mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 04:47:03 +02:00
remove registeredChannelsMutex
This moves channel registration to an eventual consistency model, where the in-memory datastructures (Channel and ChannelManager) are the exclusive source of truth, and updates to them get persisted asynchronously to the DB.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
package irc
import (
@ -14,7 +15,10 @@ import (
var (
ChannelAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("Channel is already registered")
// Channel represents a channel that clients can join.
@ -29,6 +33,8 @@ type Channel struct {
nameCasefolded string
server *Server
createdTime time.Time
registeredFounder string
registeredTime time.Time
stateMutex sync.RWMutex
topic string
topicSetBy string
@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ type Channel struct {
// NewChannel creates a new channel from a `Server` and a `name`
// string, which must be unique on the server.
func NewChannel(s *Server, name string, addDefaultModes bool) *Channel {
func NewChannel(s *Server, name string, addDefaultModes bool, regInfo *RegisteredChannel) *Channel {
casefoldedName, err := CasefoldChannel(name)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("Bad channel name %s: %v", name, err))
@ -46,7 +52,8 @@ func NewChannel(s *Server, name string, addDefaultModes bool) *Channel {
channel := &Channel{
flags: make(ModeSet),
createdTime: time.Now(), // may be overwritten by applyRegInfo
flags: make(ModeSet),
lists: map[Mode]*UserMaskSet{
BanMask: NewUserMaskSet(),
ExceptMask: NewUserMaskSet(),
@ -64,9 +71,80 @@ func NewChannel(s *Server, name string, addDefaultModes bool) *Channel {
if regInfo != nil {
return channel
// read in channel state that was persisted in the DB
func (channel *Channel) applyRegInfo(chanReg *RegisteredChannel) {
channel.registeredFounder = chanReg.Founder
channel.registeredTime = chanReg.RegisteredAt
channel.topic = chanReg.Topic
channel.topicSetBy = chanReg.TopicSetBy
channel.topicSetTime = chanReg.TopicSetTime
channel.name = chanReg.Name
channel.createdTime = chanReg.RegisteredAt
for _, mask := range chanReg.Banlist {
for _, mask := range chanReg.Exceptlist {
for _, mask := range chanReg.Invitelist {
// obtain a consistent snapshot of the channel state that can be persisted to the DB
func (channel *Channel) ExportRegistration(includeLists bool) (info RegisteredChannel) {
defer channel.stateMutex.RUnlock()
info.Name = channel.name
info.Topic = channel.topic
info.TopicSetBy = channel.topicSetBy
info.TopicSetTime = channel.topicSetTime
info.Founder = channel.registeredFounder
info.RegisteredAt = channel.registeredTime
if includeLists {
for mask := range channel.lists[BanMask].masks {
info.Banlist = append(info.Banlist, mask)
for mask := range channel.lists[ExceptMask].masks {
info.Exceptlist = append(info.Exceptlist, mask)
for mask := range channel.lists[InviteMask].masks {
info.Invitelist = append(info.Invitelist, mask)
// SetRegistered registers the channel, returning an error if it was already registered.
func (channel *Channel) SetRegistered(founder string) error {
defer channel.stateMutex.Unlock()
if channel.registeredFounder != "" {
return ChannelAlreadyRegistered
channel.registeredFounder = founder
channel.registeredTime = time.Now()
return nil
// IsRegistered returns whether the channel is registered.
