mirror of https://github.com/ergochat/ergo.git synced 2025-03-30 12:27:05 +02:00
2021-02-16 01:57:39 +10:00

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"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Sintaksa: $bOP #kanal [nickname]$b\nOP daje određenom nadimku (nick-u), ili vama samima, administraciju nad kanalom. Ovu naredbu možete koristiti samo ako ste osnivač kanala.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Sintaksa: $bREGISTER #kanal$b\n\nREGISTER vam daje vlasništvo nad datim kanalom. Pri ulasku na kanal biće vam date administratorske privilegije. Postavljeni režimi (mode) i teme (Topic) bit će također zapamćeni.",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": "Sintaksa: $bUNREGISTER #kanal [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER uklanja registraciju kanala, dopuštajući nekom drugom da postane vlasnik. Kako bi se izbjeglo slučajno brisanje, tj. uklanjanje registracije, pri uklanjanju se koristi i verifikacioni ključ.\nPozivanjem same naredbe bez koda prikazat će se potrebni kod/ključ."