// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jeremy Latt
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Edmund Huber
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license

package irc

import (

	ident "github.com/oragono/go-ident"

const (
	// IdentTimeoutSeconds is how many seconds before our ident (username) check times out.
	IdentTimeoutSeconds  = 1.5
	IRCv3TimestampFormat = utils.IRCv3TimestampFormat

// ResumeDetails is a place to stash data at various stages of
// the resume process: when handling the RESUME command itself,
// when completing the registration, and when rejoining channels.
type ResumeDetails struct {
	PresentedToken    string
	Timestamp         time.Time
	HistoryIncomplete bool

// Client is an IRC client.
type Client struct {
	account            string
	accountName        string // display name of the account: uncasefolded, '*' if not logged in
	accountRegDate     time.Time
	accountSettings    AccountSettings
	away               bool
	awayMessage        string
	brbTimer           BrbTimer
	channels           ChannelSet
	ctime              time.Time
	destroyed          bool
	exitedSnomaskSent  bool
	modes              modes.ModeSet
	hostname           string
	invitedTo          map[string]bool
	isSTSOnly          bool
	languages          []string
	lastActive         time.Time // last time they sent a command that wasn't PONG or similar
	lastSeen           time.Time // last time they sent any kind of command
	loginThrottle      connection_limits.GenericThrottle
	nick               string
	nickCasefolded     string
	nickMaskCasefolded string
	nickMaskString     string // cache for nickmask string since it's used with lots of replies
	nickTimer          NickTimer
	oper               *Oper
	preregNick         string
	proxiedIP          net.IP // actual remote IP if using the PROXY protocol
	rawHostname        string
	cloakedHostname    string
	realname           string
	realIP             net.IP
	registered         bool
	resumeID           string
	server             *Server
	skeleton           string
	sessions           []*Session
	stateMutex         sync.RWMutex // tier 1
	alwaysOn           bool
	username           string
	vhost              string
	history            history.Buffer
	dirtyBits          uint
	writerSemaphore    utils.Semaphore // tier 1.5

type saslStatus struct {
	mechanism string
	value     string

func (s *saslStatus) Clear() {
	*s = saslStatus{}

// Session is an individual client connection to the server (TCP connection
// and associated per-connection data, such as capabilities). There is a
// many-one relationship between sessions and clients.
type Session struct {
	client *Client

	ctime      time.Time
	lastActive time.Time

	socket      *Socket
	realIP      net.IP
	proxiedIP   net.IP
	rawHostname string
	isTor       bool

	idletimer IdleTimer
	fakelag   Fakelag
	destroyed uint32

	certfp          string
	sasl            saslStatus
	sentPassCommand bool

	batchCounter uint32

	quitMessage string

	capabilities caps.Set
	capState     caps.State
	capVersion   caps.Version

	registrationMessages int

	resumeID              string
	resumeDetails         *ResumeDetails
	zncPlaybackTimes      *zncPlaybackTimes
	autoreplayMissedSince time.Time

	batch MultilineBatch

// MultilineBatch tracks the state of a client-to-server multiline batch.
type MultilineBatch struct {
	label         string // this is the first param to BATCH (the "reference tag")
	command       string
	target        string
	responseLabel string // this is the value of the labeled-response tag sent with BATCH
	message       utils.SplitMessage
	tags          map[string]string

// sets the session quit message, if there isn't one already
func (sd *Session) SetQuitMessage(message string) (set bool) {
	if message == "" {
		message = "Connection closed"
	if sd.quitMessage == "" {
		sd.quitMessage = message
		return true
	} else {
		return false

func (s *Session) IP() net.IP {
	if s.proxiedIP != nil {
		return s.proxiedIP
	return s.realIP

// returns whether the session was actively destroyed (for example, by ping
// timeout or NS GHOST).
// avoids a race condition between asynchronous idle-timing-out of sessions,
// and a condition that allows implicit BRB on connection errors (since
// destroy()'s socket.Close() appears to socket.Read() as a connection error)
func (session *Session) Destroyed() bool {
	return atomic.LoadUint32(&session.destroyed) == 1

// sets the timed-out flag
func (session *Session) SetDestroyed() {
	atomic.StoreUint32(&session.destroyed, 1)

// returns whether the client supports a smart history replay cap,
// and therefore autoreplay-on-join and similar should be suppressed
func (session *Session) HasHistoryCaps() bool {
	return session.capabilities.Has(caps.Chathistory) || session.capabilities.Has(caps.ZNCPlayback)

// generates a batch ID. the uniqueness requirements for this are fairly weak:
// any two batch IDs that are active concurrently (either through interleaving
// or nesting) on an individual session connection need to be unique.
// this allows ~4 billion such batches which should be fine.
func (session *Session) generateBatchID() string {
	id := atomic.AddUint32(&session.batchCounter, 1)
	return strconv.Itoa(int(id))

// WhoWas is the subset of client details needed to answer a WHOWAS query
type WhoWas struct {
	nick           string
	nickCasefolded string
	username       string
	hostname       string
	realname       string

// ClientDetails is a standard set of details about a client
type ClientDetails struct {

	nickMask           string
	nickMaskCasefolded string
	account            string
	accountName        string

