// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// released under the MIT license

package connection_limits

import (


var (
	ErrLimitExceeded    = errors.New("too many concurrent connections")
	ErrThrottleExceeded = errors.New("too many recent connection attempts")

type CustomLimitConfig struct {
	Nets          []string
	MaxConcurrent int `yaml:"max-concurrent-connections"`
	MaxPerWindow  int `yaml:"max-connections-per-window"`

// tuples the key-value pair of a CIDR and its custom limit/throttle values
type customLimit struct {
	name          [16]byte
	customID      string // operator-configured identifier for a custom net
	maxConcurrent int
	maxPerWindow  int
	nets          []flatip.IPNet

type limiterKey struct {
	maskedIP  flatip.IP
	prefixLen uint8 // 0 for the fake nets we generate for custom limits

// LimiterConfig controls the automated connection limits.
// rawLimiterConfig contains all the YAML-visible fields;
// LimiterConfig contains additional denormalized private fields
type rawLimiterConfig struct {
	Count         bool
	MaxConcurrent int `yaml:"max-concurrent-connections"`

	Throttle     bool
	Window       time.Duration
	MaxPerWindow int `yaml:"max-connections-per-window"`

	CidrLenIPv4 int `yaml:"cidr-len-ipv4"`
	CidrLenIPv6 int `yaml:"cidr-len-ipv6"`

	Exempted []string

	CustomLimits map[string]CustomLimitConfig `yaml:"custom-limits"`

type LimiterConfig struct {

	exemptedNets []flatip.IPNet
	customLimits []customLimit

func (config *LimiterConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) (err error) {
	if err = unmarshal(&config.rawLimiterConfig); err != nil {
		return err
	return config.postprocess()

func (config *LimiterConfig) postprocess() (err error) {
	exemptedNets, err := utils.ParseNetList(config.Exempted)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse limiter exemption list: %v", err.Error())
	config.exemptedNets = make([]flatip.IPNet, len(exemptedNets))
	for i, exempted := range exemptedNets {
		config.exemptedNets[i] = flatip.FromNetIPNet(exempted)

	for identifier, customLimitConf := range config.CustomLimits {
		nets := make([]flatip.IPNet, len(customLimitConf.Nets))
		for i, netStr := range customLimitConf.Nets {
			normalizedNet, err := flatip.ParseToNormalizedNet(netStr)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Bad net %s in custom-limits block %s: %w", netStr, identifier, err)
			nets[i] = normalizedNet
		if len(customLimitConf.Nets) == 0 {
			// see #1421: this is the legacy config format where the
			// dictionary key of the block is a CIDR string
			normalizedNet, err := flatip.ParseToNormalizedNet(identifier)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Custom limit block %s has no defined nets", identifier)
			nets = []flatip.IPNet{normalizedNet}
		config.customLimits = append(config.customLimits, customLimit{
			maxConcurrent: customLimitConf.MaxConcurrent,
			maxPerWindow:  customLimitConf.MaxPerWindow,
			name:          md5.Sum([]byte(identifier)),
			customID:      identifier,
			nets:          nets,

	return nil

// Limiter manages the automated client connection limits.
type Limiter struct {

	config *LimiterConfig

	// IP/CIDR -> count of clients connected from there:
	limiter map[limiterKey]int
	// IP/CIDR -> throttle state:
	throttler map[limiterKey]ThrottleDetails

// addrToKey canonicalizes `addr` to a string key, and returns
// the relevant connection limit and throttle max-per-window values
func (cl *Limiter) addrToKey(addr flatip.IP) (key limiterKey, customID string, limit int, throttle int) {
	for _, custom := range cl.config.customLimits {
		for _, net := range custom.nets {
			if net.Contains(addr) {
				return limiterKey{maskedIP: custom.name, prefixLen: 0}, custom.customID, custom.maxConcurrent, custom.maxPerWindow

	var prefixLen int
	if addr.IsIPv4() {
		prefixLen = cl.config.CidrLenIPv4
		addr = addr.Mask(prefixLen, 32)
		prefixLen += 96
	} else {
		prefixLen = cl.config.CidrLenIPv6
		addr = addr.Mask(prefixLen, 128)

	return limiterKey{maskedIP: addr, prefixLen: uint8(prefixLen)}, "", cl.config.MaxConcurrent, cl.config.MaxPerWindow

// AddClient adds a client to our population if possible. If we can't, throws an error instead.
func (cl *Limiter) AddClient(addr flatip.IP) error {
	defer cl.Unlock()

	// we don't track populations for exempted addresses or nets - this is by design
	if flatip.IPInNets(addr, cl.config.exemptedNets) {
		return nil

	addrString, _, maxConcurrent, maxPerWindow := cl.addrToKey(addr)

	// check limiter
	var count int
	if cl.config.Count {
		count = cl.limiter[addrString] + 1
		if count > maxConcurrent {
			return ErrLimitExceeded

	if cl.config.Throttle {
		details := cl.throttler[addrString] // retrieve mutable throttle state from the map
		// add in constant state to process the limiting operation
		g := GenericThrottle{
			ThrottleDetails: details,
			Duration:        cl.config.Window,
			Limit:           maxPerWindow,
		throttled, _ := g.Touch()                    // actually check the limit
		cl.throttler[addrString] = g.ThrottleDetails // store modified mutable state
		if throttled {
			// back out the limiter add
			return ErrThrottleExceeded

	// success, record in limiter
	if cl.config.Count {
		cl.limiter[addrString] = count

	return nil

// RemoveClient removes the given address from our population
func (cl *Limiter) RemoveClient(addr flatip.IP) {
	defer cl.Unlock()

	if !cl.config.Count || flatip.IPInNets(addr, cl.config.exemptedNets) {

	addrString, _, _, _ := cl.addrToKey(addr)
	count := cl.limiter[addrString]
	count -= 1
	if count < 0 {
		count = 0
	cl.limiter[addrString] = count

type LimiterStatus struct {
	Exempt bool

	Count    int
	MaxCount int

	Throttle         int
	MaxPerWindow     int
	ThrottleDuration time.Duration

func (cl *Limiter) Status(addr flatip.IP) (netName string, status LimiterStatus) {
	defer cl.Unlock()

	if flatip.IPInNets(addr, cl.config.exemptedNets) {
		status.Exempt = true

	status.ThrottleDuration = cl.config.Window

	limiterKey, customID, maxConcurrent, maxPerWindow := cl.addrToKey(addr)
	status.MaxCount = maxConcurrent
	status.MaxPerWindow = maxPerWindow

	status.Count = cl.limiter[limiterKey]
	status.Throttle = cl.throttler[limiterKey].Count

	netName = customID
	if netName == "" {
		netName = flatip.IPNet{
			IP:        limiterKey.maskedIP,
			PrefixLen: limiterKey.prefixLen,


// ResetThrottle resets the throttle count for an IP
func (cl *Limiter) ResetThrottle(addr flatip.IP) {
	defer cl.Unlock()

	if !cl.config.Throttle || flatip.IPInNets(addr, cl.config.exemptedNets) {

	addrString, _, _, _ := cl.addrToKey(addr)
	delete(cl.throttler, addrString)

// ApplyConfig atomically applies a config update to a connection limit handler
func (cl *Limiter) ApplyConfig(config *LimiterConfig) {
	defer cl.Unlock()

	if cl.limiter == nil {
		cl.limiter = make(map[limiterKey]int)
	if cl.throttler == nil {
		cl.throttler = make(map[limiterKey]ThrottleDetails)

	cl.config = config