mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 10:57:11 +01:00
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1,6 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "Sintaksa: $bAMODE #kanal [promjena moda] [account]$b\n\nAMODE navodi ili mijenja postavke trajnog načina rada (persistant mode) koje utječu na članove kanala. Na primjer, $bAMODE #kanal +o ImeKorisnika$b daje vlasniku računa \"ImeKorisnika\" +o operatorski mod svaki put kada uđe na #kanal. Za pregled trenutnih računa i modova upotrijebite $bAMODE #kanal$b. Imajte na umu da se korisnici uvijek oslovljavaju prema registrovanom nazivu njihovog računa, a ne prema njihovom nadimku (Nick-u).",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Sintaksa: $bOP #kanal [nickname]$b\nOP daje određenom nadimku (nick-u), ili vama samima, administraciju nad kanalom. Ovu naredbu možete koristiti samo ako ste osnivač kanala.",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Sintaksa: $bREGISTER #kanal$b\n\nREGISTER vam daje vlasništvo nad datim kanalom. Pri ulasku na kanal biće vam date administratorske privilegije. Postavljeni režimi (mode) i teme (Topic) bit će također zapamćeni.",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": "Sintaksa: $bUNREGISTER #kanal [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER uklanja registraciju kanala, dopuštajući nekom drugom da postane vlasnik. Kako bi se izbjeglo slučajno brisanje, tj. uklanjanje registracije, pri uklanjanju se koristi i verifikacioni ključ.\nPozivanjem same naredbe bez koda prikazat će se potrebni kod/ključ."
@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Pomoć po temama =\n\nNaredbe:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT žetoni (Token-i):\n%[2]s\n\nInformacije:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+oznake-specifične-samo-za-klijent TAGMSG <cilj>{,<cilj>}\n\nDaje zadane oznake specifične samo za klijente danim ciljevima kao TAGMSG. Za više informacija pogledajte IRCv3 specifikacije: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "-> ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nKoristi se pri registraciji korisničkog računa. Za više informacija pogledajte relevantne specifikacije:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <cilj> <poruka koju se šalje>\n\nNaredba AMBIANCE se koristi za slanje obavijesti o sceni/ambijentu zadanom cilju.",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "AUTHENTICATE\n\nKoristi se tijekom SASL provjere autentičnosti. Za više informacija pogledajt IRCv3 specifikacije:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "AWAY [poruka]\n\nAko je [poruka] poslana, to Vas označava kao odsutne. Ako [poruka] nije poslana, označava da više niste odsutni.",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP <podnaredba> [:<sposobnosti>]\n\nKoristi se u pregovaranju o sposobnostima. Za više informacija pogledajte IRCv3 specifikacije:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <poslužitelj>] [razlog [| oper razlog]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nZabranjuje IP adresi ili mreži (<net>) povezivanje s poslužiteljem (serverom). Ako je trajanje zadano onda zabrana vrijedi samo u tom periodu. Razlog je prikazan samom korisniku, ali svi će vidjeti standardnu poruku. Oper razlog se prikazuje operaterima koji dobivaju informacije o postojećim DLINE-ovima.\n\nZabrane se spremaju tijekom sljedećih pokretanja poslužitelja.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" znači da su svi odgovarajući klijenti također uklonjeni s poslužitelja.\n\n\"MYSELF\" je obavezno kada DLINE odgovara adresi \n na koju je osoba koja ga primjenjuje povezana. Ako \"MYSELF\" nije zadano, pokušaj da DLINE izvršite na samima sebi rezultirače greškom.\n\n[duration] trajanje može biti izraženo u slijedećim oblicima:\n 1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> je specificirano u uobičajenoj CIDR notaciji. Na primjer:\n\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <poslužitelj> nalaže da će zabrana (ban) biti postavljena za taj određeni poslužitelj (server).\n\n[reason] i [oper razlog], ako su navedeni, razdvojeni su vertikalnom crtom (|).\n\nAko je \"DLINE LIST\" poslan, server šalje nazad listu naših trenutačnih DLINE-a.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELP <argument>\n\nZatražite objašnjenje <argumenta> ili \"index\" popisa tema pomoći.",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argument>\n\nPogledaj objašnjenje <argumenta>, ili \"index\" za popis tema pomoći.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "INFO\n\nDaje informacije o serveru, developerima, i slično.",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "INVITE <nadimak> <kanal>\n\nPoziva dotičnog korisnika na navedeni kanal, pod uvjetom da imate\nodgovarajuće ovlasti za taj kanal.",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "ISON <nadimak>{ <nadimak>}\n\nOdgovara da li zadani nadimak postoji na mreži.",
@ -38,7 +27,6 @@
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "NOTICE <cilj>{,<cilj>} <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nŠalje tekst na zadane ciljeve kao OBAVIJEST.",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "NPC <cilj> <nadimakizvora> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNPC naredba se koristi kako biste cilju poslali poruku kao izvor.\n\nZahtjeva da (roleplay mode) režim za igranje uloga (+E) bude postavljen na cilju.",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "NPCA <cilj> <nadimakizvora> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNPC naredba se koristi kako biste cilju poslali akciju kao izvor.\n\nZahtjeva da (roleplay mode) režim za igranje uloga (+E) bude postavljen na cilju.",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "PART <kanal>{,<kanal>} [reason]\n\nNapušta navedeni kanal/e i prikazuje drugim korisnicima navedeni razlog.",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "PASS <lozinka>\n\nKoristi se za slanje lozinke kada poslužitelj (server) zahtijeva lozinku za povezivanje.",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "PING <argumenti>...\n\nPotražuje PONG. Koristi se za provjeru povezanosti.",
@ -55,18 +43,15 @@
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "SANICK <trenutninadimak> <novinadimak>\n\nDaje zadanom korisniku novi nadimak.",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "SCENE <cilj> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNaredba SCENE se koristi kako bi se datom cilju poslala notifikacija o \"sceni\".",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "SETNAME <realname>\n\nSETNAME naredba ažurira pravoime, kako bi ono bilo novo-dano ime.",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nPrikazuje vrijeme poslužitelja (servera) na kojem se nalazite ili zadanog poslužitelja.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <kanal> [topic]\n\nAko je [topic] unešen, postavlja temu (topic) kanala u zadanu vrijednost. Ako [topic] nije zadan, pregleda trenutnu temu kanala.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nUklanja potojeću zabranu za datu IP adresu ili mrežu.\n\n<net> je specificirana uobičajenom CIDR notacijom. Na primjer:\n27.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "UNKLINE <maska>\n\nUklanja potojeću zabranu za datu masku.\n\nNa primjer:\n dan\n dan!5*@127.*",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "USER <korisničkoime> 0 * <pravoime>\n\nUpotrijebava se pri registraciji konekcije, postavlja vaše korisničko ime i stvarno ime na zadane vrijednosti (iako vaše korisničko ime također može biti traženo pomoću Ident-a).",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "USERHOST <nadimak>{ <nadimak>}\n\nPrikazuje informacije o danim korisnicima. Prihvata do 10 nadimaka.",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "VERSION [poslužitelj]\n\nPrikazuje verziju softvera i RPL_ISUPPORT oznake za dati poslužitelj.",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "WEBIRC <lozinka> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nKoristi se od strane web<->IRC pristupnika (gateways) i bouncer-a, WEBIRC naredbba omogućava pristupnicima (gateways) da propuste stvarne IP adrese klijenata:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> je lista praznim prostorom odvojenih nizova koji upućuju na različite detalje o vezi sa klijenta prema pristupniku (gateway), kao npr.:\n\n-tls: ova oznaka (flag) indicira da je veza klijent->pristupnik sigurna",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "WHO <ime> [o]\n\nUzvraća informacijama o datom korisniku.",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "WHOIS <korisnik>{,<korisnik>}\n\nUzvraća informacijama o datom korisnik-u/cima.",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "WHOWAS <nadimak>\n\nVraća podatke iz prošlosti o posljednjem korisniku s tim nadimkom.",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "WHOWAS <nadimak>\n\nVraća podatke iz prošlosti o posljednjem korisniku s tim nadimkom."
@ -1,32 +1,7 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Sintaksa: $bAPPROVE<user>$b\n\nAPPROVE odobrava zahtjev korisnika za vhost-om.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Sintaksa: $bDEL<user>$b\n\nDEL briše korisnikov vhost.",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Sintaksa: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF onemogućuje vaš već odobreni vhost.",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Sintaksa: $bON$b\n\nON omogućuje vaš vhost, pod uslovom da vam je vhost odobren.",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "Sintaksa: $bREJECT<user><reason>$b\n\nREJECT odbija zahtjev korisnika za vhost, opciono daje korisniku i obrazloženje zašto je zahtjev odbijen.",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "Syntaksa: $bREQUEST<vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST šalje zahtjev da novi vhost bude dodijeljen vašem računu. Zatim, taj zahtjev treba biti odobren od strane server operatera.",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "Sintaksa: $bSET<user><vhost>$b\n\nSET postavlja korisnikov vhost, zaobilazeći uobičajenu rutinu sistema zahtjeva.",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Sintaksa: $bSTATUS[user]$b \n\nSTATUS prikazuje vaš trenutni vhost, ako postoji; i status vašeg posljednjeg poslanog zahtjeva za novi vhost. Server operater može vidjeti status drugih korisnika.",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Sintaksa: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING prikazuje popis zahtjeva za vhost koji su na čekanju, zahtjeva koji bi mogli biti prihvaćeni ili pak odbijeni.",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Sintaksa: $bSTATUS[user]$b \n\nSTATUS prikazuje vaš trenutni vhost, ako postoji; i status vašeg posljednjeg poslanog zahtjeva za novi vhost. Server operater može vidjeti status drugih korisnika."
@ -1,34 +1,19 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$bWarning: uklanjanje registracije ovog računa će ukloniti njegove pohranjene privilegije.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bWarning: uklanjanje registracije ovog kanala će ukloniti sve pohranjene atribute knala.$b",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Korisnik %[2]s potražuje vhost: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [Račun: %[2]s] se priključio kanalu",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s mijenja nick u %[2]s",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s izbačen %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s napušta kanal (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s prestati (quit) (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "%s se priključuje kanalu",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bEnd of %s POMOĆI$b ***",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Vaše korisničko ime nije moguće pronaći",
"*** Found your username": "*** Vaše korisničko ime je pronađeno",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Dostavljeno pogrešno formirano korisničko ime, ignoriranje",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Potraga za vašim korisničim imenom",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Poruka dana - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "... i druge naredbe koje su onemogućene",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Zahtjev je na čekanju za vhost: %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "Prethodno je postavljen zahtjev za vhost: %s",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "Račun %[1]s ima vhost: %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "Račun %[1]s dobija mode +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "Korisnički račun %s nema vhost",
@ -43,77 +28,39 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Dodana privremena (%[1]s) D-Linija za %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Dodana privremena (%[1]s) K-Linija za %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Dodatni grupirani nadimak: %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "Došlo je do pogreške",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Autentikacija uspješna",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Pogrešna ili nedopuštena PROXY naredba",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Zabrana - %[1]s - postavljena od strane %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "CTCP poruke su onemogućene preko Tor-a",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Ne možete mijenjati režime (mode-ove) za druge korisnike",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Nije moguće pregledati režime (mode-ove) za druge korisnike",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Pristup kanalu nije moguć (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "Promjena imena kanala nije moguća",
"Cannot resume connection": "Povezivanje nije moguće",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Povezivanje nije moguće, registracija veze je već dovršena",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Povezivanje nije moguće, postojeći i novi klijenti moraju imati TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "Povezivanje nije moguće, token nije važeći",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Nemoguće poslati na kanal",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "Kanal %[1]s ima postavljen %[2]d uporni način rada (presistent mode)",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "Kanal %s sada nije registrovan",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Kanal %s uspješno registrovan",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "Nepostojeći kanal",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Ovaj kanal nema dostupan mode za igranje",
"Channel is not registered": "Kanal nije registrovan",
"Channel list is full": "Lista kanala je puna",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "Kanal je preimenovan",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Kanal preimenovan: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Klijent je ponovo povezan",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "Naredba je ograničena",
"Core Developers:": "Glavni razvojni programeri:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Zadani klijent nije mogao biti pronađen",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Nije moguće rasčlaniti IP adresu ili CIDR mrežu",
"Could not register": "Ne može se registrirati",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "Nije moguće ukloniti zabranu (ban) [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "Nije moguće postaviti ili promijeniti nadimak: %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "Nije moguće uspješno spremiti novu D-Liniju: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "Nije moguće uspješno spremiti novi K-Liniju: %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Nick nije moguće izdvojiti iz grupe",
"Created at: %s": "Kreirano u: %s",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Kraj /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Kraj /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Kraj /WHOIS liste",
@ -122,57 +69,27 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Kraj liste IMENA",
"End of WHO list": "Kraj WHO liste",
"End of WHOWAS": "Kraj WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Kraj liste",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Nedopušten nadimak",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Greška kod rezervacije nadimka (nick-a)",
"Error while unregistering account": "Greška prilikom uklanjanja registracije korisničkog računa",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Lažni izvor mora biti validan nadimak",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Prvi parametar mora biti maska ili kanal",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "GHOST-irano od strane %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argument>\n\nPogledaj objašnjenje <argumenta>, ili \"index\" za popis tema pomoći.",
"Help not found": "Pomoć nije pronađena",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "Naziv poslužitelja (Hostname): %s",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "Imam %[1]d kanala i %[2]d servera",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "IP adresa: %s",
"IRC Operators online": "IRC Operateri na mreži",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "Ulazna linija je preduga",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Nedostatak operatorskih privilegija",
"Insufficient privileges": "Nedovoljne privilegije",
"Internal error": "Interna greška",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Netačna CAP podnaredba",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "Pogrešan naziv računa",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "Nevažeća promjena režima (moda)",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Nevažeći parametri. Za upotrebu koristi / msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "Nevažeći vhost",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Razlog odbijanja: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 nije dopušteno",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "Jezik %s nije podržan od strane servera",
"Language preferences have been set": "Jezičke preference su postavljene",
@ -180,14 +97,7 @@
"MOTD File is missing": "MOTD datoteka nedostaje",
"Malformed username": "Pogrešno formirano korisničko ime",
"Mask isn't valid": "Maska nije validna",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "Mrežna usluga, za više informacija: /msg %s HELP",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "Nickname %[1]s ima %[2]d vezanih sesija",
"Nickname is already in use": "Nadimak je već u upotrebi",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Nadimak je rezerviran za drugi korisnički račun",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Ni jedan DLINE nije postavljen!",
@ -195,16 +105,11 @@
"No nickname given": "Nadimak nije dodjeljen",
"No such account": "Takav račun ne postoji",
"No such channel": "Nepostojeći kanal",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "Takav nadimak nije prisutan",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "Tema (topic) nije postavljena",
"Not enough parameters": "Nedovoljno parametara",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Samo osnivači kanala mogu mijenjati registrovane kanale",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "Samo osnivač kanala može ovo da izvrši",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono se izdaje pod licencom MIT-a.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "Lozinka sadrži zabranjene znakove ili je na drugi način nevažeća",
"Password changed": "Lozinka promjenjena",
@ -213,23 +118,14 @@
"Permission Denied": "Pristup nije odobren",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "Pristup nije odobren - Vi niste IRC operater",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "Pričekajte najmanje %v, pa pokušajte ponovo",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Primljena neispravna linija",
"Registered at: %s": "Registrirano u: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Registriran kanal: %s",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "Za registraciju je potrebna važeća e-mail adresa",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Udaljeni poslužitelji još nisu podržani",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "Uklonjena D-Linija za %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "Uklonjena K-Linija za %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "Nastavak je možda izgubio do %d sekundi povijesti",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "SASL autentikacija obustavljena",
"SASL authentication failed": "SASL autentikacija neuspjela",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "SASL provjera autentičnosti nije uspjela, ne povezujete se s certifikatom",
@ -238,147 +134,69 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "SASL provjera autentičnosti nije uspjela: fraza preduga",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "SASL provjera autentičnosti nije uspjela: authcid i authzid trebali bi biti isti",
"SASL message too long": "SASL poruka preduga",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Maske za obavijesti poslužitelja",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Sesija %d (trenutno pridružena sesija):",
"Session %d:": "Sesija %d:",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "Moguće je da jeizgubljena neka dodatna povijest poruka",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "Uspješno odobren vhost zahtjev za %s",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "Uspješno izbrisan vhost",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "Vaš vhost je uspješno onemogućen",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "Vaš vhost je uspješno omogućen",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Nadimal %s uspješno grupiran s vašim računom",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "Uspješno registrovan korisnički račun %s",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "Uspješno odbijen vhost zahtjev za: %s",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "Uspješno postavljen vhost",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Uspješno od-grupisan nadimak %s od korisničkog računa",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Uspješno poništena registracija računa %s",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "Taj kanal nije registrovan",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Nadimak je već rezervisan za nekog drugog",
"That nickname is not registered": "Nadimak nije registriran",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "Postoji %[1]d zahtjeva na čekanju za vhosts (prikazano je %[2]d)",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Postoji %[1]d korisnika i %[2]d nevidljivih na %[3]d poslužitelj-u/ima",
"There was no such nickname": "Nije bilo takvog nadimka",
"They aren't on that channel": "Nisu pronađeni na tom kanalu",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Ova zabrana odgovara Vama. Da biste DLINE sami sebe, za otkazivanje ove zabrane, morate koristiti naredbu: / DLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Ova zabrana odgovara Vama. Da biste izveli KLINE sami na sebi, a za otkazivanje ove zabrane, morate koristiti naredbu: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "Ova naredba je onemogućen od strane administratora poslužitelja",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Ovaj poslužitelj je u načinu za otklanjanje grešaka i bilježi sve korisničke I/O. Ako ne želite da sve što pošaljete bude vidljivo vlasniku/cima poslužitelja, diskonektujte se.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Ovaj server je kreiran %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Ovaj vhost je trenutno onemogućen, ali se može omogućiti pomoću / HS ON",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Vremenska oznaka nije u formatu 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z, zanemarujem je",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "Prevodioci:",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Nepoznata naredba",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "Nepoznata naredba. Za pregled raspoloživih naredbi upotrijebi: /%s HELP",
"Unknown subcommand": "Nepoznata podnaredba",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "Korisnik nema omogućen režim (mode) za igranja uloga",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Verifikacioni kod: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Potvrdite svoj račun na %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "Naredba WEBIRC se ne može koristiti s Vaše adrese ili je data netačna lozinka",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "Dobrodošli na Internet Relay Mrežu %s",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "Zabranjen vam je pristup ovom serveru (%s)",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "Više niste ovlašteni biti na ovom poslužitelju (serveru)",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "Više niste označeni kao Odsutni",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Vi ste sada IRC operater",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Sada ste prijavljeni kao %s",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Ne možete GHOST-ovati sami sebe (umjesto toga pokušajte /QUIT)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "Ne možete razgrupirati svoj primarni nadimak (umjesto toga pokušajte poništiti registraciju svog računa)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "Nemate dovoljno privilegija kanala",
