package docopt

import (

func errKey(key string) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("no such key: %q", key)
func errType(key string) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("key: %q failed type conversion", key)
func errStrconv(key string, convErr error) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("key: %q failed type conversion: %s", key, convErr)

// Opts is a map of command line options to their values, with some convenience
// methods for value type conversion (bool, float64, int, string). For example,
// to get an option value as an int:
//   opts, _ := docopt.ParseDoc("Usage: sleep <seconds>")
//   secs, _ := opts.Int("<seconds>")
// Additionally, Opts.Bind allows you easily populate a struct's fields with the
// values of each option value. See below for examples.
// Lastly, you can still treat Opts as a regular map, and do any type checking
// and conversion that you want to yourself. For example:
//   if s, ok := opts["<binary>"].(string); ok {
//     if val, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 2, 64); err != nil { ... }
//   }
// Note that any non-boolean option / flag will have a string value in the
// underlying map.
type Opts map[string]interface{}

func (o Opts) String(key string) (s string, err error) {
	v, ok := o[key]
	if !ok {
		err = errKey(key)
	s, ok = v.(string)
	if !ok {
		err = errType(key)

func (o Opts) Bool(key string) (b bool, err error) {
	v, ok := o[key]
	if !ok {
		err = errKey(key)
	b, ok = v.(bool)
	if !ok {
		err = errType(key)

func (o Opts) Int(key string) (i int, err error) {
	s, err := o.String(key)
	if err != nil {
	i, err = strconv.Atoi(s)
	if err != nil {
		err = errStrconv(key, err)

func (o Opts) Float64(key string) (f float64, err error) {
	s, err := o.String(key)
	if err != nil {
	f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	if err != nil {
		err = errStrconv(key, err)

// Bind populates the fields of a given struct with matching option values.
// Each key in Opts will be mapped to an exported field of the struct pointed
// to by `v`, as follows:
//   abc int                        // Unexported field, ignored
//   Abc string                     // Mapped from `--abc`, `<abc>`, or `abc`
//                                  // (case insensitive)
//   A string                       // Mapped from `-a`, `<a>` or `a`
//                                  // (case insensitive)
//   Abc int  `docopt:"XYZ"`        // Mapped from `XYZ`
//   Abc bool `docopt:"-"`          // Mapped from `-`
//   Abc bool `docopt:"-x,--xyz"`   // Mapped from `-x` or `--xyz`
//                                  // (first non-zero value found)
// Tagged (annotated) fields will always be mapped first. If no field is tagged
// with an option's key, Bind will try to map the option to an appropriately
// named field (as above).
// Bind also handles conversion to bool, float, int or string types.
func (o Opts) Bind(v interface{}) error {
	structVal := reflect.ValueOf(v)
	if structVal.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		return newError("'v' argument is not pointer to struct type")
	for structVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		structVal = structVal.Elem()
	if structVal.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return newError("'v' argument is not pointer to struct type")
	structType := structVal.Type()

	tagged := make(map[string]int)   // Tagged field tags
	untagged := make(map[string]int) // Untagged field names

	for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ {
		field := structType.Field(i)
		if isUnexportedField(field) || field.Anonymous {
		tag := field.Tag.Get("docopt")
		if tag == "" {
			untagged[field.Name] = i
		for _, t := range strings.Split(tag, ",") {
			tagged[t] = i

	// Get the index of the struct field to use, based on the option key.
	// Second argument is true/false on whether something was matched.
	getFieldIndex := func(key string) (int, bool) {
		if i, ok := tagged[key]; ok {
			return i, true
		if i, ok := untagged[guessUntaggedField(key)]; ok {
			return i, true
		return -1, false

	indexMap := make(map[string]int) // Option keys to field index

	// Pre-check that option keys are mapped to fields and fields are zero valued, before populating them.
	for k := range o {
		i, ok := getFieldIndex(k)
		if !ok {
			if k == "--help" || k == "--version" { // Don't require these to be mapped.
			return newError("mapping of %q is not found in given struct, or is an unexported field", k)
		fieldVal := structVal.Field(i)
		zeroVal := reflect.Zero(fieldVal.Type())
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(fieldVal.Interface(), zeroVal.Interface()) {
			return newError("%q field is non-zero, will be overwritten by value of %q", structType.Field(i).Name, k)
		indexMap[k] = i

	// Populate fields with option values.
	for k, v := range o {
		i, ok := indexMap[k]
		if !ok {
			continue // Not mapped.
		field := structVal.Field(i)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(field.Interface(), reflect.Zero(field.Type()).Interface()) {
			// The struct's field is already non-zero (by our doing), so don't change it.
			// This happens with comma separated tags, e.g. `docopt:"-h,--help"` which is a
			// convenient way of checking if one of multiple boolean flags are set.
		optVal := reflect.ValueOf(v)
		// Option value is the zero Value, so we can't get its .Type(). No need to assign anyway, so move along.
		if !optVal.IsValid() {
		if !field.CanSet() {
			return newError("%q field cannot be set", structType.Field(i).Name)
		// Try to assign now if able. bool and string values should be assignable already.
		if optVal.Type().AssignableTo(field.Type()) {
		// Try to convert the value and assign if able.
		switch field.Kind() {
		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
			if x, err := o.Int(k); err == nil {
		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
			if x, err := o.Float64(k); err == nil {
		// TODO: Something clever (recursive?) with non-string slices.
		// case reflect.Slice:
		// 	if optVal.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
		// 		for i := 0; i < optVal.Len(); i++ {
		// 			sliceVal := optVal.Index(i)
		// 			fmt.Printf("%v", sliceVal)
		// 		}
		// 		fmt.Printf("\n")
		// 	}
		return newError("value of %q is not assignable to %q field", k, structType.Field(i).Name)

	return nil

// isUnexportedField returns whether the field is unexported.
// isUnexportedField is to avoid the bug in versions older than Go1.3.
// See following links:
func isUnexportedField(field reflect.StructField) bool {
	return !(field.PkgPath == "" && unicode.IsUpper(rune(field.Name[0])))

// Convert a string like "--my-special-flag" to "MySpecialFlag".
func titleCaseDashes(key string) string {
	nextToUpper := true
	mapFn := func(r rune) rune {
		if r == '-' {
			nextToUpper = true
			return -1
		if nextToUpper {
			nextToUpper = false
			return unicode.ToUpper(r)
		return r
	return strings.Map(mapFn, key)

// Best guess which field.Name in a struct to assign for an option key.
func guessUntaggedField(key string) string {
	switch {
	case strings.HasPrefix(key, "--") && len(key[2:]) > 1:
		return titleCaseDashes(key[2:])
	case strings.HasPrefix(key, "-") && len(key[1:]) == 1:
		return titleCaseDashes(key[1:])
	case strings.HasPrefix(key, "<") && strings.HasSuffix(key, ">"):
		key = key[1 : len(key)-1]
	return strings.Title(strings.ToLower(key))