mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 20:22:40 +01:00
* Clients are now renamed, not disconnected, on reservation timeout * Nick reservation config is now its own subsection
536 lines
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536 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license
package irc
import (
const (
keyAccountExists = "account.exists %s"
keyAccountVerified = "account.verified %s"
keyAccountName = "account.name %s" // stores the 'preferred name' of the account, not casemapped
keyAccountRegTime = "account.registered.time %s"
keyAccountCredentials = "account.credentials %s"
keyCertToAccount = "account.creds.certfp %s"
// everything about accounts is persistent; therefore, the database is the authoritative
// source of truth for all account information. anything on the heap is just a cache
type AccountManager struct {
sync.RWMutex // tier 2
serialCacheUpdateMutex sync.Mutex // tier 3
server *Server
// track clients logged in to accounts
accountToClients map[string][]*Client
nickToAccount map[string]string
func NewAccountManager(server *Server) *AccountManager {
am := AccountManager{
accountToClients: make(map[string][]*Client),
nickToAccount: make(map[string]string),
server: server,
return &am
func (am *AccountManager) buildNickToAccountIndex() {
if am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled {
result := make(map[string]string)
existsPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, "")
defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()
err := am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
err := tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", existsPrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, existsPrefix) {
return false
accountName := strings.TrimPrefix(key, existsPrefix)
if _, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, accountName)); err == nil {
result[accountName] = accountName
return true
return err
if err != nil {
am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("couldn't read reserved nicks: %v", err))
} else {
am.nickToAccount = result
func (am *AccountManager) NickToAccount(cfnick string) string {
defer am.RUnlock()
return am.nickToAccount[cfnick]
func (am *AccountManager) Register(client *Client, account string, callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string, passphrase string, certfp string) error {
casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
if err != nil || account == "" || account == "*" {
return errAccountCreation
// can't register a guest nickname
renamePrefix := strings.ToLower(am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.RenamePrefix)
if renamePrefix != "" && strings.HasPrefix(casefoldedAccount, renamePrefix) {
return errAccountAlreadyRegistered
accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, certfp)
var creds AccountCredentials
// always set passphrase salt
creds.PassphraseSalt, err = passwd.NewSalt()
if err != nil {
return errAccountCreation
// it's fine if this is empty, that just means no certificate is authorized
creds.Certificate = certfp
if passphrase != "" {
creds.PassphraseHash, err = am.server.passwords.GenerateFromPassword(creds.PassphraseSalt, passphrase)
if err != nil {
am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not hash password: %v", err))
return errAccountCreation
credText, err := json.Marshal(creds)
if err != nil {
am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not marshal credentials: %v", err))
return errAccountCreation
credStr := string(credText)
registeredTimeStr := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
var setOptions *buntdb.SetOptions
ttl := am.server.AccountConfig().Registration.VerifyTimeout
if ttl != 0 {
setOptions = &buntdb.SetOptions{Expires: true, TTL: ttl}
err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
_, err := am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
if err != errAccountDoesNotExist {
return errAccountAlreadyRegistered
if certfp != "" {
// make sure certfp doesn't already exist because that'd be silly
_, err := tx.Get(certFPKey)
if err != buntdb.ErrNotFound {
return errCertfpAlreadyExists
tx.Set(accountKey, "1", setOptions)
tx.Set(accountNameKey, account, setOptions)
tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, registeredTimeStr, setOptions)
tx.Set(credentialsKey, credStr, setOptions)
if certfp != "" {
tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, setOptions)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (am *AccountManager) Verify(client *Client, account string, code string) error {
casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
if err != nil || account == "" || account == "*" {
return errAccountVerificationFailed
verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
var raw rawClientAccount
func() {
defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()
am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
if err == errAccountDoesNotExist {
return errAccountDoesNotExist
} else if err != nil {
return errAccountVerificationFailed
} else if raw.Verified {
return errAccountAlreadyVerified
// TODO add code verification here
// return errAccountVerificationFailed if it fails
// verify the account
tx.Set(verifiedKey, "1", nil)
// re-set all other keys, removing the TTL
tx.Set(accountKey, "1", nil)
tx.Set(accountNameKey, raw.Name, nil)
tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, raw.RegisteredAt, nil)
tx.Set(credentialsKey, raw.Credentials, nil)
var creds AccountCredentials
// XXX we shouldn't do (de)serialization inside the txn,
// but this is like 2 usec on my system
json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &creds)
if creds.Certificate != "" {
certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, creds.Certificate)
tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, nil)
return nil
if err == nil {
am.nickToAccount[casefoldedAccount] = casefoldedAccount
if err != nil {
return err
am.Login(client, raw.Name)
return nil
func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByPassphrase(client *Client, accountName string, passphrase string) error {
casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(accountName)
if err != nil {
return errAccountDoesNotExist
account, err := am.LoadAccount(casefoldedAccount)
if err != nil {
return err
if !account.Verified {
return errAccountUnverified
err = am.server.passwords.CompareHashAndPassword(
account.Credentials.PassphraseHash, account.Credentials.PassphraseSalt, passphrase)
if err != nil {
return errAccountInvalidCredentials
am.Login(client, account.Name)
return nil
