// Copyright (c) 2018 Shivaram Lingamneni <slingamn@cs.stanford.edu>
// released under the MIT license

package history

import (

const (
	timeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z"

func TestEmptyBuffer(t *testing.T) {
	pastTime := easyParse(timeFormat)

	buf := NewHistoryBuffer(0)
	if buf.Enabled() {
		t.Error("the buffer of size 0 must be considered disabled")

		Nick: "testnick",

	since, complete := buf.Between(pastTime, time.Now(), false, 0)
	if len(since) != 0 {
		t.Error("shouldn't be able to add to disabled buf")
	if complete {
		t.Error("the empty/disabled buffer should report results as incomplete")

	if !buf.Enabled() {
		t.Error("the buffer of size 1 must be considered enabled")
	since, complete = buf.Between(pastTime, time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, true, t)
	assertEqual(len(since), 0, t)
		Nick: "testnick",
	since, complete = buf.Between(pastTime, time.Now(), false, 0)
	if len(since) != 1 {
		t.Error("should be able to store items in a nonempty buffer")
	if !complete {
		t.Error("results should be complete")
	if since[0].Nick != "testnick" {
		t.Error("retrived junk data")

		Nick: "testnick2",
	since, complete = buf.Between(pastTime, time.Now(), false, 0)
	if len(since) != 1 {
		t.Error("expect exactly 1 item")
	if complete {
		t.Error("results must be marked incomplete")
	if since[0].Nick != "testnick2" {
		t.Error("retrieved junk data")
	matchAll := func(item Item) bool { return true }
	assertEqual(toNicks(buf.Match(matchAll, false, 0)), []string{"testnick2"}, t)

func toNicks(items []Item) (result []string) {
	result = make([]string, len(items))
	for i, item := range items {
		result[i] = item.Nick

func easyParse(timestamp string) time.Time {
	result, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, timestamp)
	if err != nil {
	return result

func easyItem(nick string, timestamp string) (result Item) {
	result.Message.Time = easyParse(timestamp)
	result.Nick = nick

func assertEqual(supplied, expected interface{}, t *testing.T) {
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(supplied, expected) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v but got %v", expected, supplied)

func TestBuffer(t *testing.T) {
	start := easyParse("2006-01-01 00:00:00Z")

	buf := NewHistoryBuffer(3)
	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick0", "2006-01-01 15:04:05Z"))

	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick1", "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z"))

	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick2", "2006-01-03 15:04:05Z"))

	since, complete := buf.Between(start, time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, true, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick0", "testnick1", "testnick2"}, t)

	// add another item, evicting the first
	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick3", "2006-01-04 15:04:05Z"))

	since, complete = buf.Between(start, time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, false, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick1", "testnick2", "testnick3"}, t)
	// now exclude the time of the discarded entry; results should be complete again
	since, complete = buf.Between(easyParse("2006-01-02 00:00:00Z"), time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, true, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick1", "testnick2", "testnick3"}, t)
	since, complete = buf.Between(easyParse("2006-01-02 00:00:00Z"), easyParse("2006-01-03 00:00:00Z"), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, true, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick1"}, t)

	// shrink the buffer, cutting off testnick1
	since, complete = buf.Between(easyParse("2006-01-02 00:00:00Z"), time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, false, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick2", "testnick3"}, t)

	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick4", "2006-01-05 15:04:05Z"))
	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick5", "2006-01-06 15:04:05Z"))
	buf.Add(easyItem("testnick6", "2006-01-07 15:04:05Z"))
	since, complete = buf.Between(easyParse("2006-01-03 00:00:00Z"), time.Now(), false, 0)
	assertEqual(complete, true, t)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick2", "testnick3", "testnick4", "testnick5", "testnick6"}, t)

	// test ascending order
	since, _ = buf.Between(easyParse("2006-01-03 00:00:00Z"), time.Now(), true, 2)
	assertEqual(toNicks(since), []string{"testnick2", "testnick3"}, t)