mirror of https://github.com/ergochat/ergo.git synced 2025-03-10 08:20:43 +01:00
Alex Jaspersen 0241e0c31d Apply default user modes just before registration.
Previously, we were applying defaults before the user had completed
registration. This meant that the number of invisible users was
incremented when the user connected, and then the total was incremented
when registration was completed.

Now both counters are updated at the same time. If a user disconnects
prior to registration, +i has not yet been applied so it would not be
2020-05-28 15:53:14 +00:00

408 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jeremy Latt
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Edmund Huber
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license
package irc
import (
var (
// DefaultChannelModes are enabled on brand new channels when they're created.
// this can be overridden in the `channels` config, with the `default-modes` key
DefaultChannelModes = modes.Modes{
modes.NoOutside, modes.OpOnlyTopic,
// DefaultUserModes are set on all users when they login.
// this can be overridden in the `accounts` config, with the `default-user-modes` key
DefaultUserModes = modes.Modes{}
// ApplyUserModeChanges applies the given changes, and returns the applied changes.
// `oper` is the operclass of the client gaining +o, when applicable (this is just
// to confirm that the client actually has a valid operclass)
func ApplyUserModeChanges(client *Client, changes modes.ModeChanges, force bool, oper *Oper) modes.ModeChanges {
applied := make(modes.ModeChanges, 0)
for _, change := range changes {
switch change.Mode {
case modes.Bot, modes.Invisible, modes.WallOps, modes.UserRoleplaying, modes.Operator, modes.LocalOperator, modes.RegisteredOnly:
switch change.Op {
case modes.Add:
if (change.Mode == modes.Operator || change.Mode == modes.LocalOperator) && !(force && oper != nil) {
if client.SetMode(change.Mode, true) {
if change.Mode == modes.Invisible {
} else if change.Mode == modes.Operator || change.Mode == modes.LocalOperator {
applied = append(applied, change)
case modes.Remove:
var removedSnomasks string
if client.SetMode(change.Mode, false) {
if change.Mode == modes.Invisible {
} else if change.Mode == modes.Operator || change.Mode == modes.LocalOperator {
removedSnomasks = client.server.snomasks.String(client)
applyOper(client, nil, nil)
if removedSnomasks != "" {
applied = append(applied, change)
if removedSnomasks != "" {
applied = append(applied, modes.ModeChange{
Mode: modes.ServerNotice,
Op: modes.Remove,
Arg: removedSnomasks,
case modes.ServerNotice:
if !client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
var masks []sno.Mask
if change.Op == modes.Add || change.Op == modes.Remove {
var newArg string
for _, char := range change.Arg {
mask := sno.Mask(char)
if sno.ValidMasks[mask] {
masks = append(masks, mask)
newArg += string(char)
change.Arg = newArg
if change.Op == modes.Add {
client.server.snomasks.AddMasks(client, masks...)
applied = append(applied, change)
} else if change.Op == modes.Remove {
client.server.snomasks.RemoveMasks(client, masks...)
applied = append(applied, change)
// can't do anything to TLS mode
if len(applied) != 0 {
// return the changes we could actually apply
return applied
// parseDefaultModes uses the provided mode change parser to parse the rawModes.
func parseDefaultModes(rawModes string, parser func(params ...string) (modes.ModeChanges, map[rune]bool)) modes.Modes {
modeChangeStrings := strings.Fields(rawModes)
modeChanges, _ := parser(modeChangeStrings...)