"You don't own that nick": "Vi niste vlasnik tog nadimka",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "Već ste registrirali maksimalan dozvoljeni broj kanala; Pokušajte odjaviti neki od njih koristeći /CS UNREGISTER",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Postavljena Vam je zabrana pristupa (ban) ovom serveru (%s)",
"You have been marked as being away": "Označeni ste kao Odsutni",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Već imate previše rezerviranih nadimaka (neke možete ukloniti pomoću / NS DROP)",
"You may not reregister": "Ne možete se ponovno registrirati",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "Morate biti operater na kanalu da biste ga registrirali",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "Morate navesti korisnički račun",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "Morate pričekati dodatnih %v prije ponovnog zahtjeva",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Morate se registrirati da biste mogli koristiti tu komandu",
"You specified too many languages": "Naveli ste previše jezika",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "Već ste prijavljeni na korisnički račun",
"You're already opered-up!": "Već ste postavljeni za operatora!",
"You're not a channel operator": "Vi niste operator kanala",
"You're not logged into an account": "Niste prijavljeni na korisnički račun",
"You're not on that channel": "Vi niste na tom kanalu",
"You're now logged in as %s": "Sada ste prijavljni kao %s",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Vaš host %[1]s, izvodi verziju %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "Vaš zahtjev za vhost je odobren od strane administratora",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "Vaš zahtjev za vhost je odbijen od strane administratora. Dato obrazloženje je: %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "Vaš zahtjev za vhost biti će pregledan od strane administratora",
"are supported by this server": "ovaj server podržava",
"channels formed": "kanali oformljeni",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "ima korisnički otisak certifikata %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "je $bBot$b na %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "nije mi poznata ova oznaka režima",
"is logged in as": "je prijavljen/a kao",
"is using a secure connection": "koristi sigurnu konekciju",
"seconds idle, signon time": "sekundi u mirovanju, trajanje prijave",
"unregistered connections": ""
"seconds idle, signon time": "sekundi u mirovanju, trajanje prijave"
@ -1,59 +1,13 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "Nedovoljne privilegije",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Netačna lozinka",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Sintaksa: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP prekida povezanost datog (ili trenutnog) nadimka sa korisničkim računom.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Sintaksa: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST diskonektuje korisnika s mreže ako su prijavljeni s istim korisničkim računom, što vam omogućuje povrat vašeg nadimka.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Sintaksa: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP povezuje tvoj trenutni nadimak (nickname) sa računom na koji si prijavljen, kako drugi nebi mogli da ga koriste.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Sintaksa: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY omogućuje prijavu na zadano korisničko ime pomoću lozinke ili certfp (certifikat vašeg klijenta) ako lozinka nije dana.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Sintaksa: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO daje informacije o danom (ili vlastitom) korisničkom računu.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Sintaksa: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP prisilno odvaja dati nadimak (nickname) od korisničkog računa za koji je trenutno vezan.",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Sintaksa: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER vam omogućuje da izbrišete svoj korisnički račun (ili tuđi, ako ste IRC operator s ispravnim ovlastima). Da bi se spriječilo slučajno poništavanje registracije, potreban je kontrolni kod; pozivanjem naredbe bez koda prikazat će se potreban kod.",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Sintaksa: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY omogućuje dovršetak registracije računa, ako poslužitelj (server) zahtijeva e-mail ili drugu provjeru.",
"You're not logged into an account": "Niste prijavljeni na korisnički račun"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1,20 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "$bAMODE$b modifiziert permanente Modi-Einstellungen für Channel Mitglieder.",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "$bCLEAR$b entfernt User oder Einstellungen vom Channel.",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "$bINFO$b zeigt Informationen zu einem registrierten Channel an.",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "$bOP$b gibt dem angegeben Nick (oder Dir selbst) Admin Rechte für den Channel.",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "$bPURGE$b für einen Channel zur Sperrliste des Servers hinzu.",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "$bREGISTER$b macht Dich zum Besitzer des angebenen Channels.",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "$bTRANSFER$b transferiert die Besitzrechte eines Channels auf einen anderen Benutzer.",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "$bUNPURGE$b macht ein PURGE Kommando rückgängig.",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "$bUNREGISTER$b löscht eine Channel-Registrierung.",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "Mit ChanServ kannst Du Channels registrieren und verwalten.",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO zeigt Informationen zu einem registrierten Channel an.",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [modus-änderung] [kontoname]$b\n\nAMODE zeigt an oder modifiziert permanente Modi-Einstellungen, die\nChannel-Mitglieder betreffen.\nBeispiel: $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b setzt für den Kontonamen \"dan\" auto-\nmatisch den +o Operator-Modus, wenn sie/er #channel wieder beitritt. Für eine\nListe aller konfigurierten Kontonamen und ihrer Modi, verwende $bAMODE #channel$b\n(ohne weitere Parameter). Beachte, dass für diese Einstellung die registrierten\nKontonamen, nicht die Nick-Namen verwendet werden.",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel ziel$b\n\nCLEAR entfernt User oder Einstellungen von einem Channel. Und zwar:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kickt alle User aus Dich selbst.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b setzt alle gespeicherten Bans, Einladungen und Ban-Ausnahmen zurück und erhält alle User-Mode-Einstellungen, die mit CS AMODE zugeteilt wurden.",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel ziel$b\n\nCLEAR entfernt User oder Einstellungen von einem Channel. Und zwar:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kickt alle User abgesehen von dir selbst.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b setzt alle gespeicherten Bans, Einladungen und Ban-Ausnahmen zurück und erhält alle User-Mode-Einstellungen, die mit CS AMODE zugeteilt wurden.",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP gibt dem angegeben Nick oder Dir selbst Admin Rechte für den Channel.\nDu kannst diesen Befehl nur ausführen, wenn Du Besitzer des Channels bist.",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE für einen Channel zur Sperrliste des Servers hinzu, sodass kein Zutritt\noder sonstige Interaktion mit dem Channel möglich ist. Wenn der Channel aktuell\nBesucher hat, werden diese gekickt. PURGE kann auch präventiv auf Channel\nangewendet werden, die keine Besucher haben. Optional kann ein Grund (reason) angegeben werden.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER macht Dich zum Besitzer des angebenen Channels. Wenn Du dem\nChannel wieder beitritts, bekommst Du automatisch Admin Rechte. Modi und\nThema des Channels werden auch dauerhaft gespeichert.",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER macht Dich zum Besitzer des angegebenen Channels. Wenn Du dem\nChannel wieder beitrittst bekommst Du automatisch Admin Rechte. Modi und\nThema des Channels werden auch dauerhaft gespeichert.",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE entfernt einen Channel von der Blocklist, der \nvorher mit PURGE hinzugefügt wurde.",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": "Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER löscht eine Channel-Registrierung und erlaubt es anderen den\nChannel zu registrieren.\nUm ein versehentliches UNREGISTER zu verhindern, ist ein Verifzierungs-Code nötig.\nSendest Du den Befehl ohne einen Code, wird der notwendige Code angezeigt."
@ -1,72 +1,9 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Hilfethemen =\n\nBefehle:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Token:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "== Server Notice Masken==\n\nOragono unterstuetzt die foldgenden Server Notice Masken fuer Operatoren:\n\n a | Lokale Ankündigungen\n c | Lokale Client Verbindungen.\n j | Lokale Channel Actionen.\n k | Lokale Kills.\n n | Lokale Nick Wechsel.\n o | Lokale Oper Aktionen.\n q | Lokale Quits.\n t | Lokale /STATS Verweundung.\n u | Lokale Client Account Aktionen.\n x | Lokale X-Lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Lokale Vhost Veraenderungen.\n\nUm eine Snomask zu setzen/nutzen, mache folgendes mit Deinem Nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nZum Beispiel, dis würde die Snomasks kill, oper, account und xline für dan setzen:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <thema>\n\nzeige eine Beschreibung für <thema> oder \"index\" für eine Liste alle Hilfethemen.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "Zeigt die Message Of The Day für diesen oder den angegebenen Server",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "QUIT [grund]\n\nbeendet die Verbindung zum Server und zeigt anderen Nutzern den angegebenen Grund.",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nZeigt die Uhrzeit für diesen oder den angegebenen Server an.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <channel> [thema]\n\nÄndert das Thema für einen Channel. Ohne den Parameter [thema]\nwird das aktuelle Thema für den Channel angezeigt.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <channel> [thema]\n\nÄndert das Thema für einen Channel. Ohne den Parameter [thema]\nwird das aktuelle Thema für den Channel angezeigt."
@ -1,32 +1,7 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Syntax: $bAPPROVE <kontoname>$b\n\nAPPROVE bestätigt die vHost Anfrage für ein Konto.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Syntax: $bDEL <kontoname>$b\n\nDEL löscht den vHost eines Kontos.",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF deaktiviert Deinen vHost, wenn Du einen bestätigten hast.",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON aktiviert Deinen vHost, wenn Du einen bestätigten hast.",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "Syntax: $bREJECT <kontoname> [<grund>]$b\n\nREJECT lehnt eine vHost Anfrage für ein Konto ab. Optional kann ein Grund\nfür die Ablehnung angegeben werden.",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST fordert die Einrichtung eines neuen vHost für Dein Konto an. Deine Anfrage\nmuss dann von einem Server Operator bestätigt werden.",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "Syntax: $bSET <kontoname> <vhost>$b\n\nSET erstellt direkt einen vHost für ein Konto ohne das eine Anfrage und Bestätigung\nnotwendig ist.",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Syntax: $bSTATUS [kontoname]$b\n\nSTATUS zeigt Deinen aktuellen vHost an, sofern eingerichtet, und den Status\nDeiner letzten Anfrage nach einem neuen vHost. Ein Server Operator kann sich den\nStatus eines anderen anzeigen lassen.",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING zeigt eine Liste aller offenen vHost Anfragen, die bestätigt oder\nabgelehnt werden können.",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Syntax: $bSTATUS [kontoname]$b\n\nSTATUS zeigt Deinen aktuellen vHost an, sofern eingerichtet, und den Status\nDeiner letzten Anfrage nach einem neuen vHost. Ein Server Operator kann sich den\nStatus eines anderen anzeigen lassen."
@ -1,34 +1,16 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$bWarnung: das Löschen des Kontos entfernt alle gespeicherten Rechte.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bWarnung: das Austragen des Channels entfernt alle gespeicherten Channel Attribute.$b",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Konto %[2]s stellt Anfrage für vhost: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [Konto: %[2]s] hat den Channel verlassen",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s hat Nick in %[2]s geändert",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s hat den Channel (%[2]s) verlassen",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s quit (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "%s ist dem Channel beigetreten",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bEnde von %s HELP$b ***",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "Dein User-Namen wurde nicht gefunden",
"*** Found your username": "User-Name gefunden",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Message of the day - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Eine Anfrage steht aus für vHost: %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "Konto %[1]s hat vHost: %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "Konto %[1]s bekommt Modus +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "Konto %s hat keinen vHost",
@ -37,83 +19,35 @@
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "Konto erstellt, Verifizierung ausstehend; Verifizierungs-Code wurde an %s gesendet",
"Account does not exist": "Konto existiert nicht",
"Account: %s": "Konto: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "D-Line für %s wurde hinzugefügt",
"Added K-Line for %s": "K-Line für %s wurde hinzugefügt",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Temporäre (%[1]s) D-Line für %[2]s wurde hinzugefügt",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Temporäre (%[1]s) K-Line für %[2]s wurde hinzugefügt",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Authentifizierung erfolgreich",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Ungültiger oder nicht zugelassener PROXY Befehl",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "CTCP Nachrichten über Tor sind deaktiviert",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Modi für andere Nutzer können nicht geändert werden",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Modi für andere Nutzer können nicht angezeigt werden",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Kann dem Channel (+%s) nicht beitreten",
"Cannot rename channel": "Kann Channel nicht umbenennen",
"Cannot resume connection": "Kann Verbindung nicht fortsetzen",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Kann Verbindung nicht fortsetzen, Verbindungs-Registrierung wurde schon abgeschlossen",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Kann Verbindung nicht fortsetzen, alter und neuer Client müssen TLS nutzen",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "Kann Verbindung nicht fortsetzen, Token ist ungültig",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "Channel %s ist nicht mehr registriert",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Channel %s erfolgreich registriert",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "Channel existiert nicht",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "Channel ist nicht registriert",
"Channel list is full": "Channel Liste ist voll",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "Channel umbenannt",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Channel umbenannt: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Client neu verbunden",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "Core Developers:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Kann angegebenen Client nicht finden",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Kann IP-Adresse oder CIDR-Network nicht parsen",
"Could not register": "Registrierung nicht möglich",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "Erstellt am: %s",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Ende von /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Ende von /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Ende von /WHOIS list",
@ -122,57 +56,27 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Ende der /NAMES Liste",
"End of WHO list": "Ende der /WHO Liste",
"End of WHOWAS": "Ende von /WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Ende der Liste",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Fehlerhafter Nick-Name",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "Fehler beim Laden der Konto-Daten",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Fehler beim Registrieren des Nick-Namens",
"Error while unregistering account": "Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Der erste Parameter muss eine Maske oder Channel sein",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "GHOSTed von %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <thema>\n\nzeige eine Beschreibung für <thema> oder \"index\" für eine Liste alle Hilfethemen.",
"Help not found": "Hilfe nicht gefunden",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "Hostname: %s",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "Bin bald zurück",
"IP address: %s": "IP Adresse: %s",
"IRC Operators online": "IRC Operatoren online",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Unzureichende Operator Rechte",
"Insufficient privileges": "Unzureichende Rechte",
"Internal error": "Interner Fehler",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Ungültiges CAP Subcommand",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "Ungültiger Konto-Name",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "Ungültige Mode Änderung",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Ungültige Parameter. Für eine Beschreibung sende /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "Ungültiger vHost",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Es wurde abgelehnt mit dem Grund: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 ist nicht erlaubt",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "Sprache %s wird von diesem Server nicht unterstützt",
"Language preferences have been set": "Sprache wurde geändert",
@ -180,56 +84,31 @@
"MOTD File is missing": "MOTD Datei nicht gefunden",
"Malformed username": "Ungültiger User-Name",
"Mask isn't valid": "Maske ist ungültig",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "Nick-Name %[1]s hat %[2]d aktive Session(s)",
"Nickname is already in use": "Nick-Name wird schon verwendet",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Nick-Name ist für ein anderes Konto reserviert",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "Es wurden keine Änderungen gemacht",
"No nickname given": "Kein Nick-Name angegeben",
"No such account": "Konto nicht gefunden",
"No such channel": "Channel nicht gefunden",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "Nick-Name nicht gefunden",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "Diese Einstellung gibt es nicht",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "Zu wenig Parameter",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Nur Channel-Besitzer können registrierte Channels ändern",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "Nur Channel-Besitzer können dies tun",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono steht unter der MIT Lizenz.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "Passwort geändert",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "Das Passwort konnte wegen einem Server Error nicht geändert werden",
"Password incorrect": "Passwort falsch",
"Permission Denied": "Keine Berechtigung",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "Keine Berechtigung - Du bist kein IRC Operator",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "Bitte warte mindestens %v und versuch es erneut",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "Registriert am: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Registrierter Channel: %s",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "Registrierung erfordert eine gültige E-Mail Adresse",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Remote Server werden noch nicht unterstützt",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "D-Line für %s wurde gelöscht",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "K-Line für %s wurde gelöscht",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "Request der %s Client Capability ist nicht erlaubt",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "SASL Authentifizierung abgebrochen",
"SASL authentication failed": "SASL Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "SASL Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, Dein Client hat kein Zertifikat gesendet",
@ -238,147 +117,45 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "SASL Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen: Passphrase zu lang",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "SASL Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen: authcid und authzid müssen übereinstimmen",
"SASL message too long": "SASL Message zu lang",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Session %d (aktive Session):",
"Session %d:": "Session %d:",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "Kontoeinstellungen wurden geändert",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "Konto %s erfolgreich registriert",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "VHost erfolgreich gesetzt",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Konto %s erfolgreich gelöscht",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "Dieser Channel ist nicht registriert",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Dieser Nick-Name ist schon von jemandem reserviert",
"That nickname is not registered": "Dieser Nick-Name ist nicht registriert",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "Dieser Nick existiert nicht",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "Dieser Befehl wurde von den Server-Admins deaktiviert",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "Dieses Feature wurde von den Server-Admins deaktiviert",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Dieser Server ist im Debug-Modus und zeichnet sämtlichen Datenverkehr auf. Wenn Du nicht möchtest, dass alles was Du sendest von den Server-Betreibern gelesen werden kann, dann beende jetzt die Verbindung.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Dieser vHost ist momentan deaktiviert und kann mit /HS ON aktiviert werden",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Timestamp ist nicht im 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z Format, wird ignoriert",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "Um das Passwort zu ändern, verwende den PASSWD Befehl. Weitere Details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "Übersetzer:",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Unbekannter Befehl",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "Unbekanntes Subcommand",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Verifizierungs-Code: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Du bist jetzt ein IRC Operator",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Du bist jetzt als %s angemeldet",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Du kannst Dich nicht selbst GHOSTen (versuche es mit /QUIT)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "Du hast keine ausreichenden Rechte für den Channel",
"You don't own that nick": "Dir gehört dieser Nick-Name nicht",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "Du hast schon die maximale Anzahl an Channels registriert; Versuche einige auszutragen mit /CS UNREGISTER",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "Du hast zu viele REGISTRATION Nachrichten gesendet",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Du hast schon zu viele Nicks registriert (Du kannst welche mit /NS DROP entfernen)",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "Du musst über TLS und einem Client Zertifikat verbunden sein, um dies zu tun",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "Du musst Dich mit SASL anmelden, um Zugang zum Server zu erhalten",
"You must specify an account": "Du musst ein Konto angeben",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "Du hast zu viele Sprachen angegeben",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "Du bist schon mit einem Konto angemeldet",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "Du bist kein Channel Operator",
