// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license

package irc

import (


const (
	keyAccountExists           = "account.exists %s"
	keyAccountVerified         = "account.verified %s"
	keyAccountUnregistered     = "account.unregistered %s"
	keyAccountCallback         = "account.callback %s"
	keyAccountVerificationCode = "account.verificationcode %s"
	keyAccountName             = "account.name %s" // stores the 'preferred name' of the account, not casemapped
	keyAccountRegTime          = "account.registered.time %s"
	keyAccountCredentials      = "account.credentials %s"
	keyAccountAdditionalNicks  = "account.additionalnicks %s"
	keyAccountSettings         = "account.settings %s"
	keyAccountVHost            = "account.vhost %s"
	keyCertToAccount           = "account.creds.certfp %s"
	keyAccountChannels         = "account.channels %s" // channels registered to the account
	keyAccountJoinedChannels   = "account.joinedto %s" // channels a persistent client has joined
	keyAccountLastSeen         = "account.lastseen %s"
	keyAccountModes            = "account.modes %s" // user modes for the always-on client as a string

	keyVHostQueueAcctToId = "vhostQueue %s"
	vhostRequestIdx       = "vhostQueue"

	maxCertfpsPerAccount = 5

// everything about accounts is persistent; therefore, the database is the authoritative
// source of truth for all account information. anything on the heap is just a cache
type AccountManager struct {
	// XXX these are up here so they can be aligned to a 64-bit boundary, please forgive me
	// autoincrementing ID for vhost requests:
	vhostRequestID           uint64
	vhostRequestPendingCount uint64

	sync.RWMutex                      // tier 2
	serialCacheUpdateMutex sync.Mutex // tier 3
	vHostUpdateMutex       sync.Mutex // tier 3

	server *Server
	// track clients logged in to accounts
	accountToClients  map[string][]*Client
	nickToAccount     map[string]string
	skeletonToAccount map[string]string
	accountToMethod   map[string]NickEnforcementMethod
	registerThrottle  connection_limits.GenericThrottle

func (am *AccountManager) Initialize(server *Server) {
	am.accountToClients = make(map[string][]*Client)
	am.nickToAccount = make(map[string]string)
	am.skeletonToAccount = make(map[string]string)
	am.accountToMethod = make(map[string]NickEnforcementMethod)
	am.server = server

	config := server.Config()

func (am *AccountManager) resetRegisterThrottle(config *Config) {
	defer am.Unlock()

	am.registerThrottle = connection_limits.GenericThrottle{
		Duration: config.Accounts.Registration.Throttling.Duration,
		Limit:    config.Accounts.Registration.Throttling.MaxAttempts,

func (am *AccountManager) touchRegisterThrottle() (throttled bool) {
	defer am.Unlock()
	throttled, _ = am.registerThrottle.Touch()

func (am *AccountManager) createAlwaysOnClients(config *Config) {
	if config.Accounts.Multiclient.AlwaysOn == PersistentDisabled {

	verifiedPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, "")

	defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	var accounts []string

	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		err := tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", verifiedPrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(key, verifiedPrefix) {
				return false
			account := strings.TrimPrefix(key, verifiedPrefix)
			accounts = append(accounts, account)
			return true
		return err

	for _, accountName := range accounts {
		account, err := am.LoadAccount(accountName)
		if err == nil && account.Verified &&
			persistenceEnabled(config.Accounts.Multiclient.AlwaysOn, account.Settings.AlwaysOn) {
			am.server.AddAlwaysOnClient(account, am.loadChannels(accountName), am.loadLastSeen(accountName), am.loadModes(accountName))

func (am *AccountManager) buildNickToAccountIndex(config *Config) {
	if !config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled {

	nickToAccount := make(map[string]string)
	skeletonToAccount := make(map[string]string)
	accountToMethod := make(map[string]NickEnforcementMethod)
	existsPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, "")

	defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	err := am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		err := tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", existsPrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(key, existsPrefix) {
				return false

			account := strings.TrimPrefix(key, existsPrefix)
			if _, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, account)); err == nil {
				nickToAccount[account] = account
				accountName, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, account))
				if err != nil {
					am.server.logger.Error("internal", "missing account name for", account)
				} else {
					skeleton, _ := Skeleton(accountName)
					skeletonToAccount[skeleton] = account
			if rawNicks, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, account)); err == nil {
				additionalNicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks)
				for _, nick := range additionalNicks {
					cfnick, _ := CasefoldName(nick)
					nickToAccount[cfnick] = account
					skeleton, _ := Skeleton(nick)
					skeletonToAccount[skeleton] = account

			if rawPrefs, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountSettings, account)); err == nil {
				var prefs AccountSettings
				err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawPrefs), &prefs)
				if err == nil && prefs.NickEnforcement != NickEnforcementOptional {
					accountToMethod[account] = prefs.NickEnforcement
				} else if err != nil {
					am.server.logger.Error("internal", "corrupt account creds", account)

			return true
		return err

	if config.Accounts.NickReservation.Method == NickEnforcementStrict {
		unregisteredPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountUnregistered, "")
		am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
			tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", unregisteredPrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
				if !strings.HasPrefix(key, unregisteredPrefix) {
					return false
				account := strings.TrimPrefix(key, unregisteredPrefix)
				accountName := value
				nickToAccount[account] = account
				skeleton, _ := Skeleton(accountName)
				skeletonToAccount[skeleton] = account
				return true
			return nil

	if err != nil {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "couldn't read reserved nicks", err.Error())
	} else {
		am.nickToAccount = nickToAccount
		am.skeletonToAccount = skeletonToAccount
		am.accountToMethod = accountToMethod

func (am *AccountManager) initVHostRequestQueue(config *Config) {
	if !config.Accounts.VHosts.Enabled {