defaultModes := make(modes.Modes, 0)
for _, modeChange := range modeChanges {
if modeChange.Op == modes.Add {
defaultModes = append(defaultModes, modeChange.Mode)
return defaultModes
// ParseDefaultChannelModes parses the `default-modes` line of the config
func ParseDefaultChannelModes(rawModes *string) modes.Modes {
if rawModes == nil {
// not present in config, fall back to compile-time default
return DefaultChannelModes
return parseDefaultModes(*rawModes, modes.ParseChannelModeChanges)
// ParseDefaultUserModes parses the `default-user-modes` line of the config
func ParseDefaultUserModes(rawModes *string) modes.Modes {
if rawModes == nil {
// not present in config, fall back to compile-time default
return DefaultUserModes
return parseDefaultModes(*rawModes, modes.ParseUserModeChanges)
// #1021: channel key must be valid as a non-final parameter
func validateChannelKey(key string) bool {
// empty string is valid in this context because it unsets the mode
if len(key) == 0 {
return true
return key[0] != ':' && strings.IndexByte(key, ' ') == -1
// ApplyChannelModeChanges applies a given set of mode changes.
func (channel *Channel) ApplyChannelModeChanges(client *Client, isSamode bool, changes modes.ModeChanges, rb *ResponseBuffer) (applied modes.ModeChanges) {
// so we only output one warning for each list type when full
listFullWarned := make(map[modes.Mode]bool)
var alreadySentPrivError bool
maskOpCount := 0
chname := channel.Name()
details := client.Details()
hasPrivs := func(change modes.ModeChange) bool {
if isSamode {
return true
if details.account != "" && details.account == channel.Founder() {
return true
switch change.Mode {
case modes.ChannelFounder, modes.ChannelAdmin, modes.ChannelOperator, modes.Halfop, modes.Voice:
// List on these modes is a no-op anyway
if change.Op == modes.List {
return true
cfarg, _ := CasefoldName(change.Arg)
isSelfChange := cfarg == details.nickCasefolded
if change.Op == modes.Remove && isSelfChange {
// "There is no restriction, however, on anyone `deopping' themselves"
// <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812#section-3.1.5>
return true
return channelUserModeHasPrivsOver(channel.HighestUserMode(client), change.Mode)
case modes.InviteMask, modes.ExceptMask:
// listing these requires privileges
return channel.ClientIsAtLeast(client, modes.ChannelOperator)
// #163: allow unprivileged users to list ban masks, and any other modes
return change.Op == modes.List || channel.ClientIsAtLeast(client, modes.ChannelOperator)
for _, change := range changes {
if !hasPrivs(change) {
if !alreadySentPrivError {
alreadySentPrivError = true
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED, details.nick, channel.name, client.t("You're not a channel operator"))
switch change.Mode {
case modes.BanMask, modes.ExceptMask, modes.InviteMask:
maskOpCount += 1
if change.Op == modes.List {
channel.ShowMaskList(client, change.Mode, rb)
mask := change.Arg
switch change.Op {
case modes.Add:
if channel.lists[change.Mode].Length() >= client.server.Config().Limits.ChanListModes {
if !listFullWarned[change.Mode] {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_BANLISTFULL, details.nick, chname, change.Mode.String(), client.t("Channel list is full"))
listFullWarned[change.Mode] = true
maskAdded, err := channel.lists[change.Mode].Add(mask, details.nickMask, details.accountName)
if maskAdded != "" {
appliedChange := change
appliedChange.Arg = maskAdded
applied = append(applied, appliedChange)
} else if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_INVALIDMODEPARAM, details.nick, mask, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s"), string(change.Mode), mask))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_LISTMODEALREADYSET, chname, mask, string(change.Mode), fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s"), chname, mask))
case modes.Remove:
maskRemoved, err := channel.lists[change.Mode].Remove(mask)
if maskRemoved != "" {
appliedChange := change
appliedChange.Arg = maskRemoved
applied = append(applied, appliedChange)
} else if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_INVALIDMODEPARAM, details.nick, mask, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s"), string(change.Mode), mask))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_LISTMODENOTSET, chname, mask, string(change.Mode), fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s"), chname, mask))