func (am *AccountManager) LoadAccount(casefoldedAccount string) (result ClientAccount, err error) {
var raw rawClientAccount
am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
if err == buntdb.ErrNotFound {
err = errAccountDoesNotExist
return nil
if err != nil {
result.Name = raw.Name
regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(raw.RegisteredAt, 10, 64)
result.RegisteredAt = time.Unix(regTimeInt, 0)
e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &result.Credentials)
if e != nil {
am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not unmarshal credentials: %v", e))
err = errAccountDoesNotExist
result.Verified = raw.Verified
func (am *AccountManager) loadRawAccount(tx *buntdb.Tx, casefoldedAccount string) (result rawClientAccount, err error) {
accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
_, e := tx.Get(accountKey)
if e == buntdb.ErrNotFound {
err = errAccountDoesNotExist
if result.Name, err = tx.Get(accountNameKey); err != nil {
if result.RegisteredAt, err = tx.Get(registeredTimeKey); err != nil {
if result.Credentials, err = tx.Get(credentialsKey); err != nil {
if _, e = tx.Get(verifiedKey); e == nil {
result.Verified = true
func (am *AccountManager) Unregister(account string) error {
casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
if err != nil {
return errAccountDoesNotExist
accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
var clients []*Client
func() {
var credText string
defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()
am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
credText, err = tx.Get(credentialsKey)
return nil
if err == nil {
var creds AccountCredentials
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(credText), &creds); err == nil && creds.Certificate != "" {
certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, creds.Certificate)
am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
if account, err := tx.Get(certFPKey); err == nil && account == casefoldedAccount {
return nil
defer am.Unlock()
clients = am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount]
delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount)
// TODO when registration of multiple nicks is fully implemented,
// save the nicks that were deleted from the store and delete them here:
delete(am.nickToAccount, casefoldedAccount)
for _, client := range clients {
if err != nil {
return errAccountDoesNotExist
return nil
func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByCertFP(client *Client) error {
if client.certfp == "" {
return errAccountInvalidCredentials
var account string
var rawAccount rawClientAccount
certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, client.certfp)
err := am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
var err error
account, _ = tx.Get(certFPKey)
if account == "" {
return errAccountInvalidCredentials
rawAccount, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, account)
if err != nil || !rawAccount.Verified {
return errAccountUnverified
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// ok, we found an account corresponding to their certificate
am.Login(client, rawAccount.Name)
return nil
func (am *AccountManager) Login(client *Client, account string) {
casefoldedAccount, _ := CasefoldName(account)
defer am.Unlock()
am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = append(am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount], client)
func (am *AccountManager) Logout(client *Client) {
casefoldedAccount := client.Account()
if casefoldedAccount == "" || casefoldedAccount == "*" {
defer am.Unlock()
if client.LoggedIntoAccount() {
clients := am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount]
if len(clients) <= 1 {
delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount)
remainingClients := make([]*Client, len(clients)-1)
remainingPos := 0
for currentPos := 0; currentPos < len(clients); currentPos++ {
if clients[currentPos] != client {
remainingClients[remainingPos] = clients[currentPos]
am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = remainingClients
var (
// EnabledSaslMechanisms contains the SASL mechanisms that exist and that we support.
// This can be moved to some other data structure/place if we need to load/unload mechs later.
EnabledSaslMechanisms = map[string]func(*Server, *Client, string, []byte, *ResponseBuffer) bool{
"PLAIN": authPlainHandler,
"EXTERNAL": authExternalHandler,
// AccountCredentials stores the various methods for verifying accounts.
type AccountCredentials struct {
PassphraseSalt []byte
PassphraseHash []byte
Certificate string // fingerprint
// ClientAccount represents a user account.
type ClientAccount struct {
// Name of the account.
Name string
// RegisteredAt represents the time that the account was registered.
RegisteredAt time.Time
Credentials AccountCredentials
Verified bool
// convenience for passing around raw serialized account data
type rawClientAccount struct {
Name string
RegisteredAt string
Credentials string
Verified bool
// LoginToAccount logs the client into the given account.
func (client *Client) LoginToAccount(account string) {
casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
if err != nil {
if client.Account() == casefoldedAccount {
// already logged into this acct, no changing necessary
client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalAccounts, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] logged into account $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), client.nickMaskString, casefoldedAccount))
//TODO(dan): This should output the AccountNotify message instead of the sasl accepted function below.
// LogoutOfAccount logs the client out of their current account.
func (client *Client) LogoutOfAccount() {
if client.Account() == "" {
// already logged out
// dispatch account-notify
for friend := range client.Friends(caps.AccountNotify) {
friend.Send(nil, client.nickMaskString, "ACCOUNT", "*")
// successfulSaslAuth means that a SASL auth attempt completed successfully, and is used to dispatch messages.
func (client *Client) successfulSaslAuth(rb *ResponseBuffer) {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_LOGGEDIN, client.nick, client.nickMaskString, client.AccountName(), fmt.Sprintf("You are now logged in as %s", client.AccountName()))
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_SASLSUCCESS, client.nick, client.t("SASL authentication successful"))
// dispatch account-notify
for friend := range client.Friends(caps.AccountNotify) {
friend.Send(nil, client.nickMaskString, "ACCOUNT", client.AccountName())