func (channel *Channel) IsRegistered() bool {
defer channel.stateMutex.RUnlock()
return channel.registeredFounder != ""
func (channel *Channel) regenerateMembersCache() {
// this is eventually consistent even without holding stateMutex.Lock()
// throughout the update; all updates to `members` while holding Lock()
@ -340,59 +418,25 @@ func (channel *Channel) Join(client *Client, key string) {
// give channel mode if necessary
var newChannel bool
newChannel := firstJoin && !channel.IsRegistered()
var givenMode *Mode
defer client.server.registeredChannelsMutex.Unlock()
client.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
chanReg := client.server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, channel.nameCasefolded)
if chanReg == nil {
if firstJoin {
channel.createdTime = time.Now()
channel.members[client][ChannelOperator] = true
givenMode = &ChannelOperator
newChannel = true
} else {
// we should only do this on registered channels
if client.account != nil && client.account.Name == chanReg.Founder {
channel.members[client][ChannelFounder] = true
givenMode = &ChannelFounder
if firstJoin {
// apply other details if new channel
channel.topic = chanReg.Topic
channel.topicSetBy = chanReg.TopicSetBy
channel.topicSetTime = chanReg.TopicSetTime
channel.name = chanReg.Name
channel.createdTime = chanReg.RegisteredAt
for _, mask := range chanReg.Banlist {
for _, mask := range chanReg.Exceptlist {
for _, mask := range chanReg.Invitelist {
return nil
if client.AccountName() == channel.registeredFounder {
givenMode = &ChannelFounder
} else if newChannel {
givenMode = &ChannelOperator
if givenMode != nil {
channel.members[client][*givenMode] = true
if client.capabilities.Has(caps.ExtendedJoin) {
client.Send(nil, client.nickMaskString, "JOIN", channel.name, client.account.Name, client.realname)
} else {
client.Send(nil, client.nickMaskString, "JOIN", channel.name)
// don't sent topic when it's an entirely new channel
// don't send topic when it's an entirely new channel
if !newChannel {
@ -468,23 +512,7 @@ func (channel *Channel) SetTopic(client *Client, topic string) {
member.Send(nil, client.nickMaskString, "TOPIC", channel.name, topic)
// update saved channel topic for registered chans
defer client.server.registeredChannelsMutex.Unlock()
client.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
chanInfo := client.server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, channel.nameCasefolded)
if chanInfo == nil {
return nil
chanInfo.Topic = topic
chanInfo.TopicSetBy = client.nickMaskString
chanInfo.TopicSetTime = time.Now()
client.server.saveChannelNoMutex(tx, channel.nameCasefolded, *chanInfo)
return nil
go channel.server.channelRegistry.StoreChannel(channel, false)
// CanSpeak returns true if the client can speak on this channel.
@ -59,11 +59,21 @@ func (cm *ChannelManager) Join(client *Client, name string, key string) error {
entry := cm.chans[casefoldedName]
if entry == nil {
entry = &channelManagerEntry{
channel: NewChannel(server, name, true),
pendingJoins: 0,
// XXX give up the lock to check for a registration, then check again
// to see if we need to create the channel. we could solve this by doing LoadChannel
// outside the lock initially on every join, so this is best thought of as an
// optimization to avoid that.
info := client.server.channelRegistry.LoadChannel(casefoldedName)
entry = cm.chans[casefoldedName]
if entry == nil {
entry = &channelManagerEntry{
channel: NewChannel(server, name, true, info),
pendingJoins: 0,
cm.chans[casefoldedName] = entry
cm.chans[casefoldedName] = entry
entry.pendingJoins += 1
@ -85,7 +95,12 @@ func (cm *ChannelManager) maybeCleanup(entry *channelManagerEntry, afterJoin boo
if afterJoin {
entry.pendingJoins -= 1
if entry.channel.IsEmpty() && entry.pendingJoins == 0 {
// TODO(slingamn) right now, registered channels cannot be cleaned up.
// this is because once ChannelManager becomes the source of truth about a channel,
// we can't move the source of truth back to the database unless we do an ACID
// store while holding the ChannelManager's Lock(). This is pending more decisions
// about where the database transaction lock fits into the overall lock model.
if !entry.channel.IsRegistered() && entry.channel.IsEmpty() && entry.pendingJoins == 0 {
// reread the name, handling the case where the channel was renamed
casefoldedName := entry.channel.NameCasefolded()
delete(cm.chans, casefoldedName)
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
package irc
import (
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import (
// this is exclusively the *persistence* layer for channel registration;
// channel creation/tracking/destruction is in channelmanager.go
const (
keyChannelExists = "channel.exists %s"
keyChannelName = "channel.name %s" // stores the 'preferred name' of the channel, not casemapped
@ -28,7 +31,18 @@ const (
var (
errChanExists = errors.New("Channel already exists")
channelKeyStrings = []string{
// RegisteredChannel holds details about a given registered channel.
