  "*** Could not find your username": "*** 找不到您的用户名",
  "*** Found your username": "*** 已找到您的用户名",
  "*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** 用户名格式错误, 已忽略",
  "*** Looking up your username": "*** 正在查找您的用户名",
  "- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s公告 -",
  "Account already exists": "账户已存在",
  "Account created": "账户已创建完成",
  "Account does not exist": "不存在该账户",
  "Account: %s": "账户:%s",
  "Actual user@host, Actual IP": "实际 user@host, 实际 ip",
  "Added D-Line for %s": "将%s添加到D-Line",
  "Added K-Line for %s": "将%s添加到K-Line",
  "Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "为%[2]s添加临时 (%[1]s) D-Line",
  "Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "为%[2]s添加临时 (%[1]s) K-Line",
  "Additional grouped nick: %s": "添加绑定昵称:%s",
  "Authentication successful": "身份验证成功",
  "Can't change modes for other users": "无法修改其他用户的状态",
  "Can't view modes for other users": "无法查看其他用户的状态",
  "Cannot join channel (+%s)": "未能加入频道(+%s)",
  "Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "未能恢复连接,连接注册已经被完成",
  "Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "不过恢复连接,恢复前后必须为有TLS证书",
  "Channel %s successfully registered": "频道%s成功注册",
  "Channel does not exist": "频道不存在",
  "Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "频道未启用角色扮演模式",
  "Channel list is full": "频道列表已满",
  "Channel renamed: %s": "频道重命名:%s",
  "Client reconnected": "用户已重新连接",
  "Command restricted": "命令受限",
  "Core Developers:": "核心开发者:",
  "Could not find given client": "找不到指定用户",
  "Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "未能识别IP地址或CIDR网络",
  "Could not register": "未能注册",
  "Could not remove ban [%s]": "未能解除禁封 [%s]",
  "Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "未能成功保存新的D-LINE:%s",
  "Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "未能成功保存新的K-LINE:%s",
  "Could not ungroup nick": "未能解绑昵称",
  "End of /HELPOP": "/HELPOP已无后续",
  "End of /INFO": "/INFO已无后续",
  "End of /WHOIS list": "/WHOIS列表已无后续",
  "End of LIST": "列表已无后续",
  "End of MOTD command": "MOTD命令已无后续",
  "End of NAMES list": "NAMES列表已无后续",
  "End of WHO list": "WHO列表已无后续",
  "End of WHOWAS": "WHOWAS已无后续",
  "End of list": "列表已无后续",
  "Erroneous nickname": "昵称不可用",
  "Error reserving nickname": "昵称申请时出错",
  "Error while unregistering account": "账户注销时出错",
  "First param must be a mask or channel": "第一个参数必须为标识或者频道",
  "GHOSTed by %s": "您被%s请出了",
  "Help not found": "找不到帮助",
  "I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "我有%[1]d用户和%[2]d服务器",
  "Insufficient oper privs": "没有足够的管理员权限",
  "Invalid CAP subcommand": "无效CAP子命令",
  "Language preferences have been set": "语言参数未设置",
  "MOTD File is missing": "MOTD文件丢失",
  "Malformed username": "用户名错误",
  "Mask isn't valid": "标识无效",
  "Nickname is already in use": "该昵称已被使用",
  "Nickname is reserved by a different account": "该昵称已被其它账户预约",
  "No DLINEs have been set!": "DLINEs 尚未设置",
  "No nickname given": "没有指定昵称",
  "No such channel": "没有该频道",
  "No such nick": "没有该昵称",
  "No topic is set": "话题未设置",
  "Not enough parameters": "没有足够的参数",
  "Only channel founders can change registered channels": "只有频道创建者才可以更改已注册频道",
  "Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono基于MIT证书发布。",
  "Password incorrect": "密码错误",
  "Permission Denied": "您没有该权限",
  "Received malformed line": "接收到的格式不正确的行",
  "Registered at: %s": "您欲注册的账户或聊天室已存在于:%s",
  "Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "注册需要合法e-mail邮箱",
  "Remote servers not yet supported": "远程服务器尚未提供该指令",
  "Removed D-Line for %s": "将%s移出 D-Line",
  "Removed K-Line for %s": "将%s移出 K-Line",
  "SASL authentication aborted": "SASL认证中断",
