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Ergo is a modern IRC server written in Go. Its core design principles are:

* Being simple to set up and use
* Combining the features of an ircd, a services framework, and a bouncer:
  * Integrated account management
  * History storage
  * Bouncer functionality
* Bleeding-edge IRCv3 support
* High customizability via a rehashable (i.e., reloadable at runtime) YAML config

                          #ergo on irc.ergo.chat or irc.libera.chat


=== Installing ===

Copy the example config file to ircd.yaml with a command like:

    $ cp default.yaml ircd.yaml

Modify the config file as needed (the recommendations at the top may be helpful).

To generate passwords for opers and connect passwords, you can use this command:

    $ ergo genpasswd

If you need to generate self-signed TLS certificates, use this command:

    $ ergo mkcerts

You are now ready to start Ergo!

    $ ergo run

For further instructions, consult the manual. A copy of the manual should be
included in your release under `docs/MANUAL.md`. Or you can view it on the
Web: https://ergo.chat/manual.html

=== Updating ===

If you're updating from a previous version of Ergo, check out the CHANGELOG for a list
of important changes you'll want to take a look at. The change log details config changes,
fixes, new features and anything else you'll want to be aware of!

=== Credits ===

* Jeremy Latt (2012-2014)
* Edmund Huber (2014-2015)
* Daniel Oaks (2016-present)
* Shivaram Lingamneni (2017-present)
* Many other contributors and friends of the project <3