// RunClient sets up a new client and runs its goroutine.
func (server *Server) RunClient(conn clientConn, proxyLine string) {
	var isBanned bool
	var banMsg string
	var realIP net.IP
	if conn.Config.Tor {
		realIP = utils.IPv4LoopbackAddress
		isBanned, banMsg = server.checkTorLimits()
	} else {
		realIP = utils.AddrToIP(conn.Conn.RemoteAddr())
		// skip the ban check for k8s-style proxy-before-TLS
		if proxyLine == "" {
			isBanned, banMsg = server.checkBans(realIP)

	if isBanned {
		// this might not show up properly on some clients,
		// but our objective here is just to close the connection out before it has a load impact on us
		conn.Conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(errorMsg, banMsg)))

	server.logger.Info("localconnect-ip", fmt.Sprintf("Client connecting from %v", realIP))

	now := time.Now().UTC()
	config := server.Config()
	// give them 1k of grace over the limit:
	socket := NewSocket(conn.Conn, ircmsg.MaxlenTagsFromClient+512+1024, config.Server.MaxSendQBytes)
	client := &Client{
		lastSeen:   now,
		lastActive: now,
		channels:   make(ChannelSet),
		ctime:      now,
		isSTSOnly:  conn.Config.STSOnly,
		languages:  server.Languages().Default(),
		loginThrottle: connection_limits.GenericThrottle{
			Duration: config.Accounts.LoginThrottling.Duration,
			Limit:    config.Accounts.LoginThrottling.MaxAttempts,
		server:         server,
		accountName:    "*",
		nick:           "*", // * is used until actual nick is given
		nickCasefolded: "*",
		nickMaskString: "*", // * is used until actual nick is given
	client.history.Initialize(config.History.ClientLength, config.History.AutoresizeWindow)
	session := &Session{
		client:     client,
		socket:     socket,
		capVersion: caps.Cap301,
		capState:   caps.NoneState,
		ctime:      now,
		lastActive: now,
		realIP:     realIP,
		isTor:      conn.Config.Tor,
	client.sessions = []*Session{session}


	if conn.Config.TLSConfig != nil {
		client.SetMode(modes.TLS, true)
		// error is not useful to us here anyways so we can ignore it
		session.certfp, _ = socket.CertFP()

	if conn.Config.Tor {
		client.SetMode(modes.TLS, true)
		// cover up details of the tor proxying infrastructure (not a user privacy concern,
		// but a hardening measure):
		session.proxiedIP = utils.IPv4LoopbackAddress
		client.proxiedIP = session.proxiedIP
		session.rawHostname = config.Server.TorListeners.Vhost
		client.rawHostname = session.rawHostname
	} else {
		remoteAddr := conn.Conn.RemoteAddr()
		if realIP.IsLoopback() || utils.IPInNets(realIP, config.Server.secureNets) {
			// treat local connections as secure (may be overridden later by WEBIRC)
			client.SetMode(modes.TLS, true)
		if config.Server.CheckIdent && !utils.AddrIsUnix(remoteAddr) {
	client.realIP = session.realIP

	client.run(session, proxyLine)

func (server *Server) AddAlwaysOnClient(account ClientAccount, chnames []string, lastSeen time.Time) {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	config := server.Config()
	if lastSeen.IsZero() {
		lastSeen = now

	client := &Client{
		lastSeen:   lastSeen,
		lastActive: now,
		channels:   make(ChannelSet),
		ctime:      now,
		languages:  server.Languages().Default(),
		server:     server,

		// TODO figure out how to set these on reattach?
		username:    "~user",
		rawHostname: server.name,
		realIP:      utils.IPv4LoopbackAddress,

		alwaysOn: true,

	client.SetMode(modes.TLS, true)
	client.history.Initialize(0, 0)

	server.accounts.Login(client, account)


	_, err := server.clients.SetNick(client, nil, account.Name)
	if err != nil {
		server.logger.Error("internal", "could not establish always-on client", account.Name, err.Error())
	} else {
		server.logger.Debug("accounts", "established always-on client", account.Name)

	// XXX set this last to avoid confusing SetNick:
	client.registered = true

	for _, chname := range chnames {
		// XXX we're using isSajoin=true, to make these joins succeed even without channel key
		// this is *probably* ok as long as the persisted memberships are accurate
		server.channels.Join(client, chname, "", true, nil)

func (client *Client) resizeHistory(config *Config) {
	status, _ := client.historyStatus(config)
	if status == HistoryEphemeral {
		client.history.Resize(config.History.ClientLength, config.History.AutoresizeWindow)
	} else {
		client.history.Resize(0, 0)

// resolve an IP to an IRC-ready hostname, using reverse DNS, forward-confirming if necessary,
// and sending appropriate notices to the client
func (client *Client) lookupHostname(session *Session, overwrite bool) {
	if session.isTor {
	} // else: even if cloaking is enabled, look up the real hostname to show to operators

	config := client.server.Config()
	ip := session.realIP
	if session.proxiedIP != nil {
		ip = session.proxiedIP
	ipString := ip.String()

	var hostname, candidate string
	if config.Server.lookupHostnames {
		session.Notice("*** Looking up your hostname...")