	defer am.vHostUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	// the db maps the account name to the autoincrementing integer ID of its request
	// create an numerically ordered index on ID, so we can list the oldest requests
	// finally, collect the integer id of the newest request and the total request count
	var total uint64
	var lastIDStr string
	err := am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		err := tx.CreateIndex(vhostRequestIdx, fmt.Sprintf(keyVHostQueueAcctToId, "*"), buntdb.IndexInt)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return tx.Descend(vhostRequestIdx, func(key, value string) bool {
			if lastIDStr == "" {
				lastIDStr = value
			return true

	if err != nil {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "could not create vhost queue index", err.Error())

	lastID, _ := strconv.ParseUint(lastIDStr, 10, 64)
	am.server.logger.Debug("services", fmt.Sprintf("vhost queue length is %d, autoincrementing id is %d", total, lastID))

	atomic.StoreUint64(&am.vhostRequestID, lastID)
	atomic.StoreUint64(&am.vhostRequestPendingCount, total)

func (am *AccountManager) NickToAccount(nick string) string {
	cfnick, err := CasefoldName(nick)
	if err != nil {
		return ""

	defer am.RUnlock()
	return am.nickToAccount[cfnick]

// given an account, combine stored enforcement method with the config settings
// to compute the actual enforcement method
func configuredEnforcementMethod(config *Config, storedMethod NickEnforcementMethod) (result NickEnforcementMethod) {
	if !config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled {
		return NickEnforcementNone
	result = storedMethod
	// if they don't have a custom setting, or customization is disabled, use the default
	if result == NickEnforcementOptional || !config.Accounts.NickReservation.AllowCustomEnforcement {
		result = config.Accounts.NickReservation.Method
	if result == NickEnforcementOptional {
		// enforcement was explicitly enabled neither in the config or by the user
		result = NickEnforcementNone

// Given a nick, looks up the account that owns it and the method (none/timeout/strict)
// used to enforce ownership.
func (am *AccountManager) EnforcementStatus(cfnick, skeleton string) (account string, method NickEnforcementMethod) {
	config := am.server.Config()
	if !config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled {
		return "", NickEnforcementNone

	defer am.RUnlock()

	finalEnforcementMethod := func(account_ string) (result NickEnforcementMethod) {
		storedMethod := am.accountToMethod[account_]
		return configuredEnforcementMethod(config, storedMethod)

	nickAccount := am.nickToAccount[cfnick]
	skelAccount := am.skeletonToAccount[skeleton]
	if nickAccount == "" && skelAccount == "" {
		return "", NickEnforcementNone
	} else if nickAccount != "" && (skelAccount == nickAccount || skelAccount == "") {
		return nickAccount, finalEnforcementMethod(nickAccount)
	} else if skelAccount != "" && nickAccount == "" {
		return skelAccount, finalEnforcementMethod(skelAccount)
	} else {
		// nickAccount != skelAccount and both are nonempty:
		// two people have competing claims on (this casefolding of) this nick!
		nickMethod := finalEnforcementMethod(nickAccount)
		skelMethod := finalEnforcementMethod(skelAccount)
		switch {
		case skelMethod == NickEnforcementNone:
			return nickAccount, nickMethod
		case nickMethod == NickEnforcementNone:
			return skelAccount, skelMethod
			// nobody can use this nick
			return "!", NickEnforcementStrict

// Sets a custom enforcement method for an account and stores it in the database.
func (am *AccountManager) SetEnforcementStatus(account string, method NickEnforcementMethod) (finalSettings AccountSettings, err error) {
	config := am.server.Config()
	if !(config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled && config.Accounts.NickReservation.AllowCustomEnforcement) {
		err = errFeatureDisabled

	setter := func(in AccountSettings) (out AccountSettings, err error) {
		out = in
		out.NickEnforcement = method
		return out, nil

	_, err = am.ModifyAccountSettings(account, setter)
	if err != nil {

	// this update of the data plane is racey, but it's probably fine
	defer am.Unlock()

	if method == NickEnforcementOptional {
		delete(am.accountToMethod, account)
	} else {
		am.accountToMethod[account] = method


func (am *AccountManager) AccountToClients(account string) (result []*Client) {
	cfaccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {

	defer am.RUnlock()
	return am.accountToClients[cfaccount]

func (am *AccountManager) Register(client *Client, account string, callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string, passphrase string, certfp string) error {
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	skeleton, skerr := Skeleton(account)
	if err != nil || skerr != nil || account == "" || account == "*" {
		return errAccountCreation

	if restrictedCasefoldedNicks[casefoldedAccount] || restrictedSkeletons[skeleton] {
		return errAccountAlreadyRegistered

	config := am.server.Config()

	// final "is registration allowed" check, probably redundant:
	if !(config.Accounts.Registration.Enabled || callbackNamespace == "admin") {
		return errFeatureDisabled

	if client != nil && client.Account() != "" {
		return errAccountAlreadyLoggedIn

	if client != nil && am.touchRegisterThrottle() {
		am.server.logger.Warning("accounts", "global registration throttle exceeded by client", client.Nick())
		return errLimitExceeded

	// if nick reservation is enabled, you can only register your current nickname
	// as an account; this prevents "land-grab" situations where someone else
	// registers your nick out from under you and then NS GHOSTs you
	// n.b. client is nil during a SAREGISTER
	// n.b. if ForceGuestFormat, then there's no concern, because you can't
	// register a guest nickname anyway, and the actual registration system
	// will prevent any double-register
	if client != nil && config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled &&
		!config.Accounts.NickReservation.ForceGuestFormat &&
		client.NickCasefolded() != casefoldedAccount {
		return errAccountMustHoldNick

	// can't register a guest nickname
	if config.Accounts.NickReservation.guestRegexpFolded.MatchString(casefoldedAccount) {
		return errAccountAlreadyRegistered

	accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
	unregisteredKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountUnregistered, casefoldedAccount)
	accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
	callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount)
	registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
	credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
	verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount)
	certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, certfp)

	var creds AccountCredentials
	creds.Version = 1
	err = creds.SetPassphrase(passphrase, am.server.Config().Accounts.Registration.BcryptCost)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	credStr, err := creds.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	registeredTimeStr := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
	callbackSpec := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", callbackNamespace, callbackValue)

	var setOptions *buntdb.SetOptions
	ttl := time.Duration(config.Accounts.Registration.VerifyTimeout)
	if ttl != 0 {
		setOptions = &buntdb.SetOptions{Expires: true, TTL: ttl}

	err = func() error {
		defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

		// can't register an account with the same name as a registered nick
		if am.NickToAccount(casefoldedAccount) != "" {
			return errAccountAlreadyRegistered

		return am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
			if _, err := tx.Get(unregisteredKey); err == nil {
				return errAccountAlreadyUnregistered