@ -53,62 +67,142 @@ type RegisteredChannel struct {
Invitelist []string
// deleteChannelNoMutex deletes a given channel from our store.
func (server *Server) deleteChannelNoMutex(tx *buntdb.Tx, channelKey string) {
tx.Delete(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExists, channelKey))
server.registeredChannels[channelKey] = nil
type ChannelRegistry struct {
// this serializes operations of the form (read channel state, synchronously persist it);
// this is enough to guarantee eventual consistency of the database with the
// ChannelManager and Channel objects, which are the source of truth.
// Wwe could use the buntdb RW transaction lock for this purpose but we share
// that with all the other modules, so let's not.
sync.Mutex // tier 2
server *Server
channels map[string]*RegisteredChannel
// loadChannelNoMutex loads a channel from the store.
func (server *Server) loadChannelNoMutex(tx *buntdb.Tx, channelKey string) *RegisteredChannel {
// return loaded chan if it already exists
if server.registeredChannels[channelKey] != nil {
return server.registeredChannels[channelKey]
func NewChannelRegistry(server *Server) *ChannelRegistry {
return &ChannelRegistry{
server: server,
_, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExists, channelKey))
if err == buntdb.ErrNotFound {
// chan does not already exist, return
// StoreChannel obtains a consistent view of a channel, then persists it to the store.
func (reg *ChannelRegistry) StoreChannel(channel *Channel, includeLists bool) {
if !reg.server.ChannelRegistrationEnabled() {
defer reg.Unlock()
key := channel.NameCasefolded()
info := channel.ExportRegistration(includeLists)
if info.Founder == "" {
// sanity check, don't try to store an unregistered channel
reg.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
reg.saveChannel(tx, key, info, includeLists)
return nil
// LoadChannel loads a channel from the store.
func (reg *ChannelRegistry) LoadChannel(nameCasefolded string) (info *RegisteredChannel) {
if !reg.server.ChannelRegistrationEnabled() {
return nil
// channel exists, load it
name, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelName, channelKey))
regTime, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelRegTime, channelKey))
regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(regTime, 10, 64)
founder, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelFounder, channelKey))
topic, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopic, channelKey))
topicSetBy, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetBy, channelKey))
topicSetTime, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetTime, channelKey))
topicSetTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(topicSetTime, 10, 64)
banlistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelBanlist, channelKey))
exceptlistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExceptlist, channelKey))
invitelistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelInvitelist, channelKey))
channelKey := nameCasefolded
// nice to have: do all JSON (de)serialization outside of the buntdb transaction
reg.server.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
_, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExists, channelKey))
if err == buntdb.ErrNotFound {
// chan does not already exist, return
return nil
var banlist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(banlistString), &banlist)
var exceptlist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(exceptlistString), &exceptlist)
var invitelist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(invitelistString), &invitelist)
// channel exists, load it
name, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelName, channelKey))
regTime, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelRegTime, channelKey))
regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(regTime, 10, 64)
founder, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelFounder, channelKey))
topic, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopic, channelKey))
topicSetBy, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetBy, channelKey))
topicSetTime, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetTime, channelKey))
topicSetTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(topicSetTime, 10, 64)
banlistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelBanlist, channelKey))
exceptlistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExceptlist, channelKey))
invitelistString, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelInvitelist, channelKey))
chanInfo := RegisteredChannel{
Name: name,
RegisteredAt: time.Unix(regTimeInt, 0),
Founder: founder,
Topic: topic,
TopicSetBy: topicSetBy,
TopicSetTime: time.Unix(topicSetTimeInt, 0),
Banlist: banlist,
Exceptlist: exceptlist,
Invitelist: invitelist,
server.registeredChannels[channelKey] = &chanInfo
var banlist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(banlistString), &banlist)
var exceptlist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(exceptlistString), &exceptlist)
var invitelist []string
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(invitelistString), &invitelist)
return &chanInfo
info = &RegisteredChannel{
Name: name,
RegisteredAt: time.Unix(regTimeInt, 0),
Founder: founder,
Topic: topic,
TopicSetBy: topicSetBy,
TopicSetTime: time.Unix(topicSetTimeInt, 0),
Banlist: banlist,
Exceptlist: exceptlist,
Invitelist: invitelist,
return nil
return info
// saveChannelNoMutex saves a channel to the store.
