// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks // released under the MIT license package irc import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "sort" "strings" "time" "github.com/DanielOaks/girc-go/ircfmt" "github.com/DanielOaks/girc-go/ircmatch" "github.com/DanielOaks/girc-go/ircmsg" "github.com/oragono/oragono/irc/custime" "github.com/oragono/oragono/irc/sno" "github.com/tidwall/buntdb" ) const ( keyKlineEntry = "bans.kline %s" ) // KLineInfo contains the address itself and expiration time for a given network. type KLineInfo struct { // Mask that is blocked. Mask string // Matcher, to facilitate fast matching. Matcher ircmatch.Matcher // Info contains information on the ban. Info IPBanInfo } // KLineManager manages and klines. type KLineManager struct { // kline'd entries entries map[string]*KLineInfo } // NewKLineManager returns a new KLineManager. func NewKLineManager() *KLineManager { var km KLineManager km.entries = make(map[string]*KLineInfo) return &km } // AllBans returns all bans (for use with APIs, etc). func (km *KLineManager) AllBans() map[string]IPBanInfo { allb := make(map[string]IPBanInfo) for name, info := range km.entries { allb[name] = info.Info } return allb } // AddMask adds to the blocked list. func (km *KLineManager) AddMask(mask string, length *IPRestrictTime, reason string, operReason string) { kln := KLineInfo{ Mask: mask, Matcher: ircmatch.MakeMatch(mask), Info: IPBanInfo{ Time: length, Reason: reason, OperReason: operReason, }, } km.entries[mask] = &kln } // RemoveMask removes a mask from the blocked list. func (km *KLineManager) RemoveMask(mask string) { delete(km.entries, mask) } // CheckMasks returns whether or not the hostmask(s) are banned, and how long they are banned for. func (km *KLineManager) CheckMasks(masks ...string) (isBanned bool, info *IPBanInfo) { // check networks var masksToRemove []string for _, entryInfo := range km.entries { var matches bool for _, mask := range masks { if entryInfo.Matcher.Match(mask) { matches = true break } } if !matches { continue } if entryInfo.Info.Time != nil { if entryInfo.Info.Time.IsExpired() { // ban on network has expired, remove it from our blocked list masksToRemove = append(masksToRemove, entryInfo.Mask) } else { return true, &entryInfo.Info } } else { return true, &entryInfo.Info } } // remove expired networks for _, expiredMask := range masksToRemove { km.RemoveMask(expiredMask) } // no matches! return false, nil } // KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] [ON ] [reason [| oper reason]] func klineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) bool { // check oper permissions if !client.class.Capabilities["oper:local_ban"] { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, client.nick, msg.Command, "Insufficient oper privs") return false } currentArg := 0 // when setting a ban, if they say "ANDKILL" we should also kill all users who match it var andKill bool if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "andkill" { andKill = true currentArg++ } // when setting a ban that covers the oper's current connection, we require them to say // "KLINE MYSELF" so that we're sure they really mean it. var klineMyself bool if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "myself" { klineMyself = true currentArg++ } // duration duration, err := custime.ParseDuration(msg.Params[currentArg]) durationIsUsed := err == nil if durationIsUsed { currentArg++ } // get mask if len(msg.Params) < currentArg+1 { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.nick, msg.Command, "Not enough parameters") return false } mask := strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) currentArg++ // check mask if !strings.Contains(mask, "!") && !strings.Contains(mask, "@") { mask = mask + "!*@*" } else if !strings.Contains(mask, "@") { mask = mask + "@*" } matcher := ircmatch.MakeMatch(mask) for _, clientMask := range client.AllNickmasks() { if !klineMyself && matcher.Match(clientMask) { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, "This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF ") return false } } // check remote if len(msg.Params) > currentArg && msg.Params[currentArg] == "ON" { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, "Remote servers not yet supported") return false } // get comment(s) reason := "No reason given" operReason := "No reason given" if len(msg.Params) > currentArg { tempReason := strings.TrimSpace(msg.Params[currentArg]) if len(tempReason) > 0 && tempReason != "|" { tempReasons := strings.SplitN(tempReason, "|", 2) if tempReasons[0] != "" { reason = tempReasons[0] } if len(tempReasons) > 1 && tempReasons[1] != "" { operReason = tempReasons[1] } else { operReason = reason } } } // assemble ban info var banTime *IPRestrictTime if durationIsUsed { banTime = &IPRestrictTime{ Duration: duration, Expires: time.Now().Add(duration), } } info := IPBanInfo{ Reason: reason, OperReason: operReason, Time: banTime, } // save in datastore err = server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { klineKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyKlineEntry, mask) // assemble json from ban info b, err := json.Marshal(info) if err != nil { return err } tx.Set(klineKey, string(b), nil) return nil }) if err != nil { client.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s", err.Error())) return false } server.klines.AddMask(mask, banTime, reason, operReason) var snoDescription string if durationIsUsed { client.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("Added temporary (%s) K-Line for %s", duration.String(), mask)) snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r added temporary (%s) K-Line for %s"), client.nick, duration.String(), mask) } else { client.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("Added K-Line for %s", mask)) snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r added K-Line for %s"), client.nick, mask) } server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, snoDescription) var killClient bool if andKill { var clientsToKill []*Client var killedClientNicks []string server.clients.ByNickMutex.RLock() for _, mcl := range server.clients.ByNick { for _, clientMask := range mcl.AllNickmasks() { if matcher.Match(clientMask) { clientsToKill = append(clientsToKill, mcl) killedClientNicks = append(killedClientNicks, mcl.nick) } } } server.clients.ByNickMutex.RUnlock() for _, mcl := range clientsToKill { mcl.exitedSnomaskSent = true mcl.Quit(fmt.Sprintf("You have been banned from this server (%s)", reason)) if mcl == client { killClient = true } else { // if mcl == client, we kill them below mcl.destroy() } } // send snomask sort.Strings(killedClientNicks) server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalKills, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s killed %d clients with a KLINE $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), client.nick, len(killedClientNicks), strings.Join(killedClientNicks, ", "))) } return killClient } func unKLineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) bool { // check oper permissions if !client.class.Capabilities["oper:local_unban"] { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, client.nick, msg.Command, "Insufficient oper privs") return false } // get host mask := msg.Params[0] if !strings.Contains(mask, "!") && !strings.Contains(mask, "@") { mask = mask + "!*@*" } else if !strings.Contains(mask, "@") { mask = mask + "@*" } // save in datastore err := server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { klineKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyKlineEntry, mask) // check if it exists or not val, err := tx.Get(klineKey) if val == "" { return errNoExistingBan } else if err != nil { return err } tx.Delete(klineKey) return nil }) if err != nil { client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, fmt.Sprintf("Could not remove ban [%s]", err.Error())) return false } server.klines.RemoveMask(mask) client.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("Removed K-Line for %s", mask)) server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r removed K-Line for %s"), client.nick, mask)) return false } func (s *Server) loadKLines() { s.klines = NewKLineManager() // load from datastore s.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { //TODO(dan): We could make this safer tx.AscendKeys("bans.kline *", func(key, value string) bool { // get address name key = key[len("bans.kline "):] mask := key // load ban info var info IPBanInfo json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &info) // add to the server s.klines.AddMask(mask, info.Time, info.Reason, info.OperReason) return true // true to continue I guess? }) return nil }) }