			_, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
			if err != errAccountDoesNotExist {
				return errAccountAlreadyRegistered

			if certfp != "" {
				// make sure certfp doesn't already exist because that'd be silly
				_, err := tx.Get(certFPKey)
				if err != buntdb.ErrNotFound {
					return errCertfpAlreadyExists

			tx.Set(accountKey, "1", setOptions)
			tx.Set(accountNameKey, account, setOptions)
			tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, registeredTimeStr, setOptions)
			tx.Set(credentialsKey, credStr, setOptions)
			tx.Set(callbackKey, callbackSpec, setOptions)
			if certfp != "" {
				tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, setOptions)
			return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err

	code, err := am.dispatchCallback(client, account, callbackNamespace, callbackValue)
	if err != nil {
		am.Unregister(casefoldedAccount, true)
		return errCallbackFailed
	} else {
		return am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
			_, _, err = tx.Set(verificationCodeKey, code, setOptions)
			return err

// validatePassphrase checks whether a passphrase is allowed by our rules
func validatePassphrase(passphrase string) error {
	// sanity check the length
	if len(passphrase) == 0 || len(passphrase) > 300 {
		return errAccountBadPassphrase
	// we use * as a placeholder in some places, if it's gotten this far then fail
	if passphrase == "*" {
		return errAccountBadPassphrase
	// for now, just enforce that spaces are not allowed
	for _, r := range passphrase {
		if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
			return errAccountBadPassphrase
	return nil

// changes the password for an account
func (am *AccountManager) setPassword(account string, password string, hasPrivs bool) (err error) {
	cfAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	credKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, cfAccount)
	var credStr string
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		// no need to check verification status here or below;
		// you either need to be auth'ed to the account or be an oper to do this
		credStr, err = tx.Get(credKey)
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	var creds AccountCredentials
	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(credStr), &creds)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !hasPrivs && creds.Empty() {
		return errCredsExternallyManaged

	err = creds.SetPassphrase(password, am.server.Config().Accounts.Registration.BcryptCost)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if creds.Empty() && !hasPrivs {
		return errEmptyCredentials

	newCredStr, err := creds.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		curCredStr, err := tx.Get(credKey)
		if credStr != curCredStr {
			return errCASFailed
		_, _, err = tx.Set(credKey, newCredStr, nil)
		return err

	return err

func (am *AccountManager) saveChannels(account string, channels []string) {
	channelsStr := strings.Join(channels, ",")
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountJoinedChannels, account)
	am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		tx.Set(key, channelsStr, nil)
		return nil

func (am *AccountManager) loadChannels(account string) (channels []string) {
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountJoinedChannels, account)
	var channelsStr string
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		channelsStr, _ = tx.Get(key)
		return nil
	if channelsStr != "" {
		return strings.Split(channelsStr, ",")

func (am *AccountManager) saveModes(account string, uModes modes.Modes) {
	modeStr := uModes.String()
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountModes, account)
	am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		tx.Set(key, modeStr, nil)
		return nil

func (am *AccountManager) loadModes(account string) (uModes modes.Modes) {
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountModes, account)
	var modeStr string
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		modeStr, _ = tx.Get(key)
		return nil
	for _, m := range modeStr {
		uModes = append(uModes, modes.Mode(m))

func (am *AccountManager) saveLastSeen(account string, lastSeen map[string]time.Time) {
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountLastSeen, account)
	var val string
	if len(lastSeen) != 0 {
		text, _ := json.Marshal(lastSeen)
		val = string(text)
	am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		if val != "" {
			tx.Set(key, val, nil)
		} else {
		return nil

func (am *AccountManager) loadLastSeen(account string) (lastSeen map[string]time.Time) {
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountLastSeen, account)
	var lsText string
	am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		lsText, _ = tx.Get(key)
		return nil
	if lsText == "" {
		return nil
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(lsText), &lastSeen)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

func (am *AccountManager) addRemoveCertfp(account, certfp string, add bool, hasPrivs bool) (err error) {
	certfp, err = utils.NormalizeCertfp(certfp)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	credKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, cfAccount)
	var credStr string
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		credStr, err = tx.Get(credKey)
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	var creds AccountCredentials
	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(credStr), &creds)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !hasPrivs && creds.Empty() {
		return errCredsExternallyManaged

	if add {
		err = creds.AddCertfp(certfp)
	} else {
		err = creds.RemoveCertfp(certfp)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if creds.Empty() && !hasPrivs {
		return errEmptyCredentials

	newCredStr, err := creds.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	certfpKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, certfp)
	err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		curCredStr, err := tx.Get(credKey)
		if credStr != curCredStr {
			return errCASFailed
		if add {
			_, err = tx.Get(certfpKey)
			if err != buntdb.ErrNotFound {
				return errCertfpAlreadyExists
			tx.Set(certfpKey, cfAccount, nil)
		} else {
		_, _, err = tx.Set(credKey, newCredStr, nil)
		return err

	return err

func (am *AccountManager) dispatchCallback(client *Client, account string, callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string) (string, error) {
	if callbackNamespace == "*" || callbackNamespace == "none" || callbackNamespace == "admin" {
		return "", nil
	} else if callbackNamespace == "mailto" {
		return am.dispatchMailtoCallback(client, account, callbackValue)
	} else {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Callback not implemented: %s", callbackNamespace)

func (am *AccountManager) dispatchMailtoCallback(client *Client, account string, callbackValue string) (code string, err error) {
	config := am.server.Config().Accounts.Registration.Callbacks.Mailto
	code = utils.GenerateSecretToken()