func (server *Server) saveChannelNoMutex(tx *buntdb.Tx, channelKey string, channelInfo RegisteredChannel) {
// Rename handles the persistence part of a channel rename: the channel is
// persisted under its new name, and the old name is cleaned up if necessary.
func (reg *ChannelRegistry) Rename(channel *Channel, casefoldedOldName string) {
if !reg.server.ChannelRegistrationEnabled() {
defer reg.Unlock()
includeLists := true
oldKey := casefoldedOldName
key := channel.NameCasefolded()
info := channel.ExportRegistration(includeLists)
if info.Founder == "" {
reg.server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
reg.deleteChannel(tx, oldKey, info)
reg.saveChannel(tx, key, info, includeLists)
return nil
// delete a channel, unless it was overwritten by another registration of the same channel
func (reg *ChannelRegistry) deleteChannel(tx *buntdb.Tx, key string, info RegisteredChannel) {
_, err := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExists, key))
if err == nil {
regTime, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelRegTime, key))
regTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(regTime, 10, 64)
registeredAt := time.Unix(regTimeInt, 0)
founder, _ := tx.Get(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelFounder, key))
// to see if we're deleting the right channel, confirm the founder and the registration time
if founder == info.Founder && registeredAt == info.RegisteredAt {
for _, keyFmt := range channelKeyStrings {
tx.Delete(fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, key))
// saveChannel saves a channel to the store.
func (reg *ChannelRegistry) saveChannel(tx *buntdb.Tx, channelKey string, channelInfo RegisteredChannel, includeLists bool) {
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExists, channelKey), "1", nil)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelName, channelKey), channelInfo.Name, nil)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelRegTime, channelKey), strconv.FormatInt(channelInfo.RegisteredAt.Unix(), 10), nil)
@ -117,12 +211,12 @@ func (server *Server) saveChannelNoMutex(tx *buntdb.Tx, channelKey string, chann
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetBy, channelKey), channelInfo.TopicSetBy, nil)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelTopicSetTime, channelKey), strconv.FormatInt(channelInfo.TopicSetTime.Unix(), 10), nil)
banlistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Banlist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelBanlist, channelKey), string(banlistString), nil)
exceptlistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Exceptlist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExceptlist, channelKey), string(exceptlistString), nil)
invitelistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Invitelist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelInvitelist, channelKey), string(invitelistString), nil)
server.registeredChannels[channelKey] = &channelInfo
if includeLists {
banlistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Banlist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelBanlist, channelKey), string(banlistString), nil)
exceptlistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Exceptlist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelExceptlist, channelKey), string(exceptlistString), nil)
invitelistString, _ := json.Marshal(channelInfo.Invitelist)
tx.Set(fmt.Sprintf(keyChannelInvitelist, channelKey), string(invitelistString), nil)
@ -6,12 +6,10 @@ package irc
import (
// csHandler handles the /CS and /CHANSERV commands
