[i].descend(pivot, less, hint, depth+1, iter) {
return false
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if !iter(n.items[i]) {
return false
if !n.leaf {
if !n.children[i].reverse(iter) {
return false
return true
// Load is for bulk loading pre-sorted items
func (tr *BTree) Load(item interface{}) interface{} {
if item == nil {
panic("nil item")
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
if tr.root == nil {
return tr.setHint(item, nil)
n := tr.cowLoad(&tr.root)
for {
n.count++ // optimistically update counts
if n.leaf {
if n.numItems < maxItems-2 {
if tr.less(n.items[n.numItems-1], item) {
n.items[n.numItems] = item
return nil
n = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[n.numItems])
// revert the counts
n = tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
n = n.children[n.numItems]
return tr.setHint(item, nil)
// Min returns the minimum item in tree.
// Returns nil if the tree has no items.
func (tr *BTree) Min() interface{} {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil {
return nil
n := tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
return n.items[0]
n = n.children[0]
// Max returns the maximum item in tree.
// Returns nil if the tree has no items.
func (tr *BTree) Max() interface{} {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil {
return nil
n := tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
return n.items[n.numItems-1]
n = n.children[n.numItems]
// PopMin removes the minimum item in tree and returns it.
// Returns nil if the tree has no items.
func (tr *BTree) PopMin() interface{} {
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
if tr.root == nil {
return nil
n := tr.cowLoad(&tr.root)
var item interface{}
for {
n.count-- // optimistically update counts
if n.leaf {
item = n.items[0]
if n.numItems == minItems {
copy(n.items[:], n.items[1:])
n.items[n.numItems-1] = nil
if tr.count == 0 {
tr.root = nil
return item
n = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[0])
// revert the counts
n = tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
n = n.children[0]
return tr.deleteHint(item, nil)
// PopMax removes the minimum item in tree and returns it.
// Returns nil if the tree has no items.
func (tr *BTree) PopMax() interface{} {
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
if tr.root == nil {
return nil
n := tr.cowLoad(&tr.root)
var item interface{}
for {
n.count-- // optimistically update counts
if n.leaf {
item = n.items[n.numItems-1]
if n.numItems == minItems {
n.items[n.numItems-1] = nil
if tr.count == 0 {
tr.root = nil
return item
n = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[n.numItems])
// revert the counts
n = tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
n = n.children[n.numItems]
return tr.deleteHint(item, nil)
// GetAt returns the value at index.
// Return nil if the tree is empty or the index is out of bounds.
func (tr *BTree) GetAt(index int) interface{} {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root == nil || index < 0 || index >= tr.count {
return nil
n := tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
return n.items[index]
i := 0
for ; i < int(n.numItems); i++ {
if index < n.children[i].count {
} else if index == n.children[i].count {
return n.items[i]
index -= n.children[i].count + 1
n = n.children[i]
// DeleteAt deletes the item at index.
// Return nil if the tree is empty or the index is out of bounds.
func (tr *BTree) DeleteAt(index int) interface{} {
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
if tr.root == nil || index < 0 || index >= tr.count {
return nil
var pathbuf [8]uint8 // track the path
path := pathbuf[:0]
var item interface{}
n := tr.cowLoad(&tr.root)
for {
n.count-- // optimistically update counts
if n.leaf {
// the index is the item position
item = n.items[index]
if n.numItems == minItems {
path = append(path, uint8(index))
break outer
copy(n.items[index:], n.items[index+1:n.numItems])
n.items[n.numItems-1] = nil
if tr.count == 0 {
tr.root = nil
return item
i := 0
for ; i < int(n.numItems); i++ {
if index < n.children[i].count {
} else if index == n.children[i].count {
item = n.items[i]
path = append(path, uint8(i))
break outer
index -= n.children[i].count + 1
path = append(path, uint8(i))
n = tr.cowLoad(&n.children[i])
// revert the counts
var hint PathHint
n = tr.root
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
if i < len(hint.path) {
hint.path[i] = path[i]
hint.used[i] = true
if !n.leaf {
n = n.children[uint8(path[i])]
return tr.deleteHint(item, &hint)
// Height returns the height of the tree.
// Returns zero if tree has no items.
func (tr *BTree) Height() int {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
var height int
if tr.root != nil {
n := tr.root
for {
if n.leaf {
n = n.children[n.numItems]
return height
// Walk iterates over all items in tree, in order.
// The items param will contain one or more items.
func (tr *BTree) Walk(iter func(item []interface{})) {
if tr.rlock() {
defer tr.runlock()
if tr.root != nil {
func (n *node) walk(iter func(item []interface{})) {
if n.leaf {
} else {
for i := int16(0); i < n.numItems; i++ {
iter(n.items[i : i+1])
// Copy the tree. This operation is very fast because it only performs a
// shadowed copy.
func (tr *BTree) Copy() *BTree {
if tr.lock() {
defer tr.unlock()
tr.cow = new(cow)
tr2 := *tr
tr2.mu = new(sync.RWMutex)
tr2.cow = new(cow)
return &tr2
func (tr *BTree) lock() bool {
if tr.locks {
return tr.locks
func (tr *BTree) unlock() {
func (tr *BTree) rlock() bool {
if tr.locks {
return tr.locks
func (tr *BTree) runlock() {