		names, err := net.LookupAddr(ipString)
		if err == nil && 0 < len(names) {
			candidate = strings.TrimSuffix(names[0], ".")
		if utils.IsHostname(candidate) {
			if config.Server.ForwardConfirmHostnames {
				addrs, err := net.LookupHost(candidate)
				if err == nil {
					for _, addr := range addrs {
						if addr == ipString {
							hostname = candidate // successful forward confirmation
			} else {
				hostname = candidate

	if hostname != "" {
		session.Notice("*** Found your hostname")
	} else {
		if config.Server.lookupHostnames {
			session.Notice("*** Couldn't look up your hostname")
		hostname = utils.IPStringToHostname(ipString)

	session.rawHostname = hostname
	cloakedHostname := config.Server.Cloaks.ComputeCloak(ip)
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()
	// update the hostname if this is a new connection or a resume, but not if it's a reattach
	if overwrite || client.rawHostname == "" {
		client.rawHostname = hostname
		client.cloakedHostname = cloakedHostname

func (client *Client) doIdentLookup(conn net.Conn) {
	_, serverPortString, err := net.SplitHostPort(conn.LocalAddr().String())
	if err != nil {
		client.server.logger.Error("internal", "bad server address", err.Error())
	serverPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(serverPortString)
	clientHost, clientPortString, err := net.SplitHostPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	if err != nil {
		client.server.logger.Error("internal", "bad client address", err.Error())
	clientPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(clientPortString)

	client.Notice(client.t("*** Looking up your username"))
	resp, err := ident.Query(clientHost, serverPort, clientPort, IdentTimeoutSeconds)
	if err == nil {
		err := client.SetNames(resp.Identifier, "", true)
		if err == nil {
			client.Notice(client.t("*** Found your username"))
			// we don't need to updateNickMask here since nickMask is not used for anything yet
		} else {
			client.Notice(client.t("*** Got a malformed username, ignoring"))
	} else {
		client.Notice(client.t("*** Could not find your username"))

type AuthOutcome uint

const (
	authSuccess AuthOutcome = iota

func (client *Client) isAuthorized(config *Config, session *Session) AuthOutcome {
	saslSent := client.account != ""
	// PASS requirement
	if (config.Server.passwordBytes != nil) && !session.sentPassCommand && !(config.Accounts.SkipServerPassword && saslSent) {
		return authFailPass
	// Tor connections may be required to authenticate with SASL
	if session.isTor && config.Server.TorListeners.RequireSasl && !saslSent {
		return authFailTorSaslRequired
	// finally, enforce require-sasl
	if config.Accounts.RequireSasl.Enabled && !saslSent && !utils.IPInNets(session.IP(), config.Accounts.RequireSasl.exemptedNets) {
		return authFailSaslRequired
	return authSuccess

func (session *Session) resetFakelag() {
	var flc FakelagConfig = session.client.server.Config().Fakelag
	flc.Enabled = flc.Enabled && !session.client.HasRoleCapabs("nofakelag")

// IP returns the IP address of this client.
func (client *Client) IP() net.IP {
	defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()

	if client.proxiedIP != nil {
		return client.proxiedIP
	return client.realIP

// IPString returns the IP address of this client as a string.
func (client *Client) IPString() string {
	ip := client.IP().String()
	if 0 < len(ip) && ip[0] == ':' {
		ip = "0" + ip
	return ip

// t returns the translated version of the given string, based on the languages configured by the client.
func (client *Client) t(originalString string) string {
	languageManager := client.server.Config().languageManager
	if !languageManager.Enabled() {
		return originalString
	return languageManager.Translate(client.Languages(), originalString)

// main client goroutine: read lines and execute the corresponding commands
// `proxyLine` is the PROXY-before-TLS line, if there was one
func (client *Client) run(session *Session, proxyLine string) {

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
				fmt.Sprintf("Client caused panic: %v\n%s", r, debug.Stack()))
			if client.server.Config().Debug.recoverFromErrors {
				client.server.logger.Error("internal", "Disconnecting client and attempting to recover")
			} else {
		// ensure client connection gets closed

	isReattach := client.Registered()
	if isReattach {
		if session.resumeDetails != nil {
			session.resumeDetails = nil
			client.SetAway(false, "") // clear BRB message if any
		} else {
	} else {
		// don't reset the nick timer during a reattach

	firstLine := !isReattach

	for {
		var line string
		var err error
		if proxyLine == "" {
			line, err = session.socket.Read()
		} else {
			line = proxyLine // pretend we're just now receiving the proxy-before-TLS line
			proxyLine = ""
		if err != nil {
			quitMessage := "connection closed"
			if err == errReadQ {
				quitMessage = "readQ exceeded"
			client.Quit(quitMessage, session)
			// since the client did not actually send us a QUIT,
			// give them a chance to resume if applicable:
			if !session.Destroyed() {

		if client.server.logger.IsLoggingRawIO() {
			client.server.logger.Debug("userinput", client.nick, "<- ", line)

		// special-cased handling of PROXY protocol, see `handleProxyCommand` for details:
		if firstLine {
			firstLine = false
			if strings.HasPrefix(line, "PROXY") {
				err = handleProxyCommand(client.server, client, session, line)
				if err != nil {
				} else {

		if client.registered {
		} else {
			// DoS hardening, #505
			if client.server.Config().Limits.RegistrationMessages < session.registrationMessages {
				client.Send(nil, client.server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, "*", client.t("You have sent too many registration messages"))

		msg, err := ircmsg.ParseLineStrict(line, true, 512)
		if err == ircmsg.ErrorLineIsEmpty {
		} else if err == ircmsg.ErrorLineTooLong {
			session.Send(nil, client.server.name, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG, client.Nick(), client.t("Input line too long"))
		} else if err != nil {
			client.Quit(client.t("Received malformed line"), session)