	subject := config.VerifyMessageSubject
	if subject == "" {
		subject = fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Verify your account on %s"), am.server.name)

	var message bytes.Buffer
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, "From: %s\r\n", config.Sender)
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, "To: %s\r\n", callbackValue)
	if config.DKIM.Domain != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(&message, "Message-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", utils.GenerateSecretKey(), config.DKIM.Domain)
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, "Date: %s\r\n", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123Z))
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject)
	message.WriteString("\r\n") // blank line: end headers, begin message body
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, client.t("Account: %s"), account)
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, client.t("Verification code: %s"), code)
	message.WriteString(client.t("To verify your account, issue the following command:"))
	fmt.Fprintf(&message, "/MSG NickServ VERIFY %s %s\r\n", account, code)

	err = email.SendMail(config, callbackValue, message.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "Failed to dispatch e-mail to", callbackValue, err.Error())

func (am *AccountManager) Verify(client *Client, account string, code string) error {
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	var skeleton string
	if err != nil || account == "" || account == "*" {
		return errAccountVerificationFailed

	if client != nil && client.Account() != "" {
		return errAccountAlreadyLoggedIn

	verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
	accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
	accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
	registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
	verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount)
	callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount)
	credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)

	var raw rawClientAccount

	func() {
		defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

		err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
			raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
			if err == errAccountDoesNotExist {
				return errAccountDoesNotExist
			} else if err != nil {
				return errAccountVerificationFailed
			} else if raw.Verified {
				return errAccountAlreadyVerified

			// actually verify the code
			// a stored code of "" means a none callback / no code required
			success := false
			storedCode, err := tx.Get(verificationCodeKey)
			if err == nil {
				// this is probably unnecessary
				if storedCode == "" || utils.SecretTokensMatch(storedCode, code) {
					success = true
			if !success {
				return errAccountVerificationInvalidCode

			// verify the account
			tx.Set(verifiedKey, "1", nil)
			// don't need the code anymore
			// re-set all other keys, removing the TTL
			tx.Set(accountKey, "1", nil)
			tx.Set(accountNameKey, raw.Name, nil)
			tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, raw.RegisteredAt, nil)
			tx.Set(callbackKey, raw.Callback, nil)
			tx.Set(credentialsKey, raw.Credentials, nil)

			var creds AccountCredentials
			// XXX we shouldn't do (de)serialization inside the txn,
			// but this is like 2 usec on my system
			json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &creds)
			for _, cert := range creds.Certfps {
				certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, cert)
				tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, nil)

			return nil

		if err == nil {
			skeleton, _ = Skeleton(raw.Name)
			am.nickToAccount[casefoldedAccount] = casefoldedAccount
			am.skeletonToAccount[skeleton] = casefoldedAccount

	if err != nil {
		return err

	nick := "[server admin]"
	if client != nil {
		nick = client.Nick()
	am.server.logger.Info("accounts", "client", nick, "registered account", casefoldedAccount)
	raw.Verified = true
	clientAccount, err := am.deserializeRawAccount(raw, casefoldedAccount)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if client != nil {
		am.Login(client, clientAccount)
	_, method := am.EnforcementStatus(casefoldedAccount, skeleton)
	if method != NickEnforcementNone {
		currentClient := am.server.clients.Get(casefoldedAccount)
		if currentClient == nil || currentClient == client || currentClient.Account() == casefoldedAccount {
			return nil
		if method == NickEnforcementStrict {
	return nil

// register and verify an account, for internal use
func (am *AccountManager) SARegister(account, passphrase string) (err error) {
	err = am.Register(nil, account, "admin", "", passphrase, "")
	if err == nil {
		err = am.Verify(nil, account, "")

func marshalReservedNicks(nicks []string) string {
	return strings.Join(nicks, ",")

func unmarshalReservedNicks(nicks string) (result []string) {
	if nicks == "" {
	return strings.Split(nicks, ",")

func (am *AccountManager) SetNickReserved(client *Client, nick string, saUnreserve bool, reserve bool) error {
	cfnick, err := CasefoldName(nick)
	skeleton, skerr := Skeleton(nick)
	// garbage nick, or garbage options, or disabled
	nrconfig := am.server.Config().Accounts.NickReservation
	if err != nil || skerr != nil || cfnick == "" || (reserve && saUnreserve) || !nrconfig.Enabled {
		return errAccountNickReservationFailed

	// the cache is in sync with the DB while we hold serialCacheUpdateMutex
	defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	// find the affected account, which is usually the client's:
	account := client.Account()
	if saUnreserve {
		// unless this is a sadrop:
		account = am.NickToAccount(cfnick)
		if account == "" {
			// nothing to do
			return nil
	if account == "" {
		return errAccountNotLoggedIn

	accountForNick := am.nickToAccount[cfnick]
	var accountForSkeleton string
	if reserve {
		accountForSkeleton = am.skeletonToAccount[skeleton]

	if reserve && (accountForNick != "" || accountForSkeleton != "") {
		return errNicknameReserved
	} else if !reserve && !saUnreserve && accountForNick != account {
		return errNicknameReserved
	} else if !reserve && cfnick == account {
		return errAccountCantDropPrimaryNick

	nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, account)
	unverifiedAccountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, cfnick)
	err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		if reserve {
			// unverified accounts don't show up in NickToAccount yet (which is intentional),
			// however you shouldn't be able to reserve a nick out from under them
			_, err := tx.Get(unverifiedAccountKey)
			if err == nil {
				return errNicknameReserved

		rawNicks, err := tx.Get(nicksKey)
		if err != nil && err != buntdb.ErrNotFound {
			return err

		nicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks)

		if reserve {
			if len(nicks) >= nrconfig.AdditionalNickLimit {
				return errAccountTooManyNicks
			nicks = append(nicks, nick)
		} else {
			// compute (original reserved nicks) minus cfnick
			var newNicks []string
			for _, reservedNick := range nicks {
				cfreservednick, _ := CasefoldName(reservedNick)
				if cfreservednick != cfnick {
					newNicks = append(newNicks, reservedNick)
				} else {
					// found the original, unfolded version of the nick we're dropping;
					// recompute the true skeleton from it
					skeleton, _ = Skeleton(reservedNick)
			nicks = newNicks

		marshaledNicks := marshalReservedNicks(nicks)
		_, _, err = tx.Set(nicksKey, string(marshaledNicks), nil)
		return err

	if err == errAccountTooManyNicks || err == errNicknameReserved {
		return err
	} else if err != nil {
		return errAccountNickReservationFailed