"You're not logged into an account": "Du bist mit keinem Konto angemeldet",
"You're not on that channel": "Du bist nicht in diesem Channel",
"You're now logged in as %s": "Du bist jetzt angemeldet als %s",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "Dein Client unterstützt BRB nicht",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "Dein vHost request wurde von einem Administrator angenommen",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "Deine vHost Anfrage wurde von einemAdministrator abgelehnt. Der angegebene Grund lautet: %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "Deine vHost Anfrage wird von einem Administrator bearbeitet werden",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "hat den Client-Zertifikat Fingerprint %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "ist ein $bBot$b in %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "ist ein unbekannter Modus-Buchstabe",
"is logged in as": "ist angemeldet als",
"is using a secure connection": "verwendet eine sichere Verbindung",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
"is using a secure connection": "verwendet eine sichere Verbindung"
@ -1,59 +1,13 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "Unzureichende Rechte",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Passwort falsch",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP entfernt den angegebenen (oder Deinen aktuellen) Nick-Namen von Deinem\nKonto.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST beendet eine andere User-Verbindung wenn diese den angegebenen\nNick benutzt und mit dem gleichen Konto angemeldet ist. Dies ermöglicht es\nDir, den Nick mit Deiner aktuellen Verbindung zu benutzen.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP verknüpft/registriert Deinen aktuellen Nick-Namen mit Deinem angemeldeten\nKonto, damit andere User diesen Nick nicht nutzen können.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <kontoname> [passwort]$b\n\nmit IDENTIFY kannst Du Dich mit Deinem Konto anmelden. Entweder mit\nDeinem Passwort oder über CertFP (TLS Client-Zertifikat), falls kein Passwort\nangegeben wird.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Syntax: $bINFO [kontoname]$b\n\nINFO zeigt Informationen über das angegebene (oder Dein eigenes) Konto an.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP entfernt den Nick von dem Konto auf das er registriert wurde.\n(Befehl für Admins)",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <kontoname> [code]$b\n\nmit UNREGISTER kannst Du Dein Konto löschen (oder ein Konto eines anderen\nUsers, falls Du die nötigen Rechte als IRC Operator hast).\nUm versehentliches Löschen zu verhindern, ist ein Verifizierungscode nötig.\nSendest Du den Befehl ohne einen Code, wird der benötigte Code angezeigt.",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Syntax: $bVERIFY <kontoname> <code>$b\n\nmit VERIFY kannst Du die Kontoregistrierung abschließen, falls der Server\neine Verifzierung über Email (oder andere Wege) verlangt.",
"You're not logged into an account": "Du bist mit keinem Konto angemeldet"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,40 +1,11 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εύρεση του ονόματος του χρήστη",
"*** Found your username": "*** Βρέθηκε το όνομα του χρήστη σας",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Έχει ένα κακόβουλο όνομα του χρήστη, αγνοώντας",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Αναζητώντας το όνομα του χρήστη σας",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Μήνυμα ημέρας - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "Ο λογαριασμός υπάρχει ήδη",
"Account created": "Ο λογαριασμός δημιουργήθηκε",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "Ο λογαριασμός δεν υπάρχει",
"Account: %s": "Λογαριασμός: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Πραγματικό user@host, πραγματική IP",
@ -43,77 +14,28 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Προστέθηκε προσωρινά (%[1]s) D-Line για %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Προστέθηκε προσωρινά (%[1]s) Κ-Line για %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Επιπλέον ομαδοποιημένων nick: %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Ο έλεγχος της ταυτότητας ήταν επιτυχής",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Απαγόρευση - %[1]s - προστέθηκε από %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η αλλαγή των τρόπων λειτουργίας για άλλους χρήστες",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η προβολή λειτουργιών για άλλους χρήστες",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η σύνδεση στο κανάλι (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η συνέχιση της σύνδεσης, η εγγραφή σύνδεσης έχει ήδη ολοκληρωθεί",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η συνέχιση της σύνδεσης, παλαιοί και νέοι πελάτες πρέπει να έχουν TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η αποστολή στο κανάλι",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Το κανάλι %s δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "Το κανάλι δεν υπάρχει",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Το κανάλι δεν έχει λειτουργία ρόλων",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "Η λίστα καναλιών είναι πλήρης",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Το κανάλι μετονομάστηκε: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Ο πελάτης έχει επανασυνδεθεί",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "Η εντολή είναι περιορισμένη",
"Core Developers:": "Προγραμματιστές του πυρήνα:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εύρεση του συγκεκριμένου πελάτη",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανάλυση της διεύθυνσης IP ή του δικτύου CIDR",
"Could not register": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εγγραφή",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η κατάργηση της απαγόρευσης [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ρύθμιση ή αλλαγή ψευδώνυμου: %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η σωστή αποθήκευση νέου D-LINE: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η σωστή αποθήκευση νέου K-LINE: %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η κατάργηση της ομάδας ψευδώνυμου",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Τέλος της /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Τέλος της /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Τέλος της /WHOIS λίστας",
@ -122,114 +44,40 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Τέλος τησ NAMES λίστας",
"End of WHO list": "Τέλος της /WHO λίστας",
"End of WHOWAS": "Τέλος της WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Τέλος της λίστας",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Λανθασμένο ψευδώνυμο",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Σφάλμα κατάτμησης ψευδώνυμου",
"Error while unregistering account": "Σφάλμα κατά την κατάργηση της καταχώρησης λογαριασμού",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Η ψεύτικη πηγή πρέπει να είναι έγκυρο ψευδώνυμο",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Η πρώτη παράμετρος (param) πρέπει να είναι μάσκα ή κανάλι",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "Είδωλο από %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "Η βοήθεια δεν βρέθηκε",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "Έχω %[1]d πελάτες και %[2]d διακομιστές",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Ανεπαρκής oper privs",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Μη έγκυρη υποταγή CAP",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 δεν επιτρέπεται",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "Οι προτιμήσεις γλώσσας έχουν ρυθμιστεί",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "MOTD Το αρχείο λείπει",
"Malformed username": "Ακατάλληλο όνομα χρήστη",
"Mask isn't valid": "Η μάσκα δεν είναι έγκυρη",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "Το ψευδώνυμο είναι ήδη σε χρήση",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Το ψευδώνυμο κρατείται από διαφορετικό λογαριασμό",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Δεν έχουν οριστεί DLINEs!",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "Δεν δόθηκε ψευδώνυμο",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο κανάλι",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο ψευδώνυμο",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "Δεν έχει οριστεί θέμα",
"Not enough parameters": "Δεν υπάρχει αρκετή παράμετροι",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Μόνο οι ιδρυτές καναλιών μπορούν να αλλάξουν καταχωρημένα κανάλια",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Το oragono απελευθερώνεται βάσει της άδειας MIT.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "Λανθασμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"Permission Denied": "Δεν επιτρέπεται η άδεια",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "Δεν επιτρέπεται η άδεια - Δεν είστε χειριστής IRC",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Παραλήφθηκε παραμορφωμένη γραμμή",
"Registered at: %s": "Εγγραφή στο: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "Η εγγραφή απαιτεί έγκυρη διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Δεν υποστηρίζονται ακόμη απομακρυσμένοι διακομιστές",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "Καταργήθηκε η γραμμή D-Line για %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "Καταργήθηκε η γραμμή K-Line για %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "Ο έλεγχος ταυτότητας SASL αποβλήθηκε",
"SASL authentication failed": "Ο έλεγχος ταυτότητας SASL απέτυχε",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "Αποτυχία ελέγχου ταυτότητας SASL, δεν έχετε σύνδεση με ένα πιστοποιητικό",
@ -238,147 +86,54 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "Αποτυχία ελέγχου ταυτότητας SASL: Η φράση πρόσβασης είναι πολύ μεγάλη",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "Αποτυχία ελέγχου ταυτότητας SASL: authcid και authzid θα πρέπει να είναι τα ίδια",
"SASL message too long": "Το μήνυμα SASL είναι πολύ μεγάλο",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Μάσκες ειδοποίησης διακομιστή",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Επιτυχής ομαδοποίησης ψευδώνυμου %s με τον λογαριασμό σας",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Επιτυχής ομαδοποίηση ψευδώνυμου %s με τον λογαριασμό σας",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Επιτυχής μη καταχωρισμένος λογαριασμός %s",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Αυτό το ψευδώνυμο έχει ήδη δεσμευτεί από κάποιον άλλο",
"That nickname is not registered": "Αυτό το ψευδώνυμο δεν έχει καταχωριστεί",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Υπάρχουν %[1]d χρήστες και %[2]d αόρατοι στο %[3]d διακομιστή (ές)",
"There was no such nickname": "Δεν υπήρχε τέτοιο ψευδώνυμο",
"They aren't on that channel": "Δεν είναι σε αυτό το κανάλι",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Αυτή η απαγόρευση σας ταιριάζει. Για να ορίσετε τον εαυτό σας με το DLINE, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε την εντολή: /DLINE τον εαυτό μου <επιχειρήματα>",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Αυτή η απαγόρευση σας ταιριάζει. Για να ορίσετε τον εαυτό σας με το KLINE, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε την εντολή: /KLINE τον εαυτό μου <επιχειρήματα>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Αυτός ο διακομιστής βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων και καταγράφει όλες τις εισόδους / εξόδους χρηστών. Εάν δεν θέλετε για όλα όσα στείλατε να είναι αναγνώσιμα από τον ιδιοκτήτη του / των διακομιστή (ών), παρακαλείστε να αποσυνδεθείτε.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Αυτός ο διακομιστής δημιουργήθηκε %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Δεν υπάρχει χρονική σήμανση 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z μορφοποίηση, αγνοώντας το",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "Μεταφραστές:",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Άγνωστη εντολή",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "Άγνωστh δευτερεύουσα εντολή",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "Ο χρήστης δεν έχει ενεργοποιημένη τη λειτουργία ρόλου παιχνιδιού",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Κωδικός επαλήθευσης: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Επαληθεύστε το λογαριασμό σας %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "Η εντολή WEBIRC δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από τη διεύθυνσή σας ή έχει δοθεί λάθος κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "Καλώς ήλθατε στο Δίκτυο Αναμεταδόσεων στο Διαδίκτυο %s",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "Είστε αποκλεισμένος από αυτόν το διακομιστή (%s)",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "Δεν είστε πλέον χαρακτηρισμένος ως απομακρυσμένος",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Τώρα είστε χειριστής IRC",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Είστε πλέον συνδεδεμένοι ως %s",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Δεν μπορείτε να είστε είδωλο στον εαυτό σας (δοκιμάστε /QUIT αντιθέτως)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "Δεν μπορείτε να ομαδοποιήσετε το κύριο ψευδώνυμό σας (αντιθέτως δοκιμάστε να καταργήσετε την καταχώριση του λογαριασμού σας)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "Δεν διαθέτετε αυτό το ψευδώνυμο",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Έχετε απαγορευτεί από αυτόν το διακομιστή (%s)",
"You have been marked as being away": "Έχετε επισημανθεί ως μακριά",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Έχετε ήδη πάρα πολλά ψευδώνυμα δεσμευμένα (μπορείτε να καταργήσετε μερικά με /NS DROP)",
"You may not reregister": "Δεν μπορείτε να κάνετε εκ νέου εγγραφή",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "Πρέπει να είστε χειριστής στο κανάλι για να την καταχωρήσετε",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Θα πρέπει να εγγραφείτε για να μπορέσετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτήν την εντολή",
"You specified too many languages": "Ορίσατε πολλές γλώσσες",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "Έχετε ήδη συνδεθεί σε έναν λογαριασμό",
"You're already opered-up!": "Είστε ήδη χειριστής!",
"You're not a channel operator": "Δεν είστε χειριστής καναλιού",
"You're not logged into an account": "Δεν είστε συνδεδεμένοι σε λογαριασμό",
"You're not on that channel": "Δεν είστε σε αυτό το κανάλι",
"You're now logged in as %s": "Είστε πλέον συνδεδεμένοι ως %s",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Ο οικοδεσπότης σας είναι %[1]s, τρέχουσα έκδοση %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "υποστηρίζονται από αυτόν τον διακομιστή",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "έχει δακτυλικό αποτύπωμα πιστοποιητικού πελάτη %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "είναι ένα $bBot$b επί %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "είναι ένας άγνωστος τρόπος χαρακτήρα για μένα",
"is logged in as": "είναι συνδεδεμένος ως",
"is using a secure connection": "χρησιμοποιεί ασφαλή σύνδεση",
"seconds idle, signon time": "δευτερόλεπτα σε αδράνεια, ώρα εγγραφής",
"unregistered connections": ""
"seconds idle, signon time": "δευτερόλεπτα σε αδράνεια, ώρα εγγραφής"
@ -1,59 +1,4 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Λανθασμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "Δεν είστε συνδεδεμένοι σε λογαριασμό"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1,38 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "%s joined the rabble",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** We couldn't find your username, mate",
"*** Found your username": "*** We found your username, mate",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Mate, your username looks dodgy. I'll ignore it and letcha in anyway",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Give me a sec to ring up your username, mate",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Have a listen to this - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "Sorry mate, someone else already grabbed that name",
"Account created": "Strewth, we made your account!",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Actual user@host, Actual IP",
"Added D-Line for %s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %s",
"Added K-Line for %s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %[2]s for %[1]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %[2]s for %[1]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "You've logged in mate!",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "You can't change modes for other users ya' drongo",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "You can't take a squiz at other users' modes ya' drongo",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Sorry mate, can't join that channel (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Sorry mate, can't send that message to that channel",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Noice mate, you successfully regged %s",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Looks like they don't like roleplaying. Or at least, the chanops haven't enabled the mode for it",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "Mate, you don't need to be in that many channels. Part a couple then come talk to me again",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "Good cobbers:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Bad nickname, mate. Bad nickname",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "Sorry mate, no help for that",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "Can't run JOIN 0 here, mate",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "Mate, are you all together? That message needs more params",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Sorry mate, I dunno that command",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "Sorry mate, I dunno that subcommand",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "You're now an IRCop mate. Keep it fair dinkum, ey?",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Sorry mate, we've banned ya' (%s)",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "You can't re-reg mate",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "Sorry mate, that's too many languages",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "You're already logged in mate",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "Join the channel before doing that, mate",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "is totally a bot on %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "is a mode I don't know at all",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "is using TLS, secure as bro",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
"is using a secure connection": "is using TLS, secure as bro"
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Ayuda de Topic =\n\nComandos:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformación:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "\n@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nEnvía las etiquetas dadas solo para clientes a los objetivos dados como un TAGMSG. Vea el Ircv3\nespecificaciones para más información: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUtilizado en el registro de la cuenta. Consulte las especificaciones relevantes para obtener más información: https://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <target> <mensaje a enviar>\n\nEl comando AMBIANCE se usa para enviar una notificación de escena al objetivo dado.",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "AUTENTICAR\n\nUtilizado durante la autenticación SASL. Consulte las especificaciones de IRCv3 para obtener más información:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "AWAY [mensaje]\n\nSi se envía [mensaje], lo marca de distancia. Si no se envía [mensaje], le marca que no\nmás lejos",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "BRB [mensaje]\n\nLo desconecta del servidor, mientras le indica al servidor que lo mantenga\npresente por un corto período de tiempo. Durante esta ventana, puede reanudar\no vuelva a colocar su apodo. Si se envía [mensaje], se utiliza como su ausencia\nmensaje (y como mensaje de salida si no regresa a tiempo).",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUtilizado en la negociación de capacidades. Consulte las especificaciones de IRCv3 para obtener más información:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MISMO] [duración] <ip> / <net> [ON <server>] [motivo [| oper razón]]\nLISTA DE DLINE\n\nProhíbe que una dirección IP o red se conecte al servidor. Si la duración es\ndado entonces solo por ese tiempo. El motivo se muestra al usuario, pero\ntodos los demás verán un mensaje estándar. La razón principal se muestra para\noperadores que obtienen información sobre los DLINE que existen.\n\nLas prohibiciones se guardan en lanzamientos posteriores del servidor.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" significa que todos los clientes coincidentes también se eliminan del servidor.\n\nSe requiere \"MISMO MISMO\" cuando el DLINE coincide con la dirección que está conectada la persona que lo aplica\nde. Si no aparece \"MISMO MISMO\", intentar DLINE usted mismo dará como resultado un error.\n\n[duración] puede ser de las siguientes formas:\n1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> se especifica en la notación CIDR típica. Por ejemplo:\n127.0.0.1/8\n8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> especifica que la prohibición debe establecerse en ese servidor específico.\n\n[razón] y [razón de operación], si existen, están separadas por una barra vertical (|).\n\nSi se envía \"DLINE LIST\", el servidor devuelve una lista de nuestros DLINE actuales.\n \n-> DLINE [ANDKILL] [MISMO] [duración] <ip> / <net> [ON <server>] [motivo [| oper razón]]\nLISTA DE DLINE\n\nProhíbe que una dirección IP o red se conecte al servidor. Si la duración es\ndado entonces solo por ese tiempo. El motivo se muestra al usuario, pero\ntodos los demás verán un mensaje estándar. La razón principal se muestra para\noperadores que obtienen información sobre los DLINE que existen.\n\nLas prohibiciones se guardan en lanzamientos posteriores del servidor.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" significa que todos los clientes coincidentes también se eliminan del servidor.\n\nSe requiere \"MISMO MISMO\" cuando el DLINE coincide con la dirección que está conectada la persona que lo aplica\nde. Si no aparece \"MISMO MISMO\", intentar DLINE usted mismo dará como resultado un error.\n\n[duración] puede ser de las siguientes formas:\n1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> se especifica en la notación CIDR típica. Por ejemplo:\n127.0.0.1/8\n8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> especifica que la prohibición debe establecerse en ese servidor específico.\n\n[razón] y [razón de operación], si existen, están separadas por una barra vertical (|).\n\nSi se envía \"DLINE LIST\", el servidor devuelve una lista de nuestros DLINE actuales.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "AYUDA <argumento>\n\nObtenga una explicación de <argumento> o \"índice\" para obtener una lista de temas de ayuda.",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "AYUDA <argumento>\n\nObtenga una explicación de <argumento> o \"índice\" para obtener una lista de temas de ayuda.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "INFO\n\nEnvía información sobre el servidor, desarrolladores, etc.",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "INVITE <nickname> <canal> <canal\n\nInvita al usuario en cuestión al canal en cuestión, siempre y cuando tenga la opción\nPrivilegios de canal apropiados.",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "ISON <nombre>{ <nombre>}\n\nDevuelve si los nicks dados existen en la red.",
@ -32,41 +22,5 @@
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "LUSERS [<máscara>[<servidor>]]\n\nMuestra estadísticas sobre el tamaño de la red. Si se da <mask>, sólo\ndevuelve las estadísticas de los servidores que coinciden con la máscara dada. Si se indica <servidor>, la opción\nes procesado por ese servidor.",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nEstablece y elimina modos del objetivo dado. Para obtener información más específica sobre\nconsulte la ayuda de los \"modos\".",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nPermite la monitorización de apodos, para alertas cuando están en línea y\nfuera de línea. Los subcomandos lo son:\n\n MONITOR + objetivo{,objetivo}\nAñade los nombres de pila a tu lista de apodos monitorizados.\n\n MONITOR - objetivo{,objetivo}\nElimina los nombres de pila de la lista de apodos monitorizados.\n\n MONITOR C\nBorra tu lista de apodos monitoreados.\n\n MONITOR L\nEnumera todos los apodos que estás monitoreando actualmente.\n\n MONITOR S\nIndica si cada nick en su lista MONITOR está en línea o fuera de línea.",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "MOTD [servidor]\n\nDevuelve el mensaje del día para este, o el servidor dado.",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "MOTD [servidor]\n\nDevuelve el mensaje del día para este, o el servidor dado."