		// "Clients MUST NOT send messages other than PRIVMSG while a multiline batch is open."
		// in future we might want to whitelist some commands that are allowed here, like PONG
		if session.batch.label != "" && msg.Command != "BATCH" {
			_, batchTag := msg.GetTag("batch")
			if batchTag != session.batch.label {
				if msg.Command != "NOTICE" {
					session.Send(nil, client.server.name, "FAIL", "BATCH", "MULTILINE_INVALID", client.t("Incorrect batch tag sent"))
				session.batch = MultilineBatch{}

		cmd, exists := Commands[msg.Command]
		if !exists {
			if len(msg.Command) > 0 {
				session.Send(nil, client.server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, client.Nick(), msg.Command, client.t("Unknown command"))
			} else {
				session.Send(nil, client.server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, client.Nick(), "lastcmd", client.t("No command given"))

		isExiting := cmd.Run(client.server, client, session, msg)
		if isExiting {
		} else if session.client != client {
			// bouncer reattach
			go session.client.run(session, "")

func (client *Client) playReattachMessages(session *Session) {
	hasHistoryCaps := session.HasHistoryCaps()
	for _, channel := range session.client.Channels() {
		// clients should receive autoreplay-on-join lines, if applicable:
		if hasHistoryCaps {
		// if they negotiated znc.in/playback or chathistory, they will receive nothing,
		// because those caps disable autoreplay-on-join and they haven't sent the relevant
		// *playback PRIVMSG or CHATHISTORY command yet
		rb := NewResponseBuffer(session)
		channel.autoReplayHistory(client, rb, "")
	if !session.autoreplayMissedSince.IsZero() && !hasHistoryCaps {
		rb := NewResponseBuffer(session)
		zncPlayPrivmsgs(client, rb, "*", time.Now().UTC(), session.autoreplayMissedSince)
	session.autoreplayMissedSince = time.Time{}

// idle, quit, timers and timeouts

// Touch indicates that we received a line from the client (so the connection is healthy
// at this time, modulo network latency and fakelag). `active` means not a PING or suchlike
// (i.e. the user should be sitting in front of their client).
func (client *Client) Touch(active bool, session *Session) {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()
	client.lastSeen = now
	if active {
		client.lastActive = now
		session.lastActive = now

// Ping sends the client a PING message.
func (session *Session) Ping() {
	session.Send(nil, "", "PING", session.client.Nick())

// tryResume tries to resume if the client asked us to.
func (session *Session) tryResume() (success bool) {
	var oldResumeID string

	defer func() {
		if success {
			// "On a successful request, the server [...] terminates the old client's connection"
			oldSession := session.client.GetSessionByResumeID(oldResumeID)
			if oldSession != nil {
		} else {
			session.resumeDetails = nil

	client := session.client
	server := client.server
	config := server.Config()

	oldClient, oldResumeID := server.resumeManager.VerifyToken(client, session.resumeDetails.PresentedToken)
	if oldClient == nil {
		session.Send(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RESUME", "INVALID_TOKEN", client.t("Cannot resume connection, token is not valid"))

	resumeAllowed := config.Server.AllowPlaintextResume || (oldClient.HasMode(modes.TLS) && client.HasMode(modes.TLS))
	if !resumeAllowed {
		session.Send(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RESUME", "INSECURE_SESSION", client.t("Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS"))

	err := server.clients.Resume(oldClient, session)
	if err != nil {
		session.Send(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RESUME", "CANNOT_RESUME", client.t("Cannot resume connection"))

	success = true
	client.server.logger.Debug("quit", fmt.Sprintf("%s is being resumed", oldClient.Nick()))


// playResume is called from the session's fresh goroutine after a resume;
// it sends notifications to friends, then plays the registration burst and replays
// stored history to the session
func (session *Session) playResume() {
	client := session.client
	server := client.server
	config := server.Config()

	friends := make(ClientSet)
	var oldestLostMessage time.Time

	// work out how much time, if any, is not covered by history buffers
	// assume that a persistent buffer covers the whole resume period
	for _, channel := range client.Channels() {
		for _, member := range channel.Members() {
		status, _ := channel.historyStatus(config)
		if status == HistoryEphemeral {
			lastDiscarded := channel.history.LastDiscarded()
			if oldestLostMessage.Before(lastDiscarded) {
				oldestLostMessage = lastDiscarded
	cHistoryStatus, _ := client.historyStatus(config)
	if cHistoryStatus == HistoryEphemeral {
		lastDiscarded := client.history.LastDiscarded()
		if oldestLostMessage.Before(lastDiscarded) {
			oldestLostMessage = lastDiscarded
	_, privmsgSeq, _ := server.GetHistorySequence(nil, client, "*")
	if privmsgSeq != nil {
		privmsgs, _, _ := privmsgSeq.Between(history.Selector{}, history.Selector{}, config.History.ClientLength)
		for _, item := range privmsgs {
			sender := server.clients.Get(stripMaskFromNick(item.Nick))
			if sender != nil {

	timestamp := session.resumeDetails.Timestamp
	gap := oldestLostMessage.Sub(timestamp)
	session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete = gap > 0 || timestamp.IsZero()
	gapSeconds := int(gap.Seconds()) + 1 // round up to avoid confusion

	details := client.Details()
	oldNickmask := details.nickMask
	client.lookupHostname(session, true)
	hostname := client.Hostname() // may be a vhost
	timestampString := timestamp.Format(IRCv3TimestampFormat)