@ -56,9 +54,6 @@ func (server *Server) chanservReceivePrivmsg(client *Client, message string) {
defer server.registeredChannelsMutex.Unlock()
channelName := params[1]
channelKey, err := CasefoldChannel(channelName)
if err != nil {
@ -67,57 +62,41 @@ func (server *Server) chanservReceivePrivmsg(client *Client, message string) {
channelInfo := server.channels.Get(channelKey)
if channelInfo == nil {
if channelInfo == nil || !channelInfo.ClientIsAtLeast(client, ChannelOperator) {
client.ChanServNotice("You must be an oper on the channel to register it")
if !channelInfo.ClientIsAtLeast(client, ChannelOperator) {
client.ChanServNotice("You must be an oper on the channel to register it")
if client.account == &NoAccount {
client.ChanServNotice("You must be logged in to register a channel")
server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
currentChan := server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, channelKey)
if currentChan != nil {
client.ChanServNotice("Channel is already registered")
return nil
// this provides the synchronization that allows exactly one registration of the channel:
err = channelInfo.SetRegistered(client.AccountName())
if err != nil {
// registration was successful: make the database reflect it
go server.channelRegistry.StoreChannel(channelInfo, true)
client.ChanServNotice(fmt.Sprintf("Channel %s successfully registered", channelName))
server.logger.Info("chanserv", fmt.Sprintf("Client %s registered channel %s", client.nick, channelName))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalChannels, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Channel registered $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] by $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), channelName, client.nickMaskString))
// give them founder privs
change := channelInfo.applyModeMemberNoMutex(client, ChannelFounder, Add, client.NickCasefolded())
if change != nil {
//TODO(dan): we should change the name of String and make it return a slice here
//TODO(dan): unify this code with code in modes.go
args := append([]string{channelName}, strings.Split(change.String(), " ")...)
for _, member := range channelInfo.Members() {
member.Send(nil, fmt.Sprintf("ChanServ!services@%s", client.server.name), "MODE", args...)
account := client.account
if account == &NoAccount {
client.ChanServNotice("You must be logged in to register a channel")
return nil
chanRegInfo := RegisteredChannel{
Name: channelName,
RegisteredAt: time.Now(),
Founder: account.Name,
Topic: channelInfo.topic,
TopicSetBy: channelInfo.topicSetBy,
TopicSetTime: channelInfo.topicSetTime,
server.saveChannelNoMutex(tx, channelKey, chanRegInfo)
client.ChanServNotice(fmt.Sprintf("Channel %s successfully registered", channelName))
server.logger.Info("chanserv", fmt.Sprintf("Client %s registered channel %s", client.nick, channelName))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalChannels, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Channel registered $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] by $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), channelName, client.nickMaskString))
// give them founder privs
change := channelInfo.applyModeMemberNoMutex(client, ChannelFounder, Add, client.nickCasefolded)
if change != nil {
//TODO(dan): we should change the name of String and make it return a slice here
//TODO(dan): unify this code with code in modes.go
args := append([]string{channelName}, strings.Split(change.String(), " ")...)
for _, member := range channelInfo.Members() {
member.Send(nil, fmt.Sprintf("ChanServ!services@%s", client.server.name), "MODE", args...)