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,34 +1,19 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$Advertencia: anular el registro de esta cuenta eliminará sus privilegios almacenados.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bAdvertencia: anular el registro de esta cuenta eliminará sus privilegios almacenados.$b",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Usuario %[2]s solicita vhost: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [Cuenta: %[2]s] unida al canal",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s Cambió nick a %[2]s",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s Golpeado %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s Dejó el canal (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s Desconectado (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "%s Se unió al canal",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bFin del comando HELP de %s$b ***",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** No se encuentra el nombre de usuario",
"*** Found your username": "*** Encuentra tu nombre de usuario",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Nombre de usuario incorrecto, ignorando",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Buscando su nombre de usuario",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Mensaje del día - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "... y otros comandos que han sido deshabilitados",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Hay una solicitud pendiente para vhost: %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "Una solicitud fue previamente para vhost %s",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "La cuenta %[1]s tiene vhost: %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "La cuenta %[1]s recibe los modos +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "La cuenta %s no tiene vhost",
@ -43,77 +28,39 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Añadido temporal (%[1]s) D-Line para %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Añadido temporal (%[1]s) K-Line para %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Nick adicional agrupado: %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "Ocurrió un error",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Autenticación exitosa",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Comando de PROXY incorrecto o no autorizado",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Ban - %[1]s - puesto por %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "Los mensajes CTCP están deshabilitados en tor",
"Can't change modes for other users": "No pude cambiar los modos para otros usuarios",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "No puede ver los modos de otros usuarios",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "No puede unirse al canal (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "No se puede cambiar el nombre del canal",
"Cannot resume connection": "No se puede reanudar la conexión",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "No es posible reanudar la conexión. El registro de la conexión ya fue completado",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "No se puede reanudar la conexión, los clientes antiguos y nuevos deben tener TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "No se puede reanudar la conexión, el token no es válido",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "No se puede enviar al canal",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "El canal %[1]s tiene %[2]d modos persistentes establecidos",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "El canal %s ahora no está registrado",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Canal %s registrado correctamente",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "El canal no existe",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "El canal no tiene un modo de rol disponible",
"Channel is not registered": "El canal no está registrado",
"Channel list is full": "La lista del canal está completa",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "Canal renombrado",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Canal renombrado: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Cliente reconectado",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "Comando restringido",
"Core Developers:": "Desarrolladores principales:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "No se pudo encontrar el cliente dado",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "No podría analizar CIDR red o dirección IP",
"Could not register": "No se pudo registrar",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "No se pudo quitar el ban [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "No se puede definir o cambiar nick: %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "No se pudo guardar con éxito la nueva D-LINE: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "No se pudo guardar con éxito la nueva K-LINE: %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "No se puede desagrupar nick",
"Created at: %s": "Creado en: %s",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Final de /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Final del /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Final de lista /WHOIS",
@ -122,57 +69,30 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Final de lista /NAMES",
"End of WHO list": "Final de lista /WHO",
"End of WHOWAS": "Fin del WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Final de la lista",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Nick erróneo",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "Error al cargar los datos de la cuenta",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Error reservando el nick",
"Error while unregistering account": "Error al anular el registro de cuenta",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Debes ingresar un nombre de usuario válido",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "El primero parámetro debe ser una máscara o un canal",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "Liberada por %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "Dada la configuración actual del servidor, su apodo se aplica con: %s",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "AYUDA <argumento>\n\nObtenga una explicación de <argumento> o \"índice\" para obtener una lista de temas de ayuda.",
"Help not found": "Ayuda no encontrada",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "Nombre de host: %s",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "Hay %[1]d clientes y %[2]d servidores",
"I'll be right back": "Ya vuelvo",
"IP address: %s": "Dirección IP: %s",
"IRC Operators online": "Operadores de IRC en línea",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "Línea de entrada demasiado larga",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Privs de operación insuficientes",
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilegios Insuficientes",
"Internal error": "Error Interno",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Subcomando CAP inválido",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "Nombre de cuenta inválido",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "Cambio de modo inválido",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Parámetros inválidos. Para su uso, haga /msg %[1]s AYUDA %[2]s",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "Vhost inválido",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Fue rechazado por la razón: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 no está permitido",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "El idioma %s no es compatible con este servidor",
"Language preferences have been set": "Preferencias de lenguajes definidas",
@ -180,14 +100,7 @@
"MOTD File is missing": "No se encuentra el archivo MOTD",
"Malformed username": "Nombre de usuario incorrecto",
"Mask isn't valid": "La máscara no es válida",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "Servicio de red, para más información /msg %s AYUDA",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "El apodo %[1]s tiene %[2]d sesiones adjuntas",
"Nickname is already in use": "El nick ya está en uso",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "El nick está reservado para otra cuenta",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "¡No se han configurado DLINE!",
@ -197,9 +110,7 @@
"No such channel": "No hay tal canal",
"No such module [%s]": "No hay tal módulo [%s]",
"No such nick": "No hay tal nick",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "No existe tal ajuste",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "No se establece ningún tema",
"Not enough parameters": "Parámetros insuficientes",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Solo los fundadores de canales pueden cambiar canales registrados",
@ -213,23 +124,15 @@
"Permission Denied": "Permiso denegado",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "Permiso denegado: no eres un operador de IRC",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "Espere al menos %v e intente nuevamente",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Línea malformada recibida",
"Registered at: %s": "Registrado en: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Canal registrado: %s",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "El registro requiere una dirección de correo electrónico válida",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Servidores remotos aún no admitidos",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "Se elimino D-Line para %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "Se elimino K-Line para %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "Solicitar la capacidad del cliente %s está prohibido",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "El currículum puede haber perdido hasta %d segundos de historial",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "Autenticación SASL cancelada",
"SASL authentication failed": "La autenticación SASL falló",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "La autenticación SASL falló, no se está conectando con un certificado",
@ -238,46 +141,20 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "Error de autenticación SASL: frase de contraseña demasiado larga",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "La autenticación SASL falló: authcid y authzid deberían ser iguales",
"SASL message too long": "Mensaje SASL demasiado largo",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Máscaras de aviso del servidor",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Sesión %d (sesión actualmente adjunta):",
"Session %d:": "Sesión %d:",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "Es posible que se haya perdido algún historial adicional de mensajes",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "Solicitud de vhost aprobada con éxito para %s",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "Cambió con éxito la configuración de su cuenta",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "Vhost borrado con éxito",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "Desactivado con éxito tu vhost",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "Ha habilitado con éxito su vhost",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Agrupado con éxito nick %s con su cuenta",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "Cuenta registrada con éxito %s",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "Rechazado con éxito la solicitud de vhost para %s",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "Establecer con éxito vhost",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Exitosamente desagrupado nick %s con su cuenta",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Exitosamente sin registrar %s de cuenta",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "Este canal no está registrado",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Ese apodo ya está reservado por otra persona",
"That nickname is not registered": "Ese apodo no está registrado",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "Hay %[1]d solicitudes pendientes de vhosts (%[2]d visualizado)",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Existen %[1]d usuarios y %[2]d invisible en %[3]d servidore(s)",
"There was no such nickname": "No había tal apodo",
"They aren't on that channel": "No están en ese canal",
@ -285,100 +162,58 @@
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Esta prohibición coincide contigo. Para KLINE usted mismo, debe usar el comando: /KLINE MISMA <argumentos>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "Este comando ha sido desactivado por los administradores del servidor",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "Esta característica ha sido desactivada por los administradores del servidor",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Este servidor está en modo debug y está registrando todas las E/S de usuario. Si usted no desea que todo lo que envía sea legible para los propietarios del servidor, por favor desconéctese.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Este servidor fue creado %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Este vhost está actualmente deshabilitado, pero se puede habilitar con /HS ON",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "La marca de tiempo no está en el formato 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z, ignorándolo",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "Para cambiar una contraseña, utilice el comando PASSWD. Para más detalles, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "Traductores:",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Comando desconocido",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "Comando desconocido. Para ver los comandos disponibles, ejecute: /%s HELP",
"Unknown subcommand": "Subcomando desconocido",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "El usuario no tiene habilitado el modo de juego de roles",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Código de verificación: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Verifique su cuenta en %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "El comando WEBIRC no se puede utilizar desde su dirección o con una contraseña incorrecta",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "Bienvenido a la red de retransmisión de Internet %s",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "Usted está baneado de este servidor (%s)",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "Ya no está autorizado a estar en este servidor",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "Ya no está marcado como ausente",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Ahora eres un operador de IRC",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Ahora está conectado como %s",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Usted no puede FANTASMAR a sí mismo (intente /QUIT en su lugar)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "no puedes desagrupar tu nombre de usuario principal (intenta desregistrar tu cuenta en su lugar)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "No tienes suficientes privilegios de canal",
"You don't own that nick": "No eres el dueño de ese nick",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "Ya ha registrado el número máximo de canales; intente dejar caer algunos con /CS UNREGISTER\n",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Has sido baneado de este servidor (%s)",
"You have been marked as being away": "Has sido marcado como ausente",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "Ha enviado demasiados mensajes de registro",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Ya tiene demasiados nicks reservados (puede eliminar algunos con /NS DROP)",
"You may not reregister": "No puede volver a registrarse",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "Usted debe ser un oper en el canal para registrarlo",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "Para ello, debe estar conectado con TLS y un certificado de cliente",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "Debe iniciar sesión con SASL para unirse a este servidor",
"You must specify an account": "Debe especificar una cuenta",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "Debe esperar un %v adicional antes de hacer otra solicitud",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Necesita registrarse antes de poder usar ese comando",
"You specified too many languages": "Ha especificado demasiados idiomas",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "Recibirás líneas %d de la historia reproducida automáticamente",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "Recibirá el valor por defecto del servidor de las líneas %d del historial reproducido automáticamente",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "Ya ha iniciado sesión en una cuenta",
"You're already opered-up!": "¡Ya estás operado!",
"You're not a channel operator": "No eres un operador de canal",
"You're not logged into an account": "No has iniciado sesión en una cuenta",
"You're not on that channel": "No estás en ese canal",
"You're now logged in as %s": "Ahora estás conectado como %s",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "Su cliente no soporta BRB",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Su host es %[1]s, ejecutando la versión %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "Su configuración de aplicación de apodos almacenada es: %s",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "Su solicitud de vhost fue aprobada por un administrador",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "Su solicitud de vhost fue rechazada por un administrador. La razón dada fue: %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "Su solicitud de vhost será revisada por un administrador",
"are supported by this server": "son soportados por este servidor",
"channels formed": "canales formados",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "tiene certificado de cliente huella dactilar %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "es un $bBot$b en %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "es un personaje de modo desconocido para mí",
"is logged in as": "Es un usuario registrado",
"is using a secure connection": "Está usando una conexión segura",
"seconds idle, signon time": "segundos de inactividad, tiempo de inicio de sesión",
"unregistered connections": ""
"seconds idle, signon time": "segundos de inactividad, tiempo de inicio de sesión"
@ -1,59 +1,13 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilegios Insuficientes",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Sintaxis: $bDROP[apodo]$b\n\nDROP desvincula el nombre de usuario dado (o el actual) de su cuenta de usuario.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Sintaxis: $bGHOST <nombre>$b\n\nGHOST desconecta al usuario en cuestión de la red si está conectado con la función\nla misma cuenta de usuario, lo que le permite recuperar su nombre de usuario.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Sintaxis: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP vincula tu nombre de usuario actual con tu cuenta de inicio de sesión, para que otras personas\nno podrá usarla.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Sintaxis: $bIDENTIFICAR <nombredeusuario>[contraseña]$b\n\nIDENTIFY le permite iniciar sesión en el nombre de usuario dado utilizando la autenticación de contraseña, o bien\ncertfp (su certificado de cliente) si no se proporciona una contraseña.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Sintaxis: $bINFO [nombre de usuario]$b\n\nINFO le da información sobre la cuenta de usuario dada (o la suya propia).",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Sintaxis: $bSADROP <nombre>$b\n\nSADROP desvincula por la fuerza el nombre de usuario dado de la cuenta de usuario adjunta.",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Sintaxis: $bUNREGISTER <nombredeusuario>[código]$b\n\nUNREGISTER te permite eliminar tu cuenta de usuario (o la de otra persona, si eres un\nIRC con los permisos correctos). Para prevenir accidentes\nse requiere un código de verificación; invocando el comando sin\nun código mostrará el código necesario.",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Sintaxis: $bVERIFY <nombredeusuario> <código>$b\n\nVERIFY le permite completar el registro de una cuenta, si el servidor requiere correo electrónico.\nu otra verificación.",
"You're not logged into an account": "No has iniciado sesión en una cuenta"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1,4 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "Tili en ole",
"Account: %s": "Tili: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
"Account: %s": "Tili: %s"
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "$bGET$b liste les réglages actuels d’un salon.",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "$bHISTORY$b\nDéfinit la façon dont l’historique est conservé. Les options disponibles sont :\na) On Historique enregistré en base de données, si disponible.\nb) Off Historique désactivé.\nc) Default Utilise le réglage du serveur.\nd) Ephemeral Historique temporaire, sans base de données.",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "$bINFO$b affiche les détails d’un salon enregistré.",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "$bOP$b fait de vous, ou de quelqu’un d’autre, un·e administrateurice du salon.",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "$bPURGE$b élimine un salon du serveur.",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "$bREGISTER$b vous permet de réserver un salon.",
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "Syntaxe : $bAMODE #Salon [modes] [compte]$b\n\nAMODE liste, ou modifie, les modes persistants attribués aux membres d’un salon. Par exemple, $bAMODE #Nuage +o Julie$b donne à Julie le statut d’opérateurice à chaque fois qu’elle rejoint le salon #Nuage. Pour lister les comptes et modes actuels, utilisez $bAMODE #Salon$b. À noter que les utilisateurices sont toujours désigné·e·s selon le nom du compte, et non pas le pseudonyme.",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "Syntaxe : $bCLEAR #Salon Cible$b\n\nCLEAR retire utilisateurices ou réglages d’un salon. Spécifiquement :\n\n$bCLEAR #Salon Users$b expulse tou·te·s les utilisateurices à part vous.\n$bCLEAR #Salon Access$b efface tous les bannissements, exceptions, invitations,\net modes persistants établis via CS AMODE.",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "Syntaxe : $bGET #Salon Réglage$b\n\nGET liste les réglages actuels d’un salon. Les options disponibles\nsont consultables via la commande HELP SET.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Syntaxe : $bOP #Salon [Nom]$b\n\nOP fait de vous, ou de quelqu’un d’autre, un·e administrateurice du salon. Cette commande est seulement disponible si vous avez créé ledit salon.",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "Syntaxe : $bPURGE #Salon (Raison)$b\n\nPURGE élimine un salon du serveur, le rendant complètement\ninaccessible. Si des utilisateurices y sont connecté·e·s à ce\nmoment-là, iels en seront exclu·e·s.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Syntaxe : $bREGISTER #Salon$b\n\nREGISTER enregistre le salon donné, et fait de vous saon administrateurice. Les modes du salon, comme son sujet, seront sauvegardés.",
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Sujets d’aide =\n\nCommandes :\n%[1]s\n\nJetons RPL_ISUPPORT :\n%[2]s\n\nInformation :\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+Client-only-tags TAGMSG Nom (,Nom)\n\nEnvoie les « client-only tags » aux utilisateurices donné·e·s via TAGMSG.\nPour plus d’informations, voir les spécifications IRCv3 :\nhttps://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/message-tags.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "ACC LS\nACC REGISTER Nom [callback_namespace:]<rappel> [cred_type] :<référence>\nACC VERIFY Nom Code\n\nCommandes utilisées pour l’enregistrement des comptes. Cf. spécifications :\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE Destination :Message\n\t\t\nCette commande envoie un message d’ambiance. Requière l’activation\ndu mode jeu de rôle (+E) sur le salon ou l’utilisateurice donné·e.\n\nExemple : AMBIANCE #Salon :Juste à côté du feu de cheminée, se trouvait un chat qui ronronnait.",
@ -13,10 +10,8 @@
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP Sous-commande (:Capacités)\n\nCommande utilisée pour la négociation des capacités. Voir\nles spécifications IRCv3 pour plus d’informations :\nhttps://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "CHATHISTORY (Paramètres)\n\nCette commande affiche l’historique d’une conversation ou d’un salon, et\nfait partie des spécifications IRCv3. Cf. documentation :\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "DEBUG Option\n\nOffre diverses commandes de déboggage. Les options disponibles sont :\n\n* CRASHSERVER : Cause un crash du serveur.\n* GCSTATS : Contrôle des statistiques.\n* NUMGOROUTINE : Numération des routines.\n* PROFILEHEAP : Profil de la mémoire.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE : Début du profilage du processeur.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE : Fin du profilage du processeur.",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "DEOPER\n\nDEOPER retire les privilèges précédemment obtenus via /OPER.",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [Durée] <IP>/<Net> [ON <Serveur>] [Raison [| OPER Raison]]\n\nCommande bannissant une adresse IP ou un réseau, indéfiniment ou pour la durée spécifiée.\nLa première raison est communiquée à l’utilisateurice concerné·e ; la seconde est destinée aux opérateurices.\n\n« ANDKILL » déconnecte immédiatement l’utilisateurice du serveur.\n« MYSELF » est à préciser dans le cas d’un auto-bannissement.\n« ON <Serveur> » établit le bannissement uniquement sur ce serveur.\n\nLa durée peut être donnée en années, mois, jours, heures, ou secondes :\n\t1y 12mo 28d 24h 60m 20s\n\n<Net> suit la méthode CIDR. Exemples :\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nDLINE LIST\n\nAffiche la liste des bannissements actuellement en place.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELP Argument\n\nExplique l’argument donné, ou liste les aides disponibles avec Index.",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <commande>\n\nExplique la commande donnée ; une liste complète est disponible via « /helpop index ».",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "HISTORY Cible (Limite)\n\nAffiche l’historique des messages. La cible peut être le nom d’un salon, d’un·e\nutilisateurice lié·e à votre compte, ou « me » pour les échanges privés.\nLa limite est, au choix, une valeur numéraire ou bien temporelle.",
@ -55,14 +50,12 @@