	// success
	defer am.Unlock()
	if reserve {
		am.nickToAccount[cfnick] = account
		am.skeletonToAccount[skeleton] = account
	} else {
		delete(am.nickToAccount, cfnick)
		delete(am.skeletonToAccount, skeleton)
	return nil

func (am *AccountManager) checkPassphrase(accountName, passphrase string) (account ClientAccount, err error) {
	account, err = am.LoadAccount(accountName)
	if err != nil {

	if !account.Verified {
		err = errAccountUnverified

	switch account.Credentials.Version {
	case 0:
		err = handleLegacyPasswordV0(am.server, accountName, account.Credentials, passphrase)
	case 1:
		if passwd.CompareHashAndPassword(account.Credentials.PassphraseHash, []byte(passphrase)) != nil {
			err = errAccountInvalidCredentials
		err = errAccountInvalidCredentials

func (am *AccountManager) loadWithAutocreation(accountName string, autocreate bool) (account ClientAccount, err error) {
	account, err = am.LoadAccount(accountName)
	if err == errAccountDoesNotExist && autocreate {
		err = am.SARegister(accountName, "")
		if err != nil {
		account, err = am.LoadAccount(accountName)

func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByPassphrase(client *Client, accountName string, passphrase string) (err error) {
	// XXX check this now, so we don't allow a redundant login for an always-on client
	// even for a brief period. the other potential source of nick-account conflicts
	// is from force-nick-equals-account, but those will be caught later by
	// fixupNickEqualsAccount and if there is a conflict, they will be logged out.
	if client.registered {
		if clientAlready := am.server.clients.Get(accountName); clientAlready != nil && clientAlready.AlwaysOn() {
			return errNickAccountMismatch

	if throttled, remainingTime := client.checkLoginThrottle(); throttled {
		return &ThrottleError{remainingTime}

	var account ClientAccount

	defer func() {
		if err == nil {
			am.Login(client, account)

	config := am.server.Config()
	if config.Accounts.LDAP.Enabled {
		ldapConf := am.server.Config().Accounts.LDAP
		err = ldap.CheckLDAPPassphrase(ldapConf, accountName, passphrase, am.server.logger)
		if err != nil {
			account, err = am.loadWithAutocreation(accountName, ldapConf.Autocreate)

	if config.Accounts.AuthScript.Enabled {
		var output AuthScriptOutput
		output, err = CheckAuthScript(config.Accounts.AuthScript,
			AuthScriptInput{AccountName: accountName, Passphrase: passphrase, IP: client.IP().String()})
		if err != nil {
			am.server.logger.Error("internal", "failed shell auth invocation", err.Error())
			return err
		if output.Success {
			if output.AccountName != "" {
				accountName = output.AccountName
			account, err = am.loadWithAutocreation(accountName, config.Accounts.AuthScript.Autocreate)

	account, err = am.checkPassphrase(accountName, passphrase)
	return err

// AllNicks returns the uncasefolded nicknames for all accounts, including additional (grouped) nicks.
func (am *AccountManager) AllNicks() (result []string) {
	accountNamePrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, "")
	accountAdditionalNicksPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, "")

	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		// Account names
		err := tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", accountNamePrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(key, accountNamePrefix) {
				return false
			result = append(result, value)
			return true
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Additional nicks
		return tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", accountAdditionalNicksPrefix, func(key, value string) bool {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(key, accountAdditionalNicksPrefix) {
				return false
			additionalNicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(value)
			for _, additionalNick := range additionalNicks {
				result = append(result, additionalNick)
			return true


func (am *AccountManager) LoadAccount(accountName string) (result ClientAccount, err error) {
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(accountName)
	if err != nil {
		err = errAccountDoesNotExist

	var raw rawClientAccount
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount)
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	result, err = am.deserializeRawAccount(raw, casefoldedAccount)

// look up the unfolded version of an account name, possibly after deletion
func (am *AccountManager) AccountToAccountName(account string) (result string) {
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {

	unregisteredKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountUnregistered, casefoldedAccount)
	accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)

	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		if name, err := tx.Get(accountNameKey); err == nil {
			result = name
			return nil
		if name, err := tx.Get(unregisteredKey); err == nil {
			result = name
		return nil


func (am *AccountManager) deserializeRawAccount(raw rawClientAccount, cfName string) (result ClientAccount, err error) {
	result.Name = raw.Name
	result.NameCasefolded = cfName
	regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(raw.RegisteredAt, 10, 64)
	result.RegisteredAt = time.Unix(0, regTimeInt).UTC()
	e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &result.Credentials)
	if e != nil {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "could not unmarshal credentials", e.Error())
		err = errAccountDoesNotExist
	result.AdditionalNicks = unmarshalReservedNicks(raw.AdditionalNicks)
	result.Verified = raw.Verified
	if raw.VHost != "" {
		e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.VHost), &result.VHost)
		if e != nil {
			am.server.logger.Warning("internal", "could not unmarshal vhost for account", result.Name, e.Error())
			// pretend they have no vhost and move on
	if raw.Settings != "" {
		e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Settings), &result.Settings)
		if e != nil {
			am.server.logger.Warning("internal", "could not unmarshal settings for account", result.Name, e.Error())

func (am *AccountManager) loadRawAccount(tx *buntdb.Tx, casefoldedAccount string) (result rawClientAccount, err error) {
	accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
	accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
	registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
	credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
	verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
	callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount)
	nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, casefoldedAccount)
	vhostKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVHost, casefoldedAccount)
	settingsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountSettings, casefoldedAccount)

