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2019-05-29 05:41:45 -04:00

43 lines
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"$bAUTOREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'autoreplay-joins' controls whether autoreplayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'on' and 'off'.": "$bAUTOREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'autoreplay-joins' controls whether autoreplayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'on' and 'off'.",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.",
"$bBOUNCER$b\nIf 'bouncer' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "$bBOUNCER$b\nIf 'bouncer' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'timeout' [anyone using the nick must authenticate before a deadline,\n or else they will be renamed]\n3. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'timeout' [anyone using the nick must authenticate before a deadline,\n or else they will be renamed]\n3. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "$bSET$b modifies your account settings",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.",
"Invalid parameters": "Invalid parameters",
"NickServ lets you register and login to an account.\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific NickServ command, try:\n $b/NS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "NickServ lets you register and login to an account.\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific NickServ command, try:\n $b/NS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSet modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSet modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password.": "Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> <password>$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> <password>$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's bouncer functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's bouncer functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.",
"This nickname is reserved. Please login within %v (using $b/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>$b or SASL), or switch to a different nickname.": "This nickname is reserved. Please login within %v (using $b/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>$b or SASL), or switch to a different nickname.",