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "SANICK NomActuel NouveauNom\n\nChange le nom de l’utilisateurice en question.",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "SCENE Destination :Message\n\t\t\nCette commande envoie la description d’une scène. Requière l’activation\ndu mode jeu de rôle (+E) sur le salon ou l’utilisateurice donné·e.\n\nExemple : SCENE #Salon :Juste à côté du feu de cheminée, se trouvait un chat qui ronronnait.",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "SETNAME Nom réel\n\nChange votre « nom réel » pour celui donné.\n\nExemple : SETNAME Carmen Sandiego",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME (Serveur)\n\nAffiche l’heure du serveur actuel, ou celui spécifié.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC Salon (Sujet)\n\nAffiche le sujet actuel du salon, ou le remplace si un nouveau est donné.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "UNDLINE <IP>/<Net>\n\nLève un bannissement en cours sur l’adresse IP ou le réseau donné·e.\n\n<Net> est à spécifier selon la méthode CIDR.\n\nExemples :\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "UNKLINE <Masque>\n\nLève un bannissement en cours sur le masque donné.\n\nExemples :\n\tUNKLINE Nuve\n\tUNKLINE Nuve!6*@28.*",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "USER <Nom d’utilisateurice> 0 * <Nom réel>\n\nCommande utilisée au cours de l’identification au serveur, établissant le\nnom d’utilisateurice et le « nom réel » donnés à la connexion.",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "USERHOST Nom (Nom)\n\t\t\nAffiche les informations des utilisateurices donné·e·s.\nAccepte jusqu’à dix noms séparés par une espace.",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "VERSION (Serveur)\n\nAffiche la version d’Oragono utilisée par le serveur actuel, ou celui\nspécifié, ainsi que ses réglages RPL_ISUPPORT.",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "WEBIRC <Mot de passe> <Passerelle> <Nom d’hôte> <Adresse IP> [:<Marquages>]\n\nCommande utilisée par les passerelles Web<->IRC, et les « bouncers », leur permettant\nde relayer la véritable adresse IP des clients. Voir spécification :\nhttps://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\nLes <marquages> sont une liste de termes séparés par une espace, indiquant divers\ndétails au sujet de la connexion du client à la passerelle, comme par exemple :\n\n- TLS : ce marquage indique que le lien entre le client et la passerelle est sécurisé.",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "WHO #Salon (ou Utilisateurice)\n\nAffiche les informations d’un·e utilisateurice, ou\nliste celleux présent·e·s dans un salon.",
@ -1,32 +1,14 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "$bAPPROVE$b accepte la demande d’hôte virtuel.",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "$bDEL$b supprime la demande d’hôte virtuel.",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "$bFORBID$b bloque l’accès d’un·e utilisateurice aux hôtes virtuels.",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "$bOFF$b désactive votre hôte virtuel.",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "$bOFFERLIST$b liste les hôtes virtuels prédéfinis, qui sont disponibles sans requérir l’approbation d’un·e opérateurice.",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "$bON$b active votre hôte virtuel.",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "$PERMIT$b autorise un·e utilisateurice à accéder aux hôtes virtuels.",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "$bREJECT$b décline la demande d’hôte virtuel.",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "$bREQUEST$b demande un nouvel hôte virtuel.",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "$bSET$b définit l’hôte virtuel d’un·e utilisateurice.",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "$bSTATUS$b affiche votre hôte virtuel, ou le statut de votre demande.",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "$bTAKE$b vous laisse adopter l’un des hôtes virtuels prédéfinis.",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "$bWAITING$b affiche une liste des demandes d’hôte virtuel en attente.",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "HostServ vous laisse gérer votre hôte virtuel, dit « vhost », qui\nremplace votre véritable nom d’hôte, ou adresse IP, par le texte de votre choix.",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Syntaxe : $bAPPROVE <Utilisateurice>$b\n\nAPPROVE valide la demande d’hôte virtuel de l’utilisateurice en question.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Syntaxe : $bDEL <Utilisateurice>$b\n\nDEL supprime l’hôte virtuel de l’utilisateurice en question.",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "Syntaxe : $bFORBID Utilisateurice$b\n\nBloque l’accès d’un·e utilisateurice à l’ensemble des hôtes virtuels.",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntaxe : $bOFF$b\n\nOFF désactive votre hôte virtuel.",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "Syntaxe : $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nListe les hôtes virtuels prédéfinis qui sont disponibles sans requérir\nl’approbation d’un·e opérateurice, et accessibles via la commande /hostserv take.",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntaxe : $bON$b\n\nON active votre hôte virtuel.",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "Syntaxe : $PERMIT Utilisateurice$b\n\nAutorise un·e utilisateurice à accéder à l’ensemble des hôtes virtuels.",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "Syntaxe : $bREJECT Utilisateurice (Raison)$b\n\nREJECT décline une demande d’hôte virtuel, avec ou sans raison donnée.",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "Syntaxe : $bREQUEST Hôte$b\nExemple : $bREQUEST nuve.est-ma.déesse$b\n\nREQUEST émet la demande d’un nouvel hôte virtuel pour votre compte, qui sera\npassée en revue par l’un·e des opérateurices du serveur.",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "Syntaxe : $bSET <Utilisateurice> <Hôte>$b\n\nSET établit l’hôte virtuel d’un·e utilisateurice.",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Syntaxe : $bSTATUS (Utilisateurice)$b\n\nSTATUS affiche votre hôte virtuel, ou l’état de votre demande\npour en obtenir un. Un·e opérateurice peut voir le statut d’autres utilisateurices.",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "Syntaxe : $TAKE Hôte$b\n\nAdopte l’un des hôtes virtuels prédéfinis. La liste est\nconsultable via la commande /hostserv offerlist.",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Syntaxe : $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING affiche une liste des demandes d'hôte virtuel en attente, qui peuvent être approuvées ou rejetées.",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": "^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$"
@ -1,34 +1,22 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": " $b/msg %s HELP Commande$b",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$bAttention : effacer ce compte lèvera ses privilèges.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bAttention : effacer ce canal le démunira de ses attributs.$b",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "$bAttention : vous êtes sur le point de céder la propriété de votre salon à un·e autre utilisateurice.$b",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. %[2]s demande l’hôte virtuel : %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [%[2]s] a rejoint le canal",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s a changé de nom pour %[2]s",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s a éjecté %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s a quitté le canal (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s est parti·e (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "%s Sous-commande (Paramètres)",
"%s joined the channel": "%s a rejoint le canal",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bFin de %s AIDE$b ***",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Impossible de trouver votre nom d’utilisateurice",
"*** Found your username": "*** Nom d’utilisateurice trouvé",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Reçu mauvais nom d’utilisateurice",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Recherche de votre nom d’utilisateurice",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Message du jour - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "… et autres commandes ayant été désactivées",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Une demande est en attente pour l’hôte virtuel : %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "Une demande a déjà été faite pour l’hôte virtuel : %s",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "Le compte %[1]s a pour hôte virtuel : %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "Le compte %[1]s reçoit le mode +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "Le compte %s n’a pas d’hôte virtuel",
@ -43,14 +31,11 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "D-Line temporaire (%[1]s) ajoutée pour %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "K-Line temporaire (%[1]s) ajoutée pour %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Nom additionnel groupé : %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "Un·e administrateurice a restreint votre accès aux hôtes virtuels",
"An error occurred": "Une erreur est survenue",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Authentification réussie",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "La rediffusion des messages manqués est activée",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Commande PROXY erronée ou prohibée",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "%[1]s banni·e par %[2]s – %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "Les messages CTCP sont désactivés via Tor",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Impossible de changer les modes d’autres utilisateurices",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "Salon %s invalide, élimination impossible",
@ -62,8 +47,6 @@
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Impossible de rétablir la connexion, son enregistrement a déjà été complété",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Impossible de rétablir la connexion, anciens et nouveaux clients doivent avoir TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "Impossible de rétablir la connexion, le jeton est faux",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Impossible d’envoyer ce message",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "Envoi impossible (+%s)",
"Certfp: %s": "Certfp : %s",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "Empreinte du certificat introuvable",
@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Le mode « jeu de rôle » n’est pas disponible dans ce salon",
"Channel is not registered": "Ce canal n’est pas enregistré",
"Channel list is full": "La liste de canaux est pleine",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "Canal renommé",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Canal renommé : %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Client reconnecté",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "Client reconnecté (l’historique des messages a pu être perdu)",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "Client reconnecté (jusqu’à %d secondes de l’historique ont pu être perdues)",
@ -94,26 +74,17 @@
"Command restricted": "Commande limitée",
"Core Developers:": "Développeuxes Majeuxes :",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "Impossible de prendre possession du salon %s",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Client donné introuvable",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Impossible d’analyser l’adresse IP, ou le réseau CIDR",
"Could not register": "Enregistrement impossible",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "Impossible de retirer le ban [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "Nom impossible à changer : %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "Impossible d’enregistrer la nouvelle D-Line : %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "Impossible d’enregistrer la nouvelle K-Line : %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "Transfert du salon impossible",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Impossible de dégrouper ce nom",
"Created at: %s": "Créé·e le : %s",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "%[1]s utilisateurices actuellement connecté·e·s ; record à %[2]s",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "%[1]s utilisateurices actuellement connecté·e·s au serveur local ; record à %[2]s",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Fin de HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Fin de INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Fin de WHOIS",
@ -122,24 +93,17 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Fin de NAMES",
"End of WHO list": "Fin de WHO",
"End of WHOWAS": "Fin de WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Fin de liste",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Nom inadéquat",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "Impossible de charger les données du compte",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Erreur lors de la réservation du nom",
"Error while unregistering account": "Erreur au cours de la suppression du compte",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Vous devez entrer un nom valide",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Le premier paramètre doit être un masque, ou un salon",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "Pour une liste complète des contributeurices, voir le journal des modifications :",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "Pour plus de détails : /%s HELP",
"Former Core Developers:": "Ancien·ne·s développeuxes majeuxes :",
"Founder: %s": "Fondateurice : %s",
"GHOSTed by %s": "Déconnecté·e via Ghost par %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "Selon la configuration actuelle du serveur, le réglage de l’historique pour les salons est : %s",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "En accord avec la configuration actuelle du serveur, votre mode persistant est activé",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "En accord avec la configuration actuelle du serveur, votre mode persistant est désactivé",
@ -159,7 +123,6 @@
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilèges insuffisants",
"Internal error": "Erreur interne",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Sous-commande CAP invalide",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "Nom de compte invalide",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "Empreinte du certificat invalide",
"Invalid channel name": "Nom de salon invalide",
@ -169,10 +132,7 @@
"Invalid parameters": "Paramètres invalides",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Paramètres invalides. Détails disponibles via /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s",
"Invalid params": "Paramètres invalides",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "Vhost invalide",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Raison du refus : %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 est interdit",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "Le langage %s n’est pas proposé sur ce serveur",
"Language preferences have been set": "Vos préférences linguistiques ont été enregistrées",
@ -180,14 +140,12 @@
"MOTD File is missing": "Message du jour manquant",
"Malformed username": "Nom erroné",
"Mask isn't valid": "Masque invalide",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "Récupération des messages impossible",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "La fonctionnalité multiclient est actuellement désactivée",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "La fonctionnalité multiclient est disponible, mais actuellement désactivée pour votre compte",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "La fonctionnalité multiclient est actuellement activée",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "La fonctionnalité multiclient est optionnelle, et actuellement activée pour votre compte",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "Service réseau ; davantage d’informations disponibles via /msg %s HELP",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "%[1]s a %[2]d session(s) attachée(s)",
"Nickname is already in use": "Ce nom est déjà utilisé",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Ce nom est déjà réservé par un autre compte",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Aucune D-Line mise en place !",
@ -197,7 +155,6 @@
"No such channel": "Ce canal n’existe pas",
"No such module [%s]": "Module introuvable",
"No such nick": "Pseudo introuvable",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "Réglage introuvable",
"No text to send": "Aucun message à envoyer",
"No topic is set": "Aucun sujet enregistré",
@ -216,20 +173,16 @@
"Purge reason: %s": "Raison de l’élimination : %s",
"Purged at: %s": "Éliminé à : %s",
"Purged by operator: %s": "Éliminé par l’opérateurice : %s",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Ligne reçue mal-formée",
"Registered at: %s": "Enregistré·e le : %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Salon enregistré le : %s",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "L’enregistrement requiert une adresse e-mail valide",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Les serveurs distants ne sont pas encore compatibles",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "D-Line supprimée pour %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "K-Line supprimée pour %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "Demander l’aptitude %s est défendu",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "Une partie de l’historique a pu être perdue",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "Le résumé a perdu jusqu’à %d secondes de l’historique",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "Authentification SASL interrompue",
"SASL authentication failed": "Authentification SASL échouée",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "Authentification SASL échouée, vous n’avez pas de certificat",
@ -238,31 +191,20 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "Authentification SASL échouée : phrase secrète trop longue",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "Authentification SASL échouée : authcid et authzid devraient être identiques",
"SASL message too long": "Message SASL trop long",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Masques de notification du serveur",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Session %d (actuellement attachée) :",
"Session %d:": "Session %d :",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "Une partie de l’historique a été perdue",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "Propriété du salon %s acceptée",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "Demande d’hôte virtuel approuvée pour %s",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "Réglages du salon changés avec succès",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "Réglages sauvegardés",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "Hôte virtuel effacé",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "Hôte virtuel désactivé",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "Hôte virtuel activé",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Le nom %s a été lié à votre compte",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "Salon %s éliminé du serveur",
"Successfully registered account %s": "Compte %s enregistré",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "Demande d’hôte virtuel rejetée pour %s",
"Successfully reset channel access": "Accès du salon réinitialisés",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "Hôte virtuel mis en place",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "Salon %[1]s cédé au compte %[2]s",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Le nom %s a été détaché de votre compte",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "Salon %s restauré sur le serveur",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Compte %s effacé",
@ -271,13 +213,8 @@
"That channel is not registered": "Ce canal n’est pas enregistré",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Ce nom est déjà réservé par quelqu’un d’autre",
"That nickname is not registered": "Ce nom n’est pas enregistré",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "Cet hôte virtuel n’est pas proposé par le serveur",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "Les hôtes virtuels suivants sont disponibles via la commande /hostserv take :",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "Le serveur ne propose aucun hôte virtuel prédéfini",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "Le serveur ne propose aucun hôte virtuel prédéfini, mais vous pouvez en demander un personnalisé via /hostserv request",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "Le réglage enregistré pour l’historique des salons est : %s",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "Le compte %[2]s a %[1]d certificats autorisés.",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "%[1]d demandes d’hôte virtuel en attente (%[2]d listées)",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Il y a %[1]d clients et %[2]d invisibles sur %[3]d serveurs",
"There was no such nickname": "Ce nom est introuvable",
"They aren't on that channel": "Iel n’est pas sur ce canal",
@ -285,31 +222,22 @@
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Ce bannissement vous cible. Pour ajouter une K-Line sur vous-même, utilisez la commande : /kline myself <options>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "Cette commande a été désactivée par les administrateurices du serveur",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "Cette fonctionnalité a été désactivée par les administrateurices du serveur",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Ce serveur est en mode débogage, et enregistre toutes entrées/sorties ; si vous ne souhaitez pas que l’ensemble de vos échanges soit lisible par ses propriétaires, merci de vous déconnecter.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Ce serveur a été créé le %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Cet hôte virtuel est actuellement inactif, mais peut être réactivé via /hs on",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "La date n’est pas au format 2009-05-31T16:20:04.666Z, et est donc ignorée",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "Pour changer le mot de passe : /ns help passwd",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "Pour confirmer la cession du salon, entrez : /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "Pour voir l’aide détaillée d’une commande spécifique :",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "Pour vérifier votre compte, entrez la commande suivante :",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "Transfert du salon %[1]s au compte %[2]s réussi ; en attente d’acceptation.",
"Translators:": "Traducteurices :",
"Try again later": "Merci de réessayer ultérieurement",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Commande inconnue",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "Commande inconnue. Pour voir la liste des commandes disponibles, entrez : /%s HELP",
"Unknown subcommand": "Sous-commande inconnue",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "Sous-commande DEBUG non reconnue",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "L’utilisateurice %s n’a plus accès à l’usage des hôtes virtuels",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "L’utilisateurice %s a maintenant accès à l’usage des hôtes virtuels",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "Cet·te utilisateurice n’a pas activé le mode « jeu de rôle »",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Code de vérification : %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Vérifiez votre compte sur %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "La commande WEBIRC n’est pas utilisable depuis votre adresse, ou le mot de passe est erroné",
@ -323,7 +251,6 @@
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "Impossible d’utiliser GHOST sur un·e utilisateurice dont le mode persistant est activé",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Vous ne pouvez utiliser GHOST sur vous-même (essayez /QUIT à la place)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "Suppression du mot de passe impossible sans l’ajout préalable d’un certificat",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "Suppression du certificat impossible sans l’ajout préalable d’un mot de passe",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "Vous ne pouvez pas dégrouper votre nom principal (essayez d’effacer votre compte à la place)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "Vous n’avez pas assez de privilèges",
@ -341,9 +268,6 @@
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "La permission « rehash » est nécessaire afin d’utiliser cette commande",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "Vous devez vous authentifier via SASL pour rejoindre ce serveur",
"You must specify an account": "Vous devez spécifier un compte",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "Vous devez encore attendre %v avant de pouvoir émettre une autre requête",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "Merci de patienter %v avant la sélection d’un hôte virtuel",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Vous devez vous enregistrer avant de pouvoir utiliser cette commande",
"You specified too many languages": "Vous avez spécifié trop de langages",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "La prise de possession du salon %s ne vous a pas été offerte",
@ -364,18 +288,12 @@
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Votre hôte est %[1]s, version %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "Pour modifier ce réglage, votre pseudonyme doit être identique à votre nom de compte ; vous pouvez le changer via la commande /nick.",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "Le réglage enregistré pour votre mode persistant est : %s",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "Le réglage enregistré pour l’historique des messages privés est : %s",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "Votre réglage enregistré pour l’application de nom est : %s",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "Votre demande d’hôte virtuel a été acceptée",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "Votre demande d’hôte virtuel a été déclinée pour la raison suivante : %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "Votre demande d’hôte virtuel va être revue par un·e administrateurice",
