// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks // released under the MIT license package irc import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/subtle" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/smtp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/oragono/oragono/irc/caps" "github.com/oragono/oragono/irc/passwd" "github.com/tidwall/buntdb" ) const ( keyAccountExists = "account.exists %s" keyAccountVerified = "account.verified %s" keyAccountCallback = "account.callback %s" keyAccountVerificationCode = "account.verificationcode %s" keyAccountName = "account.name %s" // stores the 'preferred name' of the account, not casemapped keyAccountRegTime = "account.registered.time %s" keyAccountCredentials = "account.credentials %s" keyAccountAdditionalNicks = "account.additionalnicks %s" keyCertToAccount = "account.creds.certfp %s" ) // everything about accounts is persistent; therefore, the database is the authoritative // source of truth for all account information. anything on the heap is just a cache type AccountManager struct { sync.RWMutex // tier 2 serialCacheUpdateMutex sync.Mutex // tier 3 server *Server // track clients logged in to accounts accountToClients map[string][]*Client nickToAccount map[string]string } func NewAccountManager(server *Server) *AccountManager { am := AccountManager{ accountToClients: make(map[string][]*Client), nickToAccount: make(map[string]string), server: server, } am.buildNickToAccountIndex() return &am } func (am *AccountManager) buildNickToAccountIndex() { if !am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled { return } result := make(map[string]string) existsPrefix := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, "") am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Lock() defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock() err := am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { err := tx.AscendGreaterOrEqual("", existsPrefix, func(key, value string) bool { if !strings.HasPrefix(key, existsPrefix) { return false } accountName := strings.TrimPrefix(key, existsPrefix) if _, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, accountName)); err == nil { result[accountName] = accountName } if rawNicks, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, accountName)); err == nil { additionalNicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks) for _, nick := range additionalNicks { result[nick] = accountName } } return true }) return err }) if err != nil { am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("couldn't read reserved nicks: %v", err)) } else { am.Lock() am.nickToAccount = result am.Unlock() } return } func (am *AccountManager) NickToAccount(nick string) string { cfnick, err := CasefoldName(nick) if err != nil { return "" } am.RLock() defer am.RUnlock() return am.nickToAccount[cfnick] } func (am *AccountManager) Register(client *Client, account string, callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string, passphrase string, certfp string) error { casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account) if err != nil || account == "" || account == "*" { return errAccountCreation } // can't register a guest nickname renamePrefix := strings.ToLower(am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.RenamePrefix) if renamePrefix != "" && strings.HasPrefix(casefoldedAccount, renamePrefix) { return errAccountAlreadyRegistered } accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount) accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount) callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount) registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount) credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount) verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount) certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, certfp) var creds AccountCredentials // always set passphrase salt creds.PassphraseSalt, err = passwd.NewSalt() if err != nil { return errAccountCreation } // it's fine if this is empty, that just means no certificate is authorized creds.Certificate = certfp if passphrase != "" { creds.PassphraseHash, err = am.server.passwords.GenerateFromPassword(creds.PassphraseSalt, passphrase) if err != nil { am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not hash password: %v", err)) return errAccountCreation } } credText, err := json.Marshal(creds) if err != nil { am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not marshal credentials: %v", err)) return errAccountCreation } credStr := string(credText) registeredTimeStr := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) callbackSpec := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", callbackNamespace, callbackValue) var setOptions *buntdb.SetOptions ttl := am.server.AccountConfig().Registration.VerifyTimeout if ttl != 0 { setOptions = &buntdb.SetOptions{Expires: true, TTL: ttl} } err = func() error { am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Lock() defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock() // can't register an account with the same name as a registered nick if am.NickToAccount(casefoldedAccount) != "" { return errAccountAlreadyRegistered } return am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { _, err := am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount) if