	_, e := tx.Get(accountKey)
	if e == buntdb.ErrNotFound {
		err = errAccountDoesNotExist

	result.Name, _ = tx.Get(accountNameKey)
	result.RegisteredAt, _ = tx.Get(registeredTimeKey)
	result.Credentials, _ = tx.Get(credentialsKey)
	result.Callback, _ = tx.Get(callbackKey)
	result.AdditionalNicks, _ = tx.Get(nicksKey)
	result.VHost, _ = tx.Get(vhostKey)
	result.Settings, _ = tx.Get(settingsKey)

	if _, e = tx.Get(verifiedKey); e == nil {
		result.Verified = true


func (am *AccountManager) Unregister(account string, erase bool) error {
	config := am.server.Config()
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount)
	accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount)
	registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount)
	credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount)
	callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount)
	verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount)
	verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount)
	nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, casefoldedAccount)
	settingsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountSettings, casefoldedAccount)
	vhostKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVHost, casefoldedAccount)
	vhostQueueKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyVHostQueueAcctToId, casefoldedAccount)
	channelsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountChannels, casefoldedAccount)
	joinedChannelsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountJoinedChannels, casefoldedAccount)
	lastSeenKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountLastSeen, casefoldedAccount)
	unregisteredKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountUnregistered, casefoldedAccount)

	var clients []*Client

	var registeredChannels []string
	// on our way out, unregister all the account's channels and delete them from the db
	defer func() {
		for _, channelName := range registeredChannels {
			err := am.server.channels.SetUnregistered(channelName, casefoldedAccount)
			if err != nil {
				am.server.logger.Error("internal", "couldn't unregister channel", channelName, err.Error())

	var credText string
	var rawNicks string

	defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	var accountName string
	var channelsStr string
	keepProtections := false
	am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		// get the unfolded account name; for an active account, this is
		// stored under accountNameKey, for an unregistered account under unregisteredKey
		accountName, _ = tx.Get(accountNameKey)
		if accountName == "" {
			accountName, _ = tx.Get(unregisteredKey)
		if erase {
		} else {
			if _, err := tx.Get(verifiedKey); err == nil {
				tx.Set(unregisteredKey, accountName, nil)
				keepProtections = true
		rawNicks, _ = tx.Get(nicksKey)
		credText, err = tx.Get(credentialsKey)
		channelsStr, _ = tx.Get(channelsKey)

		_, err := tx.Delete(vhostQueueKey)
		am.decrementVHostQueueCount(casefoldedAccount, err)
		return nil

	if err == nil {
		var creds AccountCredentials
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(credText), &creds); err == nil {
			for _, cert := range creds.Certfps {
				certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, cert)
				am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
					if account, err := tx.Get(certFPKey); err == nil && account == casefoldedAccount {
					return nil

	skeleton, _ := Skeleton(accountName)
	additionalNicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks)
	registeredChannels = unmarshalRegisteredChannels(channelsStr)

	defer am.Unlock()

	clients = am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount]
	delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount)
	// protect the account name itself where applicable, but not any grouped nicks
	if !(keepProtections && config.Accounts.NickReservation.Method == NickEnforcementStrict) {
		delete(am.nickToAccount, casefoldedAccount)
		delete(am.skeletonToAccount, skeleton)
	for _, nick := range additionalNicks {
		delete(am.nickToAccount, nick)
		additionalSkel, _ := Skeleton(nick)
		delete(am.skeletonToAccount, additionalSkel)
	for _, client := range clients {
		client.Quit(client.t("You are no longer authorized to be on this server"), nil)
		// destroy acquires a semaphore so we can't call it while holding a lock
		go client.destroy(nil)

	if err != nil && !erase {
		return errAccountDoesNotExist

	return nil

func unmarshalRegisteredChannels(channelsStr string) (result []string) {
	if channelsStr != "" {
		result = strings.Split(channelsStr, ",")

func (am *AccountManager) ChannelsForAccount(account string) (channels []string) {
	cfaccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {

	var channelStr string
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountChannels, cfaccount)
	am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		channelStr, _ = tx.Get(key)
		return nil
	return unmarshalRegisteredChannels(channelStr)

func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByCertFP(client *Client, certfp, authzid string) (err error) {
	if certfp == "" {
		return errAccountInvalidCredentials

	var clientAccount ClientAccount

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
		} else if !clientAccount.Verified {
			err = errAccountUnverified
		// TODO(#1109) clean this check up?
		if client.registered {
			if clientAlready := am.server.clients.Get(clientAccount.Name); clientAlready != nil && clientAlready.AlwaysOn() {
				err = errNickAccountMismatch
		am.Login(client, clientAccount)

	config := am.server.Config()
	if config.Accounts.AuthScript.Enabled {
		var output AuthScriptOutput
		output, err = CheckAuthScript(config.Accounts.AuthScript,
			AuthScriptInput{Certfp: certfp, IP: client.IP().String()})
		if err != nil {
			am.server.logger.Error("internal", "failed shell auth invocation", err.Error())
			return err
		if output.Success && output.AccountName != "" {
			clientAccount, err = am.loadWithAutocreation(output.AccountName, config.Accounts.AuthScript.Autocreate)

	var account string
	certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, certfp)

	err = am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		account, _ = tx.Get(certFPKey)
		if account == "" {
			return errAccountInvalidCredentials
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err

	if authzid != "" && authzid != account {
		return errAuthzidAuthcidMismatch

	// ok, we found an account corresponding to their certificate
	clientAccount, err = am.LoadAccount(account)
	return err

type settingsMunger func(input AccountSettings) (output AccountSettings, err error)

func (am *AccountManager) ModifyAccountSettings(account string, munger settingsMunger) (newSettings AccountSettings, err error) {
	casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil {
		return newSettings, errAccountDoesNotExist
	// TODO implement this in general via a compare-and-swap API
	accountData, err := am.LoadAccount(casefoldedAccount)
	if err != nil {
	} else if !accountData.Verified {
		return newSettings, errAccountUnverified
	newSettings, err = munger(accountData.Settings)
	if err != nil {
	text, err := json.Marshal(newSettings)
	if err != nil {
	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountSettings, casefoldedAccount)
	serializedValue := string(text)
	err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) (err error) {
		_, _, err = tx.Set(key, serializedValue, nil)
	if err != nil {
		err = errAccountUpdateFailed
	// success, push new settings into the client objects
	defer am.Unlock()
	for _, client := range am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] {