"are supported by this server": "sont compatibles avec ce serveur",
"channels formed": "canaux créés",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "a comme empreinte de certificat client %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "est un·e robox sur %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "est un mode de caractères inconnu",
"is logged in as": "est connecté·e en tant que",
"is using a secure connection": "utilise une connexion sécurisée",
@ -1,59 +1,14 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilèges insuffisants",
"Invalid parameters": "Paramètres invalides",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Mot de passe incorrect",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Syntaxe : $bDROP (Nom)$b\n\nDROP délie votre nom actuel, ou celui spécifié, de votre compte.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Syntaxe : $bGHOST Nom$b\n\nGHOST vous laisse retrouver l’usage de votre nom après une déconnexion.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Syntaxe : $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP réserve votre nom actuel, en le liant au compte auquel vous êtes connecté·e.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Syntaxe : $bIDENTIFY Nom (Passe)$b\n\nIDENTIFY vous connecte au compte spécifié, via mot de passe ou CertFP.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Syntaxe : $bINFO (Nom)$b\n\nINFO affiche les détails de votre compte, ou celui d’un·e autre utilisateurice.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Syntaxe : $bSADROP <Nom>$b\n\nSADROP délie le nom donné du compte auquel il est attaché.",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Syntaxe : $bUNREGISTER <Nom> <Code>$b\n\nUNREGISTER vous laisse effacer votre compte, et si vous êtes\nopérateurice, celui d’un·e autre utilisateurice. Un code unique\nest fourni, et requis, afin d’éviter les suppressions accidentelles.",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Syntaxe : $bVERIFY <Nom> <Code>$b\n\nVERIFY valide l’enregistrement d’un compte, dans le cas où\nle serveur requière une vérification.",
"You're not logged into an account": "Vous n’êtes pas identifié·e"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "$bGET$b interroga i valori attuali delle impostazioni di un canale",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "$bHISTORY$b\\n'history' consente di controllare come viene memorizzata la cronologia dei canali. Le opzioni sono:\n1. 'off' [nessuna cronologia]\n2. 'ephemeral' [una quantità limitata di cronologia temporanea, non memorizzata su disco]\n3. 'on' [la cronologia è conservata in un database permanente]\n4. 'default' [usa l'impostazione di default]",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "$bINFO$b mostra le info riguardanti un canale registrato.",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "$bOP$b rende l'utente specificato (o te stesso) un operatore del canale.",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "$bPURGE$b mette in lista nera un canale del server.",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "$bREGISTER$b permette di registrare di un canale specificato.",
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "Sintassi: $bAMODE #canale [cambio mode] [account]$b\n\nAMODE elenca o modifica le impostazioni in modo persistente che influenzano i utenti del canale.\nPer esempio, $bAMODE #canale +o dan$b permette al proprietario dell'account \"dan\" la modalità +o ogni volta che entra nel #canale. Per elencare gli attuali accounts e modalità, usa $bAMODE #canale$b. Nota che gli utenti sono sempre referenziati dai nomi dei loro account registrati, non dai loro nickname.",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "Sintassi: $bCLEAR #canale target$b\n\nCLEAR rimuove utenti o impostazioni da un canale. Precisamente:\n\n$bCLEAR #canale users$b kicka tutti gli utenti dal canale tranne te.\n$bCLEAR #canale access$b resetta tutti i ban, inviti, eccezioni al ban,\ne permessi persistenti degli utenti fatti con CS AMODE.",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "Sintassi: $bGET #canale <impostazione>$b\n\nGET interroga i valori attuali delle impostazioni del canale. Per ulteriori informazioni\nsulle impostazioni e i loro possibili valori, vedi HELP SET.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Sintassi: $bOP #canale [nickname]$b\n\nOP fa diventare il nick specificato, o te stesso, un operatore del canale. Puoi usare \nquesto comando solo se sei il fondatore del canale.",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "Sintassi: $bPURGE #canale [motivo]$b\n\nPURGE mette in lista nera un canale del server, rendendo impossibile entrare\no altrimenti interagire col canale. Se sono presenti utenti nel canale, verranno kickati da esso. \nPURGE può essere preventivamente applicato a\\ncanali che non hanno utenti al momento.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Sintassi: $bREGISTER #canale$b\n\nREGISTER permette di possedere il canale specificato. Se rientri nel canale, \nti verranno dati privilegi di amministratore in esso. Le impostazioni del canale ed il topic verranno memorizzati.",
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Argomenti della guida =\n\nComandi:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformazione:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <destinatario>{,<destinatario>}\n\nInvia i tag solo del client ai destinatari come TAGMSG. Vedi le specifiche \nIRCv3 per maggiori dettagli: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <nomeaccount> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credenziale>\nACC VERIFY <nomeaccount> <auth_code>\n\nUsato nella registrazione dell'account. Vedi le specifiche relative per maggiori info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <destinatario> <testo da inviare>\n\nIl comando AMBIANCE viene utilizzato per inviare una notifica di scena al destinatario specificato.",
@ -13,10 +10,8 @@
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP <sottocomando> [:<capacità>]\n\nUsato nella negoziazione delle capacità. Vedi le specifiche IRCv3 per maggiori info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "CHATHISTORY [parametri]\n\nCHATHISTORY è un comando di replay della cronologia associato alla specifica IRCv3\ndi draft/chathistory. Vedi questo documento:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "DEBUG <opzione>\n\nFornisce vari comandi di debug per l'IRCd. <opzione> può essere uno dei:\n\n* GCSTATS: Statistiche del Garbage Collector.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Numero di goroutines in uso.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Avvia il profiler della CPU.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Ferma il profiler della CPU.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Scrive un profilo di memoria.\n* CRASHSERVER: Fa crashare il server (per l'uso nei test di failover)",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "DEOPER\n\nDEOPER rimuove i privilegi IRCop concessi da un comando /OPER eseguito con successo.",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [durata] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [motivo [| motivo oper]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nImpedisce a un indirizzo IP o a una rete di connettersi al server. Se la durata è\nspecificata, durerà solo per il tempo stabilito. Il motivo viene mostrato all'utente stesso, ma\ntutti gli altri vedranno un messaggio standard. Il motivo dell'operazione viene mostrato a\ngli operatori che ottengono informazioni sulle DLINE esistenti.\n\nI ban vengono salvati nei successivi avvii del server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" significa che tutti i client corrispondenti vengono rimossi dal server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" è richiesto quando il DLINE corrisponde all'indirizzo della persona che lo applica è collegato\nda. Se \"MYSELF\" non è dato, provare a DLINE da soli comporterà un errore.\n\n[durata] può essere nelle seguenti forme:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> è specificato nella tipica notazione CIDR. Per esempio:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifica che il ban deve essere impostato su quel server specifico.\n\n[motivo] e [motivo oper], se esistono, sono separati da una barra verticale (|).\n\nSe viene eseguito \"DLINE LIST\", il server invia una lista dei nostri DLINE attuali.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELP <argomento>\n\nOttenere una spiegazione di <argomento>, o \"indice\" per un elenco di argomenti della guida.",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argomento>\n\nOttiene una spiegazione dell' <argomento>, o \"indice\" per una lista degli argomenti della guida.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "HISTORY <target> [limite]\n\nReplay storia dei messaggi. <target> può essere un nome di canale, \"me\" per riprodurre direttamente\nla cronologia dei messaggi, o un nickname per riprodurrela cronologia dei messaggi diretti di un'altro client (devono essere loggati nel vostro stesso account). Il [limite] può essere\nun numero intero (il numero massimo di messaggi da riprodurre), o una\ndurata come 10m o 1h (la finestra temporale entro la quale riprodurre i messaggi).",
@ -55,14 +50,12 @@
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "SANICK <nick attuale> <nuovo nick>\n\nDà all'utente specificato un nuovo nickname.",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "SCENE <destinatario> <testo da inviare>\n\nIl comando SCENE viene usato per inviare una notifica di scena al destinatario specificato.",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "SETNAME <realname>\n\nil comando SETNAME aggiorna il realname con quello nuovo specificato.",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nMostra l'ora del server, o del server specificato.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <canale> [topic]\n\nSe [topic] è specificato, imposta il topic in quel canale. Se [topic] non è\nspecificato, visualizza il topic attuale sul canale.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRimuove un ban esistente su un indirizzo IP o una rete.\n\n<net> è specificato nella tipica notazione CIDR. Per esempio:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRimuove un ban esistente su una mask.\n\nPer esempio:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsato nella registrazione della connessione, imposta il tuo username e il tuo realname secondo i valori specificati\n(anche se il tuo username può essere cercato con Ident).",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nMostra informazioni riguardo gli utenti specificati. Accetta fino a 10 nicknames.",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "VERSION [server]\n\nMostra la versione del server e i token RPL_ISUPPORT per il server specificato.",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsato dai gateway web<->IRC e bouncers, il comando WEBIRC permette ai gateway di\noltrepassare gli indirizzi IP dei client:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> è un elenco di stringhe separate dallo spazio che indica vari dettagli su\nla connessione dal client al gateway, come ad esempio:\n\n- tls: questa flag indica che la connession client->gateway è sicura",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "WHO <nome> [o]\n\nRestituisce informazioni sull'utente specificato.",
@ -1,32 +1,14 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "$bAPPROVE$b approva la richiesta vhost di un utente.",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "$bDEL$b cancella il vhost di un utente.",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "$bFORBID$b proibisce ad un utente di usare vhosts.",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "$bOFF$b disabilita il tuo vhost, se ne hai approvato uno.",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "$bOFFERLIST$b elenca i vhosts che possono essere presi senza l'approvazione di un operatore.",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "$bON$b abilita il tuo vhost, se ne hai approvato uno.",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "$bPERMIT$b permette ad un utente di usare i vhosts di nuovo.",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "$bREJECT$b rifiuta la richiesta vhost di un utente.",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "$bREQUEST$b richiede un nuovo vhost, in attesa dell'approvazione dell'operatore.",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "$bSET$b imposta un vhost di un utente.",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "$bSTATUS$b mostra il tuo vhost e lo stato della richiesta.",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "$bTAKE$b imposta il tuo vhost su una delle opzioni dell'elenco delle offerte.",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "$bWAITING$b mostra una lista delle richieste vhost in attesa.",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "HostServ permette di gestire il tuo vhost (i.e., la stringa mostrata \nal posto del hostname/IP del tuo client).",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Sintassi: $bAPPROVE <utente>$b\n\nAPPROVE approva la richiesta vhost di un utente.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Sintassi: $bDEL <utente>$b\n\nDEL cancella il vhost di un utente.",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "Sintassi: $bFORBID <utente>$b\n\nFORBID proibisce ad un utente di usare qualsiasi vhost, inclusi quelli nella lista delle offerte.",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Sintassi: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disabilita il tuo vhost, if you have one approved.",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "Sintassi: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nelenca i vhosts che possono essere scelti senza richiedere l'approvazione dell'operatore;\nper utilizzare uno dei vhost elencati, usa il comando /HOSTSERV TAKE.",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Sintassi: $bON$b\n\nON abilita il tuo vhost, se ne hai approvato uno.",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "Sintassi: $bPERMIT <utente>$b\n\nPERMIT annulla FORBID, permettendo all'utente di prendere i vhosts di nuovo.",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "Sintassi: $bREJECT <utente> [<motivo>]$b\n\nREJECT rifiuta la richiesta vhost di un utente, fornendo opzionalmente\nun motivo per il rifiuto.",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "Sintassi: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST richiede che un nuovo vhost sia assegnato al vostro account. La richiesta deve\npoi essere approvata da un operatore del server.",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "Syntax: $bSET <utente> <vhost>$b\n\nSET imposta il vhost di un utente, evitando il sistema di richieste.",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Syntax: $bSTATUS [utente]$b\n\nSTATUS mostra il tuo vhost attuale, se presente, e lo stato della tua richiesta più recente\nper un nuovo vhost. Un operatore del server può visualizzare lo stato di qualcun'altro.",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "Sintassi: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE imposta il tuo vhost su uno presente nella lista offerte del server; per vedere i vhost\nofferti, usa /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Sintassi: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING mostra un elenco di richieste di vhost in sospeso, che possono poi essere approvate\no rifiutate.",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": "^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$"
@ -1,34 +1,22 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": " $b/msg %s HELP <comando>$b",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$bAvviso: cancellare questo account rimuoverà i propri privilegi memorizzati.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bAvviso: cancellare questo canale rimuoverà tutti gli attributi del canale memorizzati.$b",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "$bAvviso: stai per trasferire il controllo del tuo canale ad un altro utente.$b",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Utente %[2]s richiede vhost: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [account: %[2]s] è entrato nel canale",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s ha cambiato nick in %[2]s",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s ha kickato %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s ha lasciato il canale (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s è uscito (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "%s <sottocomando> [parametri]",
"%s joined the channel": "%s è entrato nel canale",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bFine di %s HELP$b ***",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Impossibile trovare il tuo username",
"*** Found your username": "*** Trovato il tuo username",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Trovato un username malformato, da ignorare",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Ricerca del tuo username",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Messaggio del giorno - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "... e gli altri comandi che sono stati disabilitati",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Una richiesta in attesa per il vhost: %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "Una richiesta è stata fatta precedentemente per il vhost: %s",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "Account %[1]s ha il vhost: %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "Account %[1]s riceve la modalità +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "Account %s non ha vhost",
@ -43,14 +31,11 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Aggiunta (%[1]s) D-Line temporanea per %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Aggiunta (%[1]s) K-Line temporanea per %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Nick aggiuntivo raggruppato %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "Un amministratore ti ha rifiutato la richiesta di usare vhosts",
"An error occurred": "Si è verificato un errore",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Autenticazione riuscita",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "Autoreplay dei messaggi non letti è attivo",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Comando PROXY errato o non autorizzato",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Ban - %[1]s - aggiunto da %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "Messaggi CTCP sono disabilitati su Tor",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Impossibile cambiare le modalità per altri utenti",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "Impossibile eliminare il canale non valido %s",
@ -62,8 +47,6 @@
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Impossibile ristabilire la connessione, la registrazione della connessione è già stata completata",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Impossibile ristabilire la connessione, vecchi e nuovi clients devono avere TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "Impossibile ristabilire la connessione, il token non è valido",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Impossibile inviare al canale",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "Impossibile inviare al canale (+%s)",
"Certfp: %s": "Certfp: %s",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "Fingerprint del certificato non trovato",
@ -82,11 +65,8 @@
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Il canale non ha la modalità Gioco di Ruolo disponibile",
"Channel is not registered": "Il canale non è registrato",
"Channel list is full": "La lista del canale è piena",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "Canale rinominato",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Canale rinominato: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Client riconnesso",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "Client riconnesso (la cronologia dei messaggi potrebbe essere andata persa)",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "Client riconnesso (fino a %d secondi di cronologia dei messaggi persa)",
@ -94,26 +74,17 @@
"Command restricted": "Comando limitato",
"Core Developers:": "Core Developers:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "Impossibile accettare la proprietà del canale %s",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Impossibile trovare il client specificato",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Impossibile analizzare l'indirizzo IP o il network CIDR",
"Could not register": "Impossibile registrare",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "Impossibile rimuovere il ban [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "Impossibile impostare o cambiare il nickname: %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "Impossibile salvare con successo la nuova D-LINE: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "Impossibile salvare con successo la nuova K-LINE: %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "Impossibile trasferire il canale",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Impossibile sgruppare il nick",
"Created at: %s": "Creato il: %s",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "Utenti globali attuali %[1]s, picco %[2]s",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "Utenti locali attuali %[1]s, picco %[2]s",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Fine di /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Fine di /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Fine della lista /WHOIS",
@ -122,24 +93,17 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Fine della lista NAMES",
"End of WHO list": "Fine della lista WHO",
"End of WHOWAS": "Fine di WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Fine della lista",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Nickname errato",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "Errore nel caricamento dati account",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Errore nel riservare il nickname",
"Error while unregistering account": "Errore durante la cancellazione account",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Il mittente falso deve essere un nickname valido",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Il primo parametro deve essere una mask o un canale",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "Per una lista più completa dei nostri collaboratori, vedi il nostro changelog:",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "Per maggiori dettagli, usa /%s HELP",
"Former Core Developers:": "Ex Core Developers:",
"Founder: %s": "Fondatore: %s",
"GHOSTed by %s": "GHOSTato da %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "Date le attuali impostazioni del server, l'impostazione della cronologia dei canali è: %s",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "Date le attuali impostazioni del server, il tuo client è sempre attivo",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "Date le attuali impostazioni del server, il tuo client non è sempre attivo",
@ -159,7 +123,6 @@
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilegi insufficienti",
"Internal error": "Errore interno",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Sottocomando CAP non valido",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "Nome account non valido",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "Fingerprint del certificato non valido",
"Invalid channel name": "Nome del canale non valido",
@ -169,10 +132,7 @@
"Invalid parameters": "Parametri non validi",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Parametri non validi. Per l' utilizzo, esegui /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s",
"Invalid params": "Parametri non validi",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "Vhost non valido",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "È stato rifiutato per il motivo: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 non è permesso",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "La lingua %s non è supportata dal server",
"Language preferences have been set": "Le preferenze della lingua sono state impostate",
@ -180,14 +140,12 @@
"MOTD File is missing": "File MOTD mancante",
"Malformed username": "Username errato",
"Mask isn't valid": "Mask non valida",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "Impossibile recuperare i messaggi",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "La funzionalità Multiclient è al momento disabilitata per il tuo account",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "La funzionalità Multiclient è al momento disabilitata per il tuo account, ma la puoi attivare",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "La funzionalità Multiclient è al momento attiva sul tuo account",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "La funzionalità Multiclient è al momento disabilitata per il tuo account, ma la puoi disattivare",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "Service del Network, per maggiori info /msg %s HELP",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "Nickname %[1]s ha %[2]d sessione(i) allegate",
"Nickname is already in use": "Nickname già in uso",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Nickname riservato da un account diverso",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Nessuna DLINE è stata impostata!",
@ -197,7 +155,6 @@
"No such channel": "Nessun canale di questo tipo",
"No such module [%s]": "Nessun modulo di questo tipo [%s]",
"No such nick": "Nessun nick del genere",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "Nessuna impostazione del genere",
"No text to send": "Nessun testo da inviare",
"No topic is set": "Nessun topic impostato",
@ -216,20 +173,16 @@
"Purge reason: %s": "Motivo dell'eliminazione: %s",
"Purged at: %s": "Eliminato il: %s",
"Purged by operator: %s": "Eliminato dall'operatore: %s",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Ricevuta linea errata",
"Registered at: %s": "Registrato il: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Canale registrato: %s",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "La registrazione richiede un indirizzo email valido",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Server remoti non ancora supportati",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "D-Line rimossa per %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "K-Line rimossa per %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "È vietato richiedere la capacità del client %s",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "La ripresa potrebbe aver perso una parte della cronologia dei messaggi",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "La ripresa potrebbe aver perso fino a %d secondi di cronologia",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "Autenticazione SASL annullata",