return nil
} else {
client.ChanServNotice("Sorry, I don't know that command")
@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ func (server *Server) DefaultChannelModes() Modes {
return server.defaultChannelModes
func (server *Server) ChannelRegistrationEnabled() bool {
defer server.configurableStateMutex.RUnlock()
return server.channelRegistrationEnabled
func (client *Client) Nick() string {
defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
@ -95,6 +101,12 @@ func (client *Client) Destroyed() bool {
return client.isDestroyed
func (client *Client) AccountName() string {
defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
return client.account.Name
func (client *Client) HasMode(mode Mode) bool {
defer client.stateMutex.RUnlock()
@ -174,6 +186,12 @@ func (channel *Channel) HasMode(mode Mode) bool {
return channel.flags[mode]
func (channel *Channel) Founder() string {
defer channel.stateMutex.RUnlock()
return channel.registeredFounder
// set a channel mode, return whether it was already set
func (channel *Channel) setMode(mode Mode, enable bool) (already bool) {
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
// ModeOp is an operation performed with modes
@ -645,39 +644,9 @@ func cmodeHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) bool {
if 0 < len(applied) && server.registeredChannels[channel.nameCasefolded] != nil && (banlistUpdated || exceptlistUpdated || invexlistUpdated) {
server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
chanInfo := server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, channel.nameCasefolded)
if banlistUpdated {
var banlist []string
for mask := range channel.lists[BanMask].masks {
banlist = append(banlist, mask)
chanInfo.Banlist = banlist
if exceptlistUpdated {
var exceptlist []string
for mask := range channel.lists[ExceptMask].masks {
exceptlist = append(exceptlist, mask)
chanInfo.Exceptlist = exceptlist
if invexlistUpdated {
var invitelist []string
for mask := range channel.lists[InviteMask].masks {
invitelist = append(invitelist, mask)
chanInfo.Invitelist = invitelist
server.saveChannelNoMutex(tx, channel.nameCasefolded, *chanInfo)
return nil
if (banlistUpdated || exceptlistUpdated || invexlistUpdated) && channel.IsRegistered() {
go server.channelRegistry.StoreChannel(channel, true)
// send out changes
if len(applied) > 0 {
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ type Server struct {
accounts map[string]*ClientAccount
channelRegistrationEnabled bool
channels *ChannelManager
channelRegistry *ChannelRegistry
checkIdent bool
clients *ClientLookupSet
commands chan Command
@ -112,8 +113,6 @@ type Server struct {
password []byte
passwords *passwd.SaltedManager
recoverFromErrors bool
registeredChannels map[string]*RegisteredChannel
registeredChannelsMutex sync.RWMutex
rehashMutex sync.Mutex
rehashSignal chan os.Signal
proxyAllowedFrom []string
@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ func NewServer(config *Config, logger *logger.Manager) (*Server, error) {
logger: logger,
monitorManager: NewMonitorManager(),
newConns: make(chan clientConn),
registeredChannels: make(map[string]*RegisteredChannel),
rehashSignal: make(chan os.Signal, 1),
signals: make(chan os.Signal, len(ServerExitSignals)),
snomasks: NewSnoManager(),
@ -558,10 +556,6 @@ func pongHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) bool {
func renameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) (result bool) {
result = false
// TODO(slingamn, #152) clean up locking here
defer server.registeredChannelsMutex.Unlock()
errorResponse := func(err error, name string) {
// TODO: send correct error codes, e.g., ERR_CANNOTRENAME, ERR_CHANNAMEINUSE
var code string
@ -591,11 +585,6 @@ func renameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) (resul
errorResponse(InvalidChannelName, oldName)
casefoldedNewName, err := CasefoldChannel(newName)
if err != nil {
errorResponse(InvalidChannelName, newName)
reason := "No reason"
if 2 < len(msg.Params) {
@ -613,20 +602,8 @@ func renameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) (resul
var canEdit bool
server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
chanReg := server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, casefoldedOldName)
if chanReg == nil || !client.LoggedIntoAccount() || client.account.Name == chanReg.Founder {
canEdit = true
chanReg = server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, casefoldedNewName)
if chanReg != nil {
canEdit = false
return nil
if !canEdit {
founder := channel.Founder()
if founder != "" && founder != client.AccountName() {
//TODO(dan): Change this to ERR_CANNOTRENAME
client.Send(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, "RENAME", oldName, "Only channel founders can change registered channels")
return false
@ -639,20 +616,8 @@ func renameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) (resul
// rename stored channel info if any exists
server.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
chanReg := server.loadChannelNoMutex(tx, casefoldedOldName)
if chanReg == nil {
return nil
server.deleteChannelNoMutex(tx, casefoldedOldName)
chanReg.Name = newName
server.saveChannelNoMutex(tx, casefoldedNewName, *chanReg)
return nil
// rename succeeded, persist it
go server.channelRegistry.Rename(channel, casefoldedOldName)
// send RENAME messages
for _, mcl := range channel.Members() {
@ -1494,6 +1459,9 @@ func (server *Server) loadDatastore(datastorePath string) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not load salt: %s", err.Error())
server.channelRegistry = NewChannelRegistry(server)
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user