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"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific HostServ command, try:\n $b/HS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "HostServ vous laisse gérer votre hôte virtuel, qui s’affiche à la place de votre adresse IP ou nom d’hôte.\n\nPour voir l’aide détaillée d’une commande relative à HostServ, essayez :\n $b/HS HELP <commande>$b\n\nVoici les commandes à votre disposition :\n%s",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Syntaxe : $bAPPROVE <Utilisateurice>$b\n\nAPPROVE valide la demande d’hôte virtuel de l’utilisateurice en question.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Syntaxe : $bDEL <Utilisateurice>$b\n\nDEL supprime l’hôte virtuel de l’utilisateurice en question.",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Syntaxe : $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING affiche une liste des demandes d'hôte virtuel en attente, qui peuvent être approuvées ou rejetées."