"SASL authentication failed": "Autenticazione SASL fallita",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "Autenticazione SASL fallita, non ti stai connettendo con un certificato",
@ -238,31 +191,20 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "Autenticazione SASL fallita: Passphrase troppo lunga",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "Autenticazione SASL fallita: authcid e authzid dovrebbero essere gli stessi",
"SASL message too long": "Messaggio SASL troppo lungo",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Server notice masks",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Sessione %d (attuale sessione allegata):",
"Session %d:": "Sessione %d:",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "Potrebbe essere andata persa una parte aggiuntiva della cronologia dei messaggi",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "Accettata con successo la proprietà del canale %s",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "Approvata con successo la richiesta vhost per %s",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "Sono state cambiate le impostazioni del canale con successo",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "Sono state cambiate le impostazioni dell'account con successo",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "Vhost cancellato con successo",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "Vhost disabilitato con successo",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "Vhost attivato con successo",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Inserito il nick %s nel gruppo del tuo account con successo",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "Eliminato il canale %s dal server con successo",
"Successfully registered account %s": "Account %s registrato con successo",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "Richiesta vhost per %s rifiutata con successo",
"Successfully reset channel access": "Resettato l'accesso al canale con successo",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "Impostato il vhost con successo",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "Trasferito il canale %[1]s all'account %[2]s con successo",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Nick %s sgruppato dal tuo account con successo",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "Annullata l'eliminazione del canale %s con successo",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Account %s cancellato con successo",
@ -271,13 +213,8 @@
"That channel is not registered": "Il canale non è registrato",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Il nickname è già riservato da qualcun'altro",
"That nickname is not registered": "Il nickname non è registrato",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "Il vhost non viene offerto dal server",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "I seguenti vhost sono disponibili e possono essere scelti con /HOSTSERV TAKE:",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "Il server non offre nessun vhost",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "Il server non offre nessun vhost, ma puoi richiederne uno con /HOSTSERV REQUEST",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "L'impostazione della cronologia del canale memorizzata è: %s",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "Ci sono %[1]d fingerprint(s) del certificato autorizzati per l'account %[2]s.",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "Ci sono %[1]d richieste di vhost in attesa (%[2]d mostrate)",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Ci sono %[1]d utenti e %[2]d invisibili su %[3]d server(s)",
"There was no such nickname": "Non esiste un nickname del genere",
"They aren't on that channel": "Non sono presenti su quel canale",
@ -285,31 +222,22 @@
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Questo ban corrisponde a te. Per toglierli la KLINE, devi usare il comando: /KLINE MYSELF <argomenti>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "Questo comando è stato disabilitato dagli amministratori del server",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "Questa funzione è stata disabilitata dagli amministratori del server",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Questo server è in modalità debug e sta registrando tutti gli I/O degli utenti. Se non si desidera che tutto ciò che si invia sia leggibile dal proprietario del server, si consiglia di disconnettersi.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Questo server è stato creato %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Questo vhost è attualmente disabilitato, ma può essere attivato con /HS ON",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Il timestamp non è nel formato 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z, da ignorare",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "Per cambiare una password, usa il comando PASSWD. Per maggiori dettagli, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "Per confermare il tuo trasferimento del canale, digita /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "Per vedere la guida dettagliata di un comando specifico, prova:",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "Per verificare il tuo account, esegui il seguente comando:",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "Trasferimento del canale %[1]s all'account %[2]s avvenuto con successo, accettazione in attesa",
"Translators:": "Traduttori:",
"Try again later": "Riprova più tardi",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Comando sconosciuto",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "Comando sconosciuto. Per vedere i comandi disponibili, esegui: /%s HELP",
"Unknown subcommand": "Sottocomando sconosciuto",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "Sottocomando di DEBUG non riconosciuto",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "L'utente %s non può più utilizzare vhosts",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "L'utente %s ora può usare vhosts",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "L'utente non ha la modalità Gioco di Ruolo attiva",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Codice di verifica: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Verifica il tuo account su %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "Il comando WEBIRC non è usabile dal tuo indirizzo oppure la password fornita è sbagliata",
@ -323,7 +251,6 @@
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "Non puoi usare GHOST su un client always-on",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Non puoi usare GHOST su te stesso (prova invece /QUIT)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "Non puoi cancellare la tua password se non aggiungi un fingerprint del certificato",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "Non puoi rimuovere tutti i fingerprint dei certificati se non aggiungi una password",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "Non puoi sgruppare il tuo nickname primario (prova invece a cancellare il tuo account)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "Non hai abbastanza privilegi nel canale",
@ -341,9 +268,6 @@
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "Devi fare il rehash dei permessi per poter eseguire DEBUG CRASHSERVER",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "Devi loggare con SASL per poter entrare in questo server",
"You must specify an account": "Devi specificare un account",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "Devi aspettare ancora %v prima di fare un'altra richiesta",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "Devi aspettare ancora %v prima di prendere un vhost",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Devi registrarti prima di usare quel comando",
"You specified too many languages": "Hai specificato troppe lingue",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "Non ti è stata offerta la proprietà del canale %s",
@ -364,18 +288,12 @@
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Il tuo host è %[1]s, versione in esecuzione %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "Il tuo nickname deve corrispondere esattamente al nome del tuo account %s per modificare questa impostazione. Prova a modificarlo con /NICK, oppure esci e rientra con il nickname corretto.",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "La tua impostazione always-on memorizzata è: %s",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "La tua impostazione della cronologia dei messaggi memorizzata è: %s",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "L'impostazione di sicurezza del tuo nickname memorizzata è: %s",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "La tua richiesta vhost è stata approvata da un amministratore",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "La tua richiesta vhost è stata rifiutata da un amministratore. Motivo: %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "La tua richiesta vhost verrà valutata da un amministratore",
"are supported by this server": "sono supportati da questo server",
"channels formed": "canali creati",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "ha il fingerprint del certificato del client %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "è un $bBot$b su %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "è una modalità sconosciuta",
"is logged in as": "è loggato come",
"is using a secure connection": "sta usando una connessione sicura",
@ -1,59 +1,14 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "Privilegi insufficienti",
"Invalid parameters": "Parametri non validi",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Password errata",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Sintassi: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP scollega il nickname specificato (o il tuo nick attuale) dal tuo account utente.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Sintassi: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnette il nickname specificato dalla rete se è loggato con lo \nstesso account utente, permettendoti di rivendicare il nickname.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Sintassi: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP collega il tuo nickname attuale con il tuo account loggato, quindi altre persone \nnon potranno usarlo.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Sintassi: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY consente di accedere al nome utente indicato utilizzando la password, oppure\ncertfp (certificato del client) se non viene data una password.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Sintassi: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO da informazioni riguardanti l'utente specificato (o il proprio) account utente.",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Sintassi: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP scollega forzatamente il nickname specificato dal suo account utente.",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Sintassi: $bUNREGISTER <username> [codice]$b\n\nUNREGISTER permette di cancellare il tuo account utente (o quello di qualcun'altro, \nse sei un IRCOp con i permessi corretti). Per prevenire cancellazioni accidentali, \nè richiesto un codice di verifica; usare il comando senza un codice, visualizzerà il codice di verifica richiesto.",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "Sintassi: $bVERIFY <username> <codice>$b\n\nVERIFY permette di completare la registrazione di un account, se il server richiede la verifica via email\n o un altro tipo di verifica.",
"You're not logged into an account": "Non sei loggato in un account"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1,8 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Onderwerpen =\n\nCommando's:\n%s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tekens:\n%s\n\nInformatie:\n%s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "== Kanaalmodussen ==\nOragono ondersteund de volgende kanaalmodussen:\n\n +b | Clientmaskers die verbannen zijn uit het kanaal (bijvoorbeeld *!*@\n +e | Clientmaskers die verbanning omzeilen.\n +I | Clientmaskers die alleen-uitgenodigden omzeilen.\n +i | alleen-uitgenodigden modus, alleen uitgenodigde clients kunnen het kanaal betreden.\n +k | Sleutel nodig om kanaal binnen te treden.\n +l | Clientlimiet voor het kanaal.\n +m | Gemodereerde modus, alleen clients met een privilege kunnen spreken in het kanaal.\n +n | Geen-buiten-berichten modus, alleen clients in het kanaal kunnen berichten sturen.\n +R | Aleen geregistreerde gebruikers kunnen het kanaal betreden.\n +s | Geheime modus, kanaal word niet getoond in /LIST en whois antwoorden.\n +t | Aleen Opers kunnen het onderwerp aanpassen.\n +E | Rollenspel commando's zijn toegestaan in het kanaal.\n +C | Clients kunnen geen CTCP berichten sturen in het kanaal.",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "== Server Aankondiging Maskers ==\n\nOragono ondersteund de volgende aankondigingsmaskers voor operatoren:\n\n a | Lokale aankondigingen.\n c | Lokale clients.\n j | Lokale kanaal acties.\n k | Lokale kills.\n n | Lokale bijnaam veranderingen.\n o | Lokale.\n q | Lokale verlatingen.\n t | Lokaal /STATS gebruik.\n u | Lokale client gebruiker acties.\n x | Lokale X-lijnen (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Lokale vhost veranderingen.\n\nOm een lokale snomask te zetten, doe dit met je bijnaam:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nBijvoorbeeld, dit zet de, oper, account en xline snomasks op dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "== User Modes ==\n\nOragono ondersteund de volgende gebruikersmodussen:\n\n +a | Gebruiker is gemarkeerd als afwezig. Deze modus word gezet doormddel van het /AWAY commando.\n +i | Gebruiker is gemarkeerd als onzichtbaar (hun kanalen zijn verstopt van whois antwoorden).\n +o | Gebruiker is een IRC operator.\n +R | Gebruiker accepteerd alleen berichten van andere geregistreerde gebruikers.\n +s | Serveraankondigingsmasker (zie de helppagina /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | Gebruiker is verbinden met TLS.\n +B | Gebruiker is een bot.\n +E | Gebruiker kan Roleplay commando's ontvangen.\n +T | Gebruiker kan geen CTCP berichten sturen.",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nVerstuurd het client-only bericht naar de ontvangers als een TAGMSG. Bekijk de IRCv3\nspecificaties voor meer informatie: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nGebruikt voor account registratie. Bekijk de relevante specificaties voor meer informatie:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nHet AMBIANCE commando word gebruikt om een scene notificatie naar het doelwit te sturen.",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "AUTHENTICATE\n\nGebruikt voor SASL authenticatie. Bekijk de IRCv3\nspecificaties voor meer informatie:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "AUTHENTICATE\n\nGebruikt voor SASL authenticatie. Bekijk de IRCv3\nspecificaties voor meer informatie:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html"
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,384 +1 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "",
"*** Found your username": "",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "",
"Account created": "",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "",
"Account: %s": "",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "",
"Added D-Line for %s": "",
"Added K-Line for %s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,40 +1,11 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Kunne ikke finne brukernavn ditt",
"*** Found your username": "*** Fant brukernavnet ditt",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Fikk et misformet brukernavn, ignorerer",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Ser etter brukernavnet ditt",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s dagens melding - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "Kontoen finnes allerede",
"Account created": "Opprettet konto",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "Kontoen finnes ikke",
"Account: %s": "Konto: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Faktisk bruker@vert, Faktisk IP",
@ -43,77 +14,28 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Lagt til midlertidig (%[1]s) D-linje for %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Lagt til midlertidig (%[1]s) D-linje for %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Flere grupperte kallenavn: %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Autentisering vellykket",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Ban - %[1]s - lagt til av %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Kan ikke endre modus for andre brukere",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Kan ikke se modus for andre brukere",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Kan ikke bli med i kanalen (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "Kan ikke fortsette tilkobling, tilkoblingsregistreringen har allerede blitt fullført",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Kan ikke fortsette tilkobling, gamle og nye klienter må ha TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "Kan ikke sende til kanal",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Kanal %s ble vellykket registrert",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "Kanalen finnes ikke",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Kanalen har ikke rollespill modus tilgjengelig",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "Kanallisten er full",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Kanal omdøpt: %s",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "Klient tilkoblet på nytt",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "Kommandoen er begrenset",
"Core Developers:": "Kjerneutviklere:",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "Finner ikke gitt klient",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Kunne ikke analysere IP-addressen eller CIDR nettverk",
"Could not register": "Kunne ikke registrere",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "Kunne ikke fjerne forbud [%s]",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "Kunne ikke angi eller endre kallenavn: %s",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "Kunne ikke lagre ny D-linje: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "Kunne ikke lagre ny K-linje: %s",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Kunne ikke fjerne nick fra gruppe",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "Slutten av /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Slutten av /INFO",
"End of /WHOIS list": "Slutten av /WHOIS listen",
@ -122,114 +44,40 @@
"End of NAMES list": "Slutten av NAMES liste",
"End of WHO list": "Slutten av WHO liste",
"End of WHOWAS": "Slutten av WHOWAS",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "Slutt på listen",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "Feilaktig kallenavn",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "Feil ved reservering av kallenavn",
"Error while unregistering account": "Feil ved avregistrering av konto",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Falsk kilde må være gyldig brukernavn",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Første parameter må være en maske eller kanal",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "GHOSTet av %s",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "Hjelp ikke funnet",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "Jeg har %[1]d klienter og %[2]d tjenere",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Utilstrekkelige operatør privilegier",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Ugyldig CAP underkommando",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 er ikke tillatt",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "Språkinnstillingene har blitt satt",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "MOTD filen mangler",
"Malformed username": "Feilaktig brukernavn",
"Mask isn't valid": "Masken er ikke gyldig",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "Kallenavnet er allerede i bruk",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Kallenavnet er reservert av en annen konto",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Ingen DLINJER er angitt!",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "Ingen kallenavn gitt",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "Ingen kanal med det navnet",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "Ingen kallenavn med det navnet",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "Ingen emne er satt",
"Not enough parameters": "Ikke nok parametere",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Kun kanalgrunnleggere kan endre registrerte kanaler",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono er utgitt under MIT-lisensen.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "Passordet er feil",
"Permission Denied": "Ingen tilgang",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "Ingen tilgang - Du er ikke en IRC-operatør",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "Mottok ugyldig linje",
"Registered at: %s": "Registrert hos: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "Registrering krever en gyldig e-postadresse",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Eksterne tjenere søttes ikke enda",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "Fjernet D-linje for %s",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "Fjernet K-linje for %s",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "SASL godkjenning avbrutt",
"SASL authentication failed": "SASL godkjenning mislyktes",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "SASL godkjenning mislyktes, du kobler ikke til med et sertifikat",
@ -238,147 +86,54 @@
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "SASL godkjenning mislyktes: Adgangsfrasen er for lang",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "SASL godkjenning mislyktes: authcid og authzid skal være den samme",
"SASL message too long": "SASL melding er for lang",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "Server varsel masker",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "Vellykket gruppering av kallenavnet %s til din konto",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "Vellykket fjerning av gruppert kallenavn %s fra din konto",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Vellykket avregistrering av konto %s",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "Det kallenavnet er allerede reservert av noen andre",
"That nickname is not registered": "Det kallenavnet er ikke registrert",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "Det er %[1]d brukere og %[2]d usynlige på %[3]d server(e)",
"There was no such nickname": "Det var ingen slike kallenavn",
"They aren't on that channel": "De er ikke på den kanalen",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Dette forbudet stemmer overens med deg. For å DLINJE deg selv må du bruke kommandoen: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "Dette forbudet stemmer overens med deg. For å KLINJE deg selv må du bruke kommandoen: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Denne serveren er i feilsøkingsmodus og logger all bruker I/O. Hvis du ikke ønsker at alt du sender skal leses av eieren(e) av serveren så vennligst koble fra.",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "Denne serveren ble opprettet %s",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Tidsstempelet er ikke i 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignorerer det",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "Oversettere:",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "Ukjent kommando",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "Ukjent underkommando",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "Brukeren har ikke rollespill modus aktivert",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Bekreftelseskode: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "Bekreft din konto på %s",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "WEBIRC kommandoen er ikke tilgjengelig fra din addresse eller feil passord",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "Velkommen til Internet Relay Network %s",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "Du er utestengt fra denne tjeneren (%s)",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "Du er ikke lenger merket som borte",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Du er nå en IRC-operatør",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Du er nå logget inn som %s",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Du kan ikke bruke GHOST på deg selv (prøv /QUIT istedenfor)",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "Du kan ikke fjerne gruppering av ditt primære kallenavn (prøv å avregistrere kontoen istedenfor)",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "Du eier ikke det kallenavnet",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Du har blitt utestengt fra denne tjeneren (%s)",
"You have been marked as being away": "Du har blitt merkert som borte",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Du har for mange kallenavn reservert (du kan fjerne noen med /NS DROP)",
"You may not reregister": "Du kan ikke registrere på nytt",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "Du må være en operatør på kanalen for å registrere den",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "Du må registrere deg før du kan bruke kommandoen",
"You specified too many languages": "Du har angitt for mange språk",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "Du er allerede innlogget på en konto",
"You're already opered-up!": "Du er allerde en operatør!",
"You're not a channel operator": "Du er ikke en operatør i kanalen",
"You're not logged into an account": "Du er ikke logget inn på en konto",
"You're not on that channel": "Du er ikke på den kanalen",
"You're now logged in as %s": "Du er nå logget inn som %s",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "Din vert er %[1]s, versjon %[2]s",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "er støttet av denne tjeneren",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "har klient sertifikat fingeravtrykk %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "er en $bBot$b på %s",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "er en ukjent modus for meg",
"is logged in as": "er innlogget som",
"is using a secure connection": "bruker en sikker tilkobling",
"seconds idle, signon time": "sekunder idle, logget på",
"unregistered connections": ""
"seconds idle, signon time": "sekunder idle, logget på"