	// send quit/resume messages to friends
	for friend := range friends {
		if friend == client {
		for _, fSession := range friend.Sessions() {
			if fSession.capabilities.Has(caps.Resume) {
				if !session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "RESUMED", hostname, "ok")
				} else if session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete && !timestamp.IsZero() {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "RESUMED", hostname, timestampString)
				} else {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "RESUMED", hostname)
			} else {
				if !session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "QUIT", friend.t("Client reconnected"))
				} else if session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete && !timestamp.IsZero() {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "QUIT", fmt.Sprintf(friend.t("Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)"), gapSeconds))
				} else {
					fSession.Send(nil, oldNickmask, "QUIT", friend.t("Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)"))

	if session.resumeDetails.HistoryIncomplete {
		if !timestamp.IsZero() {
			session.Send(nil, client.server.name, "WARN", "RESUME", "HISTORY_LOST", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history"), gapSeconds))
		} else {
			session.Send(nil, client.server.name, "WARN", "RESUME", "HISTORY_LOST", client.t("Resume may have lost some message history"))

	session.Send(nil, client.server.name, "RESUME", "SUCCESS", details.nick)


	for _, channel := range client.Channels() {
		channel.Resume(session, timestamp)

	// replay direct PRIVSMG history
	if !timestamp.IsZero() && privmsgSeq != nil {
		after := history.Selector{Time: timestamp}
		items, complete, _ := privmsgSeq.Between(after, history.Selector{}, config.History.ZNCMax)
		if len(items) != 0 {
			rb := NewResponseBuffer(session)
			client.replayPrivmsgHistory(rb, items, "", complete)

	session.resumeDetails = nil

func (client *Client) replayPrivmsgHistory(rb *ResponseBuffer, items []history.Item, target string, complete bool) {
	var batchID string
	details := client.Details()
	nick := details.nick
	if target == "" {
		target = nick
	batchID = rb.StartNestedHistoryBatch(target)

	allowTags := rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags)
	for _, item := range items {
		var command string
		switch item.Type {
		case history.Privmsg:
			command = "PRIVMSG"
		case history.Notice:
			command = "NOTICE"
		case history.Tagmsg:
			if allowTags {
				command = "TAGMSG"
			} else {
		var tags map[string]string
		if allowTags {
			tags = item.Tags
		// XXX: Params[0] is the message target. if the source of this message is an in-memory
		// buffer, then it's "" for an incoming message and the recipient's nick for an outgoing
		// message. if the source of the message is mysql, then mysql only sees one copy of the
		// message, and it's the version with the recipient's nick filled in. so this is an
		// incoming message if Params[0] (the recipient's nick) equals the client's nick:
		if item.Params[0] == "" || item.Params[0] == nick {
			rb.AddSplitMessageFromClient(item.Nick, item.AccountName, tags, command, nick, item.Message)
		} else {
			// this message was sent *from* the client to another nick; the target is item.Params[0]
			// substitute client's current nickmask in case client changed nick
			rb.AddSplitMessageFromClient(details.nickMask, item.AccountName, tags, command, item.Params[0], item.Message)

	if !complete {
		rb.Add(nil, "HistServ", "NOTICE", nick, client.t("Some additional message history may have been lost"))

// IdleTime returns how long this client's been idle.
func (client *Client) IdleTime() time.Duration {
	defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
	return time.Since(client.lastActive)

// SignonTime returns this client's signon time as a unix timestamp.
func (client *Client) SignonTime() int64 {
	return client.ctime.Unix()

// IdleSeconds returns the number of seconds this client's been idle.
func (client *Client) IdleSeconds() uint64 {
	return uint64(client.IdleTime().Seconds())

// HasNick returns true if the client's nickname is set (used in registration).
func (client *Client) HasNick() bool {
	defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
	return client.nick != "" && client.nick != "*"

// HasUsername returns true if the client's username is set (used in registration).
func (client *Client) HasUsername() bool {
	defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
	return client.username != "" && client.username != "*"

// SetNames sets the client's ident and realname.
func (client *Client) SetNames(username, realname string, fromIdent bool) error {
	limit := client.server.Config().Limits.IdentLen
	if !fromIdent {
		limit -= 1 // leave room for the prepended ~
	if limit < len(username) {
		username = username[:limit]

	if !isIdent(username) {
		return errInvalidUsername

	if !fromIdent {
		username = "~" + username

	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()

	if client.username == "" {
		client.username = username

	if client.realname == "" {
		client.realname = realname

	return nil

// HasRoleCapabs returns true if client has the given (role) capabilities.
func (client *Client) HasRoleCapabs(capabs ...string) bool {
	oper := client.Oper()
	if oper == nil {
		return false

	for _, capab := range capabs {
		if !oper.Class.Capabilities.Has(capab) {
			return false

	return true

// ModeString returns the mode string for this client.
func (client *Client) ModeString() (str string) {
	return "+" + client.modes.String()

// Friends refers to clients that share a channel with this client.
func (client *Client) Friends(capabs ...caps.Capability) (result map[*Session]bool) {
	result = make(map[*Session]bool)

	// look at the client's own sessions
	for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
		if session.capabilities.HasAll(capabs...) {
			result[session] = true

	for _, channel := range client.Channels() {
		for _, member := range channel.Members() {
			for _, session := range member.Sessions() {
				if session.capabilities.HasAll(capabs...) {
					result[session] = true


func (client *Client) SetOper(oper *Oper) {
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()
	client.oper = oper
	// operators typically get a vhost, update the nickmask

// XXX: CHGHOST requires prefix nickmask to have original hostname,
// this is annoying to do correctly
func (client *Client) sendChghost(oldNickMask string, vhost string) {
	username := client.Username()
	for fClient := range client.Friends(caps.ChgHost) {
		fClient.sendFromClientInternal(false, time.Time{}, "", oldNickMask, client.AccountName(), nil, "CHGHOST", username, vhost)