  "SASL authentication failed": "SASL认证失败",
  "SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "SASL认证失败,您没有使用证书连接",
  "SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "SASL 身份验证失败: Invalid auth blob",
  "SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "SASL 身份验证失败: 无效的b64编码",
  "SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "SASL 身份验证失败: 密码过长",
  "SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "SASL认证失败:authcid和authzid应一致",
  "SASL message too long": "SASL消息过长",
  "Server notice masks": "服务器消息过滤",
  "Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "成功绑定昵称%s到您的用户",
  "Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "成功从你的账户解绑昵称%s",
  "Successfully unregistered account %s": "成功删除账户%s",
  "That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "该昵称已被其他人占用",
  "That nickname is not registered": "该昵称尚未注册",
  "There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "共有 %[1]d 在线用户和 %[2]d 隐身用户于 %[3]d 服务器",
  "There was no such nickname": "无该用户名",
  "They aren't on that channel": "您不在该频道",
  "This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command:  /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "您在ban列表中。您必须使用指令解封自己:  /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
  "This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command:  /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "您在ban列表中。您必须使用指令解封自己:  /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
  "This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "该服务当前处于调试模式并且会记录所有用户的输入。如果您不希望您发送的所有话语被服务器管理员阅读,请退出。",
  "This server was created %s": "该服务器已被创建%s",
  "Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "时间戳并非2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z格式,已忽略",
  "Translators:": "译者:",
  "Unknown command": "不存在该命令",
  "Unknown subcommand": "未知子命令",
  "User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "用户未启用角色扮演模式",
  "Verification code: %s": "验证码:%s",
  "Verify your account on %s": "在%s验证您的用户",
  "WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "您的当前地址不可用WEBIRC指令或密码错误",
  "You are banned from this server (%s)": "您已被该服务器禁封(%s)",
  "You are no longer marked as being away": "您不再被标记为离开",
  "You are now an IRC operator": "您现在已是IRC管理员",
  "You are now logged in as %s": "您已作为%s登录",
  "You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "您不能对自己使用GHOST指令(尝试使用 /QUIT 替代)",
  "You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "您不能解绑您的基础用户名(请尝试删除您的账户作为替代)",
  "You don't own that nick": "您不能拥有该昵称",
  "You have been banned from this server (%s)": "您已被该服务器禁封(%s)",
  "You have been marked as being away": "您已标记为离开",
  "You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "您已经占用了太多昵称(您可以使用 /NS DROP先移除一些昵称)",
  "You may not reregister": "您无须重新注册",
  "You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "您必须是频道管理员才可注册它",
  "You need to register before you can use that command": "您需要在使用该指令前注册",
  "You specified too many languages": "您指定的语言过多",
  "You're already logged into an account": "您已登录",
  "You're already opered-up!": "您已是管理员!",
  "You're not a channel operator": "您不是频道管理员",
  "You're not logged into an account": "您尚未登录",
  "You're not on that channel": "您不在该频道",
  "You're now logged in as %s": "您已作为%s登录",
  "Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "您的主机是%[1]s, 运行版本%[2]s",
  "are supported by this server": "已被该服务器支持",
  "has client certificate fingerprint %s": "存在TLS指纹证书%s",
  "is a $bBot$b on %s": "是一个$bBot$b 于 %s",
  "is an unknown mode character to me": "于我是一个未知的身份状态字符",
  "is logged in as": "登录为",
  "is using a secure connection": "正在使用安全连接",
  "seconds idle, signon time": "秒空闲, 登录时间"