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synced 2025-03-03 04:50:55 +01:00
New translations help.lang.json (Italian)
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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Argomenti della guida =\n\nComandi:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformazione:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.": "== Modalità Utente ==\n\nOragono supporta le seguenti modalità utente:\n\n +a | L'utente è segnato come away. Questa modalità è impostata col comando /AWAY\n +i | L'utente è segnato come invisibile (i suoi canali sono nascosti nei whois).\n +o | L'utente è un Operatore IRC.\n +R | L'utente accetta messaggi solo da utenti registrati. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (vedi guida delle snomasks con /HELPOP).\n +Z | L'utente è connesso via TLS.",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <destinatario>{,<destinatario>}\n\nInvia i tag solo del client ai destinatari come TAGMSG. Vedi le specifiche \nIRCv3 per maggiori dettagli: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <nomeaccount> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credenziale>\nACC VERIFY <nomeaccount> <auth_code>\n\nUsato nella registrazione dell'account. Vedi le specifiche relative per maggiori info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <destinatario> <testo da inviare>\n\nIl comando AMBIANCE viene utilizzato per inviare una notifica di scena al destinatario specificato.",
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP <sottocomando> [:<capacità>]\n\nUsato nella negoziazione delle capacità. Vedi le specifiche IRCv3 per maggiori info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "CHATHISTORY [parametri]\n\nCHATHISTORY è un comando di replay della cronologia associato alla specifica IRCv3\ndi draft/chathistory. Vedi questo documento:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "DEBUG <opzione>\n\nFornisce vari comandi di debug per l'IRCd. <opzione> può essere uno dei:\n\n* GCSTATS: Statistiche del Garbage Collector.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Numero di goroutines in uso.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Avvia il profiler della CPU.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Ferma il profiler della CPU.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Scrive un profilo di memoria.\n* CRASHSERVER: Fa crashare il server (per l'uso nei test di failover)",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "DEOPER\n\nDEOPER rimuove i privilegi IRCop concessi da un comando /OPER eseguito con successo.",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [durata] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [motivo [| motivo oper]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nImpedisce a un indirizzo IP o a una rete di connettersi al server. Se la durata è\nspecificata, durerà solo per il tempo stabilito. Il motivo viene mostrato all'utente stesso, ma\ntutti gli altri vedranno un messaggio standard. Il motivo dell'operazione viene mostrato a\ngli operatori che ottengono informazioni sulle DLINE esistenti.\n\nI ban vengono salvati nei successivi avvii del server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" significa che tutti i client corrispondenti vengono rimossi dal server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" è richiesto quando il DLINE corrisponde all'indirizzo della persona che lo applica è collegato\nda. Se \"MYSELF\" non è dato, provare a DLINE da soli comporterà un errore.\n\n[durata] può essere nelle seguenti forme:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> è specificato nella tipica notazione CIDR. Per esempio:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifica che il ban deve essere impostato su quel server specifico.\n\n[motivo] e [motivo oper], se esistono, sono separati da una barra verticale (|).\n\nSe viene eseguito \"DLINE LIST\", il server invia una lista dei nostri DLINE attuali.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user