@ -1,59 +1,4 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "Passordet er feil",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "Du er ikke logget inn på en konto"
@ -1,28 +1 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bCLEAR$b removes users or settings from a channel.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of a channel's settings": "",
"$bHISTORY$b\n'history' lets you control how channel history is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bINFO$b displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered channels.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bPURGE$b blacklists a channel from the server.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies a channel's settings": "",
"$bTRANSFER$b transfers ownership of a channel to another user.": "",
"$bUNPURGE$b undoes a previous PURGE command.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.": "",
"Syntax $bSET #channel <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies a channel's settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $INFO #channel$b\n\nINFO displays info about a registered channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bCLEAR #channel target$b\n\nCLEAR removes users or settings from a channel. Specifically:\n\n$bCLEAR #channel users$b kicks all users except for you.\n$bCLEAR #channel access$b resets all stored bans, invites, ban exceptions,\nand persistent user-mode grants made with CS AMODE.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET #channel <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of the channel settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered channels, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered channels are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bPURGE #channel [reason]$b\n\nPURGE blacklists a channel from the server, making it impossible to join\nor otherwise interact with the channel. If the channel currently has members,\nthey will be kicked from it. PURGE may also be applied preemptively to\nchannels that do not currently have members.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"Syntax: $bTRANSFER [accept] #channel user [code]$b\n\nTRANSFER transfers ownership of a channel from one user to another.\nTo prevent accidental transfers, a verification code is required. For\nexample, $bTRANSFER #channel alice$b displays the required confirmation\ncode, then $bTRANSFER #channel alice 2930242125$b initiates the transfer.\nUnless you are an IRC operator with the correct permissions, alice must\nthen accept the transfer, which she can do with $bTRANSFER accept #channel$b.\nTo cancel a pending transfer, transfer the channel to yourself.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNPURGE #channel$b\n\nUNPURGE removes any blacklisting of a channel that was previously\nset using PURGE.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": ""
@ -1,72 +1 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT CASEMAPPING\n\nOragono supports an experimental unicode casemapping designed for extended\nUnicode support. This casemapping is based off RFC 7613 and the draft rfc7613\ncasemapping spec here: https://oragono.io/specs.html": "",
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
@ -1,32 +1 @@
"$bAPPROVE$b approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bDEL$b deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"$bFORBID$b prevents a user from using vhosts.": "",
"$bOFF$b disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bOFFERLIST$b lists vhosts that can be taken without operator approval.": "",
"$bON$b enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"$bPERMIT$b allows a user to use vhosts again.": "",
"$bREJECT$b rejects a user's vhost request.": "",
"$bREQUEST$b requests a new vhost, pending operator approval.": "",
"$bSET$b sets a user's vhost.": "",
"$bSETCLOAKSECRET$b modifies the IP cloaking secret.": "",
"$bSTATUS$b shows your vhost and request status.": "",
"$bTAKE$b sets your vhost to one of the options from the offer list.": "",
"$bWAITING$b shows a list of pending vhost requests.": "",
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bFORBID <user>$b\n\nFORBID prevents a user from using any vhost, including ones on the offer list.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFFERLIST$b\n\nOFFERLIST lists vhosts that can be chosen without requiring operator approval;\nto use one of the listed vhosts, take it with /HOSTSERV TAKE.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bPERMIT <user>$b\n\nPERMIT undoes FORBID, allowing the user to TAKE vhosts again.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSETCLOAKSECRET$b <secret> [code]\n\nSETCLOAKSECRET can be used to set or rotate the cloak secret. You should use\na cryptographically strong secret. To prevent accidental modification, a\nverification code is required; invoking the command without a code will\ndisplay the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bTAKE$b <vhost>\n\nTAKE sets your vhost to one of the vhosts in the server's offer list; to see\nthe offered vhosts, use /HOSTSERV OFFERLIST.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "",
"^[0-9A-Za-z.\\-_/]+$": ""
@ -1,40 +1,10 @@
" $b/msg %s HELP <command>$b": "",
"$bWarning: changing the cloak secret will invalidate stored ban/invite/exception lists.$b": "",
"$bWarning: erasing this account will allow it to be re-registered; consider UNREGISTER instead.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "",
"$bWarning: you are about to transfer control of your channel to another user.$b": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s set channel modes: %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s set the channel topic to: %[2]s": "",
"%s <subcommand> [params]": "",
"%s joined the channel": "",
"*** $bChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of ChanServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of NickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** $bNickServ LIST$b ***": "",
"*** Could not find your username": "*** Nie można odnaleźć nazwy użytkownika",
"*** Found your username": "*** Znaleziono Twoją nazwę użytkownika",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "*** Wyszukiwanie twojej nazwy użytkownika",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s wiadomość dnia - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A client is already using that account; try logging out and logging back in with SASL": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %s has no vhost": "",
"Account already exists": "Konto już istnieje",
"Account created": "Utworzono konto",
"Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s": "",
"Account does not exist": "Konto nie istnieje",
"Account: %s": "Konto: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Rzeczywisty user@host, rzeczywisty IP",
@ -43,342 +13,8 @@
"Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Dodano tymczasowe (%[1]s) D-Line dla %[2]s",
"Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Dodano tymczasowe (%[1]s) K-Line dla %[2]s",
"Additional grouped nick: %s": "Dodatkowe zgrupowany nick: %s",
"An administrator has denied you the ability to use vhosts": "",
"An error occurred": "",
"Authentication failed: %s": "",
"Authentication successful": "Uwierzytelnienie zakończone pomyślnie",
"Autoreplay of missed messages is enabled": "",
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Ban - %[1]s - dodany przez %[2]s - %[3]s",
"Because your client is not always-on, auto-away is disabled": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't purge invalid channel %s": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Cancelled pending transfer of channel %s": "",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Nie można dołączyć do kanału (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "",
"Cannot resume connection, connection registration has already been completed": "",
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "",
"Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag": "",
"Cannot send to channel": "",
"Cannot send to channel (+%s)": "",
"Certfp: %s": "",
"Certificate fingerprint not found": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully added": "",
"Certificate fingerprint successfully removed": "",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "",
"Channel %[1]s list already contains %[2]s": "",
"Channel %[1]s list does not contain %[2]s": "",
"Channel %s is not registered": "",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "",
"Channel %s is registered": "",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "",
"Channel %s was purged by the server operators and cannot be used": "",
"Channel %s wasn't previously purged from the server": "",
"Channel does not exist": "",
"Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "",
"Channel is not registered": "",
"Channel list is full": "",
"Channel registration is restricted to server operators": "",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed: %s": "",
"Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed": "",
"Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /NS SUSPEND instead": "",
"Client reconnected": "",
"Client reconnected (message history may have been lost)": "",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of message history lost)": "",
"Command not allowed during a multiline batch": "",
"Command restricted": "",
"Core Developers:": "",
"Could not accept ownership of channel %s": "",
"Could not delete message": "",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not generate EXTJWT token": "",
"Could not look up account name, proceeding anyway": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not retrieve history": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "",
"Could not transfer channel": "",
"Could not ungroup nick": "",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Current DEFCON level is %d": "",
"Current global users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Current local users %[1]s, max %[2]s": "",
"Data export for %[1]s completed and written to %[2]s": "",
"Device ID: %s": "",
"Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted": "",
"End of /HELPOP": "",
"End of /INFO": "",
"End of /WHOIS list": "",
"End of LIST": "",
"End of MOTD command": "",
"End of NAMES list": "",
"End of WHO list": "",
"End of WHOWAS": "",
"End of history playback": "",
"End of list": "",
"Enqueued account %s for message deletion": "",
"Erroneous nickname": "",
"Error deleting message: %v": "",
"Error loading account data": "",
"Error opening export file: %v": "",
"Error reserving nickname": "",
"Error while unregistering account": "",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:": "",
"For more details, try /%s HELP": "",
"Former Core Developers:": "",
"Founder: %s": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is disabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, auto-away is enabled for your client": "",
"Given current server settings, the channel history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your client is not always-on": "",
"Given current server settings, your direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"Help not found": "",
"Here are the commands you can use:": "",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
"I'll be right back": "",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IRC Operators online": "",
"Incorrect batch tag sent": "",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Internal error": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid DEFCON parameter": "",
"Invalid account name": "",
"Invalid certificate fingerprint": "",
"Invalid channel name": "",
"Invalid mode %[1]s parameter: %[2]s": "",
"Invalid mode change": "",
"Invalid multiline batch": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid params": "",
"Invalid regex": "",
"Invalid vhost": "",
"It was built from git hash %s.": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language preferences have been set": "",
"Last active: %s": "",
"MOTD File is missing": "",
"Malformed username": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8": "",
"Messages could not be retrieved": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account, but you can opt in": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account": "",
"Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname is already in use": "",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "",
"No nickname given": "",
"No such account": "",
"No such channel": "",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "",
"No such service": "",
"No such setting": "",
"No text to send": "",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
"Password changed": "",
"Password could not be changed due to server error": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Permission Denied": "",
"Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator": "",
"Please wait at least %v and try again": "",
"Purge reason: %s": "",
"Purged at: %s": "",
"Purged by operator: %s": "",
"Realname is not valid": "",
"Received malformed line": "",
"Registered at: %s": "",
"Registered channel: %s": "",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "",
"Rehash complete": "",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "",
"Removed D-Line for %s": "",
"Removed K-Line for %s": "",
"Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden": "",
"Resume may have lost some message history": "",
"Resume may have lost up to %d seconds of history": "",
"Roleplaying has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"Rotated the cloak secret; you must rehash or restart the server for it to take effect": "",
"SASL authentication aborted": "",
"SASL authentication failed": "",
"SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding": "",
"SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long": "",
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "",
"SASL message too long": "",
"SUMMON has been disabled": "",
"Server notice masks": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d:": "",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "",
"Started exporting data for account %[1]s to file %[2]s": "",
"Successfully accepted ownership of channel %s": "",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully changed the channel settings": "",
"Successfully changed your account settings": "",
"Successfully cleared vhost": "",
"Successfully deleted message": "",
"Successfully disabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully enabled your vhost": "",
"Successfully granted operator privileges": "",
"Successfully grouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully purged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully registered account %s": "",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully reset channel access": "",
"Successfully set persistent mode %[1]s on %[2]s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully transferred channel %[1]s to account %[2]s": "",
"Successfully un-suspended account %s": "",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unpurged channel %s from the server": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "",
"That certificate fingerprint is already associated with another account": "",
"That certificate fingerprint was already authorized": "",
"That channel is not registered": "",
"That nickname is already reserved by someone else": "",
"That nickname is not registered": "",
"That vhost isn't being offered by the server": "",
"The following vhosts are available and can be chosen with /HOSTSERV TAKE:": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts": "",
"The server does not offer any vhosts, but you can request one with /HOSTSERV REQUEST": "",
"The stored channel history setting is: %s": "",
"There are %[1]d certificate fingerprint(s) authorized for account %[2]s.": "",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This command has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "",
"This is Oragono version %s.": "",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "",
"This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left.": "",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "",
"To confirm your channel transfer, type: /CS TRANSFER %[1]s %[2]s %[3]s": "",
"To confirm, run this command: %s": "",
"To see in-depth help for a specific command, try:": "",
"To verify your account, issue the following command:": "",
"Transfer of channel %[1]s to account %[2]s succeeded, pending acceptance": "",
"Translators:": "",
"Try again later": "",
"USERS has been disabled": "",
"Unknown command": "",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand": "",
"Usage: REGISTER <passphrase> [email]": "",
"User %s is no longer allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User %s is now allowed to use vhosts": "",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"User is already on that channel": "",
"User is currently disconnected": "",
"Verification code: %s": "",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
"WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given": "",
"Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s": "",
"You already have too many certificate fingerprints": "",
"You are banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You are no longer authorized to be on this server": "",
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "",
"You are now logged in as %s": "",
"You can't GHOST an always-on client": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't delete your password unless you add a certificate fingerprint": "",
"You can't mix secure and insecure connections to this account": "",
"You can't remove all your certificate fingerprints unless you add a password": "",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "",
"You don't own that nick": "",
"You have already registered the maximum number of channels; try dropping some with /CS UNREGISTER": "",
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have been offered ownership of channel %[1]s. To accept, /CS TRANSFER ACCEPT %[1]s": "",
"You have enabled autoreplay of missed messages, but you can't receive them because your client isn't set to always-on": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
"You must be connected with TLS and a client certificate to do this": "",
"You must have rehash permissions in order to execute DEBUG CRASHSERVER": "",
"You must log in with SASL to join this server": "",
"You must specify an account": "",
"You must use your account name as your nickname": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You must wait an additional %v before taking a vhost": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You weren't offered ownership of channel %s": "",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output or in autoreplay": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output and in autoreplay": "",
"You will see JOINs and PARTs in /HISTORY output, but not in autoreplay": "",
"You're already logged into an account": "",
"You're already opered-up!": "",
"You're not a channel operator": "",
"You're not logged into an account": "",
"You're not on that channel": "",
"You're now logged in as %s": "",
"Your account credentials are managed externally and cannot be changed here": "",
"Your account is not configured to receive autoreplayed missed messages": "",
"Your client does not support BRB": "",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your nickname must match your account name %s exactly to modify this setting. Try changing it with /NICK, or logging out and back in with the correct nickname.": "",
"Your stored always-on setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored auto-away setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored direct message history setting is: %s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is a network service": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"is logged in as": "jest zalogowany jako",
"is using a secure connection": "",
"seconds idle, signon time": "",
"unregistered connections": ""
"is logged in as": "jest zalogowany jako"
@ -1,59 +1 @@
"$bALWAYS-ON$b\n'always-on' controls whether your nickname/identity will remain active\neven while you are disconnected from the server. Your options are 'true',\n'false', and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bAUTO-AWAY$b\n'auto-away' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled, you will\nautomatically be marked away when all your sessions are disconnected, and\nautomatically return from away when you connect again.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-LINES$b\n'autoreplay-lines' controls the number of lines of channel history that will\nbe replayed to you automatically when joining a channel. Your options are any\npositive number, 0 to disable the feature, and 'default' to use the server\ndefault.": "",
"$bAUTOREPLAY-MISSED$b\n'autoreplay-missed' is only effective for always-on clients. If enabled,\nif you have at most one active session, the server will remember the time\nyou disconnect and then replay missed messages to you when you reconnect.\nYour options are 'on' and 'off'.": "",
"$bCERT$b controls a user account's certificate fingerprints": "",
"$bDM-HISTORY$b\n'dm-history' is only effective for always-on clients. It lets you control\nhow the history of your direct messages is stored. Your options are:\n1. 'off' [no history]\n2. 'ephemeral' [a limited amount of temporary history, not stored on disk]\n3. 'on' [history stored in a permanent database, if available]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.": "",
"$bENFORCE$b\n'enforce' lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n3. 'default' [use the server default]": "",
"$bERASE$b erases all records of an account, allowing reuse.": "",
"$bGET$b queries the current values of your account settings": "",
"$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.": "",
"$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.": "",
"$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.": "",
"$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.": "",
"$bLIST$b searches the list of registered nicknames.": "",
"$bMULTICLIENT$b\nIf 'multiclient' is enabled and you are already logged in and using a nick, a\nsecond client of yours that authenticates with SASL and requests the same nick\nis allowed to attach to the nick as well (this is comparable to the behavior\nof IRC \"bouncers\" like ZNC). Your options are 'on' (allow this behavior),\n'off' (disallow it), and 'default' (use the server default value).": "",
"$bPASSWD$b lets you change your password.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.": "",
"$bREPLAY-JOINS$b\n'replay-joins' controls whether replayed channel history will include\nlines for join and part. This provides more information about the context of\nmessages, but may be spammy. Your options are 'always', 'never', and the default\nof 'commands-only' (the messages will be replayed in /HISTORY output, but not\nduring autoreplay).": "",
"$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.": "",
"$bSAGET$b queries the current values of another user's account settings": "",
"$bSAREGISTER$b registers an account on someone else's behalf.": "",
"$bSASET$b modifies another user's account settings": "",
"$bSESSIONS$b lists the sessions attached to a nickname.": "",
"$bSET$b modifies your account settings": "",
"$bSUSPEND$b disables an account and disconnects the clients": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.": "",
"$bUNSUSPEND$b restores access to a suspended account": "",
"$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.": "",
"Insufficient privileges": "",
"Invalid parameters": "",
"NickServ lets you register, log in to, and manage an account.": "",
"Password incorrect": "",
"Passwords do not match": "",
"Syntax $bSET <setting> <value>$b\n\nSET modifies your account settings. The following settings are available:": "",
"Syntax: $bCERT <LIST | ADD | DEL> [account] [certfp]$b\n\nCERT examines or modifies the TLS certificate fingerprints that can be used to\nlog into an account. Specifically, $bCERT LIST$b lists the authorized\nfingerprints, $bCERT ADD <fingerprint>$b adds a new fingerprint, and\n$bCERT DEL <fingerprint>$b removes a fingerprint. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can act on another user's account, for\nexample with $bCERT ADD <account> <fingerprint>$b.": "",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE is an alias for $bGET enforce$b and $bSET enforce$b. See the help\nentry for $bSET$b for more information.": "",
"Syntax: $bERASE <username> [code]$b\n\nERASE deletes all records of an account, allowing it to be re-registered.\nThis should be used with caution, because it violates an expectation that\naccount names are permanent identifiers. Typically, UNREGISTER should be\nused instead. A confirmation code is required; invoking the command\nwithout a code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bGET <setting>$b\n\nGET queries the current values of your account settings. For more information\non the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bLIST [regex]$b\n\nLIST returns the list of registered nicknames, which match the given regex.\nIf no regex is provided, all registered nicknames are returned.": "",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password. To\nindicate an empty password, use * instead.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <password> [email]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register your current nickname as a user account. If the\nserver allows anonymous registration, you can omit the e-mail address.\n\nIf you are currently logged in with a TLS client certificate and wish to use\nit instead of a password to log in, send * as the password.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAGET <account> <setting>$b\n\nSAGET queries the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> [password]$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "",
"Syntax: $bSASET <account> <setting> <value>$b\n\nSASET modifies the values of someone else's account settings. For more\ninformation on the settings and their possible values, see HELP SET.": "",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's multiclient functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "",
"Syntax: $bSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nSUSPEND disables an account and disconnects the associated clients.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "",
"Syntax: $bUNSUSPEND <nickname>$b\n\nUNSUSPEND reverses a previous SUSPEND, restoring access to the account.": "",
"Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b\n\nVERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email\nor other verification.": "",
"You're not logged into an account": ""
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user