// choose the correct vhost to display
func (client *Client) getVHostNoMutex() string {
	// hostserv vhost OR operclass vhost OR nothing (i.e., normal rdns hostmask)
	if client.vhost != "" {
		return client.vhost
	} else if client.oper != nil {
		return client.oper.Vhost
	} else {
		return ""

// SetVHost updates the client's hostserv-based vhost
func (client *Client) SetVHost(vhost string) (updated bool) {
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()
	updated = (client.vhost != vhost)
	client.vhost = vhost
	if updated {

// updateNick updates `nick` and `nickCasefolded`.
func (client *Client) updateNick(nick, nickCasefolded, skeleton string) {
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()
	client.nick = nick
	client.nickCasefolded = nickCasefolded
	client.skeleton = skeleton

// updateNickMaskNoMutex updates the casefolded nickname and nickmask, not acquiring any mutexes.
func (client *Client) updateNickMaskNoMutex() {
	if client.nick == "*" {
		return // pre-registration, don't bother generating the hostname

	client.hostname = client.getVHostNoMutex()
	if client.hostname == "" {
		client.hostname = client.cloakedHostname
		if client.hostname == "" {
			client.hostname = client.rawHostname

	cfhostname := strings.ToLower(client.hostname)
	client.nickMaskString = fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", client.nick, client.username, client.hostname)
	client.nickMaskCasefolded = fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", client.nickCasefolded, strings.ToLower(client.username), cfhostname)

// AllNickmasks returns all the possible nickmasks for the client.
func (client *Client) AllNickmasks() (masks []string) {
	nick := client.nickCasefolded
	username := client.username
	rawHostname := client.rawHostname
	cloakedHostname := client.cloakedHostname
	vhost := client.getVHostNoMutex()
	username = strings.ToLower(username)

	if len(vhost) > 0 {
		cfvhost := strings.ToLower(vhost)
		masks = append(masks, fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", nick, username, cfvhost))

	var rawhostmask string
	cfrawhost := strings.ToLower(rawHostname)
	rawhostmask = fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", nick, username, cfrawhost)
	masks = append(masks, rawhostmask)

	if cloakedHostname != "" {
		masks = append(masks, fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", nick, username, cloakedHostname))

	ipmask := fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", nick, username, client.IPString())
	if ipmask != rawhostmask {
		masks = append(masks, ipmask)


// LoggedIntoAccount returns true if this client is logged into an account.
func (client *Client) LoggedIntoAccount() bool {
	return client.Account() != ""

// Quit sets the given quit message for the client.
// (You must ensure separately that destroy() is called, e.g., by returning `true` from
// the command handler or calling it yourself.)
func (client *Client) Quit(message string, session *Session) {
	setFinalData := func(sess *Session) {
		message := sess.quitMessage
		var finalData []byte
		// #364: don't send QUIT lines to unregistered clients
		if client.registered {
			quitMsg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, client.nickMaskString, "QUIT", message)
			finalData, _ = quitMsg.LineBytesStrict(false, 512)

		errorMsg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, "", "ERROR", message)
		errorMsgBytes, _ := errorMsg.LineBytesStrict(false, 512)
		finalData = append(finalData, errorMsgBytes...)


	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()

	var sessions []*Session
	if session != nil {
		sessions = []*Session{session}
	} else {
		sessions = client.sessions

	for _, session := range sessions {
		if session.SetQuitMessage(message) {

// destroy gets rid of a client, removes them from server lists etc.
// if `session` is nil, destroys the client unconditionally, removing all sessions;
// otherwise, destroys one specific session, only destroying the client if it
// has no more sessions.
func (client *Client) destroy(session *Session) {
	var sessionsToDestroy []*Session

	details := client.detailsNoMutex()
	brbState := client.brbTimer.state
	brbAt := client.brbTimer.brbAt
	wasReattach := session != nil && session.client != client
	sessionRemoved := false
	registered := client.registered
	alwaysOn := client.alwaysOn
	saveLastSeen := alwaysOn && client.accountSettings.AutoreplayMissed
	var remainingSessions int
	if session == nil {
		sessionsToDestroy = client.sessions
		client.sessions = nil
		remainingSessions = 0
	} else {
		sessionRemoved, remainingSessions = client.removeSession(session)
		if sessionRemoved {
			sessionsToDestroy = []*Session{session}

	// should we destroy the whole client this time?
	// BRB is not respected if this is a destroy of the whole client (i.e., session == nil)
	brbEligible := session != nil && brbState == BrbEnabled
	shouldDestroy := !client.destroyed && remainingSessions == 0 && !brbEligible && !alwaysOn
	// decrement stats on a true destroy, or for the removal of the last connected session
	// of an always-on client
	shouldDecrement := shouldDestroy || (alwaysOn && len(sessionsToDestroy) != 0 && len(client.sessions) == 0)
	if shouldDestroy {
		// if it's our job to destroy it, don't let anyone else try
		client.destroyed = true
	if saveLastSeen {
		client.dirtyBits |= IncludeLastSeen
	exitedSnomaskSent := client.exitedSnomaskSent

	// XXX there is no particular reason to persist this state here rather than
	// any other place: it would be correct to persist it after every `Touch`. However,
	// I'm not comfortable introducing that many database writes, and I don't want to
	// design a throttle.
	if saveLastSeen {

	// destroy all applicable sessions:
	var quitMessage string
	for _, session := range sessionsToDestroy {
		if session.client != client {
			// session has been attached to a new client; do not destroy it
		// send quit/error message to client if they haven't been sent already
		client.Quit("", session)
		quitMessage = session.quitMessage