// represents someone's status in hostserv
type VHostInfo struct {
	ApprovedVHost   string
	Enabled         bool
	Forbidden       bool
	RequestedVHost  string
	RejectedVHost   string
	RejectionReason string
	LastRequestTime time.Time

// pair type, <VHostInfo, accountName>
type PendingVHostRequest struct {
	Account string

type vhostThrottleExceeded struct {
	timeRemaining time.Duration

func (vhe *vhostThrottleExceeded) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Wait at least %v and try again", vhe.timeRemaining)

func (vh *VHostInfo) checkThrottle(cooldown time.Duration) (err error) {
	if cooldown == 0 {
		return nil

	now := time.Now().UTC()
	elapsed := now.Sub(vh.LastRequestTime)
	if elapsed > cooldown {
		// success
		vh.LastRequestTime = now
		return nil
	} else {
		return &vhostThrottleExceeded{timeRemaining: cooldown - elapsed}

// callback type implementing the actual business logic of vhost operations
type vhostMunger func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostSet(account string, vhost string) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		output.Enabled = true
		output.ApprovedVHost = vhost

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostRequest(account string, vhost string, cooldown time.Duration) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		if input.Forbidden {
			err = errVhostsForbidden
		// you can update your existing request, but if you were approved or rejected,
		// you can't spam a new request
		if output.RequestedVHost == "" {
			err = output.checkThrottle(cooldown)
		if err != nil {
		output.RequestedVHost = vhost
		output.RejectedVHost = ""
		output.RejectionReason = ""
		output.LastRequestTime = time.Now().UTC()

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostTake(account string, vhost string, cooldown time.Duration) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		if input.Forbidden {
			err = errVhostsForbidden
		// if you have a request pending, you can cancel it using take;
		// otherwise, you're subject to the same throttling as if you were making a request
		if output.RequestedVHost == "" {
			err = output.checkThrottle(cooldown)
		if err != nil {
		output.ApprovedVHost = vhost
		output.RequestedVHost = ""
		output.RejectedVHost = ""
		output.RejectionReason = ""
		output.LastRequestTime = time.Now().UTC()

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostApprove(account string) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		output.Enabled = true
		output.ApprovedVHost = input.RequestedVHost
		output.RequestedVHost = ""
		output.RejectionReason = ""

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostReject(account string, reason string) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		output.RejectedVHost = output.RequestedVHost
		output.RequestedVHost = ""
		output.RejectionReason = reason

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostSetEnabled(client *Client, enabled bool) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		if input.ApprovedVHost == "" {
			err = errNoVhost
		output = input
		output.Enabled = enabled

	return am.performVHostChange(client.Account(), munger)

func (am *AccountManager) VHostForbid(account string, forbid bool) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	munger := func(input VHostInfo) (output VHostInfo, err error) {
		output = input
		output.Forbidden = forbid

	return am.performVHostChange(account, munger)

func (am *AccountManager) performVHostChange(account string, munger vhostMunger) (result VHostInfo, err error) {
	account, err = CasefoldName(account)
	if err != nil || account == "" {
		err = errAccountDoesNotExist

	defer am.vHostUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	clientAccount, err := am.LoadAccount(account)
	if err != nil {
		err = errAccountDoesNotExist
	} else if !clientAccount.Verified {
		err = errAccountUnverified

	result, err = munger(clientAccount.VHost)
	if err != nil {

	vhtext, err := json.Marshal(result)
	if err != nil {
		err = errAccountUpdateFailed
	vhstr := string(vhtext)

	key := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVHost, account)
	queueKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyVHostQueueAcctToId, account)
	err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		if _, _, err := tx.Set(key, vhstr, nil); err != nil {
			return err

		// update request queue
		if clientAccount.VHost.RequestedVHost == "" && result.RequestedVHost != "" {
			id := atomic.AddUint64(&am.vhostRequestID, 1)
			if _, _, err = tx.Set(queueKey, strconv.FormatUint(id, 10), nil); err != nil {
				return err
			atomic.AddUint64(&am.vhostRequestPendingCount, 1)
		} else if clientAccount.VHost.RequestedVHost != "" && result.RequestedVHost == "" {
			_, err = tx.Delete(queueKey)
			am.decrementVHostQueueCount(account, err)

		return nil

	if err != nil {
		err = errAccountUpdateFailed

	am.applyVhostToClients(account, result)
	return result, nil

// XXX annoying helper method for keeping the queue count in sync with the DB
// `err` is the buntdb error returned from deleting the queue key
func (am *AccountManager) decrementVHostQueueCount(account string, err error) {
	if err == nil {
		// successfully deleted a queue entry, do a 2's complement decrement:
		atomic.AddUint64(&am.vhostRequestPendingCount, ^uint64(0))
	} else if err != buntdb.ErrNotFound {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "buntdb dequeue error", account, err.Error())

func (am *AccountManager) VHostListRequests(limit int) (requests []PendingVHostRequest, total int) {
	defer am.vHostUpdateMutex.Unlock()

	total = int(atomic.LoadUint64(&am.vhostRequestPendingCount))

	prefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyVHostQueueAcctToId, "")
	accounts := make([]string, 0, limit)
	err := am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
		return tx.Ascend(vhostRequestIdx, func(key, value string) bool {
			accounts = append(accounts, strings.TrimPrefix(key, prefix))
			return len(accounts) < limit

