// Copyright (c) 2018 Shivaram Lingamneni <slingamn@cs.stanford.edu> // released under the MIT license package irc import ( "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "github.com/goshuirc/irc-go/ircfmt" "github.com/oragono/oragono/irc/utils" ) const ( hostservHelp = `HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed in place of your client's hostname/IP).` ) var ( errVHostBadCharacters = errors.New("Vhost contains prohibited characters") errVHostTooLong = errors.New("Vhost is too long") // ascii only for now defaultValidVhostRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9A-Za-z.\-_/]+$`) ) func hostservEnabled(config *Config) bool { return config.Accounts.VHosts.Enabled } var ( hostservCommands = map[string]*serviceCommand{ "on": { handler: hsOnOffHandler, help: `Syntax: $bON$b ON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.`, helpShort: `$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.`, authRequired: true, enabled: hostservEnabled, }, "off": { handler: hsOnOffHandler, help: `Syntax: $bOFF$b OFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.`, helpShort: `$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.`, authRequired: true, enabled: hostservEnabled, }, "status": { handler: hsStatusHandler, help: `Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b STATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent request for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.`, helpShort: `$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.`, enabled: hostservEnabled, }, "set": { handler: hsSetHandler, help: `Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b SET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.`, helpShort: `$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.`, capabs: []string{"vhosts"}, enabled: hostservEnabled, minParams: 2, }, "del": { handler: hsSetHandler, help: `Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b DEL deletes a user's vhost.`, helpShort: `$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.`, capabs: []string{"vhosts"}, enabled: hostservEnabled, minParams: 1, }, "setcloaksecret": { handler: hsSetCloakSecretHandler, help: `Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code] SETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use a cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a verification code is required; invoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.`, helpShort: `$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.`, capabs: []string{"vhosts", "rehash"}, minParams: 1, maxParams: 2, }, } ) func hsOnOffHandler(service *ircService, server *Server, client *Client, command string, params []string, rb *ResponseBuffer) { enable := false if command == "on" { enable = true } _, err := server.accounts.VHostSetEnabled(client, enable) if err == errNoVhost { service.Notice(rb, client.t(err.Error())) } else if err != nil { service.Notice(rb, client.t("An error occurred")) } else if enable { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Successfully enabled your vhost")) } else { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Successfully disabled your vhost")) } } func hsStatusHandler(service *ircService, server *Server, client *Client, command string, params []string, rb *ResponseBuffer) { var accountName string if len(params) > 0 { if !client.HasRoleCapabs("vhosts") { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Command restricted")) return } accountName = params[0] } else { accountName = client.Account() if accountName == "" { service.Notice(rb, client.t("You're not logged into an account")) return } } account, err := server.accounts.LoadAccount(accountName) if err != nil { if err != errAccountDoesNotExist { server.logger.Warning("internal", "error loading account info", accountName, err.Error()) } service.Notice(rb, client.t("No such account")) return } if account.VHost.ApprovedVHost != "" { service.Notice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s"), accountName, account.VHost.ApprovedVHost)) if !account.VHost.Enabled { service.Notice(rb, client.t("This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON")) } } else { service.Notice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account %s has no vhost"), accountName)) } } func validateVhost(server *Server, vhost string, oper bool) error { config := server.Config() if len(vhost) > config.Accounts.VHosts.MaxLength { return errVHostTooLong } if !config.Accounts.VHosts.validRegexp.MatchString(vhost) { return errVHostBadCharacters } return nil } func hsSetHandler(service *ircService, server *Server, client *Client, command string, params []string, rb *ResponseBuffer) { user := params[0] var vhost string if command == "set" { vhost = params[1] if validateVhost(server, vhost, true) != nil { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Invalid vhost")) return } } // else: command == "del", vhost == "" _, err := server.accounts.VHostSet(user, vhost) if err != nil { service.Notice(rb, client.t("An error occurred")) } else if vhost != "" { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Successfully set vhost")) } else { service.Notice(rb, client.t("Successfully cleared vhost")) } } func hsSetCloakSecretHandler(service *ircService, server *Server, client *Client, command string, params []string, rb *ResponseBuffer) { secret := params[0] expectedCode := utils.ConfirmationCode(secret, server.ctime) if len(params) == 1 || params[1] != expectedCode { service.Notice(rb, ircfmt.Unescape(client.t("$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b"))) service.Notice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("To confirm, run this command: %s"), fmt.Sprintf("/HS SETCLOAKSECRET %s %s", secret, expectedCode))) return } StoreCloakSecret(server.store, secret) service.Notice(rb, client.t("Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect")) }