		// remove from connection limits
		var source string
		if session.isTor {
			source = "tor"
		} else {
			ip := session.realIP
			if session.proxiedIP != nil {
				ip = session.proxiedIP
			source = ip.String()
		client.server.logger.Info("localconnect-ip", fmt.Sprintf("disconnecting session of %s from %s", details.nick, source))

	// decrement stats if we have no more sessions, even if the client will not be destroyed
	if shouldDecrement {
		invisible := client.HasMode(modes.Invisible)
		operator := client.HasMode(modes.LocalOperator) || client.HasMode(modes.Operator)
		client.server.stats.Remove(registered, invisible, operator)

	if !shouldDestroy {

	splitQuitMessage := utils.MakeMessage(quitMessage)
	quitItem := history.Item{
		Type:        history.Quit,
		Nick:        details.nickMask,
		AccountName: details.accountName,
		Message:     splitQuitMessage,
	var channels []*Channel
	// use a defer here to avoid writing to mysql while holding the destroy semaphore:
	defer func() {
		for _, channel := range channels {

	// see #235: deduplicating the list of PART recipients uses (comparatively speaking)
	// a lot of RAM, so limit concurrency to avoid thrashing
	defer client.server.semaphores.ClientDestroy.Release()

	if !wasReattach {
		client.server.logger.Debug("quit", fmt.Sprintf("%s is no longer on the server", details.nick))

	if registered {


	// alert monitors
	if registered {
		client.server.monitorManager.AlertAbout(client, false)
	// clean up monitor state

	// clean up channels
	// (note that if this is a reattach, client has no channels and therefore no friends)
	friends := make(ClientSet)
	channels = client.Channels()
	for _, channel := range channels {
		for _, member := range channel.Members() {

	// clean up server

	// clean up self


	// this happens under failure to return from BRB
	if quitMessage == "" {
		if brbState == BrbDead && !brbAt.IsZero() {
			awayMessage := client.AwayMessage()
			if awayMessage == "" {
				awayMessage = "Disconnected" // auto-BRB
			quitMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s ago]", awayMessage, time.Since(brbAt).Truncate(time.Second).String())
	if quitMessage == "" {
		quitMessage = "Exited"
	for friend := range friends {
		friend.sendFromClientInternal(false, splitQuitMessage.Time, splitQuitMessage.Msgid, details.nickMask, details.accountName, nil, "QUIT", quitMessage)

	if !exitedSnomaskSent && registered {
		client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalQuits, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r exited the network"), details.nick))

// SendSplitMsgFromClient sends an IRC PRIVMSG/NOTICE coming from a specific client.
// Adds account-tag to the line as well.
func (session *Session) sendSplitMsgFromClientInternal(blocking bool, nickmask, accountName string, tags map[string]string, command, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) {
	if message.Is512() {
		session.sendFromClientInternal(blocking, message.Time, message.Msgid, nickmask, accountName, tags, command, target, message.Message)
	} else {
		if session.capabilities.Has(caps.Multiline) {
			for _, msg := range session.composeMultilineBatch(nickmask, accountName, tags, command, target, message) {
				session.SendRawMessage(msg, blocking)
		} else {
			for i, messagePair := range message.Split {
				var msgid string
				if i == 0 {
					msgid = message.Msgid
				session.sendFromClientInternal(blocking, message.Time, msgid, nickmask, accountName, tags, command, target, messagePair.Message)

// Sends a line with `nickmask` as the prefix, adding `time` and `account` tags if supported
func (client *Client) sendFromClientInternal(blocking bool, serverTime time.Time, msgid string, nickmask, accountName string, tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) (err error) {
	for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
		err_ := session.sendFromClientInternal(blocking, serverTime, msgid, nickmask, accountName, tags, command, params...)
		if err_ != nil {
			err = err_

func (session *Session) sendFromClientInternal(blocking bool, serverTime time.Time, msgid string, nickmask, accountName string, tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) (err error) {
	msg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, nickmask, command, params...)
	// attach account-tag
	if session.capabilities.Has(caps.AccountTag) && accountName != "*" {
		msg.SetTag("account", accountName)
	// attach message-id
	if msgid != "" && session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags) {
		msg.SetTag("msgid", msgid)
	// attach server-time
	session.setTimeTag(&msg, serverTime)

	return session.SendRawMessage(msg, blocking)

func (session *Session) composeMultilineBatch(fromNickMask, fromAccount string, tags map[string]string, command, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) (result []ircmsg.IrcMessage) {
	batchID := session.generateBatchID()
	batchStart := ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, fromNickMask, "BATCH", "+"+batchID, caps.MultilineBatchType, target)
	batchStart.SetTag("time", message.Time.Format(IRCv3TimestampFormat))
	batchStart.SetTag("msgid", message.Msgid)
	if session.capabilities.Has(caps.AccountTag) && fromAccount != "*" {
		batchStart.SetTag("account", fromAccount)
	result = append(result, batchStart)

	for _, msg := range message.Split {
		message := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, fromNickMask, command, target, msg.Message)
		message.SetTag("batch", batchID)
		if msg.Concat {
			message.SetTag(caps.MultilineConcatTag, "")
		result = append(result, message)

	result = append(result, ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, fromNickMask, "BATCH", "-"+batchID))

var (
	// these are all the output commands that MUST have their last param be a trailing.
	// this is needed because dumb clients like to treat trailing params separately from the
	// other params in messages.
	commandsThatMustUseTrailing = map[string]bool{
		"PRIVMSG": true,
		"NOTICE":  true,