	if err != nil {
		am.server.logger.Error("internal", "couldn't traverse vhost queue", err.Error())

	for _, account := range accounts {
		accountInfo, err := am.LoadAccount(account)
		if err == nil {
			requests = append(requests, PendingVHostRequest{
				Account:   account,
				VHostInfo: accountInfo.VHost,
		} else {
			am.server.logger.Error("internal", "corrupt account", account, err.Error())

func (am *AccountManager) applyVHostInfo(client *Client, info VHostInfo) {
	// if hostserv is disabled in config, then don't grant vhosts
	// that were previously approved while it was enabled
	if !am.server.Config().Accounts.VHosts.Enabled {

	vhost := ""
	if info.Enabled && !info.Forbidden {
		vhost = info.ApprovedVHost
	oldNickmask := client.NickMaskString()
	updated := client.SetVHost(vhost)
	if updated && client.Registered() {
		// TODO: doing I/O here is kind of a kludge
		client.sendChghost(oldNickmask, client.Hostname())

func (am *AccountManager) applyVhostToClients(account string, result VHostInfo) {
	clients := am.accountToClients[account]

	for _, client := range clients {
		am.applyVHostInfo(client, result)

func (am *AccountManager) Login(client *Client, account ClientAccount) {

	am.applyVHostInfo(client, account.VHost)

	casefoldedAccount := client.Account()
	defer am.Unlock()
	am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = append(am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount], client)

func (am *AccountManager) Logout(client *Client) {
	defer am.Unlock()

	casefoldedAccount := client.Account()
	if casefoldedAccount == "" {


	clients := am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount]
	if len(clients) <= 1 {
		delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount)
	remainingClients := make([]*Client, len(clients)-1)
	remainingPos := 0
	for currentPos := 0; currentPos < len(clients); currentPos++ {
		if clients[currentPos] != client {
			remainingClients[remainingPos] = clients[currentPos]
	am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = remainingClients

var (
	// EnabledSaslMechanisms contains the SASL mechanisms that exist and that we support.
	// This can be moved to some other data structure/place if we need to load/unload mechs later.
	EnabledSaslMechanisms = map[string]func(*Server, *Client, string, []byte, *ResponseBuffer) bool{
		"PLAIN":    authPlainHandler,
		"EXTERNAL": authExternalHandler,

// AccountCredentials stores the various methods for verifying accounts.
type AccountCredentials struct {
	Version        uint
	PassphraseSalt []byte // legacy field, not used by v1 and later
	PassphraseHash []byte
	Certfps        []string

func (ac *AccountCredentials) Empty() bool {
	return len(ac.PassphraseHash) == 0 && len(ac.Certfps) == 0

// helper to assemble the serialized JSON for an account's credentials
func (ac *AccountCredentials) Serialize() (result string, err error) {
	ac.Version = 1
	credText, err := json.Marshal(*ac)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return string(credText), nil

func (ac *AccountCredentials) SetPassphrase(passphrase string, bcryptCost uint) (err error) {
	if passphrase == "" {
		ac.PassphraseHash = nil
		return nil

	if validatePassphrase(passphrase) != nil {
		return errAccountBadPassphrase

	ac.PassphraseHash, err = passwd.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(passphrase), int(bcryptCost))
	if err != nil {
		return errAccountBadPassphrase

	return nil

func (ac *AccountCredentials) AddCertfp(certfp string) (err error) {
	// XXX we require that certfp is already normalized (rather than normalize here
	// and pass back the normalized version as an additional return parameter);
	// this is just a final sanity check:
	if len(certfp) != 64 {
		return utils.ErrInvalidCertfp

	for _, current := range ac.Certfps {
		if certfp == current {
			return errNoop

	if maxCertfpsPerAccount <= len(ac.Certfps) {
		return errLimitExceeded

	ac.Certfps = append(ac.Certfps, certfp)
	return nil

func (ac *AccountCredentials) RemoveCertfp(certfp string) (err error) {
	found := false
	newList := make([]string, 0, len(ac.Certfps))
	for _, current := range ac.Certfps {
		if current == certfp {
			found = true
		} else {
			newList = append(newList, current)
	if !found {
		// this is important because it prevents you from deleting someone else's
		// fingerprint record
		return errNoop
	ac.Certfps = newList
	return nil

type MulticlientAllowedSetting int

const (
	MulticlientAllowedServerDefault MulticlientAllowedSetting = iota

// controls whether/when clients without event-playback support see fake
type ReplayJoinsSetting uint

const (
	ReplayJoinsCommandsOnly = iota // replay in HISTORY or CHATHISTORY output
	ReplayJoinsAlways              // replay in HISTORY, CHATHISTORY, or autoreplay
	ReplayJoinsNever               // never replay

func replayJoinsSettingFromString(str string) (result ReplayJoinsSetting, err error) {
	switch strings.ToLower(str) {
	case "commands-only":
		result = ReplayJoinsCommandsOnly
	case "always":
		result = ReplayJoinsAlways
	case "never":
		result = ReplayJoinsNever
		err = errInvalidParams

// XXX: AllowBouncer cannot be renamed AllowMulticlient because it is stored in
// persistent JSON blobs in the database
type AccountSettings struct {
	AutoreplayLines  *int
	NickEnforcement  NickEnforcementMethod
	AllowBouncer     MulticlientAllowedSetting
	ReplayJoins      ReplayJoinsSetting
	AlwaysOn         PersistentStatus
	AutoreplayMissed bool
	DMHistory        HistoryStatus
	AutoAway         PersistentStatus

// ClientAccount represents a user account.
type ClientAccount struct {
	// Name of the account.
	Name            string
	NameCasefolded  string
	RegisteredAt    time.Time
	Credentials     AccountCredentials
	Verified        bool
	AdditionalNicks []string
	VHost           VHostInfo
	Settings        AccountSettings

// convenience for passing around raw serialized account data
type rawClientAccount struct {
	Name            string
	RegisteredAt    string
	Credentials     string
	Callback        string
	Verified        bool
	AdditionalNicks string
	VHost           string
	Settings        string