err != errAccountDoesNotExist { return errAccountAlreadyRegistered } if certfp != "" { // make sure certfp doesn't already exist because that'd be silly _, err := tx.Get(certFPKey) if err != buntdb.ErrNotFound { return errCertfpAlreadyExists } } tx.Set(accountKey, "1", setOptions) tx.Set(accountNameKey, account, setOptions) tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, registeredTimeStr, setOptions) tx.Set(credentialsKey, credStr, setOptions) tx.Set(callbackKey, callbackSpec, setOptions) if certfp != "" { tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, setOptions) } return nil }) }() if err != nil { return err } code, err := am.dispatchCallback(client, casefoldedAccount, callbackNamespace, callbackValue) if err != nil { am.Unregister(casefoldedAccount) return errCallbackFailed } else { return am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { _, _, err = tx.Set(verificationCodeKey, code, setOptions) return err }) } } func (am *AccountManager) dispatchCallback(client *Client, casefoldedAccount string, callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string) (string, error) { if callbackNamespace == "*" || callbackNamespace == "none" { return "", nil } else if callbackNamespace == "mailto" { return am.dispatchMailtoCallback(client, casefoldedAccount, callbackValue) } else { return "", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Callback not implemented: %s", callbackNamespace)) } } func (am *AccountManager) dispatchMailtoCallback(client *Client, casefoldedAccount string, callbackValue string) (code string, err error) { config := am.server.AccountConfig().Registration.Callbacks.Mailto buf := make([]byte, 16) rand.Read(buf) code = hex.EncodeToString(buf) subject := config.VerifyMessageSubject if subject == "" { subject = fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Verify your account on %s"), am.server.name) } messageStrings := []string{ fmt.Sprintf("From: %s\r\n", config.Sender), fmt.Sprintf("To: %s\r\n", callbackValue), fmt.Sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", subject), "\r\n", // end headers, begin message body fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account: %s"), casefoldedAccount) + "\r\n", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Verification code: %s"), code) + "\r\n", "\r\n", client.t("To verify your account, issue one of these commands:") + "\r\n", fmt.Sprintf("/ACC VERIFY %s %s", casefoldedAccount, code) + "\r\n", fmt.Sprintf("/MSG NickServ VERIFY %s %s", casefoldedAccount, code) + "\r\n", } var message []byte for i := 0; i < len(messageStrings); i++ { message = append(message, []byte(messageStrings[i])...) } addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Server, config.Port) var auth smtp.Auth if config.Username != "" && config.Password != "" { auth = smtp.PlainAuth("", config.Username, config.Password, config.Server) } // TODO: this will never send the password in plaintext over a nonlocal link, // but it might send the email in plaintext, regardless of the value of // config.TLS.InsecureSkipVerify err = smtp.SendMail(addr, auth, config.Sender, []string{callbackValue}, message) if err != nil { am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dispatch e-mail: %v", err)) } return } func (am *AccountManager) Verify(client *Client, account string, code string) error { casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account) if err != nil || account == "" || account == "*" { return errAccountVerificationFailed } verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount) accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount) accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount) registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount) verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount) callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount) credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount) var raw rawClientAccount func() { am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Lock() defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock() err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount) if err == errAccountDoesNotExist { return errAccountDoesNotExist } else if err != nil { return errAccountVerificationFailed } else if raw.Verified { return errAccountAlreadyVerified } // actually verify the code // a stored code of "" means a none callback / no code required success := false storedCode, err := tx.Get(verificationCodeKey) if err == nil { // this is probably unnecessary if storedCode == "" || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(code), []byte(storedCode)) == 1 { success = true } } if !success { return errAccountVerificationInvalidCode } // verify the account tx.Set(verifiedKey, "1", nil) // don't need the code anymore tx.Delete(verificationCodeKey) // re-set all other keys, removing the TTL tx.Set(accountKey, "1", nil) tx.Set(accountNameKey, raw.Name, nil) tx.Set(registeredTimeKey, raw.RegisteredAt, nil) tx.Set(callbackKey, raw.Callback, nil) tx.Set(credentialsKey, raw.Credentials, nil) var creds AccountCredentials // XXX we shouldn't do (de)serialization inside the txn, // but this is like 2 usec on my system json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &creds) if creds.Certificate != "" { certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, creds.Certificate) tx.Set(certFPKey, casefoldedAccount, nil) } return nil }) if err == nil { am.Lock() am.nickToAccount[casefoldedAccount] = casefoldedAccount am.Unlock() } }() if err != nil { return err } am.Login(client, raw.Name) return nil } func marshalReservedNicks(nicks []string) string { return strings.Join(nicks, ",") } func unmarshalReservedNicks(nicks string) (result []string) { if nicks == "" { return } return strings.Split(nicks, ",") } func (am *AccountManager) SetNickReserved(client *Client, nick string, reserve bool) error { cfnick, err := CasefoldName(nick) if err != nil { return errAccountNickReservationFailed } // sanity check so we don't persist bad data account := client.Account() if account == "" || cfnick == "" || !am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled { return errAccountNickReservationFailed } limit := am.server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.AdditionalNickLimit am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Lock() defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock() // the cache is in sync with the DB while we hold serialCacheUpdateMutex accountForNick := am.NickToAccount(cfnick) if reserve && accountForNick != "" { return errNicknameReserved } else if !reserve && accountForNick != account { return errAccountNickReservationFailed } else if !reserve && cfnick == account { return errAccountCantDropPrimaryNick } nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, account) unverifiedAccountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, cfnick) err = am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { if reserve { // unverified accounts don't show up in NickToAccount yet (which is intentional), // however you shouldn't be able to reserve a nick out from under them _, err := tx.Get(unverifiedAccountKey) if err == nil { return errNicknameReserved } } rawNicks, err := tx.Get(nicksKey) if err != nil && err != buntdb.ErrNotFound { return err } nicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks) if reserve { if len(nicks) >= limit { return errAccountTooManyNicks } nicks = append(nicks, cfnick) } else { var newNicks []string for _, reservedNick := range nicks { if reservedNick != cfnick { newNicks = append(newNicks, reservedNick) } } nicks = newNicks } marshaledNicks := marshalReservedNicks(nicks) _, _, err = tx.Set(nicksKey, string(marshaledNicks), nil) return err }) if err == errAccountTooManyNicks || err == errNicknameReserved { return err } else if err != nil { return errAccountNickReservationFailed } // success am.Lock() defer am.Unlock() if reserve { am.nickToAccount[cfnick] = account } else { delete(am.nickToAccount, cfnick) } return nil } func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByPassphrase(client *Client, accountName string, passphrase string) error { account, err := am.LoadAccount(accountName) if err != nil { return err } if !account.Verified { return errAccountUnverified } err = am.server.passwords.CompareHashAndPassword( account.Credentials.PassphraseHash, account.Credentials.PassphraseSalt, passphrase) if err != nil { return errAccountInvalidCredentials } am.Login(client, account.Name) return nil } func (am *AccountManager) LoadAccount(accountName string) (result ClientAccount, err error) { casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(accountName) if err != nil { err = errAccountDoesNotExist return } var raw rawClientAccount am.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { raw, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, casefoldedAccount) return nil }) if err != nil { return } result.Name = raw.Name regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(raw.RegisteredAt, 10, 64) result.RegisteredAt = time.Unix(regTimeInt, 0) e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw.Credentials), &result.Credentials) if e != nil { am.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("could not unmarshal credentials: %v", e)) err = errAccountDoesNotExist return } result.AdditionalNicks = unmarshalReservedNicks(raw.AdditionalNicks) result.Verified = raw.Verified return } func (am *AccountManager) loadRawAccount(tx *buntdb.Tx, casefoldedAccount string) (result rawClientAccount, err error) { accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount) accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount) registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount) credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount) verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount) callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount) nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, casefoldedAccount) _, e := tx.Get(accountKey) if e == buntdb.ErrNotFound { err = errAccountDoesNotExist return } result.Name, _ = tx.Get(accountNameKey) result.RegisteredAt, _ = tx.Get(registeredTimeKey) result.Credentials, _ = tx.Get(credentialsKey) result.Callback, _ = tx.Get(callbackKey) result.AdditionalNicks, _ = tx.Get(nicksKey) if _, e = tx.Get(verifiedKey); e == nil { result.Verified = true } return } func (am *AccountManager) Unregister(account string) error { casefoldedAccount, err := CasefoldName(account) if err != nil { return errAccountDoesNotExist } accountKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountExists, casefoldedAccount) accountNameKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountName, casefoldedAccount) registeredTimeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountRegTime, casefoldedAccount) credentialsKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCredentials, casefoldedAccount) callbackKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountCallback, casefoldedAccount) verificationCodeKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerificationCode, casefoldedAccount) verifiedKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountVerified, casefoldedAccount) nicksKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyAccountAdditionalNicks, casefoldedAccount) var clients []*Client var credText string var rawNicks string am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Lock() defer am.serialCacheUpdateMutex.Unlock() am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { tx.Delete(accountKey) tx.Delete(accountNameKey) tx.Delete(verifiedKey) tx.Delete(registeredTimeKey) tx.Delete(callbackKey) tx.Delete(verificationCodeKey) rawNicks, _ = tx.Get(nicksKey) tx.Delete(nicksKey) credText, err = tx.Get(credentialsKey) tx.Delete(credentialsKey) return nil }) if err == nil { var creds AccountCredentials if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(credText), &creds); err == nil && creds.Certificate != "" { certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, creds.Certificate) am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { if account, err := tx.Get(certFPKey); err == nil && account == casefoldedAccount { tx.Delete(certFPKey) } return nil }) } } additionalNicks := unmarshalReservedNicks(rawNicks) am.Lock() defer am.Unlock() clients = am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount) delete(am.nickToAccount, casefoldedAccount) for _, nick := range additionalNicks { delete(am.nickToAccount, nick) } for _, client := range clients { am.logoutOfAccount(client) } if err != nil { return errAccountDoesNotExist } return nil } func (am *AccountManager) AuthenticateByCertFP(client *Client) error { if client.certfp == "" { return errAccountInvalidCredentials } var account string var rawAccount rawClientAccount certFPKey := fmt.Sprintf(keyCertToAccount, client.certfp) err := am.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error { var err error account, _ = tx.Get(certFPKey) if account == "" { return errAccountInvalidCredentials } rawAccount, err = am.loadRawAccount(tx, account) if err != nil || !rawAccount.Verified { return errAccountUnverified } return nil }) if err != nil { return err } // ok, we found an account corresponding to their certificate am.Login(client, rawAccount.Name) return nil } func (am *AccountManager) Login(client *Client, account string) { am.Lock() defer am.Unlock() am.loginToAccount(client, account) casefoldedAccount := client.Account() am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = append(am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount], client) } func (am *AccountManager) Logout(client *Client) { am.Lock() defer am.Unlock() casefoldedAccount := client.Account() if casefoldedAccount == "" { return } am.logoutOfAccount(client) clients := am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] if len(clients) <= 1 { delete(am.accountToClients, casefoldedAccount) return } remainingClients := make([]*Client, len(clients)-1) remainingPos := 0 for currentPos := 0; currentPos < len(clients); currentPos++ { if clients[currentPos] != client { remainingClients[remainingPos] = clients[currentPos] remainingPos++ } } am.accountToClients[casefoldedAccount] = remainingClients return } var ( // EnabledSaslMechanisms contains the SASL mechanisms that exist and that we support. // This can be moved to some other data structure/place if we need to load/unload mechs later. EnabledSaslMechanisms = map[string]func(*Server, *Client, string, []byte, *ResponseBuffer) bool{ "PLAIN": authPlainHandler, "EXTERNAL": authExternalHandler, } ) // AccountCredentials stores the various methods for verifying accounts. type AccountCredentials struct { PassphraseSalt []byte PassphraseHash []byte Certificate string // fingerprint } // ClientAccount represents a user account. type ClientAccount struct { // Name of the account. Name string // RegisteredAt represents the time that the account was registered. RegisteredAt time.Time Credentials AccountCredentials Verified bool AdditionalNicks []string } // convenience for passing around raw serialized account data type rawClientAccount struct { Name string RegisteredAt string Credentials string Callback string Verified bool AdditionalNicks string } // loginToAccount logs the client into the given account. func (am *AccountManager) loginToAccount(client *Client, account string) { changed := client.SetAccountName(account) if changed { go client.nickTimer.Touch() } } // logoutOfAccount logs the client out of their current account. func (am *AccountManager) logoutOfAccount(client *Client) { if client.Account() == "" { // already logged out return } client.SetAccountName("") go client.nickTimer.Touch() // dispatch account-notify // TODO: doing the I/O here is kind of a kludge, let's move this somewhere else go func() { for friend := range client.Friends(caps.AccountNotify) { friend.Send(nil, client.NickMaskString(), "ACCOUNT", "*") } }() }