		RPL_USERHOST:      true,

		// mirc's handling of RPL_NAMREPLY is broken:
		// https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/266939/re-nick-list

// SendRawMessage sends a raw message to the client.
func (session *Session) SendRawMessage(message ircmsg.IrcMessage, blocking bool) error {
	// use dumb hack to force the last param to be a trailing param if required
	config := session.client.server.Config()
	if config.Server.Compatibility.forceTrailing && commandsThatMustUseTrailing[message.Command] {

	// assemble message
	line, err := message.LineBytesStrict(false, 512)
	if err != nil {
		logline := fmt.Sprintf("Error assembling message for sending: %v\n%s", err, debug.Stack())
		session.client.server.logger.Error("internal", logline)

		message = ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, session.client.server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, "*", "Error assembling message for sending")
		line, _ := message.LineBytesStrict(false, 0)

		if blocking {
		} else {
		return err

	if session.client.server.logger.IsLoggingRawIO() {
		logline := string(line[:len(line)-2]) // strip "\r\n"
		session.client.server.logger.Debug("useroutput", session.client.Nick(), " ->", logline)

	if blocking {
		return session.socket.BlockingWrite(line)
	} else {
		return session.socket.Write(line)

// Send sends an IRC line to the client.
func (client *Client) Send(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) (err error) {
	for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
		err_ := session.Send(tags, prefix, command, params...)
		if err_ != nil {
			err = err_

func (session *Session) Send(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) (err error) {
	msg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, prefix, command, params...)
	session.setTimeTag(&msg, time.Time{})
	return session.SendRawMessage(msg, false)

func (session *Session) setTimeTag(msg *ircmsg.IrcMessage, serverTime time.Time) {
	if session.capabilities.Has(caps.ServerTime) && !msg.HasTag("time") {
		if serverTime.IsZero() {
			serverTime = time.Now()
		msg.SetTag("time", serverTime.UTC().Format(IRCv3TimestampFormat))

// Notice sends the client a notice from the server.
func (client *Client) Notice(text string) {
	client.Send(nil, client.server.name, "NOTICE", client.Nick(), text)

func (session *Session) Notice(text string) {
	session.Send(nil, session.client.server.name, "NOTICE", session.client.Nick(), text)

// `simulated` is for the fake join of an always-on client
// (we just read the channel name from the database, there's no need to write it back)
func (client *Client) addChannel(channel *Channel, simulated bool) {
	client.channels[channel] = true
	alwaysOn := client.alwaysOn

	if alwaysOn && !simulated {

func (client *Client) removeChannel(channel *Channel) {
	delete(client.channels, channel)
	alwaysOn := client.alwaysOn

	if alwaysOn {

// Records that the client has been invited to join an invite-only channel
func (client *Client) Invite(casefoldedChannel string) {
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()

	if client.invitedTo == nil {
		client.invitedTo = make(map[string]bool)

	client.invitedTo[casefoldedChannel] = true

// Checks that the client was invited to join a given channel
func (client *Client) CheckInvited(casefoldedChannel string) (invited bool) {
	defer client.stateMutex.Unlock()

	invited = client.invitedTo[casefoldedChannel]
	// joining an invited channel "uses up" your invite, so you can't rejoin on kick
	delete(client.invitedTo, casefoldedChannel)

// Implements auto-oper by certfp (scans for an auto-eligible operator block that matches
// the client's cert, then applies it).
func (client *Client) attemptAutoOper(session *Session) {
	if session.certfp == "" || client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
	for _, oper := range client.server.Config().operators {
		if oper.Auto && oper.Pass == nil && oper.Fingerprint != "" && oper.Fingerprint == session.certfp {
			rb := NewResponseBuffer(session)
			applyOper(client, oper, rb)

func (client *Client) historyStatus(config *Config) (status HistoryStatus, target string) {
	if !config.History.Enabled {
		return HistoryDisabled, ""

	target = client.account
	historyStatus := client.accountSettings.DMHistory

	if target == "" {
		return HistoryEphemeral, ""
	status = historyEnabled(config.History.Persistent.DirectMessages, historyStatus)
	if status != HistoryPersistent {
		target = ""

// these are bit flags indicating what part of the client status is "dirty"
// and needs to be read from memory and written to the db
const (
	IncludeChannels uint = 1 << iota

func (client *Client) markDirty(dirtyBits uint) {
	alwaysOn := client.alwaysOn
	client.dirtyBits = client.dirtyBits | dirtyBits

	if alwaysOn {

func (client *Client) wakeWriter() {
	if client.writerSemaphore.TryAcquire() {
		go client.writeLoop()

func (client *Client) writeLoop() {
	for {

		isDirty := client.dirtyBits != 0

		if !isDirty || !client.writerSemaphore.TryAcquire() {

func (client *Client) performWrite() {
	dirtyBits := client.dirtyBits
	client.dirtyBits = 0
	account := client.account
	lastSeen := client.lastSeen

	if account == "" {
		client.server.logger.Error("internal", "attempting to persist logged-out client", client.Nick())

	if (dirtyBits & IncludeChannels) != 0 {
		channels := client.Channels()
		channelNames := make([]string, len(channels))
		for i, channel := range channels {
			channelNames[i] = channel.Name()
		client.server.accounts.saveChannels(account, channelNames)
	if (dirtyBits & IncludeLastSeen) != 0 {
		client.server.accounts.saveLastSeen(account, lastSeen)