case modes.UserLimit:
switch change.Op {
case modes.Add:
val, err := strconv.Atoi(change.Arg)
if err == nil {
applied = append(applied, change)
case modes.Remove:
applied = append(applied, change)
case modes.Key:
switch change.Op {
case modes.Add:
if validateChannelKey(change.Arg) {
applied = append(applied, change)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_INVALIDMODEPARAM, details.nick, "*", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s"), string(change.Mode), change.Arg))
case modes.Remove:
applied = append(applied, change)
case modes.InviteOnly, modes.Moderated, modes.NoOutside, modes.OpOnlyTopic, modes.RegisteredOnly, modes.Secret, modes.ChanRoleplaying, modes.NoCTCP:
if change.Op == modes.List {
if channel.flags.SetMode(change.Mode, change.Op == modes.Add) {
applied = append(applied, change)
case modes.ChannelFounder, modes.ChannelAdmin, modes.ChannelOperator, modes.Halfop, modes.Voice:
if change.Op == modes.List {
nick := change.Arg
if nick == "" {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.Nick(), "MODE", client.t("Not enough parameters"))
success, change := channel.applyModeToMember(client, change, rb)
if success {
applied = append(applied, change)
var includeFlags uint
for _, change := range applied {
switch change.Mode {
case modes.BanMask, modes.ExceptMask, modes.InviteMask:
includeFlags |= IncludeLists
case modes.ChannelFounder, modes.ChannelAdmin, modes.ChannelOperator, modes.Halfop, modes.Voice:
// these are never persisted currently, but might be in the future (see discussion on #729)
includeFlags |= IncludeModes
if includeFlags != 0 {
// #649: don't send 324 RPL_CHANNELMODEIS if we were only working with mask lists
if len(applied) == 0 && !alreadySentPrivError && (maskOpCount == 0 || maskOpCount < len(changes)) {
args := append([]string{details.nick, chname}, channel.modeStrings(client)...)
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_CHANNELMODEIS, args...)
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_CREATIONTIME, details.nick, chname, strconv.FormatInt(channel.createdTime.Unix(), 10))
return applied
// tests whether l > r, in the channel-user mode ordering (e.g., Halfop > Voice)
func umodeGreaterThan(l modes.Mode, r modes.Mode) bool {
for _, mode := range modes.ChannelUserModes {
if l == mode && r != mode {
return true
} else if r == mode {
return false
return false
// ProcessAccountToUmodeChange processes Add/Remove/List operations for channel persistent usermodes.
func (channel *Channel) ProcessAccountToUmodeChange(client *Client, change modes.ModeChange) (results []modes.ModeChange, err error) {
changed := false
defer func() {
if changed {
account := client.Account()
isOperChange := client.HasRoleCapabs("chanreg")
defer channel.stateMutex.Unlock()
clientMode := channel.accountToUMode[account]
targetModeNow := channel.accountToUMode[change.Arg]
var targetModeAfter modes.Mode
if change.Op == modes.Add {
targetModeAfter = change.Mode
// server operators and founders can do anything:
hasPrivs := isOperChange || (account != "" && account == channel.registeredFounder)
// halfop and up can list:
if change.Op == modes.List && (clientMode == modes.Halfop || umodeGreaterThan(clientMode, modes.Halfop)) {
hasPrivs = true
// you can do adds or removes at levels you have "privileges over":
} else if channelUserModeHasPrivsOver(clientMode, targetModeNow) && channelUserModeHasPrivsOver(clientMode, targetModeAfter) {
hasPrivs = true
// and you can always de-op yourself:
} else if change.Op == modes.Remove && account == change.Arg {
hasPrivs = true
if !hasPrivs {
return nil, errInsufficientPrivs
switch change.Op {
case modes.Add:
if targetModeNow != targetModeAfter {
channel.accountToUMode[change.Arg] = change.Mode
changed = true
return []modes.ModeChange{change}, nil
return nil, nil
case modes.Remove:
if targetModeNow == change.Mode {
delete(channel.accountToUMode, change.Arg)
changed = true
return []modes.ModeChange{change}, nil
return nil, nil
case modes.List:
result := make([]modes.ModeChange, len(channel.accountToUMode))
pos := 0
for account, mode := range channel.accountToUMode {
result[pos] = modes.ModeChange{
Mode: mode,
Arg: account,
Op: modes.Add,
return result, nil
// shouldn't happen
return nil, errInvalidCharacter